Rockingham Register from Harrisonburg, Virginia (2024)

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Rockingham Registeri

Harrisonburg, Virginia

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go to law with them Mr Rumpl ion promised with them for 18600 It ts sb outrage Any company that would ra ort to such means to escape paying their policies ought to be boycotted aa( if we knew the company wo would giyc Its name to prevent others being swindled by them John Lewi Jr came very near los ing another fine horse last week from cilic John ha lost 19 horses since bo was married 12 years ago Pretty rough on one man MARBIED Walter Byrd soof Derrick Byrd who carried the mail for number of year between this place and Harriaonburg Was married to Miea Maggio Oliver la McGaheysvillc on Wednesday th 28th ulto DIED Mrs James Rodgers living about two miles below here died on Thursday the 27th ulto She and her twin babies were buried at Mill Creek on Saturday a large ceoceurso following her to th grave COLD The thermometer here registered sate on riday last Nearly all our peep! who have ico bouse have been busily engaged In filling them Wyndham rom Dale Enterprise Tuesday Nov 18th 1894 During the month of December th weather in tins section continued remark ably open and mild Up Until Cbriima day rom that date however the transition from the balmy breezes of the sunny aaulhland to the rigorous cold of winter baa proved to be one of the most decidedly abrupt and unexpected changes that has been felt in this latitude lor many years With the fall of the7 inch anowon the 28tb the temperature tended rapidly down ward the greatest intensity of qpldoccnr rinc at 0 a Saturday when the mercury stood at 8 degrees below zero By that time the ice was reported as being about 6 inches thick and that nil our running streams were frozen entirely over All these conditions along with the merry jang jang of sleighs bells have served to bring to the minds of old nnd young eom vivid recollections of the December ot 1890 Mr Jos Driver of Versailles Mor gan Co Mo is at present an a visit to relatives iu this part of the county Henry Marlin ol near Hagerstown Md made a flying visit to this place Monday Mrs Iluebush and daughter of Dayton were the guests of Mrs Mary Hamnck on New Day i Our teachers hare all returned from thslr vacation and resumed their duties in the school room Monday morning! wing to the unfavorable weather the attendance of pupils has become more irregular ths previous to the holiday period Upon special examination into th ques tion for our own benefit ns well as that of others we have ascertained that there are six legal holidays named for the Slate of Virginia viz New Day Washing Birthday ast day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day and Chris Im a Day Mrs Linewcaver In company with Mrs Healwole and daughter returned on New Year's day from a visit to relatives near Hagerstown Md Many of our farmer have been quite busy during the past two day gathering and hauling up ice Up to date an abundant supply of thia article ba been stored away for future use Since the snow fall of last week several full groTw foxes were seen scampering about in tbtyfield near ch rob Judging fy their movements they wert either enjoying the long felt want of a snow bath or perhaps were in search of such game that could more readily be caught oa the run than when the ground was ft from snow rom Tea th Legle Tuesdax Jan 1st Editors Register: On Saturday night the 22d of December last the ilnn 1 Blakemore Son Co wholesale cotamis slon merchants No 308 10th Street Washington lost tbalr place of bus iness by fire They carried quite a stock of other goods tn addition to consign ment ol produce from country dealers of which they controlled a heavy trade but from information from ona of the 'firm their loss is entirely covered by lcurance The firm occupied the cellar and the first floor The second story was occupied bv a job printing office and the third fieor by a book bindery We see a notice clipped from the Washington Times a re vised estimate places fbe total loss at about $1500 Blakemore Son fc Co were in sured ou stock and fixture for about3500 nnd the Job printing office for2000 They propose going right along in business again as soon a they get straightened out The suspthslon will only be temporary The firm earned an Insurance policy quite sufficient to cover any loss that might be sustained by fire to their consignors of produce which la rare ly the case with commission merchant On Christmas dny near Mauzy Jacob Arrow and Miss Ida Whitmer were ma tied by the Rev John Zlglr The aame day near Broadway James Kennedy and Miss Ida Bull were married by the Her Kline They enter upon the New Year with much happlneas May their pleasures never grow leas rs Blakemore and two boys spent Christmas day with their parent and grand parents Dr Cooles and family at Cootea' Store Winter here I sharp Our tbrmome ter registered zero on Saturday morning last Wishing you Messrs Editor a happy and prosperous New Year with many happy return I remain you old friend MJ'J 1 1 i DECHERT A T1VRNET AT LAW HAHRI3ONBUBG VA Office In Kent Law Building Oor Put Uo Square 4 1 AN IMPORTANT DECISION RIDAY JANUARY 4 1895 suited: 6 for Willis and 5 for Witts and event of an adverse judgment ROM BRIDGEWATER bark that had already been cut after giv ing security for a proper accounting in the The axecutors of Charles Lennig (who had died in the mean time) in response to' the plaintiff bill alleged open notorious know an old soldier who had chronic diarrhoea of long standing to have been permanently cured by taking Chamber Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem says Edward a prominent druggist of Minneapolis Minn have sold the remedy in this city for over seven years and consider it superior to any other medicine now on the market for bowel 25 and 50 cent bottles of thi remedy for sale by II Ott Harrison burg Many of our readers who haye bad busi ness relations with the commission house of Blakemore Son Co will regret to learn that their place of business in Wash ington was recently destroyed by fire ortunately their loss is covered by insur ance and this includes all goods in hand belonging to consignors The firm is an energetic reliable one and they will not permit a little thing like this to impede their business very long re Brick for Sale We have a car load of first quality brick which ia for sale cheap Apply to The Beery fc Mcall Milling Co Harris onburg nov29 tf Among the last opinions banded do by the outgoing Court of Appeals of Vir ginia was one in the case of Ex ecutor vs White from the Circuit Court of Rockingham Jt involved the title to a large body of mountain land in this county and was of importance toome of our citizens The suit was brought by John White against the executors of Charles Lennig for the partition of a tract of 93000 acres ot land lying in the counties of Rockingham and Pendleton This land was granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia In 1796 to John Barclay of Philadelphia In 1806 it was sold by Joseph Scott 8 Marshal for the District of Virginia for delinquent direct taxes It was purchased al that sale by Gambill for $8 09 who in turn sold it to Asher Waterman lie to Augustus Waterman nnd lie to Charles Lennig i It has been for many years known generally as the "Waterman Sur In 1890 Lennig executed a bark lease to Messrs Houck Stiegel of Harrisonburg which lease was subsequently transferred to the Houck Tanning Co JamesK White the plaintiff in the original pro ceedings sued out nn injunction against the Tanning Co enjoining them from cut ting bark or timber or removing any that had already been cut The bill averred that the tax sale of 1806 by the Marshal was made without due formal ity and under a law ot forfeiture that was unconstitutional and void that conse quently the title bunded down to Lennig through the Watermans was invalid The Tanning Company was seriously af fected by the injunction and for the time being their ability to perform large con tracts then in hand was imperilled The injunction was modified to such an extent iter became the propeity of the pastor and his wife On the mantel two large How' This We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Catarrh Cure Cheney Co Prop Toledo We the undersigned have known Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm West Truax Wholesale Druggists To ledo Walding Kinnan Marvia Wholesale Druggists Toledo Catarrh Cure i taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucou surfaces of the system Puce 75c per bottle Bold by all druggists Testimo nials free There is good reason for the popularity of Cough Remedy Davis Buzard of West Monterey Clarion Co Pa' says: has cured people that our physicians could do nothing for We persuaded them to try a bottle of Cham Cough Remedy and they now re commend it with the rest of 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Ott Har risonburg Monday Dec 31st 1894 The year eighteen hundred and ninety four with its joys and its sorrows its Haitians and its disappointments has passed and gone and is now numbered with its sisters in the mystic realms of the accomplished and old ather Time with hour glass in hand is watching the last few grains of sand as they slowly trickle out for the moment has nearly arrived when he must turn the glass and start the sand of the New Year which it is hoped will bring much happiness to every hearth stone in the land an'd be less fruitful in the many disasters with which its predecessor was so pregnant a happy and prosperous new year to the Register and all connected therewith and to each of itg thousands of readers A Rcmiisisconce of th War The Registbb is in receipt of the follow ing communication from the National Sol Home at Hampton Va Dear Sir In looking over my relics and records 1 find a relic which may be of interest and value to some surviving rela tive of Capt John Sommers who with Sergeant Koontz was shot near Hill in Shenandoah county I have in my possession the two balls which passed through Capt body He fell but was not killed by the first valley I was an eyeswitness to that unjust execu tion and placed a few stones to mark the spot where he fell I am now getting old and am disposing of all my war relics I thought some friend might yet be living who would be glad to reclaim these and will send same to anyone who would be en titled to them Respectfully Moore Late Co A 192 Regt I 1865 Address: National Home Hampton Va DEATHS Mr Robert a native of Harrisonburg and formerly an official in the Internal Revenue service of con sumption in Staunton on Monday ot last week He was a son of the late Joseph Andrews who was so well known in the Valley by reason of his long connection with the Valley Turnpike and was 'in his 39th year Deceased leaves three little daughters and two sisters His wife died of consumption several years ago Mr Andrewswas a warm heai ted young man and enjoyed the confidence of a large circle of business and personal friends He was i a prominent Mason Knight Templar and Pythian hud his funeral took place under the auspices of these orders on Wednesday of last week St Clair Chandler a well known citizen of this town dropped dead last Monday afternoon while packing ice at the Revere House He had complained somewhat earlier in ths day but continued his work until about noon when the final summons readied him without a warning He leaves a widow and three children His funeral took place Tuesday afternoon and the remains taken to Mt Vernon cemetery east of town for burial He was nearly 50 years of age John Morrison ot Linville was found dead in a seat at the Virginia Hotel on North Main street on the afternoon of Christmas Day The cause of death was ascertained to be heart disease Deceased was an honest and industrious citizen aged about 67 years He had an excellent record in the Confederate army and be longed to the Louisiana Tigers Hi re mains were taken to Linville for burial? office during 1894 based freights forwarded exceeded i of 1893 by more than $2000 The excess for January over the corresponding month of 1893 was $600 and for ebruary it was about $800 A vast amount of produce and merchandise is shipped from this point i the shipments growing steadily iu volume year by year Harrisonburg had a merry Christmas and social festivities of a most enjoyable i nature were indulged in almost nightly during the holidays Among the pleasant features of the week to which we would i gladly give more space il it were at com mand were a large party Christmas night by Miss Ernestine Bucher a dance at the Athletic club room Thursday night by i Prof class a whist party at i Mr euchre party by i Mr and Mre Walter Sprinkel and a most enjoyable "stag by Mr Joe i Houck to a dozen or more of his friends on i Monday night last The second anniversary ball of StJos Beneficial Society took place last i Thursday night at the Revere House The committee in charge were John Kelly Thomas Smyth James Kavanaugh Jr Thomas A Carr aifd Patrick Reilly The ball opened at 9 with an attendance of nearly one hundred There were visi tors from Staunton Winchester Port Re public and other points near by An or chestra of six pieces furnished music including a harp and violin from Wash ington City Supper was served at 11 and dancing was then resumedand continued until 330 a The ball was greatly enjoyed by the enti party The sale of the Columbia Liberty Iron orks near Edinburg Shenandoah county was confirmed by a decree of Judge i court on Thursday Dec 27th The sale was under decree of the 8 Circuit Court of Appeals The purchaser was Alexander" Balfour of Philadelphia who represented creditors in that city The price was $35200 Ten days are allowed for filing of an upset bid in default of which the confirmation is to become final This is the old Wiseler furnace property formerly owned and operated by Benj Newman It has seen many vicissitudes in the past eight or ten years and has been the sub ject of litigation in one shape or another during that period the former was declared duly elected In regard to the rate ta be fixed on water motor for the enmiino vear it waa agreed that a meter be placed at the office an continuous possession for nearly 100 to Barclay ana all 9 the world They averred that all legal formalities had been complied with in the tax sale and that the taxes had been paid regularly each year since 1806 no taxes had been paid to the Commonwealth of Virginia prior to 1806 by John Barclay and that though he had lived for some years after that time he had made no effort to redeem the land nor had any of his heirs claimed any title in the property in all the year that had intervened The decree of Judge McLaughlin in Oc tober 1892confirmed the title of those claim ing under Barclay and annulled the title acquired through the tax safe The case was appealed by the Lennig executors and was argued Richmond by Messrs Ed 8 Conrad and Holmes Conrad for Lennig and by Genl John Roller for White The opinion of the Court was a unani mous one prepared by Judge Richardson It covers 84 type written pages and is re garded as of unusual importance by reason of its discussion of the law governing tax titles Briefly summarized it holds that the Barclay title had become delinquent forfeited and extinct not only by reason of non payment of the 8 direct tax but delinquent and forfeited for non payment of State taxes from 1797 to 1806 Since 1806 the land had never been put on the landbooks in the name of John Barclay or of anyone claiming under him On the contrary from 1806 till the present time it was: in the name of testator and those under whom they claimed and they had paid the taxes promptly Neither Barclay nor any offhis heirs had taken any steps to redeem or reclaim the land until the institution of this suit The acts of ownership on the other side were open notorious and continuous for more than 80 years White had Only acquired his claim by the purchase of (i one ninth inter est from a remote descendant of Barclay with knowledge of adverse claim of title and ownership Other heirs had been closely canvassed and they had either dis claimed all right or title or they had de clined to embark upon novel enterprise He had only secured one re cruit The opinion pronounces the claim to be a monstrous one a bold speculation and adventure The conduct of the family heirs of John Barclay showed absolute abandonment of any claim of title The poverty of merit in the claim now asserted is declared to be equalled only by its au dacity The effect of this decision is to confirm the title of the in the Lennig estate and makes good all titles that have been acquired or leases secured through that channel Liberty Springs in West Rockingham and number of other tracts are included iu the property thus affected candlesticks gave frigrancu and light to the surrounding! In lus center was a mantel clock which was the only object present that seemed at hit tired as it bad stopped running at seven minutes past two Above the mantel towered the chim ney of red brick fill! swcels and happi ness for the little ones' After the distri bution the audience a very large one departed well pleased with their enter tainment Mr Jacob Lago and Miss Lizzie Ruebush were married on Monday evening Dec 24tli tit tlie residence of the bride near Mt Sidney by Rev Heller They arrived here on Uhrismas Day and received a cordial welcome to their home Mr James Burgess and Miss Nettie Chapman were married Christmas after noon at the residence of Mr rank Lago tho home of the officiating minister Rev Hurry Smith Among the absentees who came home to enjoy the holidays we notice Prof Sherman and Mr and wife of ront Royal Rev Switzer Randolph Macon College Harvey Wise Rappahannock Ya Miss Carrie Switzer rederick City Md Miss Annie Pence Hagerstown Md Miss Arrena Carroll Institute Staunton Miss Birdie Lindon ishersville Wallace ry Ward ensville Va visiting his uncle Mr A Switzer Mr Lambert Parnassus guest of Mr I Kiser Mr Hulvey University of Va guest of 8 Switzer Sbipplelt and wife loft on Saturday to visit their brother Mr Shipplett Thomasville Mrs AHeltns returned last week from a visit to her sister at Berryville The family of Mr James Roller of near Harrisonburg and Mr Shinnick and family spent Christmas Day with relatiye here The anow that fell here last week has afforded excellent sleighing and the merry jingle of the bells is heard as the flyer pass along the streets The autumnal atmos phere has been changed to the icy breath of winter and tliq ice harvest is being gathered in North River is frozen the glassy coat being four or five inches thick A huge number of young ladies and gentle men have beeh'skating sliding and play ing games on the smooth surface and the exhilarating exercise paints peach blossoms on their cheeks and fills their hearts with merriment A company of visiting shanghais paraded street this afternoon affording additional amusem*nt to the young folks The oyster suppers of the Good Temp lars on riday and Saturday nights were liberally patronized and their receipts amounted to 67 dollars On Monday night the lodge held their annual banquet and a very pleasant company whiled away the claing hours of the year in social com munion The New Year was ushered in with the ringing of church bells which produced various effects on the slumbers of the sleepers 'i'he numerous marriages in the county about Christmas lime in all probability induced Mr Marcelus Mercury to make matrimonial proposals to Miss Zella Zero On Saturday morning assisted by his best man Mr Tommy Thermometer a "visit was made but the young dy treated him so cooly his blood was chilled and he passed on by to the third degree Some say lie kept on down to the ninth Sunday morning and this morning the same result was experienced and many nice flowers have perished by this unlooked for event Ere the spring birds sing again this cool ncss may depart Miss Byrd Lindon has returned to her school at ishersville Miss Annie Lamias left today for Staunton and Miss Alice Landes has gone to Charlottesville to assit with some matrimonial exercises with her friends 0 Mr and Mrs Arey arrived from Staunton today to visit Mrs mother Mrs Harvey Lite i Our school will begin tomorrow and bus iness generally be lesumed Wishing all the readers of the Register a good time generally will hope to greet them aliye all through Wes festivities The helidays which have just past brought with them numerous entertain ments and other festivities Oyster sup pers were enjoyed by the Masons and Odd ellows as also one given by the riends of Temperance Entertainments were held for the bene fit of the children at the Methodisti and Lutheran churches 1 Quite a large number of private fami lies and their friends and the irrepressible youngsters made the welkin ring with dynamite and other explosives All passed off happily and joyously PERSONAL Miss Mary McGlaughlln is'visitiug friends in Staunton Mr Rob Compton of Charlottesville was in town last week Mibb Laura Unger of West Virginia was the guest of Nina Messerley last week! Mr Charles Hering of the Roanoke City bar spent part of the holidays with his parents in Harrisonburg Mr John Carr Effinger spent part of the holidays iu town He is now the as a commercial traveller Mr and Mrs Mosby Williams of Washington City spent Christmas at Mrs former home on German street Eugene Bilhimer the West Market street groceryman is again at his place of business after a prolonged spell of sickness Mr Clyde Brown who is principal of the graded school at Berryville spent' the Christmas vacation with his parents near town Rev ather Gaston Payne assistant pastor of the Hanisonburg Catholic church spent Christmas with his mother at War renton Mr 0 A Stephenson a brother of our townsman James Stephenson Esq has been appointed land assessor for the county of Highland Capt A II Wilson has removed from bis farm to Harrisonburg and now occu pies hia new residence on the lot in the rear of the 8 court house Dr Rives Tatum formerly of Harrison burg spent a week in town during theholidays He left last riday morning for Boston where he is engaged in business Mr and Mrs William Hileman of Lex ington spent several days during the holi days with Mrs parents Mrs McClain accomuanied them on their return home Mr Henry A Converse the Shenan doah Valley Academy at Winchester and his sister Miss Virgie spent Christmas week with their mother in Harrisonburg ExaMayor rank Woodson spent several days in town this week on business connected with District Court' District Attorney Montague was also here for several days Rev Dr 8 Cox of ront Royal was town several days last week He assisted at the dedication ot the new Meth odist church at Alt Hermon Camp ground on the 33d ult Mr McCorkle contributed to the enjoyment of a large number of friends by exiling himself temporarily from the State of West Virginia and spending the holidays in Harrisonburg Mrs George Ribble of Washington and Miss Bertie Patterson who is teaching at Kerneysville Jefferson County West Virginia spent Christmas with their par ents Capt and Mrs Patterson Misses Josephine Richardson and Mar garet and Lewie Roller who are attending school in rederick City came home for the holidays They will return next Mon day accompanied by Miss Charlotte Rich ardson Miss Lena Patterson spent Cbristmai in Richmond visiting the family of Gov O'errall She was among the ladies who assisted in the entertainment of a large juvenile party at the Executive Mansion last Thursday evening Wm Compton Esq has returned from Richmond whefe he received a course of medical treatment in St Hospital Mr Compton's health is greatly improved and bis many friends unite in the hope that this improvement will be permanent Mr Lauck: and Miss Elizabeth Bessan two of most popu lar young people were married at the Episcopal church on Wednesday of last week Rev Yerger was the offi ciating clergyman The affair was a very quiet one and was witnessed only by a few intimate friends The Register tenders hearty congratulations Mr Roller has entered upon his duties as local editor of the State Republi can and the columns of that paper already give evidence of his capacity as a news gatherer The Register cordially welcomes him into the ranks and is ready to share with him the honors and emoluments which are bound to day the career of a newspaper man in Harrisonburg Mr Daniel Orville Dechert has opened law office in the Kent Building abd is now the junior member of the Harrisonburg bar Mr Dechert begins the practice of his pro fession under most favorable auspices He enjoyed exceptional advantages while em ployed in the office of Strayer Liggett and bis record at the University was an exceedingly fine one His friends take small risk in predicting for him a success ful career Among the young folks from Harrison burg attending school elsewhere who were home for the Christmas holidays were James Avis from the Va Mechanical and Agricultural College at Blacksburg Rus sell Patterson and Kemper Beery from Oak Park Academy Charlie Conrad from Randolph Macon Academy at ront Royal Willie Shands from the ishburne School at Waynesboro Otto Wise from Duns Business College at Staunton Win field Liggett Jr from Lexington Lurty Harris from Baltimore and rank Ole hauser and George Grattan from the Uni versity of Virginia Sunday Services at the Catholic Church On 8unday the religious services at the Transfiguration Catholic Church will be at 930 a Holy Mass and sermon on Spirit of Christmas embodied in St Nich olas or Santa At 730 The Rosary Prayer of the Joyful Mysteries ot Redemption commemorating the most joy ful of albmysteries the Birth of Jesus our Savior Instruction on the text ever you do in word or in work all things do ye in the name of the Lord Jesus St Paul to the Collossians iii 17 and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Monday at 730 A if Holy Mass? The Asst Pastor Rev ather Payne will officiate All are extended a cordial invitation to attend these services rom Mt Crawford Tuesday Jan 1st Christma Day has come again bringing joy and gladness to many hemes and fill ing the hearts of multiplied thousands with peace and good will to men The festival at the Methodist church Christmas night was the closing act of the festivities of the day in our community Promptly at 7 the exercises were opened with the grand old hymn to the world the Lord is The pro gram consisted ef choir and class singing recitations and a speech from the pastor Rev Iarry Smith sixty seconds long in which he wished the congregation a merry Christmas and many returns of the same The chief object of interest was a large snow house with a chimney in the center from which the cher ished friend Santa Claus emerged and was introduced to the audience He was an animated specimen of the old gentleman whose portrait adorns the pictorial publi cation of this season bf the year After receiving a present from the pastor em blematic of the loye the children haye for him he gave each ot them as they present ed themselves a from his chimney and a large orange which they received with smiles and thanks He was as nim ble as a cricket and warming up with his work and heavy rpbes he was made com fortable by the refreshing of a young fan At the conclusion the hymn be with was sung and the benediction given The church was crowded to its utmost capacity and many could not get in who came to see and hear The festival at the Reformed church was held on Christmas eve The program was similar to the one at the other church The pastor Rev Heller in his ad dress preached a short and very interest ing sermon using a which lie took from the chimney for his subject The ornamentation consisted of a fire place in which polished brass dog irons were placed holding wood and a tabby cat sat as patiently as if she had always been ac customed to that position and did not seem at all annoyed by the gaze of so many bright eyes fastened upon her A hand tpe rocker was placed nearby which Bance bas been appointed post master at Antelope Rockingham county vice Marshall resigned The handsome doll which occupied one of the windows at confection ery is now The property of Miss Maggie Chrisman Wheat brought 57J 60J cents in Baltimore on Wednesday The maiket was quiet and prices nominally higher in sympathy with better feeling for Western gram i A peck of worms have been known to pass from one child Shriucr Indian Vermifuge was the remedy used Only 25 cents a bottle or by Janies Avis Harrisonburg The land assessors' for Augusta county appointed at the December term of county court are Gilkerson Capt James Todd Parkins George Light i tier and Newton Wilson The' Schapiann Lady Quartette the only quartette which was awarded a medal at I the air for excellence of singing will appear in Harrisonburg on the night i of January 17th under the auspices of the A Snowden one of the best known and respected colored woman Harrisonburg died on Thursday morning last in the 57th year of her age She was the wife of William Snowden the veteran barber and her funeral on Sunday was very largely Attended The Christmas dinner for the patients and employestot the Western State Hos pital at Staunton was made up in part of i 83 turkeys 48 fruit cakes 5 cocoanut cake 84 pounds ot assorted small cake 5 spiced cakes besides nuts candies vegetables in proportionately large quantities 1 On riday night January 4th our citi zens will have a chance to see a presentation of the world famed story of Damon and Pythias It will be presented in the Ma sonic Hall by the Max von Mitzel Company Everyone should attend tj iis as it is a ren dition by a good company of play which should be familiar to all That Circus troupe which played in Harrisonburg recently stranded at Portsmouth Ohio and a member of it Mr A Palmer got in the county jail at Cincinnati for a board bill Harper and Taylor the managers of the show deserted it at Portsmouth and when Palmer got as far as Cincinnati his money had given out Albert Bamber who was sentenced to confinement in the penitentiary some years ago from Rockingham county and who made his escape therefrom during the term of Superintendent Moses was lodged in jail at Woodstock last week on the commit nent of a magistrate in Mt Jackson for misdemeanor Information of his arrest was wired to the penitentiary officials The winter for the past ten days has been enough in its severity to satisfy an aute diluvian The mercury is reported as low as 10 below zero at some places and sleighing has been excellent for a week Old Boreas beats even Davy Ralston when it comes to your The harvest is an abundant one though the quality is not strictly thdbest Carlton Cornwell foreman of the Gazette Middletown believes that Chamber Cough Remedy should be in every home He uses it for a cold and it affected a speedy cure He says is indeed a grand remedy I can recommend to all I hSve also seen it used for whooping cough with the best 25 and 50 cent bot tics for sale by Ott Harrisonburg A monster bbg that required nearly the entire snaee afforded by a large farm wagon was an object of admiration on the streets last Monday It was bred by Robert Cum rmngs several miles east of town and weighed 855 pounds live weight The animal was three years old and was three fourths Poland China and one fourth Chester It was taken Port Republic AJnday afternoon and shipped to Roanoke The Stone wall Jackson Camp of Con federate Veterans at Staunton has arrang ed to have Senator John Daniel present at a public meeting will be held in tlic opera house on General Robert Lee birthday January 19th at 11 I the forenoon Senator Daniel will take I as his tbeme the much discussed of i The Stonewall Brigade and the Western State Hospital bands have I been invited to furnish the music As an evidence of the business activity of 1 town and section it is gratifying to I know that the business of the Express Company at its Harrisonbug on that of the Spirit of the Valley the rat to be XearB adverse as then established on the basis of the amount I of water actually consumed The report ot the Overseer of the Poor for the year 1894 showed an expenditure of $727 03 of which $43978 was used at the poor house and 28725 expended on outside poor There are 11 inmate at the poor house and 41 tramps were lodged overnight It wa agreed that the town should pay one half the cost ot new uniforms for the police An ordinance wa passed requiring prop erty owners on and after ebruary 1st to provide necessary spouting on buildings and overhead porches to prevent the shed ding of water on the pavements and also where water from roofs is emptied into street gutters that such water be carried through iron pipes under the pavement to the curb line After a prolonged discussion of the reve nue laws applying to auctioneers and the allowing of accounts council adjourned CHILL? We have been having some very cold weather here for several days past the mercury ranging around the 0 mark About eight inches of beauti ful white carpet is spread over Old Mother Earth 1 A fine ice harvest is being gathered the ice being from four to five inches thick on North River and thicker on ponds No one who is prepared to house it need do without ice during the hot months of next summer Tho ice which is being garnered is of an exceptionally fine quality married Mr Ed urry and Miss Annie eldest daughter of the late David Pool were married at the Lutheran Manse on Christmas day by Rev Strickler NEW NIGHT The boys who remained awake seemed to greet the incoming youth with than their usual vigor The rattling of tin pans the beating of drums the blow ing of horns and the vigorous exercise of the vocal organs were some of the way in which they thought it advisable to usher in the year 1895 DEATHS Miss Josephine Snyder a citizen of i Town CduUcil The Town Council began the New Year auspiciously Tuesday evening with a full and prompt attendance of all it members Several items of business of importance were dispatched and the remainder of a long session was occupied with informal discussions of such familiar subjects as the cosj of inferior electric lamps on the streets delinquent water rents the water tax prob lem in general and the water motor prob lem in particular The retiring chief of police presented a bill of $17 00 for killing 84 untagged dogs during the year which was allowed Mr Sullivan renewed point of order against the reduction of the police force contending that the reduction was illegal because it had not received a two thirds vote required to suspend a rule of the council Mayor Switzer after briefly stating his reasons referring to precedents and quot ing legal opinions overruled the point and Mr Sullivan promptly appealed Then followed a pretty lively crossfire debate in which Meaers Roller and Sullivan argued for the appeal and Messrs Avis and Mese role supported the ruling of the chair The arguments hitherto advanced for and against a reduction of the force were also recapitulated Considerable interest was taken in the vote on Mr Sullivan's appeal The re duction had been carried at the November meeting by a vote of 6 to 5 and it wa apparent that any one member who at that time voted with the majority could reverse that action by voting against sustaining the ruling This Mr Loewner' did and Mr point was carried by the following recorded vote i To sustain the chair Messrs Meserole Saum Avis Jones and Switzer 5 against sustaining Messrs Guyer Roller Sullivan Slater Ritter and Loewner 6 Mr Sullivan then renominated George that the company was permitted to remove Willis for Policeman No 2 and Mr Avia nominated Witts The ballat re Bridgewater And a alster of Mr McKen drie Snyder of Harrie'dlbUrg was buried tieie ou the 2ttih ot DscemUer She died from consumption during visit to her brother in law Mr James Campbell of Stephen City rederick county Va Mr Jacob Burna of near Clover Hill died last week from au asthmatic attack His remains were intered at Beaver Creek Church of which he had for a uumber of years been a member PERSONAL The celebrated Chieftain Ta le quab nim kah poop which being interpreted means Patrick Henry Dickson who claims to bo half Tuckahoe halt Ca manche and with only seven sixths Afri can blood in his veins gave a free ex hibit here on the streets much to the amusem*nt of those who witnessed the interesting performance Dr Lindsey and wife of Wash ington spent the holidays with Mr and Mrs' Lindsey Miss Charlsie Harman a student of Hollins Institute Roanoke county spent the holiday vacation with her mother Mrs Harman of Mossy Creek Mr Jas Hanger of Washington the first soldier who was wounded and suffered amputation of a leg during the between the states spent several days with his broth er in law Mr Driver this week Our old friend and a former corres pondent of the Register from Alt Craw ford Lindon Esq was in town on Monday last looking hale and hearty as of yore Air Roy Richardson of Harrisonburg was a recent visitor to our beautiful town but we opine that it was not tho town but another beauty that brought him hither 1 miscellaneous The merry jingle of th sleigh bells are heard on our streets The young bells and beaux are having a merry time gliding gliding swiftly gliding over the smooth and glassy sur face of North River The health of the community is and has been for some time exceptionally good It gives us much pleasure to know that Mr Tom Herring youngest son of Capt Jnq A Herring is gradually con valescing from a protracted attack of typhoid fevei The public school resumed Sts sessions on Alonday and the Bridgewater College opened up again on New day Two persons were baptized hero on Sunday last About four inches of ice had to be cut from the river that the ceremony might be performed Onr merchants are happy having had a profitable holiday season The present stringently cold weather seems to have tightened the purse strings as well as the streams as trade seems to be moving slowly at the present writing Orh ROM I AIonday Dec 31st 1894 The joyous holidays have come bringing with their merriment nd gladness the snow it is not an unwelcome visitor since it is needed for the wheat and is bracing to the constitution ot man Not for some time has sleighing been as good as it is now Those who have cutters can enjoy gliding over the snow The holidays seemed t6 be generally en joyed by our people One could not think of any depression in the times by the amount of pleasure generally indulged in Dining out was quite the fashion Edibles of all kinds served iu a tempting manner were offered at hospitable tables A num ber of dinners were given incluing those of Air Gerard Hopkins at Caye Hill Air Jos Hammen Mr Edward Hopkins and others A pleasant family reunion was held at the home ol Airs annie Gibbons Among those from a distance were Air Drew Gib bons snd wife of Roanoke anfl Air Yancey and family of Harrisonburg Captain Yancey ever ready for a laugh and pleasantry entertained a large number ot people at dinner Miss Annie Hammcn gave a party to a number of her young friends on Saturday night The play the was given in the town hall on Tuesday night December 25tb by the Dramatic Club of this place It is said to have been good The different characters were well takenby those to whom the Darts were assigned It was repeated on Saturday night Miss Zsda Wyant of Roanoke Is at home for the holidays also Miss Anna Mausy and Alias Emma Lambert of Sin gers Glen Mr Albert Alauzy of Staun ton Mr Charles Lambert of Sbendun Dr Rush of Woodstock Alias anny Mauzy of Shendun Miss Alinnie Alauzy of Port Alias anny Hammen of Dale Enterprise The dedication of the new church at Alt Hermon was a grand success The day was all that could be desired The amount necessary to pay the indebtedness was fully raised Rev Dr Cox formerly of Harriaonburg preached an able and inspir ing sermon We are glad of the success Some thought it might be a failure but the Lord was with His people The social event of the season will be the marriage of Air Southall to Alisa Minnie Aliller The wedding will take place at on Wednesday afternoon at half past four We have a few more items but will re serve them for our next letter Alay the Register and those who occupy the sanc tum sanctorum have a prosperous New ROM port republic Tlift Last of tlie Year In Port Kepub lie and A Consta ble ugitive from Justice A Straj Deer PO Broken Into Personals fcc Tuesday Jan 1st 1895 In looking over our notes for new items we find a number that are now old news We will pick out some of them to incorporate in our letter so if any hypercritical reader coma across auytale news he will know it hap With this preamble a we stand on the threshold of the New Year we lift our liat make our bow and so commence to record the doing and hap penings of the year 1895 Before doing that however we will wind up onr re cord of 1894 and give our readers the last news of the old year 0 broken into About ten days age someone broke open the door ot the store room oi Col Robert Aliller in Shendun in which is also kept the postoffice and stole there from a lot ot cigarettes and candies and about 20 cents in pennies out of the post office drawer This is the second time iu two weeks Col Aliller has been bur glarized but both times the thievo failed to get anything of importance There i strong suspicion as to the guilty party but no direct evidence We hope th party or parties may yet be caught CAPTURED AT LAST Mr Evers or Everett Null a youngster whose parents reside in Sbendun ha been evading officers of law ever since last summer when a warrant wa issued for the arrest of several youngster for stealing watermelon Young Null was captured in Elkton Va by Consta ble Coffman and brought to Shendun Christmas day by that officer Null was bailed to stand trial tbe other offender having served a term in jail in Staunton for the eame offense the patch plun dered being in Augusta county OTHER UGITIVES Some four or five of our mountain con tingent are evading our law officers war rant for their arrest having been issued ennel Alorris a man who escaped from jail in Harriaonburg some month ago wa captured by Deputy Constable Coff man and Special Constable about ten day ago and a it was too late to take him to Harrisonburg th same day they agreed to watch him in turns through tbe night Constable Coffman took first rest lying down on the floor leaving Constable Kyger sitting up to watch tbe prisoner The latter took it very coolly taking off bis ceat lying down end seemingly going to sleep The quiet room warm fir and sleeping comrades was too much for Kyger With the best intention in the world of guarding his prisoner his eyes would not stay open iist a nod then a jrk a fresh determination he would stay awake aud Kyger nodded again Lower lower fall Lis head his eye abut almost gone a jerk and he is awake again a look at bispjisoner all right there! He gets up? lucks the door btft does not take the key out Stirring up the Grfi be thinks this the longest spell of watching he has qver experienced Again his eyes comminccd to shut his head to nori lower still lower his head sink in his shoulders a long drawn sigh of con tentment and the constable is asleep I Silence in the room presently snore Alorris open his eyes Kyger doss not move a few moments of aexious waiting and tbe regular snoring of both officer tells tbe prisoner hi time ha coms Getting softly to hi tet his boot in hand he steals slowly to the door turn tbe key open tho door slowly gently a creak He stops glares at the slumber ing watchmen their forms ara itill and but for the dulcet chorus of the censtA bular noses all is still Swiftly pulling the dSor open be glide out steals softly off of tho porcb aud in a few momenta is the hills and far away" Time passes and the open door let in the cold night air Constable Kycer stops snor ing evidently uneasy iu his sleep he stirs groans opens bis eyes and look around or an instant be doe not realize where be is his roving eyes take in the form oi his sleeping comrade it ia almost time to wako him to take hi place as watchman another look only a coat meets his eye where a form ought to lie and Constable leaps to hi feet and with drawn pistol rushes to tho door calling halt I halt! But hi pris oner where wa he Aik ot tho winds that whistle by sak of tho timid rab bit whose startled flight was not tnora rapid than tho erstwhile prisoner that startled it from its form ask of theotber constable but ask not special Constable Kyger unless you want to run tbe risk of a broken pate for it is a soro subject with him ennel had gone to join the colony of those from the officers ol tbe law Tho coat which he left behind was claimed by Daniel Shuler a one which ho thought was stolen from hi son but bad been dyed and altered Mr Shuler stopped tho coat in the officers hand until he could get his women folk to identify it STRAY DEER A big buck deer paid a visit to thi community about two weeks ago Hewam the river at ord cams down past Port and spent the night in Island The next morning a number of our Nimroda called on hia AKHG POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baUng powder Rlrtiwt of all in loavenln Slats Gorsrnment ood llfport ROYAL BA KINO POWDER CO UM Wall 3t NY Year Zeno Mid Winter Excursion to Washington Tho Railroad Company will in augurate a senes of monthly excursions to the National Capital from Pittsburgh Wheeling Parkersburg Lexington Hager stown and intermediate points along its lines as far East as Washington Junction affording an excellent opportunity for a midwinter jaunt to the National Capital The first excurson of the series is announc boldness but bo was too shy and exclu sive to wish for a closer acquaintance One of the visitora got close enough try and stop him but bis gun snapped and before be could hiaflint and try it lira buckship was out of range A couple of pistol shots were sent after him by another coupl of hia visi tors but he got off acathlesa He went down through tbe Lewis bottoms and then took to the mountains We won ed for January 10th The rates are re markably low and the time limit ample enough to allow visitors an opportunity to visit al) the Public Buildings and Institu tions in Washington and make side trips to points of interest in near vicinity We give below a list of stations showing time ol trains and rates of fare Correspondingly low rates from other LEAVE TIME TIME RAT Staunton 7:04 am 8:44 pm $5 75 ort Defiance 7:28 3:05 5 45 Mt Sidney 7:30 3:00 5 40 Cave Station 7:37 3:16 5 30 Mt Crawford 7:47 3:26 5 15 Pleasant Valley 7:54 3:33 5 05 Harrisonburg 8:10 3:53 4 90 Linville 8:2 4:10 4 70 Cowan 8:33 4:19 4 60 Broadway 8:38 4:25 4 50 Timberville 8:44 4:33 4 40 New Market 8:53 4:43 4 30 Quloksburg 9:01 4:51 4 15 stations Tickets will be good for ten days or more detailed information apply to nearest 0 Agent" der how our Nlmrods would have felt bad they sucseeded in killing the animal and then fiound they had broken the law to the tune of $25 1 PERSONALS AC Hen John Lewis still continues hi out of door exercises Ha to our little village one day last week horse back Christmas day he spent the day at Cherry Grove the hospitable home of Hon Harnsberger Mr Lewis still suffers constant pain from bis affliction but with remarkable nerve still contin ues to ride out aid visit his neighbors Air Rumple has compromised with the Accident Insurance Co in which hr husband was insured for 25000 st the time he was drowned here hat summer The company tried to bring in pha of suicide which was folly but rather than I I a.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.