Coup de foudre - Chapter 30 - SilentRain91 (2024)

Chapter Text

Seven years later…

Sam sat down in a pool of blood. The copper taste filled her mouth. Her hand shook as she reached for Alex’s hand. She never thought she would grow familiar with the flavor of her soulmate’s blood, and yet here she was.

“Please,” Sam trembled. Tears rolled down her cheeks while the sound of Alex’s pulse weakened.

“Oh my god,” Lucy said as she walked in. “I thought you knew what you were doing.”

“I thought so, too,” Sam whispered, gripping Alex’s hand while her tears fell to the floor.

“f*ck,” Lucy muttered, kneeling down. “sh*t,” she hissed, bringing her hand up to her mouth. “I shouldn’t be here.”

“You shouldn’t,” Sam agreed.

“I don’t understand. When you bit me two years ago, I didn’t lose that much blood.”

Two years ago, Reign came to Sam with the request Lucy wanted to be a vampire so that Lucy could be with Reign forever. Sam’s initial response was hesitation, mainly because she had never turned anyone before, but her sister begged, so she agreed. That moment was nothing compared to tonight. When she bit Lucy, Reign was there to oversee it all, to stop her if she took it too far.

Lena was somewhat dismayed when she learned how Lucy, at age twenty-three, was turned into a vampire. The transformation was successful, but the odds remained. Only six out of every ten people survived a bite. It was a risk and for most vampires, becoming one wasn’t their choice. Turning often happened during a failed attack or when a vampire didn’t fully complete feeding.

Tonight, Sam bit Alex because her soulmate asked her to. It gave her a pause at first, but Alex insisted she was strong enough to pull through it, to survive the venom. Alex received resistance from her parents making this particular decision. It was a lot for them to digest, especially after learning roughly five years ago, both of their daughters were in a relationship with a vampire. In the end, Eliza and Jeremiah said it was Alex’s choice, and they couldn’t stop her.

Now, Sam would have to face Alex’s parents to tell them she failed.

“I did this to her,” Sam choked out. “I tasted her blood, and all I saw was red. I went too far, drank too much. She lay dying because of me.”

“f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,” Lucy muttered, pounding her fists onto the floor. She worked her jaw, eyes widening as she gaped at the blood on her hands. “I… I’m sorry…,” she whispered, scrambling back. “I can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I can’t be here. The smell…I just can’t.”

Sam nodded. She didn’t expect a newborn of two years to be able to control herself when there was so much blood. “Go,” she said, holding Alex’s ashen hand in both of hers. “Leave!”

Sam hadn’t meant to snap at Lucy, but she couldn’t risk Lucy’s control slipping. She was in no place to fight someone to keep Alex safe, even though she already failed at the latter. More tears stung her eyes while Lucy sped off.

Blood coated Alex’s clothes and even her hair.

Sam shivered at the sight, at the smell. She stopped, but she didn’t do it soon enough. A lump formed in her throat as she stared at Alex’s closed eyes, at her blue lips, and her ashen skin. “Eight years ago, I met you at the hospital. You fought, Alex, you always did. You’re brave, and I always knew if anyone could pull through this to watch what the world would look like a century from now, it would be you,” she whispered, pressing her bloody lips to Alex’s.

“You have to fight, baby,” Sam said, crying as Alex’s pulse grew weaker. “There are so many places in the world you have yet to see. I want to show every single one of them to you. You deserve to know what it feels like to have that pristine feeling of walking barefooted in the snow, the feeling of catching snowflakes without shivering. Some people think a vampire can never feel hot or cold, but that’s not true because when you’re with me, all I feel is warmth. Immortality knows no end, and neither does how I feel about you.”

Sam littered kisses all over Alex’s face. Her teardrops touched Alex’s skin. She should have never lost self-control, not with her soulmate. Eight years she never slipped with her thirst and at the moment where it mattered most she didn’t, she did. She screwed up, and now the person who made her heart want to beat again, who made her feel alive, was dying.

A foreign sound echoed behind Sam, followed by multiple footsteps and three heartbeats.

“Carpe Noctem,” Sam whispered without taking her eyes away from Alex.

Lexa crouched down in front of Sam. She put her blade down, wiping Sam’s tears with her gloved hands. “Seventeen years ago, you were hunted because Reign resided within you. When you turned after the separation, we voted you were worth sparing.”

Sam knew that. She didn’t need a reminder. “As far as I’m aware, the oath hasn’t been broken. Reign is not a vampire killer, but if there’s an issue, I can come to your throne room tomorrow. All I ask of you is to let me have this night to mourn my loved one. Once she’s gone, I’ll no longer have a heart to rip out anyway,” she replied, holding on to Alex’s hand like a crutch.

“We want to help you,” Octavia informed Sam.

“To apologize for the past,” Raven added.

“According to my calculations, Alex Danvers will die without our interference,” Brainy said.

“We can help,” Psi chimed in. “Alex is one of Imra’s friends. You can trust us.”

Sam didn’t look at any one of them, focused solely on Alex. “Help how?”

“Raven,” Lexa said with a curt nod.

Sam flinched when Raven approached Alex, but Lexa’s hand on her shoulder halted her.

Raven revealed a serum. When Lincoln parted Alex’s lips, she emptied the vial and whispered a spell. “It is done,” she said, giving Lexa a nod as she opened a portal.

Sam watched, confused, while the members of Carpe Noctem disappeared through the portal.

Lexa was the last. She lingered in front of Sam. “I…,” she said, cupping Sam’s jaw. Her stoic mask slipped as her eyes softened. “I am sorry,” she whispered, speaking the words like it took every ounce of energy she had inside of her.

Sam frowned, unsure what happened. She didn’t get the chance to ask. Lexa stepped through the portal and then it was gone as if Carpe Noctem was never here.

The sound of Alex coughing violently stirred Sam out of her trance.

“Baby?” Sam whispered, tearing up as Alex’s eyes fluttered open. She thought she was never going to see her soulmate open her eyes ever again. “It’s okay, you’re okay,” she said, cradling Alex into her arms, stroking her hair.

Alex no longer had a heartbeat, but she was alive. “Hey,” she said, wiping Sam’s tears. “Why are you upset?”

Sam cried harder and held on to Alex tighter than she ever did in the past, knowing she couldn’t break her. She never knew Carpe Noctem felt any remorse, never considered they could feel any, but they did, and they saved her soulmate to make it up to her. Every living being, heartbeat or not, had a heart somewhere.

“Supergirl! I need a little help here.”

“I’m on my way, Saturn Girl!”

Kara picked up speed as she flew towards Imra. She loved the fact they teamed up together to keep National City safe. Since they finished college, they moved to National City, and alongside her best friend, she stopped crime and protected the city from anyone who meant to cause it harm. Now and then, she could count on Reign’s help, who also kept their city safe.

It was easiest for her to team up with Imra because they knew each other well. While Imra used her telekinetic abilities to keep a building from collapsing, she used her heat vision to melt the foundations back in place so it no longer shook.

“Well done, Saturn Girl,” Kara said, high fiving her best friend.

“You too, Supergirl,” Imra replied, smiling as she hugged her arms around Kara.

Kara blinked at the multiple flashes which went off. The citizens of National City shipped Supergirl with Saturn Girl. There were also those who shipped her with Reign, and some even shipped the three of them together. Little did they know neither one of them was available.

“What’s next? Saving kittens from trees?”

Imra laughed at Psi’s mockery as the metahuman stepped out of the shadows where she had been lurking. “If you climb a tree and get stuck, sure,” she answered, sticking out her tongue at her girlfriend.

Kara smiled as they left the public eye to get some privacy. Three years ago, when they finished college, Imra was over the moon, telling her she started seeing Psi.

“Catch up later?” Imra asked Kara, squeezing her upper arm.

“Yes, I’ll see you around,” Kara answered, finding it a pity Imra didn’t move in with the rest of the gang, but she understood her best friend chose to share a house with her sister and with Psi. “Go have fun with your girl.”

“I’m a woman,” Psi muttered.

“Ever the cheerful one, love,” Imra said, gently elbowing Psi.

“What can I say, Matilda? It’s in my nature.”

“You’re never going to call me by my name, are you?”

Being Supergirl gave Kara the chance to do something useful with her powers, and it also gave her a release for them. Years she had to hold her powers in, had to lock them away. When she found a kitten stuck in a tree, she laughed at the irony, and she barely resisted the urge to call Imra to tell her an emergency required her assistance.

“Hey, little kitty cat,” Kara whispered, smiling down at the now purring kitten. “How did you get up so high in that tree, hm?”

“Oliver!” a little girl squealed, clenching and unclenching her raised hands, smiling up at the tiny pet in Supergirl’s hands.

Kara touched down. “Here you go, sweetie,” she said, handing the kitten over.

The girl’s whole face lit up. “Thank you, Supergirl!” she shouted, running forward, wrapping an arm around Kara’s legs. “Mommy, mommy! Supergirl saved Oliver! We have to give her cookies!”

Kara chuckled as a woman walked out of the house. “It’s quite alright,” she assured, combing a hand through the girl’s hair.

The little girl grabbed Kara’s hand and tugged. “We have cookies and milk and cookies. I made them with my mommy. We decorated them together,” she gushed while she walked towards the house.

When the girl’s mother apologized, Kara smiled. “It’s okay. Your daughter is very sweet,” she said, letting the girl string her along.

Kara wound up getting a mini-tour around the house. She listened as the girl babbled about all of the drawings in her bedroom and the ones on the refrigerator. Her heart melted into a puddle when the girl gave her a drawing of a red and blue blur next to a very tiny blur.

“This is you,” the little girl said, pointing her finger at the bigger blur. “And this is me.”

“Oh my, this is beautiful. I love it. You’re very talented,” Kara replied, and oh Rao, children were adorable.

Kara ate fives cookies and despite her nicest tries how the mother gave her enough, she received a plastic container filled with cookies to take with her, which she promised to share with Saturn Girl, after learning the girl was also a huge fan of her best friend.

Lucy grimaced while Reign enjoyed a lollipop. “No, no,” she rushed out when Reign leaned in for a kiss. “Don’t kiss me with that mouth. Your lips are all sticky, and argh, food really does taste and smell disgusting for vampires.”

Lena smiled when Reign stole a kiss from Lucy anyway. She remembered how after Lucy turned, Lucy thought she could still enjoy things such as pizza because she claimed tomato sauce could not taste that bad when its color resembled blood. Seeing the look of pure horror on Lucy’s face when she took a bite out of a slice of pizza was glorious, so much so she took a picture.

“God,” Lucy muttered. “The things I do for you,” she said to Reign, pulling her into a kiss to kiss her pout away.

Lena would sympathize with Lucy, but Lucy chose this life, unlike many others who did not have a choice at all. She only felt sorry for Reign because she could tell Reign missed being able to share meals and treats with Lucy.

Julia quietly sang while she combed Emily’s long raven locks. Emily officially joined their family six years ago, after going on dates with Julia for a year.

Lena was never sure whether Emily would scatter from her clan or not, but it turned out the youthful vampire did, for Julia. She gave Julia every opportunity to leave, which were all declined by Julia who insisted she belonged in a house with Sam and the others. Her family resembled a small clan, though in Lena’s eyes the people living in her home were her family. She had a larger mansion this time, with more rooms to house everyone.

“Your hair feels like silk between my fingers,” Julia said to Emily, threading her fingers through her long locks. “Can I braid your hair?”

“Anything you want, my beloved,” Emily answered, turning her head to the side, smiling as Julia kissed her cheek.

Lena wandered into the kitchen to pour herself a drink. She filled half of her cup with red wine and the other half with blood.

“Hey, Lee,” Lucy said, and god did Lena hate it how people made a habit out of calling her that. “Can you get me a cup, too? You know, with you being in the kitchen and all.”

“I am not your lackey,” Lena replied, smiling when she heard Reign whisper to Lucy she had to say please. She poured three more cups, in case Emily and Julia wanted one as well.

Lena never dared to imagine she would end up with a family, let alone a family which stretched beyond Sam, and Julia. She shared her home with six immortals; Sam, Julia, Emily, Reign, Lucy, and – thanks to Sam’s recent actions – Alex. What Sam did was dangerous, though she understood the request came from Alex, and she did not blame Sam for getting carried away.

When Lena heard how Alex nearly died and would have if Carpe Noctem did not have their witch interfere, she felt for Sam, for the pain she went through. It restored her faith in Carpe Noctem being some sort of force for good, though she knew Lexa had a heart. There was always so much going on under Lexa’s stoic mask. Past or not, Lexa was lenient with her on more than one occasion.

If the prophecy came true and Carpe Noctem decided to go after Reign, Sam, and her; Lena ought to buy nice candles to burn down Lexa’s throne room. She owed the head of Carpe Noctem that much, although it was more a thought she humored herself with, doubting that rumor would ever come true.

Lena sipped from her drink, thinking how Reign was the only immortal in her house with a heartbeat, though she worked on an immortality potion in secret for Kara. While Kara aged significantly slower than humans and was able to live two to three centuries, if not more, she could not imagine ever losing her. Neither could the other members of their family. Each of them was fond of Kara in their own way.

Reign pulled a face when Lucy tried to kiss her after Lucy downed a cup of blood mixed with wine.

Lucy grinned. “Aw, you don’t like a taste of your own medicine?” she asked, her eyes flickered towards the lollipops on the table. “You’re stuck with me forever, Rey.”

“Not stuck,” Reign disagreed, tucking a lock of Lucy’s hair behind her ear. “In love.”

“Gah, my heart,” Lucy whispered, placing a hand on her chest. “I might not have a heartbeat, but I still have a heart, and it’s all yours, babe.”

Lena did not look away when Lucy and Reign kissed. It was not gross; it was sweet and loving, and they deserved each other. Seeing her family happy made her happy, too.

Lena raised a brow when Kara entered their bedroom clad as Supergirl. “Not done for the day? You ought to recharge your batteries, darling.”

“Oh I’m done,” Kara answered as she took a step towards Lena and another. “Just not with you,” she said, pulling Lena closer.

“I do like your suit,” Lena drawled, pressing a lingering kiss to Kara’s jaw, bringing her lips closer to Kara’s ear. “And the package underneath it,” she added.

Kara held up a hand. She placed a small distance in between them, and reached around her neck to take off her necklace, as she always did before going to bed with Lena, so the silver didn’t burn her. “You’re wearing one of my shirts,” she noted while she put her jewelry onto her bedside table.

Lena hummed as she stretched her arms, showing off just how naked her legs were.

Kara’s mouth ran dry when she realized Lena wasn’t wearing anything underneath her shirt, at all. “You look ethereal,” she whispered, lifting Lena’s hand to her lips, kissing her knuckles in a feather-light flutter. “Your exquisite otherworldly beauty never fails to take my breath away.”

Lena smiled. “I could say the same about you, darling,” she replied, leaning in for a kiss.

Kara lifted Lena up while she kissed her, moaning as Lena’s legs wrapped around her waist. She slowly lowered Lena onto their bed, plucking at her shirt with a smile on her face. “You’re overdressed,” she all but purred in Lena’s ear.

“Am I?” Lena asked, smiling up at Kara, curling a lock of her hair around her finger. “I have no doubt you can remedy that.”

Kara settled on ripping the shirt, considering it was hers anyway.

Lena shook her head, smile still in place. “You can’t resist, can you?” she commented.

“Tomorrow you’ll steal another one of my shirts anyway,” Kara replied with a knowing smile.

Lena tugged at Kara’s cape. Her fingers moved deftly, unlatching it, leaving it to fall to the side.

Kara pressed a kiss to Lena’s forehead, one to her nose, to her lips, her chin; slowly working her way lower, showing appreciation for every bit of skin she could touch with murmured words of love. She gave the other residents of their house a fair warning not to be around tonight if they didn’t want to hear too much.

Lena snagged her lip between her teeth while Kara got undressed. Her eyes reddened when the harness Kara put on was revealed. “Naughty,” she husked, licking her lips.

Kara straddled Lena’s hips. “Yes,” she said, grasping Lena’s wrists, pinning them above her head. “Yes, I am,” she agreed, dipping her head down to bite Lena’s neck.

Lena shifted her head, giving Kara better access. “You walking in with your suit already did it for me,” she whimpered.

Kara snaked a hand down Lena’s body, moaning when she felt how wet Lena was.

“You couldn’t take my word for it?” Lena laughed.

“You know I like to cop a feel,” Kara replied, nipping at Lena’s jaw. “And a taste,” she added, sinking lower until she was able to run her tongue through Lena’s slick folds.

Lena squirmed at the contact.

Kara stopped and littered Lena’s thighs with kisses. The sound of Lena whimpering, whining, and moaning, was music to her ears. She teased Lena’s cl*t with her fingers, taking her time to work her up until she dripped.

“Tease,” Lena whispered. She pulled Kara down into a bruising kiss.

Kara pried Lena’s lips apart with her tongue, kissing her back with a newfound hunger while her desire increased. She was wet, too; she could feel how slick she was around the dild*. She kept their lips attached as she lined up the tip of the strap-on with Lena’s entrance.

A moan escaped the back of Lena’s throat when Kara pushed the dild* inside of her, inch by inch.

Kara pressed a chaste kiss to Lena’s lips, stilling her movements for a moment to give Lena a chance to adjust to the feeling. “I love you,” she breathed out, caressing Lena’s cheek.

Lena ran her thumb across Kara’s lips. “I love you, too,” she whimpered, closing her eyes, throat bobbing as she swallowed shakily.

“Does it hurt?” Kara asked, watching as Lena’s eyes fluttered open.

Every trace of green was gone from Lena’s eyes, they were red, and when she worked her jaw, her fangs showed. “You’re making me thirsty,” she said, scratching her nails down Kara’s back.

Kara arched her back. When Lena wrapped her legs around her, she gave an experimental thrust. The downright dirty moan which stumbled past Lena’s lips, followed by a series of expletives almost made her come on the spot.

“You don’t have to hold back,” Lena told Kara. “You won’t break me.”

“I was more worried about breaking our bed,” Kara replied, chuckling at the fact they ruined at least one bed every month when they took their strength too far. Not that either one of them complained.

“I’m going to make you feel good,” Kara promised Lena. “Slow,” she added, eyes twinkling at the slow torture that would be for Lena.

“Kara,” Lena whined, releasing a needy moan. She rocked her hips up, pouting when Kara held her down.

Kara kissed Lena’s pout away. She would never admit it aloud, but Lena’s pout was better than hers, and she couldn’t resist giving Lena whatever she wanted when she looked at her like that. Lena’s face was gorgeous as it twisted in pleasure while Lena grabbed pillows, squeezing.

Kara savored every second of making love to Lena. She pushed inside of her at a steady pace, not too hard and not too fast, regardless of how tempting it was to do just that when Lena moaned louder.

“f*ck, Kara,” Lena whispered. “I’m close.”

Kara used that moment to slip out of Lena, smiling as Lena immediately whined at the loss. She spread Lena’s legs apart, settling between them. “I got you,” she assured her, tasting her.

“Oh… Kara,” Lena moaned. “Mhmm, that feels good.”

Kara pushed two fingers inside of Lena, adding a third when she felt she was wet enough to take more. She took the sensitive bundle of nerves into her mouth while she curled her fingers, hitting that spot that drove Lena crazy.

“Kara!” Lena screamed as she came.

Kara helped Lena ride out of her org*sm, slowing her movements as she tasted Lena. She sucked her fingers clean for Lena to see, licking her lips to cherish the flavor of her soulmate.


“Mhmm?” Kara hummed.

“I love you forever. You know that right?” Lena asked, combing her fingers through Kara’s hair as they sat in the woods, in the glow of the moonlight.

Kara’s lips stretched into a smile. “I know,” she answered, nuzzling closer to Lena. “I love you forever, too. You’re the one for me, always.”

Lena revealed a vial with a bright orange liquid inside of it. “My love for you will still be as strong in ten centuries from now as it is today,” she said, kissing Kara’s temple. “Will you let me love you forever?”

Kara blinked and shifted until she faced Lena. “What’s that?” she asked, frowning at the strange liquid.

“An immortality potion. If you drink this, you’ll still be you, but you’ll never age a day again. We can be together forever.”

Kara took the vial. “How…?” she whispered, staring, inspecting the potion.

“I’m a mad scientist in my spare time, remember?” Lena replied with a chuckle.

Kara chewed her lip. A crinkle appeared between her eyebrows. “So… if I drink this, I’ll be immortal, but I won’t be a vampire?”

“I’d never rob you from the taste of the food you love so much, darling,” Lena assured her, giving Kara her word that was not the case. “It’s your choice. If you drink it, you will be immortal.”

“Alex is going to live forever,” Kara whispered, eying the potion. “You’re going to live forever.”

Lena went to far lengths to create that potion. The ingredients were hard to come by. She had to collect tears from ten children, the blood of a witch, and the heart of an innocent. Immortality came at a cost. She was not a hero. There was darkness inside of her, and while she was not born that way, she grew up engulfed in the dark.

“Okay,” Kara said, nodding.

Lena halted Kara before she could empty the vial. “Will you marry me?”

Kara burst out in tears. She hugged her arms around Lena’s neck, chanting a series of, “yes’.”

Lena never believed in rumors, but she believed in truth, in what she could see and touch. Kara was her soulmate, and what they had was genuine. From the moment she laid eyes upon Kara, lightning struck, and she knew they were meant to be.

Ten years later…

Lithe footsteps sprinted through their castle, leaving a trail of blood in their wake.

Kara grimaced at the mess they would have to clean up. She chased after the blood thief with the others in tow. It was morning, and she had just woken up in her wife's arms.

“Stop,” Lena said, using her speed to block the entrance of the kitchen.

Alex blocked the front door while the others covered other possible exits.

Reign scooped up the now squealing thief.

“Well, well,” Lucy drawled. “You thought you could get away with stealing from our supply, hm?”

Kara took the tiny bandit over from Reign. “You little sneaky munchkin,” she said, tickling her daughter’s belly, smiling as the three-year-old giggled. “You’re just like your mother.”

“If you’re talking about yourself, yes,” Lena said, caressing the cheek of the cute little thief.

Kara was surprised four years ago when Lena said yes after she pitched the idea of a child to her. Along with help from Lena, she built a genesis chamber, replicating the one which existed on Krypton to create children. She used both of their DNA, and now they had a daughter who was a hybrid.

Their daughter could survive on both food and blood. She had the tiniest little fangs, which were barely visible. The sun didn’t burn her. She didn’t need any potions because she was a daywalker. Their daughter aged, though they believed she was bound to stop aging someday, possibly once she was fully grown.

“Look how messy you are,” Kara said, sighing at how her daughter was covered in blood.

Bright blue eyes stared at Kara. Raven locks were coated in blood. “Food,” she cooed, clapping her hands together.

“I swear she has your appetite,” Lena said to Kara.

“Do you want a lollipop, Alura?” Reign asked, revealing one from her pocket.

Alura’s attention immediately shifted towards Reign. “Pop!” she shouted, wriggling herself free, flying towards Reign, giggling when Reign lost her balance. “My pop,” she said, snatching the treat out of Reign’s hand.

Kara shared a worried glance with Lena. They both loved their daughter with all they had, but the fact their daughter was the only hybrid and therefore unique, was dangerous. Alura’s existence was kept a secret by their family. It had to be because a week before their daughter was born, a new prophecy was spoken into existence. According to the rumor, a special child would enter the world, and bring forth chaos and destruction.

Kara used to think nobody would dare harm a child on purpose, let alone a child so young, but she was wrong. Vampires all over the globe wanted to find the special child. Carpe Noctem claimed they merely wished to capture the child rather than kill, but that wasn’t okay either.

Lena had their family swear a blood oath to protect Alura. Vampires strictly prohibited immortal children. If they discovered Alura, it would not end well.

Kara was happy she had a family, and she hoped that one day there would be no battles left to fight. She lifted Alura into her arms, holding her close to her chest, listening to the little thumps of her heart, knowing she would burn the world for her angel. As she looked around at the rest of her family, she knew in her heart they would all do the same.

This was their family. They would die for each other. Their love was their greatest strength. It was the glue which held them all together.

“Hey,” Kara said when Alura bit her thumb. “You have to be careful, or you’ll break all of your teeny tiny teeth.”

“I hunny,” Alura whined, pouting when everyone chuckled.

“You’re hungry?” Lena asked, prying Alura out of Kara’s hands as if she didn’t hold her every night while Kara slept. “Do you want your favorite food?”

“I’m going to be sick,” Sam said, making a face.

“Me too,” Alex chimed in. “I don’t get how she can eat food with blood.”

Lena put Alura down for a second to get her food, but as soon as she did that, Alura ran off.

“Our little thief is on the move again,” Lucy said. “Jules, you go around the back from the left. Em, you from the right. Rey, you’re with me.”

Alura’s laughter echoed through the castle as they chased after her. Not a single day of their lives was ever dull, not when they had such a tiny rugrat filled with energy keeping them on their toes.

Kara thought it was impossible to love anyone more than she loved Lena until Alura entered their lives. There was no greater, truer love than the bond between a mother and her child.

Coup de foudre - Chapter 30 - SilentRain91 (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.