(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)



AUTILIOR INI)EX-A name followed by "and' is that of thec first author of a jointly writteoi

paper. wshile die)c word ''with" indlicates that thie nam(- irtlexed is thiat of the scon0101 ithi r.


Abadie, P., I. lPpelboin anid 13 1istouet, prpcrcitir ccf roigictic tiwder.t u h f1 372

Abbott, F. R., and C. Rt Fi sht7, direc tiity prodicedv by parasit(I pacadletto vertical aerial, 41

Abel, W., long-distance back~scattlcr ard determioiatioiiof skip cdist..nirand nintf, (A)2799

Abelds, F, e.m. wrave propagatior ioi ..tratifked miedia, 857. 1340, 2157

Abraham,W.G., F. L. Salisbuirv acd S. F. Varian, klytiton ,iccplci!tc foru.hf. televisioni, (A)2304

-and otbers, K-band aoiplifier klvstron, (A)2304with others, crystal control ol 47 kW 1030 Mc,s tcinsrnitlte,, (A ,2298

Abramowitu, M., tablet of integrills of Sttviie functionis, 139

Ackeoyd, J. 0., with J. Combridge, sipper touiit of freqiteocev foi- hum ianhearing. (D)2322

Adams, P. It., developments in dry batterviis, 3121

Adams, R. J., and K. S. Kelleher, pattenti cua aticcis foe p.iraloloidaerials ol elliptic apertuier, 39

Addink, C. 0. J., calibratioti of tusoing forks, 2234

Aden, A. L., e.m. scattering fromn spheres, 2417

-J. T. deBrttencourt and A. T. Wiaterocicn Jr, cionospheric radliciwave polarization, 1484

Adler, R., amplifier with negative-resiltance loud, (DiSP9; iniiii atrietravelling-wave valse for lower ui k.f. NIccd, (A)2304

Adorian, P., televisioii distribution overi short wire iincs, 2311

Afflerk, .Uy5withE Bi. Hcnslcey Bacti ii-W cathcde ioitclfucrCOnipoUndl,263, 2054

Agar. A. W., with S. M. fR.veit fi cuicg icuilcitrein ticei.rsrn. 121

Ahmed, Rais, nonlinear invtkocd icf circicit anailvsis, 585

Aigrain,FP., h.v. reverse currecit of diodes, 1529

-C. Dugas and J. Gerinairi, ad sorpt ion on seinicottducters, 1687

Aikens, A. J., and L. Y. Lacy, 450 Mcis mobile RIT transmissioni tests intNew York, 734, 1788

Aisbeeg, It., stereophonic broadcasting cxperimnents, 1061

Aitgbisnn R. E., preparation of photocnndricting UdS, 2724

Akbiezer, A. I., and G. Va. Lyukarski. excitation of oscillations in wave-

guide by liccear aerial. 2335

Akulov, N. B., Z. Alizade axid K. P. Belov, niagnetosfriction of Fe/Pt

alloys, 370

Alberuheim, W. J., measuremeriit iechiiiques for radio relays, (A)1958and J. P. Schafer, ecbo distortion is f.m. transmission nf frequrocy-

division-multiples sigtials, (A)226Albert, A. La., Electrical Commuiciication, (B)454Alden J. M., with others, static mnagnetic memory unit foe low-cmls rum-

puters, 1422

Aldrich, D. F., wfth others, speed of electronic switching circuits, (0/294Alexader, F. W., standard mrisical pitch, 1820

Alexander, J. W., amplification of pcdse-form modulated voltages, 76

AlJfvOn, EL, theory of magnetic stormns and auroras, (D12993Alger, P. L, with J. J. Smith, finite representation of impulse funations,

A)2218; Hdeaviside's otieritinnal calcuilus and Schwartz futictions,932

Aluxant ML, colour television, 2026with N. M.ikhnewitch, Williaiiisoti very-high-fidelity amplifier, 1284

Ali.adsd, Z. I., magnetostgictioii of F'e Pd aiid 1st/Pd alloys, 1935

with others, magoetostriction of Ferl [It alloys, 370

Alkemade, C. T. J., atid I1 Mi. Euil(t cecciplicig a. galsanonceter to

aniplihier, 2480

Allard, La. 8., 'idieal' pci tdellectioti-cc cclrratirci ccr. lube, 1032and 'T. Hill, switih and stocrage tribes, 3180

Alltogk, G. HeK., variatcilitv of hev-wave signa'ls urcdcr conditiorns of

albsorptioin, 728

Alleock, J., and J. Jonrs, Tke _Noinogc.rcc, (B11423Alidredge, La. R., with L. H. Rciirbauth, auihbonr iqitipucent for geo-

niaguietic incasiirencrnts, 1442

Allen, C. C., with H. R. MIrahl, calibration aiccricetccrs above It j's,WA1958

Allen, H., finite aniplitudr distortion ini spherically diverginig sound

wave, (AiS20with J. P. Walker, snorc wccid acritlsatic preesure in intense sound

fields, (A518

Allen, C. W., solarconstant, 102and C. S. Gcici, survey -of galactic radiountise al 201) Mcls, 867

with R. v. d. R. Wocolles, uitiravkiolet emiission froni chromosphere,1632

with others, radio observatiotics of two large solar distuirbances, 2188

Allen, E. W., with IK. A. Norton, variation with freqsiency of range of

f.m. and television tratisniitters, 2281

Allen, J. B., voltnge' gradients in high-current sparks, 852

Allen, R. W., with J. Dewan, recorder foe Ms-pulse amplitudes, 402

Allis, W. P., with others, effect of iiiagiietic field on breakdowii of gases at

u.hf., 1134

Alired M., dissipative- and pistoniiattenuatior corrections, (A)1958Alperti, N., J. Luongo and W. Wiener, 32-channel high-spred comnmutator,


Aleberg, D. A., sweep-frequency oetliocd oi vecitor-impedance mseasure-ment, (AIl958

Amdunrky, M. E., with others, low-reflection picture lobes, 1281

Ament, W. B., wave propagation oser rough scirfaces, (A)2799Amey, W. with others, stabilized ssiidebanii d.c. aiicplifier, 849

Amoignon, J., with otliers, effect racdioactivity 'in therinoelectronicemission, 2301

Ames, B., and W. Heiser, intersal televiioiinveevisvrr interference, (A)229Ancell J. E., with others, coniparison of absorption coefficients, (A(1811Anider, H., spark tramsniitter for lightly damuped rin waves, 2775

Andersnn La. J., with others, American Standard Z24.0-1940 fur couplercatihratioti of eirphones, 21

Anderson, R. V., acitocalling systein, 2015

Andermn, T. N., wsaveguide switches for coniniiercial and military appli-rations, (A)2100

Andree, V. D., L. Lesina and B. G. Ietidelev, electric field in 3-

electrode gas-dischargc tuibe, 2874

Andres, P. G., Suirvey of Aloderrn Electroniics, (B)2514Antdrews, La., diffraction piattern of iiiicrowaves nrar rods, 2.159

Andrews. D. R., broautcast tape sperd control, 2900with ethers, niethods of calihratitig frequency records, 583

Andrieniz, P., stanidardtzedt niagoetic circuiits of French PTT1, 2934-and Fraize, prodcictionc contr-ol of permeability, 2288

Angel, Y., Ri0ceptioni Radiophoniqiie, Parasites, (B)282Ansabaoer, and Ekhrenberg, electron-bomaiardment conducttivity

of dielectric films, 2196

Appleton, E., ic c.io lieric ecqcitccr icc F. lacer. 882

A edillon, J. M wciti otlirc a radtio wave propagatioci,2898

Arditi, M A. (lacie~r and tic ,~'hoig-wi vaive ainpliicet,WA22770

Areuds,J.L., alfc for sslc.recruv-c 20933Arfl.n.B wicth G. A, lomrse',, Lx.tnaicccici";,Ani ucaiyueton, 8184Argonrc, 'I, refractrice incidr of ioc ciz ccdiamiiicc e crib ticagnetic held,

3094with other.., radio, propaga.itoic U#. twc.cc Nsoumeca and Adelic Lacud,


Arnold, A. H. M., cciirreiit tratisforiccic ckciie tinc adniittances in, 1089.

toroidal, rffect of capacitanceccoiide'cig of, 1090

Arnold, J., electronic tracitig of salsc charactieristics, 1434

Arnold, 0. A., WiBS4t andi WBS'ilFIM, Nu w Bedford, Masxs., 1246Arnold, W. R., a50) kV generator ciisiig riccifirr, 745

Arnoldi, W.. E., miunittitecd iterationsiti soloution of iiiatrix. eigrnvalcirpciblcici, 2483

Aronoff, M itoo e onverv ion iiii ,, re'IA2100


Artman, R. G., with H. (ool. cciiif tc iicoiprccpagitioiinieasure-2563

Asehen, R., ixureniinit of t tuie coc ctcits 1199; voltage doublere with

tutcrahic r- ic cir 1001

Aseltine. A cickIit t)L T iii~l,a ~ ifi i lrpbaicc (A)2122

Ashton, P., desig ofl ccliii, 1540

Ashwell, Gf. E.. uwith citbici dirCtcu,c.of r iv !'f ionc' l. r' v. 2904

Aske, V. H.,gaciii diubicii.' fii-miccuc icocuiv't- .1481,

Aspinall, A., A uk,g G Il cisli!', icicc I~o pllccci ii~d et n mhi_ii itc''

A npinall, E.. uccasticrI.c '; 1 8139Astritm E., "V H 211?2Atkiions, P. D., wcith It I IJ., ii ,.' cii

Atterling, H., ac oi, -Stc hIN-n NIccc -roi 2254

A ltars, G M - fccc i., ;w ifo I r,1A2122

Attwood, o_sucfi pld.nuo (c`u (lc tori 20 07

Atwood, B., dtiVecT ccit c'i-11, ill sNIstieu fcr iacusic ilc 3124

Aubort,E. J., taicurcucciinte- iiiU.S.A,242Augostin, O., acid XVW ac coid tirre eal pbcuccruom a during,

scudd diiistiurbian ce 19lfiI N lI4li 88

Auwalrter.N,Mu, dcfle'c,n re I, cn ii opdici,.81Ax on, P.E cwir'1 ciii,] .icccic'citcl priciting iii iccagrueic tipr'

rcc cr-iclg 810


B uh)eoc W C cciil El. W N Viccucci, ccciai it s fI''''c lt ic vccciii'T 1569

Bfa hin, - cc cccii ciii .Icut ii, iich iqu ini F cccii 28513Barch nan, W S., ipptidcaliii of daciuping to puickcup (A )2082Backus, J., d,igcoof ccivcltrocuc oscillatcrs, 1981

Badenwjb,R.H,cca,ciR.I"t. Giltlmani, d.v'tcclPccccctlc cccc'.ci,c,io ccid forcuvsltavscuticuc 897

v.Barekmann, W., wcit i.HS.vuriun, dtiffracction cc, cmi .itA ciih2693

Baer, R.H.,chari iAticclc-foliowuruccsplccc .313

R Jr, wsitti cii.rs cccii-ccilo n iac cctic cni ccfactcurc (it ic cund v cci

e(u ipitnecucct, lA2292

Bailey, Rt., cpu ccclic acriats foc i uonospheric ye.ocrders., 264sit .';R N uci ciith, A'l.cuto atc iccc. pheri, recordecrlici 1)'i5 173


Bailey, V. A.. relai vistcicc trcicecuaguuctucionic theocry n.rvc pcropagationn1351

Baker, E. B., amtricu tciuc f doublccct suupcrhctevodyr ce principle dtieletrillesle~clts 1960

Balker, G. M. wibh ucthurr, Televcision, Voisx 5 acid iB 2038Baker, 0. W., hi acir uicitccd tribe for pocrtible batic opecritedl equiip-

tucecli A)2104Bakker, 0.3J.. ssvcchrcccvicltrcn Ainsterdaun, 422

Balrhin, D. B.,ssith(C. Scwtoiucu Louidonc tO1 tericitiualt 2539BalCombe, G3., actid I,~ ciiCactur, Brirtuhairi radio station, 452

Baldes,E. J., P' A. Ne1cc icid J.F.I Herrick,kheaincgcofhcoc andticboneMiarrow hy ultrc'...c.c. radiat ion.. cA iS27

Er w ith P1 c ccuurtc, wside luccid ctrP ifihr nO r CcT obc'cs ur,tionnf tcranuriucTt 315

BaldWin, M. W., 3r, cub/cctiiie ohacrpness of additive cclccir piulturi'(A12292

Baldwin, T.. aiuci It Litlt,uie mectiuod for, gaiuu cruid phase 'chili

I.f. amupliu crc. 1728

D3. L., electric sty. ucgth of jnAcisr yci alcochol, 2748

Baneie-Grfiot, M., Grtilt, state cf oxidatinuc cuid iouiuineocscencolocuir of /uSiCu 645

Bat nereje, S. B., acud R'. tureut ti.ultiplc r. ectionis nduilationusin F1 regiou, 2528; racl*tuioccL resistacuc ofl skews-wire I, iransmissicon liue .817

Banfi, A., televisioni iii lItaly 472

Baoes, A., Jr, I). S. 'cSaxon aicu H. Grcceu, propagationcucaracticristics icc

coaxial structucre withl iwo dilcectricsr, 154

Banthorpe, C. H., porsituic fcredc.ark ini a.fI amptifiers,Barsia, S. S., arid A. 'utrn, uijiicspb c'e uVri jud aiii 194a juni-

1I9lif, 881

Baraova, N. A., ullit Yai S. Shucr, dependencue of ticagnetiuzationi cuirse's on

temuperature ins hugh-corcivuits altloys. 247

Bardeen, J., hurtc c..oncctratoi'cr'cid .chcrartristifc of Gc piccut icunitctci376

Bardell, P. R., wsitli others, prope.rtid's and( testI cf iccagruetic piowders, 1049

Barden, S. E., eesucuc.riceutcda utpicg, tci ujectiiccu,, inb titroruc anirt synchrctrouc'c. 1448

Bardsley, W., with S. Tolcac ciuc'cifuroccu'ric stdicutscofc quart's plaucviburation, 1939

Barlow, B. M.. cuiria.cewave transmissionlci I~ii. (D311300cciii A. Coheir, Micro-'WXvi Meiacsuremrentis, lB)1283

Barnard, V.. height of thuinderclciiid charge"s taking pint iri fiduc grocund1907

Barnes.B.T,,accd S.tEro',ruce axcrcuc nt,otrechniqupc (cr dinui iciu character-istius of luy-pressure are., 115

Barrn, M,, arci( K. Rawer, ionouspherc observatcinccxsc SituAVice I d, 112. iccLCoszuasdani Charvc, 2897

nc.iR aw cr A cgeP icrge i uc pcccdicpoj.i cccctoa b tw e l

AcVidic Lacid 1231

ith R B urrici, radlicc,o ncur 1cIii icr in cuc atc oc ph 'rc si( n 637

Barrolt, R. E., with cithire, ucltrasoici, atbsorptionu in. NNSO(, io(A530, 1549

Barrow, W. L3., puii'seinair'gation xxylucius, 362

-L. J.h,, crud)J J. jaosec, i ucrccn.ica hortis, (C12345Barrugand, P. A., 'delilci tranusforemc cud( applicatuionsu, 931

Bartberger, C.L., ucccuutiuc fieiicIplInrucir cuiurlcoop, 856Bartels, 'rod zi.i'ticc d"cciii eicc.f t'Polr Veac 1032 -1033. 872; 'colar

acccctircc-.tru.liphetciome'cdulriccg uddeniuTcorupheric distucrbanceI1Oth N.c tI d4), 885; 271 ci.-,c vccicticus' inc F. Iavrcccritical fri~

ciii i(" H u ricavxc, 883cd J. Viul bdk p, cite uinatui.cccil ccti ccn agnrtic. dc'ist cr.aucc thic rc

rartd 1ilci 1370.hfit ciarcut.r hull, 630, Secondc qIuiarter tdt5ul870, thirdI qicurtir 1idli, 1894, foujrth quiarter 1050, 2705

Barter, tsclutioiic f ucid uurk- aniup tl ucrs.316

Barth6lemy, R., cccitc rnaic.. evicccii, 247; seconudary cucic csiin appicccaimcciit.legui titus. uion cccii ers, 1499, foiircisuuustorccc" I' ,.r.z Iii ofi. 1511

Barth oldsno,lI, G. 3C cri 200fhV cue utuccu g'eieraterc.2252Baruch, J. J., cctiiitt0.s-1-ieid Pictchr, (AI519

Witt ,c oihurs clu~'iguccuf somiccIca cccir itcKd cit ,,I~Ail8Barut. A. 0., rc pcutr ipaci. ch.urge cdi,, 2057

Bas-Taymar, E., '1-tduon ccix c,cii frcucu cac turicrt XX' acid 1670;e poti o rub, cui W )iirkuiv ccciii 1029

Basard, R.. citic 'ulceIr ,, [1h; itortci ccii i cccider 1067

Bes t,G B.,l ci.cr1h 1.F S ih, i... c'b 'cie .crrierr"le pch 'c'

is..c 739. 2013Bate, A. cciiti, Ii, 'tciphnSi W'cvc tficicu aciid 'Scticcid B1562

Bateman, I" ticl crcc jc A liTiit ofierrc r icnuradic pihcucru'cc.c g t 1131D2433

Batoes, F., thu r ciia cffc. doto. naucgccw rt ci ccut pvc essc ir rural. findis914

Bande, A., elc tronicc theoryx icr iiciiilcd'bigh indiucator, 2498

Bauer, B. B., ssith othic Amcericauc Standardcc Z24.90 1049, coupler cali-turatuucu. of arcphbccscx 21; Ainueriainc standarut Z24.4 -1040 fur

pruicur.~caibratironc ccf labhrartcrvstancdard mictrophontes, 19

Baum V., acd IC. 'itiuMrril,ti tunc,it, (hisiodci multiplu ier fcor Irutroricduffc'r'ut u.tia at cixl r, 20

Baumann,HE, iu.pc'dicne. witbi prescricld vcrictc.onotphase auig'x, 1576Baumgsrtner, W., accii N. Scchitti, phiot. e,ticc eff-A C..-), Cs-S,

Cs S.' cni (sctc1chot',, athucdi ,1797-w iti N. S,hatn ph. (ticcefcttcincilkhiGCe comipoundus, 364

Bayard, tM O clif ckitich 593

Bayle y,S.T., -r l v,rsccc,c icc,ri;gc ncc1:2 o d 1 v- cii; t ,2968

Boakly,W 1R (- ,iffth,cc iot Il'i( 306?

Beatty na r ch cc ,c 7-1 .1cc dei.c.

B ratty R

a ccc-i:f ''11 u I l. gi' c,i sii c47Beaumon, J.. H' W cccinoi," il"wliii 311deB ean au nrega d, Cc csta, 109.-

llraver snc i.V A Ac

Bechm nann tR., cit ,


icc ,c3;o 9

Befr.A .V dccco, il 2 520Bedfnrd, L I4 t


Beers, A ., 'N ftii ni AI Ii

ci:2 .4 989, 1792

Beer Y ., ccuit,1 A iu cp .ii- uc,rj ci' 'c 34 1Beeson, E J G irk -tcniuperaturcelaiicp Wi 381

Beggs, G3. E., Jr,' i-mc-a ji(citicig riciio o;il. T, 1768Begovich. A.. cl,i cLkiii tirs 1012344

Beitman, Y6 N, tic~ ctric Ncrit. l50c lxaci,~D~tic -caci'aw cingB)983

v, W kkex,f",G tic aliatc ti t ric'' ic, hl, cucfg-lg icac.tig, 1556;iiiro cix~ pro clcuce d liy tuccuch.li c V-p lii. viruth cta

'citiod, 1557

Belevitch, V.., i-t rrniurcalntwuciuirks oftk,. 2128. theccix cud

cctc 305

B elgod6re, P., 1,L A iroiicag uiot, N e t nlntc ccccin le ia. ot f 1iii

auinpuifir .2388

Belie RH G 4W J. varc de 1iilt-iii(t cilf- iii- wcr uc rcciicui wuch;Iaii Icc-S 3053

aS,I1i_ ii)A gyrocicagrictircptec iii f, iits 852

Bell, D.A., ici'cocrclfibiin fnricticon,1180Bell, J.F W Ahlitch iciotiaruc xic. uultrasccc ciii., if itiyc 797

Bell, P. ~%; )o h rs s itglc cha,iruuel auccly-i 2357

Belov P.F.ccicthiothier inuacn tostricticuucuc be ti/italm 370

Belove, C.. tccttlie,i RC uctwsuric; ID 1102

Benner, A. B,, ccl; p r i,cu)-~ r ticu. it cI 10 1901. 1A)2712ac. H 1uu cJil 4i ic e h

4115% e o ge -'il i t' h ar Scrc, 3182

Bennett' A.A I.c, L ccP c

characteisuticso Cii. 'curt ucitucts '1531Bennett, A. L., wiuth ctiii aurcuc tic, b aic fuit',' 405

Bennington, T. W icc -phwcc ruccu,-Nl ficu1c 5 loc i. o

1903, wcurldt chii ii cuecigincccricig, 1998cccii Mcorris re ttluc nduo nc 4Lt M sic .a i,


Benott, R3., theritui cii gui.ictc vcistiattiou ofc borf,ritcccii 6953Be nson, A C wuith otik r,c cxpcr icu e tul.u turc2m iuc aicuc

r.(ia.l variatiouc, 351Benson, F. A., rotiuc ti voultages oi giccuc diii. c,ig

vat,ue",3159,Xuolt.lc.c Stuaiilicerx, 1511255

IK ilucP a c.onuupc gei,erctour wit htcsfix rd eti tcio ccit,! 8 83

Benson, J.E H J. to n accl B R J(uti t'lCi cci0I1 VIIccct 1-cucc iu

gi'uaig(~iecrtor,c 749

Benso, R.'W., wsuti otuicuc c),r1, 'ciii,, aicclxc,tic~- .10,53

Benson, W H., wuitu cuthurs, iten,t ticctucu ccf raic o sigi.ils iv iiitriciq' 2525

Benz, F., Ft'itifiuhrviiig ii tlict'F c*ntcchncilk,lB )1287 l in ff,iit., c rrnciistriuciticon iicciiii!ctcci cit tiii. 1813

Beranek,L. L., d,cii icucuucc ii icsuii. dt. iccc 1833; phvsccld n l,t (acont.acud ot dicc,t-radiatu.i; loudspeakersi (Ai2082cutS,ers Auieriuccui Si itandar /2411 Jtlid :c itchr c aliburationu oiiarphio ces, 21 A meir'icanc S ciin turd Z2i 4 pre' crc ccli

iicatiicco fll atii rc t rtanu lcuru icc rc. phcc ic ,19 ; lcc la tiion auci

mcacsuruement of coudneuc .2324

W itichiit, rs catlculation cuid umeacouremcec t ci Iculdnes' A542; drsigiccund-absorbinug dciicls, lAi811

Bergmann, L., applicatioti of ultrasconics iii testicn' if ticatcruals, 953Beegmann, wiub Gasrr, foci aiu I foura tlengtho, ini cluciroci optics

culid istrongr'lectrionicnses, 2505, 2796Bergonsat, J., siuuiple test generatoe for idlevisi.ici'rtxt, 2778

Bergstrand, E.. ruca.urcuefiuent of veuoc ity cligbiti 324

Bergtold, F., niaignuetic leakage at edges of i urgapt 1947; pst-wue d&vetop-uceit,i elrutroaccouticr Icy 'eleflii ecu, 2327; ccundr epro

,,ii ti, ci halt, and oipeuc sp1.'' 2890

Berk, ccii: Teitel, utfec t of ficcg,i grocwtc ccii cc11fli'g tapi' .3025

Bernardi, L., wsidc barui uucptlficr 2679

Berndt, W., ierititl fur Cicuuaui pcst-our hicghc cccxr ti cuittc~rs 2341

Bernhart, J.. rectaiou ibeweenc stiuduio aucd microephcui acc custics, 801

acid)Vj C.arretti stcreopihciuc troacuastincgcof ci-ci c.1060Bertaun, G., with otihc'u earthc's ncigmi, ii accc cacti' ~pcruupaug.utc n


Bertein, P.. lo powcc cl*trileu -c 3082l rtcr10 ilcc. cicth of i"cclcrirguucagnrtic cur clectric Oiedd .1459

Berterattifre,IR., acccil. ,,ivcrt, i"fficicc o pa,uc lucccu i cuucaveling curevcalvec 262

Berz, F., reci-"uition a% ruciraiucio tf ciii pci. !mc A pltk1139

Beser, J., wichcitlcrs,cc ccai ccuchiccc,iii 'rc cd ic,r if ch-i l giciiicaton. 2791

Beat, P.FP., dir.' tica ficudic"ig a 2189

deBettencourt, .3T., wcith:'chicccs, hcn'c rucdui cwic rxltoccruiztcciij 1464Beurle, R. Lc., cteciccucuc gut.,cliiigat, ob.ctic pclpc 1444

Beurthere t .N.M., cci ifi ccucf ccf ef tirc i~Iic ic cci',2922

Beverly, N. E cucl*th id of t kih 1A'1958Beyer,R T7, i.ulicugritch.' 2698

A TIcici coi - 'cc tii 2309

'A W5 7 154 ictr. cic 'i 1g3) clui cA Il01549

Beyno n,W J. G.,u If l3iccuc geoci 'i c -ctccc'ic gicg l

janc Arcrh lull, 2999

Bibbero, J,, ri-ri '1T6,~ Vcciiic -tihijlc tA 2 149;cut, g' cct lucih ccii-i 3184

BitI ., I.' vici ciw t- LaN cr 354 ; (Ji xIccii17hrc lave 1228

'Bietmaun, L3, uruguit cf ectguCti. fticWIcf 2171

B aguenet. C., ucucm cute ic rail,. va vt', cccitirictiii 1798

Bilhg, E.. thcucuc cocti ciructifrcicati,) aci iriS, tic.-rby cuoici. 3026;Ikuruccal instailcityt of cctic-tr cc f,r'I,i2212

arcd E W .VI x-s ee. diclectrci udcicpr ccii i. poly vyst-illilicc maturiul._2198

i'i S.'cl';ii t it igiht fpoetpiu ic il 1 zri~ 'cccci.t lu(tif crs,3153Bimgley, F. J., t.lricu'ctrY ucutilus%iocc, iA2292

Biundi,M A.,ccc.cc.o,r'W ditu hc lrirs'. 332.

Birehent, R., IV iharac tericrstics cura filrci wcccut uuh 1ccugci eiccri,2040

Birlz. J.1 B., u1 ci.a,cs ciritillai 3C87


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2)

Index to Abstracts and References 1951Birnbams, G,, fluctuations of atmospheric refractive index at iiciirowave

frequencies, 2176; microwave techniques for smatt samples ofdielectrics, (A)198

S. J. Krvder and R. R. Larson, recording atmospheric refractiveindex for niicrowaves, (A)1958

S. J. Kryder and H. Lyons, microwave measurements of dielectricproperties of gases, 1426

Bishop, P. 0., and E. J. Harris, d.c. amplifier for biological application,(C)848

Bl-shman N. M., synchrotron-oscillation resonance, 962van Bldel, J., expansion of wavegiiide field in terms of normal modes, 1302-and T. J. Higgins, cut-off frequevicy for two-dielectric rertaiigular

waveguides, 1841Blaha, F, and J. A. Schedling, display of lines of magnetic force by glow

discharge, 1288Blant, D., deterioration of nuethane-filled G- I counters with external

cathode, 968Blanc-Lapieire, A., Laplacian stationary aleatory fuoltions, 1691, har-

nioniic anialvsis of, 1692; statistical fuiictions uisefuil for study ofbackgrotind nioise, 384

- and M1 Perrot, coiidtictivitv of thin Ag floms in stroiig electric fields,851; diffraction and quanititv of information, 209

Blank, A., with J. B. Keller, diffraction and reflection of pulses by wvedgesand comers, 2963

BlankenIeld, G., secondary eniission from Ni, Mo, AfgO and glass, 3150Blanton, B. E., carrier compensation for sersomechanismis, 983Bloaws, J., vaci;uni gauige using Pirani cooling of W filaiiient, (D)640Blgwett, J. P., with A. I. ress,iian, 013-4-Mcis electrically tuiied oscillator,

1332Blom, J. P., and J. D. Gilchrist, distance-measuring eq iipoent for civil

aircraft, 1918with others, distance- oseasuring equipment for civil aircraft, 1392,

1859Bloom, L. R., and others, beaini analyser, (A)2226Bloom, M. C., with A. von Hippel, selenitiii) electroplating, 871Blum, A. I., and N. A. Goryiuova, electrical properties of grey tin, 2199Blum, E. J., and J. F. Denisse, solar r.f. radiation on 156 aiid 164 Mcqs, 827

J. F. Denisse and J. L. Steinberg, interpretation of solar-noise jumps,1359; low-intensitv solar radio storms, 1358

Blunden, 8. F., iuiagnetic-fluiid clutch, 1748Blunden, W. R., control systeins aiid application to iridtistry, 2494Boadle, R. D., aerial polar diagranis by nieans of models, 575Boadway, J. 1D,, condenser apentsire device for electron mi eroscopes, 1423Bobot, D., with others, space-charge effects in travelling-wave valves with

iiiagnetic field, 1022Bochirol, L., with L. Weil, ioieasureinent cif Youiig's ruiodulus of ferrites,

2737Blcker, H., miiiiiiurni flashover voltage in huniid coiiipressed air, 1136Bodiou, G., qiiantutm calculus of probabilities in pure cases, 604

Bodle, R. R., Chelteolham 3-housr-range indices AK, for Oct.-Dec. 1949, 1371,for April-Juine 1950, 631, for July--Sept. 1950, 871, for Oct.-Dec.1950, 1895, for Jan.-March 1951, 2706

Boelens, W. W., recording frequency-drift meter, 2484Boer, W., Iitiiting the noise spectritsil ill oscillatorv circuits, 20Boers, C. J., detector circuitsfor f.li. receivers, 1479Boesch, W., 'operationial aitalysis' and 'operational diagrams', 1575Bogdanova, N. B., and A. M. Lifsh*ts, radio ititerference otn 400-lkV lines,

3102Boggis, A. G., with L. C. Burrill, electronic applications in, nasal construc-

tion research, (A)2249Bohm, D., aild D. Pines, 'collective' (lescription of clectromn iiiteractions,

2975Bohnert, J. I., measurements oii elliptical-polarizatoioi aerials, 2349Boissinot, O3., with J. Ortusi, slotted wavegiiides as aerials, 815BoL K., deteroinatiori of speed of e.n. waves by resonant-cavity icethod,

430Bolinder, F., approxirnate theorv of directional cotuplers, 209; Foulier

transforis irn theory of isshoisogeneotrs transiscission Iiihes, 662,2909

Bouialso, J. T., electricallv sniall aerials and l.f.-airborne-aerial problems,(A)2842

Bolt, F. D., ice formation on aerials, 818; temporary television aerial atLonidon station, 1076

Bolt, R. H., and P. Doak, short-period transient response of auditoria,(A)546

with others, souind transtisission through single and douLle walls,(A)1811

Bolton, J. G., and K. C. Westfoll, galactic radiation, at 4t-160 Mc|s, 866,at 11)0 Mc/s, 348

Bolton, T. B., with k. J. L. Btilterer, autoirtotive electronic test equipmnent,(A)2245

Bomke, H. A., and T. Schrnidt, ponderon-otive effects of cm waves, 681Bond, F. E., properties of wide-band phase-splitting isetworks, (D)2123Bond, W. L., makiog small spheres, 3080

W. P. Masoii and H. J. McSkihinn, coupling coefficients of single-crystal BaTiO,, 2450

Bonifas, H., deteriiiination of pOillt representing saturation of diode, 3172Booker, H. G., Martves's theory of sisagiietic storms and aurorae, (A)2712

and W. F. Gordon, theory of radio scattering in troposphere, 727

-J. A. Ratcliffe asid D. H. Shinn, diffraction bv irregiilar screen andIioriospheric reflection, 428

Booth, A. D., electronic digital computer, 1184and J. Ringrose, flip-flop circuit with threestablestates,237, (D)2937,

Booth, C. F., evolution of frequency control, 1271with P. Vigoureux, Quartz Vibrators and their Applications, (B)2464

Boothroyd, W. P., and X, J. Churchill, microwave relay system, 215and E. M. Creamer, Jr, time-division multiplex system, 214

Borden, R. C., C. C. Trout and E. C. Williams, 100-channel distance-mseasuring equipsiient, 2722

Borgnis, F., genieral properties of electroisoptical inmage, 87; space chargeand phase focusing of electran mearns, (D)3187; transmissioai-lineeqtuations and cvlindrical lines, 2639

Borodovskaky, L. N., and A. Ei. Salormonovich, measrirement of oscillationamnplitude of qulartz crystals, 2774

Borovitski, S. I., flucttuations ill linear systemn with periodically varyingparameters, 2373

v. Borries, B., electron scattering and inage forsiiation in electron micro-scope, 986

Borzyak, P. G., photoconductivity of Cs-Sb filuns, 2723Bose, N., luniinescence spectra of phosphors under X-ray and c.r.

irradiation, 366Bosson, G., F. Gutmann and L. M. Simmons, resistance/temperature

relation for themrnistors, 1083Bosworth, R. 0. L., adsorp.tion of 0, on W, 1937Bothwell, F. E., Nvqticit diagrarns and Rouith-Hurwitz stability criterion,

580; stability of voltage regtulators, (A)1251; transients in multi-ply periodic nonlinear svstems, 1339

Bott, R., and R. J. Duffin, isipedance syuithesis vithout use of transformers,1108

Botwin, L., simtilator and design of automatic control systems, (A)2245Boucke, H., a.c. rectifier-type meter with reduced waveform error, 687;

audion valve voltmeter, 1988 distortion meter, 688- arid H. I erinsartz, electronic switches, 2935

and 0. Schmidt, aisplifiers with selective feedback, 1124Boulding, R. S. H., with H. E. Penrose, Principles and Practice of Radar,

(B)3011Bouma, B. C., with W. C. van Geel, frequency variation of dynamic

characteristic of svstem Al-AlO3-electrolyte, 2288Bounds, A. M., and T. H. Briggs, Ni allovs for oxide-coated cathodes, 3033Bosthillon, L., cesltenary of birth of Oliver Heaviside, 1041Boutry, G. A., and J. L. Deleroix, space charge in planar magnetron under

cut-off conrlitions, 2599with J. L. Deleroix, space charge in cylindrical magnetross under cut-

off corditicins, 2600Bounwkamp, 0. J., Bethe's thcory of diffraction by sniall holes, 1874;

characteristic valuesof spheroidal wave functions,382; diffractionof e.m. waves by disks and holes, 2180; Sommerfeld's surfacewave, 429

Bowe, P. W. A., waveforms of atmospherics and very-low-frequencypropagation. 1760

Bowon A. E., and W. W. Mumford, Type-1553 triode as modulator andamplifier, 310

Bowe,. ., radar observations of rain, and mechanism of rain formation,1648; recent work of Radiophysics Division, C.S.I.R.O., 2421

Bowen, J. H., and T. E. Burmtip, analogue computer for Fourier analysis

and synthesis, 1896

Bowen, W. A., Jr, with others, evidence for ionouphere currents from rocketexperiments, 2713

Bomna, I., mathematical bases of electronic compuiters, 1182Boyd, J. E., with C. F. Kent, probability distributions of resultants of two

or more vibrations, (A)678 Ewith V. R. Widerquist, low-level atmospheric conditions and over-

water microwave interference patterns, (A)2799Boyd, 1. R., with L. Malter, grid current and grid emission in thyratrons,

2873Boyer, 0. L., with others, experimental determination of acoustic wave

fronts, (A)517, 1547Boyer, R. A, ultrasonic velocities ill gases at low pressures, 1823Boyle, R. J., engineering aspects of Australian National Broadcasting

Service, 3988

Bracewell, R. N., and others, ionospheric propagation of low- and very-low-frequency waves, 2522

Bracknann, J., with M Kornetzki, cores for u.s.w. variometers, 1877Bradburd, E. K., magnetostrictive delay line, 2107Bradbhr, R. A., with K. W. Caywood, s.w.r. bridge for 15-42 Mces, 948Brafield, 0., Rome ultrasonics convention, 10Bradley, W. R., electric network models for problems of probability,

(A)2122Bradshaw, E., rationalized M.RK.S. units in engineering education, 322Bradahaw, S. R., and W. Wathen Dunn, square-wave testing of disk record-

ing systems, (A)551Brailsford, H. D., code transmitting radiosonde, 2243Braithwazte, J. 0. N., infrared photoconductivity of valence intermetallic

conspounds, 2042Bramley, E. N., diversity effects in spaced-aerial reception of ionospheric

waves, 1232- and W. Ross, measurensents of direction of arrival of short radio

waves, 3091with others, direction of arrival of ionospheric waves, 2804

Bramley, F. A., complex-tone generator for deviation tests, 1726Brasse, C., Jr, and R. Thomas, horizontal-polarization omnidirectional

aerial, 2920Brattain, W. EL, and G. L. Pearson, conductivity changes induced in Ge by

oa-particle bombardment, 1162Brasnman, H., reaction of medium and acoustic radiation darnping for

disk, 4Bramunbek, W., resistance variation of Pt foil due to gas adsorption, 125Branewell, W., and E. Vogt, reversal of sign of magnetostriction by ex-

palssion, 916Braunschweiger, P. 0., with others, frequency meter for mricrowave

spectroscopv, 1723Bray, P. R., phase constant of transmission line, 1710Bray, W. J., radio valves for frequencies above 3 kMcjs, 1520Bramna 1. A., e.m. propagation in multi-wire system, 2332Bredow B., us.w. broadcasting in Germany, 2838Bregar,3. C., abac for minimum-loss wratching pads, 1587Bregman, A., Sb plate, 1950Bremmer, H., discharge of series of capacitors, 2970; W. K. B. approxi-

moation as first term of series, 3088- with B. van der Pol, Operational Calcutlus, based on the Two-sided

Laplace Integral, (B)1700Bressi, A., and G. G. Sacerdote, recording of nonlinear distortion, 1834Brewer, 0. R., with others, single-cavity resonator for mtilti-anode mag-

netron, (A32304Brewer, R., radio-valve life testing, 2773Breyer, B., and F. Gutmann, processes in dielectrics containing free charges,


Bridgewater, T. H., sttidio and outside-broadcasting television practice inGreat Britain, 471, 752; radio and cable links for B.B.C. televisionoutside broadcasts, 2552

Bridgman, P. W., effect of pressure on resistance of semiconductors, 2439Bridre, K., A. Rogozinski and J. Weill, logarithmic amplification of weak

currents rising diodes, 2228Briggs, B. H., ionospheric investigation by rapid-frequency-change equip-

ment, 1900- and G. J. Phillips, horizontal irregularities of ionosphere, 980Briggs, T. H., with A. M. Bounds, Ni alloys for oxide-coated cathodes, 3033Bright, A. W., Corona and Breakdown at Frequencies up to 12 Mcls,

B.E.A.I.R.A. Technical Report L1T229, (B) 1624

Bright, W., influence of electrodes on discharge between coaxial cylinders,1618

Bril, A., and F. A. Kruger, fluorescence saturation ixi television c.r. tubes,1923

Billouin, L., information and entropy, 2009, 2010Brimberg, S., effect of losses on attenuation of 4-terminal impedance

networks, 1110Broe, J., radar echoes frons cloudless region, 2711Brochard, J., and others, evaporation in vacuo by direct bonibardment,


Brockter, 0. K., angular jitter in automatic-fracking radar systems, 13

Broer, L. J. F., propagation of energy in linear conservative waves, 1821de Broglie, L., propagatiors of waves of frequiencv 0 3-10 kMcls, 435Brooks, F. E., Jr, receiver fosr measuring anigle of arrival, 2523Broomall, J., and L. Ricbumuan, sampling analogue computer, (A)2220Broser, I, amid R. Warminsky, dependernce of electrical properties of CdS

On electrode arrangement, 1929Brossart, J., with otliers, travelling-wave valves with magnetic field, 1020Brown, C. 8., and others, growth of large quartz crystals, 3024Brown, E. B., polar arnnieter as a.c. potentiometer, 182Brown, 0. M., with W. J. G. Beynon, geophysical amid meteorological

changes, Jan.-April 1949, 2999Brown, J., effect of periodic variation in field distribution across radiating

apertture, 573and S. S. D. Jones, microwave lenses, 36, (D)292

Brown, It. E., with L. P. Hunter, test equipment for transistors, 898Brown, R. F., with others, comparison of sound pressures in earphone

couplers and in ear, (A)1811Brown, R. H., and C. Hazard, r.f. radiation froni Andromeda nebula, 629

Browa, 8. C., with others, effect of magnetic field on breakdown of gasesat u.h.f., 1134

Brown, T. T., mixer harmonic chart, 23

Brows, W. F., Jr, dielectric constants of nonpolar fluids, 80,8g89Browne, I. 0., radar echo from lightning, 1657Browne, 8. H., withJ. J. Gilvarry, applicationof Liouville's approximation

to blind navigation, 900Brubakor, W. K., potential distributions in parallel plane diodes, 3171Bruce, F. K., review of spark discharge phenomena, 2402Brfickmans, D., W. S. Carey and D. J. Fuller, comparison of triodes and

beam tetrodes as output valves in a.f. amplifiers, 1123, (D)2959Bruckmann, H., aisti-fade transmitting aerial, 2844Bruges, W. E., algebra for solution of ladder networks, 1588Brwna, M., null method for determining dielectric constant at u.h.f.,

1429, 1480with M. Magat, resonator for m and dm A, 2954

Bryant, J. B., Type-5929 10-W traveling^wave valve, 1519Bubb, F. W., Jr, network theorem, 284Bube, R. L, lutminescence and trapping in ZnS phosphors, 649; ZoS-Cul

phosphors, effect of infrared on emission and trapping in, 68,variation of photoluminescence efficiency with temperature, 1864

Buckingham, J., surface photoelectric effect, 607Buckley, E. F., with others, multichannel p.a.m.-f.m. radio telenietering

system, 1443Buckley, 8. E., with others, properties and tests of magnetic powders, 19Budaro,, A. B., amid L. E. Leykhter, theory and design of reflex voltmeter,

2767Budde, W., fluctuations of angle of departure of ionospheric waves, 1995Budden, K. 0., propagation of radio atmospherics, 1652

with others, ionospheric propagation of low- and very-low-frequencywaves, 2522

Buehler, E., with others, growth of Ge single crystals containing p-njunctions, 1682

Bull 0. 8., space-charge smoothing factor 2058, (D)2871Bollard, B. C., origin of earth's magnetic Aeld, 380

Bolllgtos, K., coverage on 45-450 Mcsi 39; u.h.f. propagation beyondhorizon, 438

Bud,. A. C., and A. J. Lee, sonic scattering layers in sea, 2068Burdn, G. D., microwave measurements of permittivity and Ioss of solid

dielectrics, 2474Burema, R., and M. Barre, radiogoniometer measurements of atmospherics

in Commandant Chaecot, 837

and A. Dauvillier, chrornospheric flare of 19tb Nov. 1949 and geo-physical effects, 1148

Boter, J. A. N., with A. M. van Wijk, secular variation of magnetic ele-ments in South Africa, 1939-1948, 1378

Burgea, R. E., capacitance of Se rectifiers, (D)1260; efect of D layer onvery-low-frequency waves, (D)724; rectification and observationsof signals in presence of noise, 38

Burgelt, X. L., with E. M. Creamer, Jr, carrier synchronizing circuits forcolour-television receivers, (A) 2292

Burgsani, V. D., and K. V. Sheridan, microwave d.f. for aircraft navi-gation, 2189

Bkokrd, O., F radiation of sun, 2985; ionosphere, disturbance 15th March1948, 889, observations in arctic region,1378, thermal splitting in,879

Brkhazd, F., facsimile transmission speed, 236Borkhardlamnaier, W., S.f. generators and applications, 2498; transmitters

for u.s.w. f.m. broadcasting, 2858-and U. Finkbein, circularly grouped aerials as omnidirectional and

unidirectional radiators-, 568Burnap, R. 6., with others, Television, VloIs, 5 & 6, (B)2038Burnett, 3. H., thyratron grid-circuit design, 1983Bomup, T. EK, with J. H. Bowen, analogue computer for Fourier analysis

and synthesis, 169Bre, R. P., W. R. Stone and R.O. Noyer, test-pattern generator for colour-

television signals, (A)2292Burrell, C. K., T. G. Majury and H. W. Afelville, dielectric-constant method

of observing polymerization, 2240Burrill, L. C., and A. G. lBoggis, electronic applications in naval-construc-

tion research, (A)2249Burroughes, E. B., planning v.h.f. mobile systems, (D)987Busby, J. W.. Model TB-140 'ramark' radar beacon, 1916Busch, 0., electronic conduction in non-mietals, 1865-J. Wieland and H. Zoller, electrical properties of grey tin, 2438Bsh, J., stabilized variable-frequency transmitter exciter for military h.f.

equipment, (A)2298Busey, H. E., reflected-ray suppression, 1244, (A)2799Butcher, F. E., with R. Willheim, magnetic amplifier technique, (A)213Butler, E. W., orienting engineers in industry, (A)23Butler, 0. IL, and H. R. Chablani, h.f. magnetization of ferromapnetic

laminae, 1684Batferer, R. 3. L., and T. S. tolton, autmotive electronic test equipment,

(A)2245Butts, R. 8., electronic commutation methods, (A)2270Bylof, R. W., television studio audio console, 3112


de CadeetKU. L., comparison of cinematography and television techniques,1067

Cady, W. U., piezoelectric equations of state and thickness-vibrationtransducers, 99

-with others, capacitance bridge for h.f., 1717Cafflaux ., with others, semi-automatic manufacture of audio and video

equipment, (A)2292Calderwood, J. EL, R. Cooper and H. K. Heppel, dielectric properties of

Cu 0 rectifiers, 925Callendar, it. V., influence of high-order products on nonlinear distortion,


and S. Matthews, harmonics and intermodulation frequencies innonlinear amplifiers and mixers, 2958

Campbell, C. F., design of equalizers by synthesis technique, 1591Campbell, D. A., with others, measurement of polarization of Lf. ionosphere

reflections, (A)2789Oaunos, W. W., with others, beam analyser, (A)2226Capodanne, R. T., with K. James, permanent-magnet foctusing for picture

tubes, 2032

Carbea F, statistical action of atmospherics on receiver tuned to 27c/s. 1881

Carey, W. 8., with others, comparison of triodes and beam tetrodes asoutput valves in a.f. anmplifiers, 1123, (D)2959

Carlevano, K., variation of resonance freqtmency in gyro-interaction, 197Carlos, 0., 200-kV neutron generator, 2281

with I. Bartholdson, 200-kV neutron generator, 2282

Carome, E. F., and H. C. Nash, selective relay amplifier for reordingWWV time signals, 74

Car, E. F., with others, effect of radiation on Q of unshielded parallel-wiretransmission line, (A)2100

Carr,L. U. A., M.K.S. orGiorgi system of units, 322Carruthere, J. A., witb others, diffraction errors in optical investigation of

aerial pattern, 2110Cuarothea, B., with others, design of electron synchrotrons, 1212

Carter, A. 1., and A. 0. Williams, Jr, expansion for velocity potential ofpiston sources, (A)521, 1815

Cartr, P. 8., lf. aerials, (A)2642Crtwright, K. L., forced oscillations in nonlinear systems, 1417Cauimir, 1H. B. 0., theory of e.m. waves in resonant cavities, 2983Caspari, K. B., and W. J. Meet, electromechanical effects in BaTiO,

single-domain crystals, 918Caulag, H., measurement of elliptical astigmatism of electron lenses

701,702CAutell V., picture telegraphy by wire, 3123Caubeli, A. V., television standardization in Italy, and new synchron-

ization generator, 470Cu Li., 3., and F. Halla, ferromagnetic interactions in Mn alloys, 915Causs, C., with R. David, ignitron and applications, 1018Cawood, D. A., calculations for class-C amplifers with reactive load,

(A)21=2Cawthra, W. A., and W. E. Thomson, bandwidth of simnxsoidal carrier

wave modulated in frequency by rectangular wave, 1242Caywood, R. W., and R A. Bradbury, s.w.r. bridge for 15-42 Mc/, 948Caywood,W., Jr, breakdown of air at r.f., (A)2194CaIla, A., conversion of television standards, 2848(azenave, R., with P. M. Prache, cylindrical-coil theory and calculation of

reluctance, 26; measurement of permeability and magneticlosses of straight samples, 158

Chabani, R. R., with 0. I. Butler, h.f. magnetization of ferromagneticlaminae, 1684

Chadbuns, C. G., with others, piston attenmuator for cable testing at 1-30Mcls, 1709

Chafee, . 3L., with Chai Yeh, h.f. impedance of low-presstire gaseousdiodes, 776

Chai YeS. See Yeh Chai.Chit, H. N., microwave radar aerial, 1850; microwave Schmidt systein,

(A)2100Chakrabarty, I. L., ant S. D. Chatterjee, influence of solar activity on

cosmic-ray intensity, 1382Chakabanty, 8. t., geomagnetic 'sudden commencements' at Alibag, 13

Chalhoub, C., anode-load compensation network, 304Challanonset, ,J, with others, effect of radioactivity on thermoelectronic

emission, 2301; radioactive elements in study of oxide cathodes,1522

Chalmers, J. A., origin of electric charge on rain, 2429

Champeix, R., ionization pump, 1395; optical pyrometry of oxide cathodes,1525; transformation of heat into electrical energy in thermionicphenomena, 2388

with J. Debiesse, photoelectric effect in oxide cathodes, 1027Champion, K. 8. W., production of pulsed niagnetic fields, 922

Chandersekhara BS. ., with others, simple voltage stabilizer for G-Mcounters, 228

Chang, Sze.Hou, G. E. Pihl and M. W. Essigmann, statistical properties ofspeech sounds, (A)540, 1827

Chanereas,3J., R. Mussomt-Genon and R. Metivier, 3-cm 1v. reflex klystronRHK 6332, 2069

-with others, test methods and apparatus for 3-cm 1 v. klystrons, 688Chapiman, 8., upper atmosphere, corpuscular effects in, 877, nomenclature

for, 876, 1642; notes on aurorae and magnetic storms, 1839

Chanp, 8., Fourier-coefficient harmonic analyser, 144Charton, P. W., with A. M. Skellett, 30-element radial-beam switching

tube, 1080Chaw , P and A. F. Gibson, long-period photoeflects in PbS, 316Chatln, 3., with others, flying-spot colour-signal generator, )A)2298Chatter, S. D., with I. L. Chakrabarty, influence of solar activity on


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (3)


cosnlic-ray intensity, 1362

Obatterlee, S. K., electrical constanits ot sand at n.h 1f, 2211

Chaos, R., and J. Dascotte, passive relavs of Afourer1Bin el Oniidanelinik, 220

Chavance, P., with others, equipmient for study of cii ease propagation,3115

Chavoace, P., application of means for assessinig quiality nf telephonetranstoissions, 1486

Zilid RB Lehmanoi, definiition of complex ooise vwith continuous spec-

leuiin, 799; ultrasonics in everyday lifc, 2880

Cheathato, T. P., Jc, with others, applicatinni of correlation analysis to

eptioti of periodic signals in tioise, 730

Cheek, R. C., probleimrs of micron~ave liubs, (A,216Cheney, M. G., Jr, and R. B. Watson, diffractlion of e.m. wanes by twoo

parillel1 Salt-planes, 2414

Cheng, D. K., and A. Galbraith, staggert iitied loop aerials with widle(arid tiception, (A)2100

CIteng, K, C., with H. S. Green, reciprocity theorem of ni'ctrodynatmics,12890

C!hester, W., diffractton of sound pulse at open end of semi inifinite duct, 268

Chestnut, H., auid R. W. Mayer, comparison of steady-state and tratisient

perforimance of sersomechanisins, 222

Cheston, T. C., approximate methodI for s.w.r. of microwave aerial array,


Chieteev, D. N., emissionl of sound by piston, 2312

Chevallier, A., propagatton of h.f. wavr along 3-phase tine, 1299

Chiptonkar, M. W., and M. S. Hattiangadi, reflection cf atmiospherecs fruit

sosiospbere, 2184, 2185

Chipmian, R. A., E. F. Care aiid N. A. Hoy, effect of radiation on Q of

unshielded parallel-oire transorcission line, (A)2100

CbiLeholm, 3.?P., E. F, Buchley and G.. W. Farnell, multichannel p.a.m..f.m.radio telemetering systemn, 1443

(i1hodorow, M., and S. Fan, fni. high-efficieiicy tilystron transmitter


-and others, design of 10'.eV linear electroii accelerator, (A)224.Cieftien, L., Le Tube a Rlayotis Cathodiques, (B)2880Chrisitndi, P. c r.o. in a.m., f.m. and television broadcasting, (A)2228-wwith others, millimicrosecond oscillography,

CIrisciansen, W. N., and J. V. Hioidman, long-period change in solar radi-

ation at din A1, 2171

D. E. kabsley and B. Y. Mills, solas radiation at em during

eclipse, 846

-and others, radicI obsersationrs of two large solar disttirbanices, 2168

Christoffers, W. A., acl R. t1~ Vsctiitgcr, pcpcrtiesc( icitierfaces in netaltceratnc eace) (A)2194

ChristopIher, H. N., with otlficcis, qualits cutie of tciovision imagos, 751

Olhn, L. with others, btcosi. al e.01 horns, (C(2345

Church, H. F., factors, affectintg lifc of imipregnated paper capacitors, 1588

Churchil, H. J., with WI. P. Boothiroyd, mnicrowave relav system, 215

Chaute, 0. M., toad shariog fnc welder ignitrorrs 1739; photoelectric registercoictrols. 2787

Clap;, C. W., detectior. small inetal objects in togs arid iron ore, 1979

Clark, J. W., effect of intenseIniicrowave radiation onoticing organismns, 175

aicd R. E. Neuber, cuid-cooling of power-valve 61aments, 1024

aicd othecrs, crystal contcol of 4-kW 10361 Mc/s transmitter, (A)2298with others, K-band amnplifier kilystron,. (A)2304

Clark, C., Jr. silk C. Feriker, longitiidrrial slots in circular wcaveguides,2105

Clarke, Rt., air navigatioiial aids, 3005

C-laussnitzer, W., arid H. Heiicocaicii, plottiiig of etc.tric ficlclo, tising semi-

ciolliicting paper. 1427

(lvier, A. with others, iravetting-wseascvalso aiuspl.ficr, (A)2270Clavier, P. A., active coaxialtulbe, 1019

Clayton, H. H., and R. S. Yonorg iiltrasiiici landnationoflawndctsctiioequiipment, 8072

Clear, E. P., wtith others, olicricwave stuids of highpiresstiiec arc, 1132

Clegg, J. A., Nvith others, radio ho equiprocnt deterriciiiatioui iieteorradiants, 300

Clemen, J. F., coaxial feed syoli ii ior aerials, 288

Clemmow, P. C., diffraction cylindrical nave, by perfec tlv conduictinghalf-plaice, 11SOl esact soluition of a class ot twoodimierisionaldiffraction probleiiis, 1620

Clogoton, A. reduction of bkin-effect looses by tire of lamiiuiiated con-

diictors, 2908

Olulls, C. E., TD-2 radio relay svstem New Yorh Chiragio, 450

Conbine, J. D3.,and A. Wilbuiro, electronic torch and relatedi h.fI phericotfra27815

-E. Clears ,inid Wm. C. Cravy nicrowsave study of hiigh-presslire arcl1132

Cochirane, C. A., phase-front plotter for tiiicrowave aerials, 2488

Cucking, W. T., aerial feedereconneclion by balaiccitIn ibalaire trans-

foriiier, 825; flyback v., 488; Wireless Servicitig Manual.


co*ckrolt, A. L., and S. C. Curran, eliniination of o,d effects irk coiunters,

1989-and J. M. Valentine, proportional couniters and inoii chaiiibhers with

external graphite electrodes, 709Cohen, E.', and A. Easton, fleld-sequential cioloiur ciaiicpaiiiicn, 2844

Cohen, R. M., 6BQ7 twin lriode in television btijers, 203.3Cohen, R. L. Spitzer, Jr, and P. M. Rioutlev, electri.c.1 conductivity of

ionized gas, 335

Cohn, B., constants of metallii detav seti contacinuinig obstailes, 2351

-with K. Toniiyasti, directional cou'pler perssictincg ftull lower traicsfcr,(A)2100

Collet, L. defiucitiont and characteristics smiperpossed circuits, 592;representation of icetworki by siuperposed tbalancced ciiiciiis, 267

Collett, H. developmeiit of broadrastitig in Soutihl Africa, 3118

Collinge, B., hydrogeii-kitled G. M counters, 188

Collins, A. E., anid D. G. Kiely, ohicruwav irrial rauliation pattcros, 1077

with others, clieese aerials fur ocuarior nasigaticinal radar, 1080

Colormhani, A., induction heatinig o1 hollow inctat sphere, d24; optimouniidiiiensions of helical stiaiided-vice remcciviiig aerial, 1573; self

induictance of solid sphere aid mintual inu,,mctance wilth endlesssolenoid, 335

-and G. Ranc, crysstallization sf thini gocld bilocs, 2739

Colomiho, B., general schence relating to, prohclrni icc cybcrnetics, 2022;

symbolic rali ulit inmalkeunatical, rrscarch, 930Combiridge. J. H., aIid J. 0, Aclinyd, iirtir limitc fccquecycs foe lIcieo,ii

hearing. (D3(2322COne, F. E., and N. P. K cDaway, trot anid ilirnciiiit ccd tis fclr video

atoptifiers, 1201

COnes, H. effect of icietal iciast arid gicy wirc on parfcc ancace 6(0tilliicciltiplc wirn delta aciial, 1587

Cioon, (8. K. T., and B. Doriovac~, cinciscrerii nr o1 stroccg ticagnetic fieldswcitk Di spirals, 1431

-wittiB. Donesvan, anoccn..licsiirnginet..resistam,.s oftBi fibrs, .371

Connelly, F. C;., T rani rnciers, ()11337Connolly, J. J., depcucdalle socall scale digital conupulter, (A)2220Conunoily, T. J., S. Fratchet aod B. Sari-, predictiing phase behavioiir

witb digital comicpcuiers, (A)1749

Connoor, R. D3., proapsrties of spark cociiciters of Rciseiibluni tspe. 1481

Convert, G., nubh R. Bertercctiierc, etfects of sp..ce charge iii travelliiig-nave

Cook, A. C.,l IsK KirckhoayscandC, N.Wo,Aygandt speccialdevies fur

differential ancatysrs, (A)1183

Cook,K. H., anid R G. Artmana, ii.h.f. television propagatien omeasureinents.2583

Cook,R. IK.,aoid S. Ecdelman, correlatici cucefficieni citeria for rauiduociness of sondo fields, (A)547

and WVei sIe, piezoolectric cocistcnts of ac and -cjuartz at

sanmotis temperatures, 850

swith others. Ammericaii Standard Z24 4 l1f94t, piressure calibration of

laboratory-standard microphoiies. 19; Amnericait Standard

Z24.0 i194f, coupler catibiatiori ncf earphonies, 21

Cooke, P., witih E. W. Fletcher, stabilization of niicrawave oscillator with

NH, absorption line, (A)195Cooke-Yarhorough, E. H., and W. Pulsford, counting-rate meter, of

COOMes E. A., with others, Schottky effect foir polished Ta, 1931

Coos,., telemetinring raindrop size dis tribution. 3001

Cooper, caparitance measurnements on Sererstifieris showing anomalous

dispersion, 744

with others, dietectrir, propserties of Cu,Ci rectifiers,

Cooper, V. shciristregsclatecl arnplifiers. 2582

Cooperstein, M., oath othecrs, rotatiiig-beam miethod toe iuivestigatingelectroni leiissc (A)2245

Copeland, P. L., and ). N. F ggentibergcr tield at c athode as function of

spiace ciirreumt, 506

Copson, A. P., 'distributed' piower amplifiser, 314

Corhett, J. P., electrical analoguies of linear systemis, 58

Corhyn, D. B., iriticiesijc of high ordei- prca)disict oisicnoninearc distortiusi,(132894

Corgoran, G. P., scutlls RB Mt KUchnlicr. All,ernatiiig CucreIit Circsuits(2)2398

Cordero, F., witll V. Diii Icc dl.cilap raisii ty(ce usicre canOicDetir, 1438

Corke, R. L.. wsitls C. F. tIcsd icastirs cccct tricat c haracteristicsofpisc,weca mtruic enoiators, 1704

Corkaim, R. W., sotropiciArtificial (d,ieli~ctr (A2100

Corlisn E L.StR., a cdiW a];, atioccic .cccal.c.c tcrs .1051R.IllBowbi.sanslK. tr Lnirssonc,ccctuclparieuofsocitisd predscnioc

curphanic couiplers aisi inscar, (A)1811Corner, W. D3., oith S.Prickle, reversible sisceptibiility cot ferroinagnetic

Oct rials, .1188

Corriugtfn, M. amplituide aicd phasi. nceasurecmeiuts oic loudspeuahercoises, (A12082; loched-in oscillator for televIsion-sotiiid reception,2034; transiront testmicg of loaudspeakiecs, 277

Costa de Beauregard, 0. See de Beisiregard, Costa.

Cotte, M., effct iscnncciors co prccpettims of 5chIce, 2634

CouLson, N., ti crscccocipci ciiillivoltcscrlr fici ref1 161

Court,P. R. J., nco liiescransiicgrcircuit, 489Covington, A. E., lcrc-cscud skyv ucoissi 1367Cowling. W T., with I' itii inn s i t~kncli, fic ,1d ifi gas discharges


Cox, H. L., w sitsclhbcc tiicrci forsmicriu wasu spectroscoipy,1723Cox, J. IWm Mf Itidic asi(I A. G. PcIcc oi, applarctus foe aco)ustic

ioupsilance ticascrices ist, (A)534Caoyne Elecrtical andHRadio-Television School, Pirac tical l'elevisioui Sersmiciug

raamiid Troculccshuouting taiiuial, (B(782

J. D., aomt J, Meek, recruit restearchken spark discharges, 1344

Aoutli H trual amii optic at characteristicsof d.c. corucui

dis karge, 2145

oltic cithucs .scast rimuusg of 3-ciii ridmaticams Icy ieunuzeed gases,

Craih, J. P., imucyoved pcitse cletichec, 2855

Craig, J. A., ciasxid slid, Silumer, 2835

Crane,nG R., C. Fcayviwanld i',W.Tuiuplii, professsional niagniti.rdiir systruss for hitis,.2629

Crawlford, A. B., andc W, C. jaki soclctivc ladimug of miuerowaucs(A(2263

Crawford, A. msetbods of generatingc ccusouc eTscgy, 1201

Crawley, J. B., Uaol aumuplifier timr c*ntrat ucrual iiistailatiomus, 1801.Creamer, E. M., Jr, ndM1.1 Buirgeutt.carricercsccnchoniieugcueicuits fu

icclouir-tli.diisss receierscr (A)2292oiti Wl fP. Bouotbrcyd, tuinicdivisioun multiplex systeoc, 214

Cremer, L., D)mc nisseumsc haftlichen Garcscdlagcn dee Bainuahkistik, Vol. 3,

(B)2904Crittenden. E. C., Jr. with S, FawcettI, cuectioue of electroui beaus fronum

bititroni, 981

Crompton, J. W., mracpesltssice lfe(~iqtsmmcc~ characteristics of slot acriads

(D)c574Croney, J., muripte logarithuccuc sec 3098

Creaby, D3. R., lircear network uieighbomtrhoocd equivalcucce, (A)2122

Croshy, E. L., Jr. and K. F. tTinpleby. hfi acmplitfie.rs swith direct coupliuig,WA2122

Coshy, R. kW klystron hIf tceleisoti traiisimuitter, 2849Crossswhite, B. D. W. Stemuchauis amid( P1 Dmekr, suuppressioui of pirts.

if spachi spectea, 3078

Crotherm, M. R.. c cupltd BC fusmdbac k ocilmatcr, 309

Crow, D.A., wuthi oth ,rs, p Ictec attscnuatcr fon cautle testilug at, 1-30 Mc,,.~1709

Crowhurst, N. H., designc on iiuptit (regiulaticis; choke, 2859; desigo of icoui-

Ccsre'dinductcors carryming d.c 109*1

Coccia, C. Li., 1uiLLtlibearic etectreunmorupler, (A(2304

Cudworth, A. Li., with others, calcuiiation amid iuieassurement of loudness,

(A(542, 2324

Oulen, A. L., abusoluste iiieasurcuicot Of m'istCrowave power, 2771

wcith H. Baerlos, Mimsro-Wave McasuireuuuemttS, (2(1203

wimth Mtarriott, ratiouializatioii of electric al theory amid uinits, 322

Cullum, A. E., Jr, pscLfoniauice direc tional aerials, 2853

Culshaw, W., Mmuichlcouuircterferounrtcr fccr mcciii ssavetengths, 950

C;umeralto, Q. bcroadicasn stattioi constructcuaio practices, 3114

Cunliffe, A., amd S. Mthnias, perturbiationu effets. its cauvite resonators,70

Cunninghaim, W. growth cf smubbarmuuoscic oscillatioasc 287

J. C, May amud J. G. Skuiluuik, icitegratioc. cause rerduicer far radar, 880

Cusrie, D3,, with F. Vigeacs, qiidiid hung actionu of toiug save radiatiomi in

etem trophotolcmmucircesceuic r, 1608

Curran, C., withi A. co*ckhnoft, elimiination of emii effucts in counters,

Currie, A. A., gceneral purpose analogue cuonLP titer, 1053

Cutler, C., and C. E. Quate, space-chareg amid transit-timuce rednetiort of

noise in electron beamus, 1274

Cotolo, sielf-imnterartiouc of radio waves in iomiosphere, 1758

Cotrona, L. J., theors of biconujugate networks, 2939

Czerny, K., WV. Kofink, atdi Lipperts boloinceter with short timmelag,



Daim, J., waSh others, designs and operation of 10 MeV synchcotron, 1213

Dauajaovitch. A., life and stork of Tesla, 2806

Daimmrns, 2.0O., and J. OtIn, intereleetrode feedback imifrequencynchangers,

-P.D. can dee Snoop amid A. CG. W. Uiltsjs, electrical m-ecording of

diageams, 3075

Danforthi, W. E., eleoments of thernuminites, 2571; thoria as cathode emitter,


Daniel, E. D. anod I1. E. Axon, accidkeictal printinug in nuagnetic nape

recordinug 830

Daniel, V., and K. Stack, dlielec tric properties oh ketones, 1941

Daniels, P. B., propagations of soumnd wanes in cylindrical coiidumit, 2

Daniels, J. M., 100-kW statuercooled soulenoisd 1097

DanLko, 8. FP, and S. J. ILarzalolti, assrmuutcy of miuiiiiature uiuu(tcary esfuuip-

mivimIen, 2949DiMe, H., thieoeyuof sumot aisci Jcbnsouc effects 2135

Dnzrin, A., titanatec uerammuic diele5 ctics with highk pcrmuittiisty, 132

Darbyabire, J. A., smmmdulatimd light so:urice, 2807

Darlington, 8., potential-aickiztlugic niethiod of ncetworck synithes is 2-370

Darner, L., with W. J, Truit, pruspericti o f s cuuid-uacaorbent paLuels athugh hylcrostatim pressmures, (A545

Darrow, K. nsuclear cud electronic miagnetic. resonuance, 2985

Das, P. K., with S. Kisastgir, pereinhic fadurug of ws signals, 981

Diawotte, J., wink R. Cbans, passive eelays of Afoucrer/Bin-ef Outdone hunk,

Daudin, A., amLid J. Dasudin, teomperancure cffluct cin uouiters amit radio

valves, 3084

Daudin, J.,witiA. Datcuhcuc, temmperiItre eff.. I_ inicociriters anderadi,avalves,3084

DaLuvillier, A.,vari.titccc asid oiscictcof cosicuuradiaticos, M-with B. Bureaui chromiospheiot tfth Nov. 194ti ant geo-

physical effeuts .1143

Davey, P.OG. G., ladmIre filtei amidl a I' asciI afuptuca iouns, 1112David, R., and C. Causn,in, iguiitrons auci( applicatiouco 1015

Davida B. B., anid T. J. Foster, crewsdid-batd nioubile equipmsent, 3117

Davidson, D., ionospfieric retiectioms of litf wavse dutimug aurora, 38649Davles,D.KB, witllu F. L.Jones, catihomdc erfactlaveresaucdriiuiimnnuuiiosparku

Davis. L., with P~. M. Wooward, theory' of radar iuiforniation 395

Davis B., with nthers, performance of amudiorneters, 1058

Davis L., Jr, stremmgtli of intrrstellar inagnetic fields, 1891

Davis, N. L., and R. E. White, faot sweep circuiit, 404

Davwio, R. W., with A. C. Burfk, conductivity measuiremnents at 9 kMc/s,

Dawlas, D. I., with other., cosmic ray internsity and Tad'u fader-outs,Daymeud, D3.. resistanre of reriangular mnetal plate oath interimal

elc troute, 2142

Dehiess, J,, radioacstise elenieus Is toe studs' of oxiuule cathodcs, 505

amid B. Chaianpmix phatoeleuctic cffcci sic sxicl canthoduc .1027

-J. ChallauTuSOnunet andu CG. Neveet, rsdiocts isc clicIccitS ficr 'tiuly

uxide c anhodts. 1522

and others, effect of rad oactivsuns ocii skh cuccimsl.,iiimcicc 2301

Ded rick, H., witlts A. Deir uceucti tillud ~iitic,i ccld grics -wt

iu tula stg ri ire 1411

Dekker.A J., uld W ai C,i ,lt,nii. A .(),c(clii ctclvtc. 12.54

wsit h' W C. v irG el, cl, tru stmci ic 1100

,sitliW F .Lh vcri5 ,llc lalc t",l, i -n ;cII, csistii tvfc fc.c xr -tc

Iii fihcc 1403

willi A If uluirriihiudccavso flciiu nisc eicc cf tsli a (d 904

Delauge. H.,'I (-c (cff rlvccsccc..icls 137

DeJlauge, O.KE., puccpuu,cnio am rituic otiinw v A2203

Denlbord,Y L., t lc is iusc fills, r cicilcifg 51ft u ii, wiiccc 254, uiawccmucus ioui o liucl rmiu atuiom 20

Delcambe, ninth ivoirer alc uclatimccc o ra ia i ccoii ccw acut s


Deloroin, J. Li., mnsgnimtrocuim ccuI uff stutu 3185

and A. Bo tltrv spl.ccc-chirgi uinc,sfind,iuiua inagi ,tiIccuc. e l iut-

o)ff conuditionsa 2800

codtiucus, 2599

Del0Grosso, V.,A.,owthkA Wc alhi I( itlO c011~ Tlii ,aawatis, ~A)514,1814

Delobeau PF ,F,t H amr.ismck -chccli cn i`koiilal Diakarc 1148

Delvaux, L,, trAii ldc S-i cIi iSO duiud tis VIiOn,, 46Densis,KM,ul dictuorutiodoLn sigrials by smuig fcmcdur limc .43

Denimne, J F., J C.Sti rimbergamilS. Zislit, rccc iul uiiuof gio.-,c;c ii dSoltar activity, 2983

woit h J. Blcumu,solarrf.eradiatioiisous 151,f cud 164lMc!s, 627with others, interpretation of solar- ious 1359; usw instecicaits

scolar radio stornis, 1358Deuno,S.N.,H. A. lrieiseandJ.D. Craggs, scatitceruinfcu3cuic,radianioniby

moo ned gas 96DMr, W.,1f.C.Aremi andJ'.V Kreaser,pownrcluicc carrier sytecil or

sltistatioccc cuo itrol ectu., 425

Deschamps, A., representation of polarizations of toi. wave, 2418

Damses, H., anud C. tert, spider-thread grids for clvitinn muicroscops, 1452

Destriau, G3., amid J. Mattler, effect of tenulceaturcc con ecictrophoto-lucminesicence phenoniena, 644

DeTar,D. St., ao,t IfT. Lynian, Jr, variabht inductucnit.. tetscsimion tIsser for

h f, lhannmelF.1289DeVinceatis, B.A acidi J. Iff Dh didcsl, reuclstalli/,i5utiw In geiiuc geowstb

in tuingstcii nic', 1411

Dewan, J,T., aiidfsK. W llen,eciusril eter o) i Ipusiiiianiii tucc-, 402

Dewey, G. C., P. tlaremiiatud 'f J. Martchese. permodhic imiyrguidme teaoelluiigwave amsplifier tot ncnds sumn pcnics, 2047

Diamond M umuanimiuoudi outllct lucusiiin F iitir ec p0 tin dc anipti-

hier, 2393

Dibeler, V. B., and I. Cucer(ec,) diaphragimi Itipc wuicrotianmioeter, 1438

Dickey,KE.T.,with others, Tclevsion,i.tol. 5ic.fClB)2038Dickey, L., phoctoelctriuc emit 5imcn fcc mm N.m amid 1882

Dickey, J.K., and EB A. lollt phoutoclc trin huzies it) asci BaC) dime

toi ultraviolet itreadat iou, 385

Dickinson, C. 3., h.vlce.f r'ro. feircm 1.f oscfllatirc1785; simpuleslowrennoiuug fmieibasc, 1121

Dickson, D. V., solcultioii if sphericaitIrsangli leintci.u radio, 2754

Dieke, G3. H., nitb othrrs. cuppuesmioni of parts ocfs,pak Spectea, 3078

Dieraer, m1cii rocv' utuiodi scoeductasnce 3173; pcissisv feedbs-ck admimit-

tacu,e f disl.c-,al tric ls .2593

.itdJ. 1. H. JOTiker,teituie delavofseroiclacyuelctr.on iniiusicinui1014-.eclhs.K S. Bisl,lswclevel triodeaniplitiedrfooniscrcowave,, 780

-nwithKi S. Inoclumsrn wavsc inwavegciides, 565;fiisIitIiouus aiuml

datmpinug sic dlubshImatbodr valves, 507, (C(3175DiemingeT, W., scattersmug of radio wavscs 1782

-amd K. h. Gcineid, solar andterrestriallphei .i.eiodciuring suddenmcdono ph ri, lusturbanct 10th Nuov14. 98

Dighton, D3. T. R.. balancmusmidicator using catl fillower 2513

Dil, W.F., principlc.s ofiiieasumremenit of ouipled cincuismt 393, (C(939Dillanburger, W licLeacization of frequienucy oi.f wsmdc md asuulit

fi,-rs. 1871

Dilley, J. E., with othes portablfe trIm visii pwkciup (A)22292,storage oscitloscape~ 3055

Dimock, P.V., winhc.nhers. 6clanictlmouii,clcuelsciuanP1- cvtin,u741Dinsdale, A., ficciuinccyirstuerkucc ysts:i.comf cicl,ir t--i!sionci 1004

Distad, M P.. equ ilibrciu mii currecits inu,cu uc)d iizi lic Ic~ Icy ituctrist

lon.i ardcienlitt of nuegative elec triude 1140Ditn, W., outfi I'. F. Pantitm, quanotizatieon distortio-incIusclii. 1438

Diven, L., with oithers, crosstalk coimcsideeatmsiom hucdisilI'dNIilccumcltuile)Xsystexims, 740

Divoire, It., andu J. Deli arnb o,, cal, slatimcci of taisdimto fjc a erus s


Dixey, K. H., amid C. V. Wulocaut, imucreasimug powour catuiin ol siseatorcs cciii

scerters, 1783

Doak, P. K., with B. H. Bolt, short-peetod transsimut r, Ipone ccf ouduitorta,WA546

Dodd, S. H., 14 KIs ninperur and Yomtmt, c'S n5t.sr 1034

Doehler, 0., traeanlling-wave valses, 1017

J. Brossart and C. Mocurere, travelluung nuse lls mugucciuc,

field, 1020

with B. Wmarrickse, travelling swave svsic, ninthi trasverscie electric

and miagnietic fields, 1276

with outhers, delay lines of couuub or iuteridiitial IsIse 772; electfrontbe. incs auid emuc wcaves,31668lspacemtchaci c'ffectsuuirutravelling-wtas, salses with icaguieicufield, 1022

Doherty, L. Hf., effiltoim prospagaticon of atnicusplsusuic luser cf itistcsati(arutdr ufn ctv fise (A) 2799

D6hler, 0. a.cDueller, 0IDoizelet, Hf., aiucplifiems for slowulc saris ngu siry o 1335

Dolbieau,D.W N.,H hllit.,aidalO) DC wtsnt.,i' uif -rayuri.nuesty aii(i

I iic ccl'~t 17 03

Domh, C. ta.tisni clfcerrlatudlesverits 933

Dome, R.B., colouc elvisiotut ftsrids,55cvcitm cuew cccni 488, spectrum

stilsiatio stu, 3131

D unov eu oB.. ( 1K. Conns. a 0n ai-.f oc tB

r,s 373

Wutitli G K,T Conncmc j,iisi m cui cc,ltcI tInsig ri- giistii fi cldswith lti

Spiurcal. 1431

DoremtL; A.A, t lcicuctuy ssv tumid fcc radii ,aCOid IsfIlst gaUge, 1736

Dorff,L.A., C,S hghswav uuuobile tIdhcIt.one syt uiu2279

Dorgeln, E. G1., acid I1 Z ujIstre. tranism ti fals mtotiltinstalla-

Dl2 moritt IT., ~ted isle tusk flmsr icat mio ofi eqtcuipo tI. stud ooh elcuucl~u -tc rt, 11 98 ;tlucu ncu dcs auiusuc twc oils- v tsuic 2i 70

Domfeold,KE. withlk I'f RV1cmTic, mll lectriciicicusescsope.SftMDoruhoeler, W I., wculst5uhruti msonin m ugriutic, animpclfiers. 830

130cr, K.. optiiinucc luvctid poiluts inc retwounks, 2839Dorreotein, St., tic,_-s0r tcw di tributionc tic p tra tmal bi sums, 618, age

fuiricatiotu mini:.r. taIs .500

vanDorsten,A. 0,11ff Nieuwosarp aic A. VmerIotcff. Philips 1005 kV elctrounmcussouscccicm, 1458

Dougla&u.A its lc!cucinesiusstromi maiii 1210Douglas, W., aisd FP jarmiuc rrsstal dtciods. 2,597Dow W seutfi H 'W elc i, Jr, syciukh uss idnuc. ictd icc cylimud uical

gtoztrten space chuargi, 2601

Dreier, S. G3., auth S. G. Laskestere radio sontrls (for isip umodtels, 1747

Dreytus-Gral, I., phionetic steno-sonogra pl, 271

Driver. K, S., with F. V. Wlebstee, hIf priiiim .bcl*tsiof ferromagnetie) 'tvii i.1, 1167

Drummond, G3., The Practice if E lectrconi Nticroscorpy, 121191

Dohin, C., aoni Mt Magnuim, study oftmcsbcd uketwoek, 1855

duch*eenen, M., oath A. Latlemand, peops tic_t of cucucuples photo s(,,tein

la5 crs1272Duerden, P., with Q. C. Gupta, geonietrisal scolcitiomu of transunissutis t-ine

probleucis, 1088

Dulay, J., anci MA. Dufay, night-sky spectrums frouuc 0800 to 9000 A,

Dtufay, K., ninth J. Dufay, night-sky spectruim frons 11800 to 9000 A,

Dus.in, K. I., with K. Botl, inipedance synthsesis without use of trans-

fsorners, 1108

Dalour, J., dm-wave propagation fn Swutzerlatid, 979


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (4)

Index to Abstracts and References 1951Duga, C., with others, adsorption on semiconduictors, 1667DHAVImel, L 1., optimqum current distributions for aerial arravs with

circular symrmetry, (A)2100Duilnker, 8., with others, influnnce of initial phase in noildinear circuits,

2873DunaStr, A. ., theory of aerial beatn shaping, (As2100, (A)2642Dungey, J. W., tispersion equation for Alfven's iiiagnetohydrodynamic

waves, 2979Dunlap, W. C, properties of high-resistivitv p type Ge, 680

with R. N. Ilall, preparatioti of p-it junctions by inipurity diffusion,378

Dunn, A. L., A. R. McIntyre and A. L. Bennett, automatic beani blankerfor ccr.o., 405

Dunoyer, J. MI., electrical properties of thin Ge layers, 3021

Psunoyer, L., Ie t-ide et ses Applications, (B)1413Dupony, G., distlurbanc of geortuagnetic field by electric railways, 1145Durand, 1., potential and field of e.s. electron lens, 1456Duwchek, A., aiI1 A. liochrainer, Gruindzuge dccr Tensorrechnnuiig it

analti-tchler D.srstellung, Teil 1, Tentsoralgebr., (81388D Jtith,J. R., theorv of retay servomnechanismius, 743Duttons, F., grainophorue turntable speeds, 2329va Duuren, H. C. A., teleprtiletr systeni iusirig radio litrks, 287


EZaglenleld, C. C., life of valves with oxide-coated cathorles, 3188; radiationfrom car ignition svstetns, 1233

!a8ton, A., with IE. Cohen, field-se( uestial colorur comnpanion, 2844Euatop, R. H., with T. Williasurs, tmteasuireimient of hanrioiie distortion in

iron-core transfornters, 2232Eiert, W., reception iniSwitzerlamid of WWV stasidard-freqtuency trans-

missiolls, 1476EZcart, P., Type- )SW electron microscope, 1743Eckut, ., propagation of e.m. waves in heterogeneous lavers, 1882;

radiation from nJagnetic dipole in spherically stratified atmos-sphere, 2800; reflection of e.m. waves at discoxitinuitv of permit-tivity,723

and r. Kahaut, 'internal' reflection in stratified mediunm, and appli-cation to the troposphere, 718

_ with T. Kahan, e.m. waves in atnuospheric duct, Greemi's function for,719, theory of propagation in, 1465; nonexistence of sturfacewave, 2517

Edtiman, S., with R. K. Cook, correlation coefficients as criteria forrandomness of sound fields, (A)547

_ with others, long-tribe method for deternistiation of sotind-absorptioncoefficicurts, (A)548

Edels, H., technique for arce initiation, 2971Edwards, C. M., precision decade oscillator for 20 cls-200 kc/s, 2237Edwards, V., and K. Garoff, resonant wasegruide window for high power,

588Eggenberger, D. N., with P. L. Copeland, field at cathode as functiort of

space current, 50Etmert, A., cosnmic radiation from suin, 103; solar and terrestrial pheno-

mena during sudden ionospheric disttirbance 19th Nov. 1i94it, 885Ebrenberg, W., and W. E. Spear, e.s. focusing systern in fine-focus X-ray

tube, 1450Chi-Shi Lamug and R. West, electron voltaic effect, 2303with F. Ansbacher, electron-bonibardiiient conductivity of dielectric

films, 2196instein, P. A., factors liniting accturacy of ioeasurenictut in electrolyte

tanks, 1713Eismnan, L. C., nricrowave sweep generator, 414Eterstein, A., leaky-capacitor oxide-cathode interface, 2052Elkelit, 8., and B. Nilsson, high-sensitivity autoniatic recording potentio-

meter, 1989Elgar, H., calctlation of CR elements using nonlinear resistaimces, 235E J,G. 3., S. Duinker and Tan Soen Hong, inflilence of itritial phase in

nonlnear circuits, 2873Elia, P., autocorrelation and entropy, 3105

euwwood, R. C., with others, evaluation of coaxial-slotted-line inipedancemeastirements, 1983

Elliot, H., with others, cosmic-ray intensity and radio fade-outs, 178

Elliott, 1. A., with others, diffraction errors in optical investigation ofaerial pattern, 2110

Ellis, N. W. W., smoving-coil voltage stabilizer of high sensitivity, 230Ellis, R. T., with G. S. Slotighter, linear discriminator for f.m. telemetering,

2788Ellison, 1. A., source points of radio noise and solar flares, 298llreadt, F., overseas-radio installations at Frankfurt a.M., 448Ellyett, C. D., influence of high-altitude winds on meteor-trail ionization,

339Elmore, W. C., H. Kallman and C. E. Mandeville, construction of radio-

activitv instruimmuents, 3079Emerson, W. H., with others, dispersion mechanisms in ferrites, 337mrns, E. T., and E. Jones, video output stage, 12B8

Endt, P. M., with C. T. 3. Alkemade, coupling of a.c. galvanometer toamplifier, 2480

EnBbert, W., witli others, u.s.w. transmnitting valves, 2872Engegt A., crystal detectors and use at u.h.f., 775Enginering Researeb Associaes, High-Speed Computing Devices, (B)937Eling, L*, with J. M. L. Janssen, electro-analogue for studying regulating

systems, 2782Epthesin, I., eddy currents for investigating ferromagnetic substances, 193

with others, properties of magnetic powdees at u.h.f., 572Epprok, G, logarithmic wide-band amplifier, 3068EPuein, L. 8,, single-channel pulse-height analyser 1577

Epstein, D. J., phase shift of microwaves in passage through parallel-platearrays, (A)2100

Epstein, H., synthesis of passive RC nietworks, 294G; transients in active4-tereninal network, 2944

Erastov, L N., with S. G. Kalashnikov, formation of barrier layers by weld-ing, 2729

Erginsoy, C., mechanism of impuirity-band conduction in sensiconductors,907

Ertkcson, R. A., and H. Sonimer, distortion correction for video delay lines,52

Erlandson, P. M., with 3. Ohbian, vibrotron trauisducer, (A)2245Eros, S., with B. T. Barnes, measurement techniques fordynamic character-

istics of low-pressure arc, 1135Espe, W., and E. B. Steinberg, Al-clad iron for electron valves, 1949- M. Knoll and 1i. P. Wilder, getter materials for valves, 499

Espersen, 6. A., and B. Arfin, t.v. tunable X-band magnetron, 3184Espley, D. C., optimum spacing of broadcasting transmitters, 1490

Es, H., and J. Rossel, properties of diamond as crystal counter, 424

EF8ea, L., cavity-resonator method of determining velocity of e.m.waves,1225; frequency standardization, 2224; proposed value for

velocity of light, 1809-and K. D. Froome, dielectric constant of air at 24 kMc s, 1707Ersigman ILK. W., with others, statistical properties of speech sounds,

(A)540, 1827

Estermain, I., and A. Foner, magnetoresistarice of Ge at 20'-300°K, 801Egtrin, 61., effects of anisotropy in 3-diniensional array of conductingdisks,


Etzold, H., and H. Jahn, sensitivity linit of mains-driven d.c. amplifiers,1602

Evns, G. 8., with others, cheese aerials for marine navigational radar, 1080Evans, W. B., Jr, phase-to-amplitude modulation for u.h.f. television

transmitters, 477Evans, W. R., Ir, with M. G. Morgan, synthesis and analysis of elliptic

polarieation loci, 2418Evison, F. P., source of elastic waves in ground, 2085Ewald, A. W., photoconductivity of T1,S, cells, 2043Ewald, W. F., development of Telefunken broadcast receiverssince 1945,


Ewtes, I., with H. K. Henisch, electrical forming effects at Se contacts,O28 PD)1918

Ewing, D. H., air-traffic control theory, (A)2186EsSay, K. A. bass tone control in sound reproduction, 2090ESyig, R., ionospheric disturbamice caused by aurora borealis 20th-21st

Feb. 1950,1150-E. Harnmischinacher and K. Rawer, world-wide Ft ionization, 834


Fabelinski, I. L*, with T. S. Velichkitma, velocity of uiltrasonic waves influids, 2084

fa*got, J., effects of linear distortion in long mmsismsatclhed line, 42Palkenhagen, H., and H. Jacob, theorv of electrocstrictiotmim Onsager

liqtmids, 2141FEamilier, V., cross-nuodulatiots between two transuruitters connected to one

aerial, 1597Fan, B. Y., tni pecratlre dependence of energygapin semicondun tors,3016Pun, S. P.. with Chock row, ILir. high-elicieircy klystroll tramisinitter,

(A(2304Fanning, G. B., and F. P. Mtiller, tropospheric radio propagation, (A)279Pano, R. M., infoursatioui theory aud speech cosumuammunication, (A)737,

1238; short-tinse atltocorrelatioii functions and power spectra, 141Paran, J. J., Jr, scattering of soumid bv iylinders and spheres, (A)522, 2811Farnell, G. W., witl others, niulticliantiel p.a.m.t .m. radio teleunetering

system, 1443Farnsworth, H. E., and N. J. Lun, secondary enmission of Ni-Ha iisixttires

andut Rh bomnbarded by 0--89000-eV electrons, 1399Fstehchand, R., positive- ion fortmiation rm air prior to h.f. breakdnown, 2144Favorin, V. N., secondarv electron enuissiomi froin thin filnis ofCaCt,, 2461Faweett, S. L., amld E. C Critteiiden, Ir, ejection of clectrori beam froor

buetatron, 901Fay, C. E., D. A. S. Hale and R. J. Kircher, 1-5-kW 500-tcis groumnded-grid

triode, 3178Fechner, P., witti J. Ortmisi, modulation on waveguides, 1012Federici, M., mimiderwater television by meamis of ultrasonics, 251Feeny, IL. with others, spuriotis counts is G-),I couniders. 1990Fehr, 8. B., and A. P. ifaase, new valve nmaterials, (A)2194- with A. P. Haase, new valse mnaterials, 3181Feilter, 0. E., and S. C. Clark, Jr, longitudinal slots in circular waveguides,

2105Fetn, I., ultrasonic underwater 'pOiTIt' receiver probe, 1064Feinberg, R., high-gain magnetic amplifier, 23860; review of trarisductor

principles and applications, 291.Feinstein, J., interpretation of radar echoes from nreteor trails, 1885Feit, L., with others, crosstalk in time-division multiplex systems, 740Feldmann, A. A., precision casting vs electroforming of microwave com-

ponemnts, 2913Feldtkller, R., and H. Hettich, variation of magneticafter-effectin powder

cores, 28Felix, W., ultrasormic nondestructive testing, 2493Fsen, L., and N. Marcuvitz, half-space as spherical traisnmission line

(A)2100Feltscheer, N. S., proposed mobile R'T services, Australia, 1774Fennessy, E., decca as aid to niarine navigation, 2188Feootlov, P. P., with N. A. Tolstoi, new method of studying relaxation

processes, 1872Fergonon, A. E., e.r.o. for )ong-duration traznsients, 1718Ferso, R., and C. Fourgeaud, information and regression, 2272Yeraro, V. C. A., southward shift of auroral zoric during intense magnetic

storms, 873- W. C. Parkinson and H. W. Unthank, sudden comsimencements and

impulses in geoniagTietism, 2978Ferrell, E. B., control chart in arsalysis of experimental data, 2074

Farrell, 0. P., enihanced transetquatorial propagation following geomagneticstorms, 2807, (A)2799

Ferro, M., and G. Sacerdote, sotind-traitsnission paramneters for grassularabsorbimig materials, 18

Ferri W. R., characteristics of diodes with oxide-coated cathodes,((1801

Fert, C, apparatus for electronoptical demnonstrations, 3083- with H. Dessens, spider-thread grids for electron microscopy, 1452Fesbtact, H., with C. M. Harris, acoustics of couipled roomios, 15Fetch, E. P., V. E. Legg amd F. G. Merrill, d.c. amplifiers using nsagnettors,

(A)2122Fild, L. M., Ping King Tien asud D. A. Watkins, anrplificationbv accelera-

tion and deceleration of single-velocity beam, 2018Finch, B. F., periodic fluctuation in length of day, 150- with H. W. Newton, solar activity and geomagnetic stormis, 1950,

1631Finch, H. W., with D. G. A. Thomas, simple electrometer usitig vibrating-

plate capacitor, 159Finden, H. J., frequency generation and mneasurernent, (D)1188Findley, W. 6., tests to select engineers, (A)2308Fine, E. C., experimental prototype of Rinehart-Luneberg lens, (A)2100Fink, D. G., colour fundamitentals for television engineers, 1610; television

broadcasting in LT.S.A., 1027-1950, 2030Finkbein, U., with W. Burkhardtsniaier, circularly grotuped aerials as

ommlidirectional and unidirectional radiators, 568Finley, 8. A., J. F. Fowler and J. I- Smiee, fiold noeasurements on osodel

betatron and synchrotron iagnets, 699Finn, 6. B., W. B. IalaBerge and I. A, Coornes, Schottky effect for polished

Ta, 1931Finzi, L. A., and D. C. Beatuiriariage, miragnsetic- suplifier characteristics,

1092-with others, analysis of feedbac.k unaguietic aTluplifiers, 47Fischba¢h, A., special purrpose batteries, 232Fischer, A., air safetv iuseastires at ,iirich-Kloten airport, 3009Fiwher, B., Radio and elevision Matheuiatics, (B)387Fischer, F. A., electromuechanical couplings, 808; piezoelectric sound de-

tector and equivalent circuits, 2326; recipro(al-resistance relationbetween piezoelectric and electrodynarnuic transducers, 552;symposiums oni informnation theory, 2533

- and U. John, calcstlation of input imnpedance of coupled circuits, 2384Fischer, K., calculation of broadcast transntitting aerials, 2918Fischer, L. G., design of single-frequency phase-shifting networks, 302

Fisher, C. R., with F. R. Abbott, directivity prdduced by parasite parallelto vertical aerial, 41

Fisher, I., television line selector with automatic identifier, (A)2292- with others, flying-spot colour-signal generator, (A)2292Fitm, P. N., air-traffic control systems and human operators, (A)2186Fitzgerald, A. 8., feedback in niagnetic amiplifiers, 1091Fitspetrick, J. A., J. C. Hubbard and W. J. Thaler, high-inteursity-spark

light source, 1222

Fhack, W. I., television interference-suppression circuits, 1504Flanagn, J. L., effect of delay distortion on speech intelligibility, 2=3Fleck, J. T., and P. F. Ordung, transfer ratio synthesis by RC networks,

(A(2192Fluer, 8., oxide ferromagnetic materials, 1168

ehann R., notation for electrodynamics, 89Flming, I., aids to c.r.o. display of phase angle, 1719Fletcher, 8. W., and S. P. Cooke, stabilization of microuwave oscillator with

NH, absorption line, (A)1958Flig, W. D., continuously variable equalizer, 2129Flood, J. 8., and J. R. Tillman, crosstalk in a.m. time-division multiples

systems, 2830Florman, E. F., with others, source of error in radio phase-measuring

svstems, (P12433FIey, L. 8., and others, portable television pickup equipment, (A)2292;

storage oscilloscope, 3055Floyd, C. F., and R. L. Corke, measturement of electrical characteristics of

piezoelectric resonators, 1704Fluharty, R. G., with others, measurement of resolving time of counters, 715Fbln, T., with others, effect of auxiliary current on transistor operation,

2591Fockler, W. G., new techniques in impulse testing, (A)2226Foner, A., with I. Esterinann, magnetoresistance of Ge at 20°-300tK, 861Fostnetlas, 61., J-octave variable filter, 1825

onts, I., and R. Moret, auxiliary circuits for G-M counters, 1105Foord, T. R., positive point-to-plane spark breakdown of conipressed gases,

383Vo Fnter, 8., and J. S. Schaffner, principles in production of submilli-

metre waves, (fA2122Foot, I. B. L., communication.tests in railway tunnels, 90Fr J. R., with N. I. Korman, achromatic microwave aerial, (D)1078

IL. H., with G. H. Rayner, stability of N.P.L. mica standards of

capacitance, 298Feanan, R., and G. F. Rouse, oxide-cathode base-metal studies, 1DFrer, H., intermittent activation in ferromagnetic materials, 2788Plator, J. W., digital computers in simulated control systems, (4A12 ;

digital information storage using magnetic cores, 1421Fbus, S. K. B., with 0. E. H. Rydbeck, theory of electron-wave tubes,


lErsfrliny, K,and H. 0. Wuister, origin of harmonics in ionosphere, 721;refection n inhom*ogeneons niedium, 2137Fortrat, R. pendular anid relaxation oscillations, 2131Foster, G., with others, measurenient of gyrointeraction, 155Poster, T. J., with H. H. Dasids, crowded-band niobile eqtoipiocnt, 3117Fouret, R., cathode centering in X-ray tube, 2597Fourgeaud, C., with R. Freon, inforiination anid regressiori, 2272Fowler, A. D., with others, quality rating, of television images, 751Powler, C. S., narrow-puilse generator, 694, {D)2776FPwler, F. E., and D. S. Johnson, servo gtcider for solar telescopes, 2779Pewter, J. F., with others, field itieasoireioonts on inoolel betatron and syn-

chrotron magnets, 8Fraize, -, with P. Andrieux, prodtiction cotntrol of pernieability, 2233Franecin, E., Jr, P' . IRell and J. C. lurdla,h, single-chaiinel analyser,

2357Frank, 1t., new svstem of facsoodiile, 237Frankel, S. P., with others, predir tig phase behaviour withliigital tour01

ptlters, (A)1749Franklin, E., and W. R. ILoosemrore, sirvey equiptmient xising I,c. hlalogen-

quenched G-M cournters, 2258Franklin, J., radio background of radar, 839Frinz, K., relations between signals and spectra, 2378Franz, W., formulation of Huygheltis' prin iple, 192; noechasisni of break.

dosvnin solid instilating niaterials, 2148; theoryofdiffricltion 823.at a screen, 1129

Praser, W. B., 15i-W direct-cotupled a. f aiiiplifier, 2134Fray, S. J,, with others, hIf. resistance stalaolards for calibratioi of idmit-

tance bridge up to 60 MCes. 891Frayne, J. G., with others, professioriil imagnetic-recording systeni forfiltors, 2829Fredendall, 61. L., and R C Kenncdv, lihear-phase-shift video filters, 303Freedman, J,, resolution in radar svsteors, 3002Freiesleben, H. C., with W. Starnner, hiyperbolic aerial-navigation systenes,

1393Fremlin, J. H., and J. S. Goodern, cyclic accelerators, 2789French, J. C., electrode deteriorationi in t r. tures, 1515French, J. L., a f. equipnierit for British civil-aviation network, 2544Preukel, Ya. I., with others, forIiration ofconiducting bridgesinsuspensiours,

2888Frey, A. R., with L. E. Kinsler, Fuiidamentals of Acoustics, (B)1581Frey, W., and F I.udi, theory of travelliug-wave valve, 1518Freymann, R., microwave absorption and miolecular strtiettire, 619Pricke, H., nmeasuremnent of siirall angles of elevatioti of iircotiiing eim.

iletre waves, 433-;t}l L. I'ungs, oreasureinenit of sniall ingles of elevation of incomting

e m i'ietre waves, 432Friedl8nder, F. G., forced vibrations of qruasilinear systems, 1177Friedman, B., amnplification of travelling-wave v .lve, 2579; rnathemnaticalrtevelopriients in tropospheric propagation theory, (A)2799Friedman, M. D., deterriination of eigenvalues by rise of generalized

l,aplace transform, 1178Friend, A. W., magneto-optical transducers, 1295Promageot, A., oith 1'. Belgod&ee, Newvtoniian potentials in design ut fur.

amplifiers, 2388Froome, K. D., with L. Essen, rlielectric constant of air at 24 kMc/s, 1707Fry, D. W., anrl W. Walkoiishaw, linear particle accelerators, 180- an(I others, design and operation of t30-MeV synchrotron, 1213Fry, E. J., ultrasonic projector design, 795FTy, F. J., with othiers, ultrasoitic effects on airiiial tissues, 1050Fry, R. B., and W J. Frv, crystal systems with liw loss, 1551-with others, ultrasdnic variable-freqluency crystal oscillators, (A)825,

1552Fry, W. J., and V. J. Wulff, Ultrasonic irradiation of nerve tissue, (A)528- R. B. Fry and W. Hall, ultrasonic variable-frequency crystal

oscillators, (A)525, 1552- and others, isltrasonic effects on animal tissues, 1050- with R. B. Frv, crystal systenis with low loss, 1551- with W. L. Hall, sariable resonance-frequiency crystal transducers,

2319Fuchs, G., characteristics of coaxial pairs at 201 Mc s, 27Punks, W., retroaction and sisnilitride consideration in starting gas dis-

charge, 1131; variations of paramneters in prelirninary discharges,2143Putter, D. J., with others, comparison of triodes and beans tetrodes asoutput valves in af. aniplifiers, 1123, (D)2959

PUnter, E., and H. Neuert, oversize ptulses in vapour-filled counter tubes,140

Fiirth, R,, masses of fundamental particles, 97; space-charge distribution,characteristic and current flucttiations in double diodes, 3174


Gabor, D., The Electron Mlicroscope, its Devevlopsssent, lreserit Perfonilanceand Future Possibilities, (B)1992; electronoptical systenis withhelical axis, 1988; photons and waves, 208, 1484

Gabriel, W. F., frequency stabilization svstem for measureiiment of mnicro-wave refractive index of gases, (A)2226Gadadei, C. P., electrical network with varying parameters, 595

Gaffney, F. J., impedance measurements at 50-11000 Mc s, (A)2784Galbraith, R. A., with D. K. Cheng, stagger-tuned loop aerials for wide-band If. reception, (A)2100

Gale, H. K., and P. D. Atkinson, series-connected magnetic amplifier,(11098, (D)1581Galet, F., magnetic recording of sound, 811Gallet, R., and K. Rawer, long-term relation between F,-layer ionization

and solar activity, 1149Galperis, F., magnetic properties, of allovs of Mn with Ni and Co,of well ordered alloys, 2444, of well-ordered Co/'Mn alloys, 8019Ganet, N.. valve-testing methods of French PI.T T., 2772

Gan, R., sheathed l.echer svstem, 29Garbuny, K., graphical representation of particle trajectories in mnoving

reference system, 770- and G. E. Sheppard, reflex resnatron operation, (A)280-with others, reflex resnatron, (A)2304Gardner, B. C., with R. C. Hergenrother, recording storage tube, (0)788,

(C)3181Gudner, F. F, atmospherics in study of I.f. propagation, 1478Garick, 0. F. J., phosphors and phosphorescence, 128Garman, R. L., and R. W. l ee, proposed closed-loop theatre television

system, 8182; television image tubes and techniques for films,1792

Ganer, L. E., ,r. square-wave generator using gated-beam tthbe, 301Garoff K., with E. V. Edwards, resoiiant waveguidewindowforhighpower,586Garrett, . W., design and application of marine radar equipment, 1911Garrett, J. W., with J. Bernhart, stereophonic broadcasting of music, 1060Gartlein, C. W., protons and aurora, 1650- and R. K. Moore, southern extent of aturora borealis in N Alsierica,

1908, (A)2712Garven, K. Mt., long-line attenuiation equalization, 2915Garwin, R. L., piilse generator for mes range, 951Gates, R. F., with W. R. LePage, feeder problems is broad-band aerial

arrays, (A)28M2Gauger, R., and J Sommer, bridge-stabilized generator for tuning mnusical

instruments, 893GaulA, G., bibliographical survey of transistor theory and applications, 778Gaunt, H. M., and J. D. Craggs, electrical atnd optical characteristics of

d.c. corona discharge, 2145Gauvenet,, A., with others, compressor/expandor units of French P.T.T.,308Gaveau, V., musical stroboscopes and strobngraphs, 2887Giiaer, R., e.m. oscillations in high-efficiency v.m. valves, 103-and H. Kosmahl, efficiency of oscillation generation in v.m. valves,280vn Gael, W. C., and B. C. Bouma, frequency variation of dynastic

characteristic of system Al-AI,03electrolyte, 2286- and A. J. Dekker, a.c. electrolytic capacitors, 1100- and J. W. A. Schotte, capacitance and dielectric losses of AI,0, layer,- with A. J. De;kker, rectifier properties of systenm Al-AI,,-electrolyte,

f4itl, A. IL, precipitation and domain structure of alnico V, 187

(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (5)

Part II-PROCEEDINGS OF THE IREGeist, D., dioele rectifier, 2677Geisweid,R. H.,with W. Dieniinger, solar andi terrestrial phenomen.. dur-

ing stdf(len ionospheric disturbance 19th Nov. 1949, 885George, D. R., R. G. E. Hutter and M. Coopersteirt, rotating-beani ioethod

for investigating electroni lenses, (A)2245George, H., and Metzger, Sariica inica paper, 1407George, T. 8., analysis of synchronizinig systerns for dot-irtertlted cotlor

television, 2027George, W. D., quartz-crystal freqoentv standotl. A 1i958Gerber, E. A., arniplitude of vibrationi of piezroeletric crystas, 2383; lif.

vibrations of plates cut frori isotoititto int titrigoorail tat

69Gerber, V., exteiitl sii,ci,roniiiiati of htow -televtr i on ofi turcs 248;

radio-beri syste)pltatnting, 218Gerleasc A. A., di. tortin in pitt 149,its; t ti t iatto equitalent-

network svnthosi-. (A2284an.11). S. Schi,st -. lse-ifth disftittiiiiatf,,t 2784

Gorlough, D. L., aid H. t Kaiser, contter eircuit witl outtfuts at severalpredete rtoinedt conits. 1585

Germain, J., *ith others, adsorptioni on sermicoiductfirs, 1667Goeon N, C., allrn Ta, orreltion ith inrcreased ciisiric-raw, i,rtensitv, 2292,

rac'ib obiervatioF on lffth Nov. 15t4t, 2718; sporadic-fE, ionse-ient, oit 1f3un jtfo 1f94fi 2998, an 2fst June 1949, 2426;

str:lts,phereioniosthere rcltitons, 1146antlJ. Kaplta ni,tioenclatirer fir itfiper atmosphere, 0D1643

Geschka, H, and F- Lantg-, sti,titox capacitors, properties ani a.pplica-tions, 2121

Gezelius, R. J. E., aroiutfa tori if siniallttetal tuies bt electro-diepositionontlslfibire, 672

Gherzi, E., e(hos ftr it)n(f lavet s of 2t .7 s, 1756Gbirardi, A. A., at .. R. Johnsoin, Rteceitr Circuitry arid Operation,

(B)3104Ghosh, B. B., ulitasonia dist tarion ain(i abhorptioTi iti water, 1548G2osh, C.. gectalifeditircft .iigrans in network analsyis, 265Giacomao, P., witi, c hei, evapotration in svictuti by direc t bonibarititent,

3029Gianola, U. F., sphericat abetrrastion of niagnetic electron lenses, correction

of, 1219, redot tion of, 183Gibberd, W. O., cintril-terminal equiipment for overseas Rftl' serve es, 1773Gibbon, J. J., and R. J. Nertieys, wave SOlUtiOtis of ionosphere-reflected

loiig waves.(A2799Giboin, E., iadair developotent in Frerich nate, 2187Gibson, A. F., sensitivity ai.d response time of PbS photo noit,liictive cells,

3157--with f. l'. (Chasnar. lfog-period photoeffects in PbS, 3156Gibson, J. E., ith others, efect of auxiliarv ctorrent on transistor operation,

2591von Gierke, H. E., aitif W. it. von Witterri, condenser-iiiicrophone sensi-

tivitv measuirerrrent, 2824Giger, A., reactance-valve oscillator, (D)71Gigi, A., with G. G. Sacerdotc, absorption of sound by resonant panels,

2325Gibring, H. B., television 'stuper-turnstile' and 'super-gainl' aerials, 2919Gilchrist, J. D., with J. P, Blom, distance-nieasuring equiipiiient for civil

aircraft. 1918with others, distance-measuring equipnient for civil aircraft, 1392,

1659Gill, A. J., recent developments in telecoinniunication engineering in Britain,


GilL S., diagllosis of noistakes in programmes on EDSAC, 2755; step-by-step integration in automatic digital comiiputer, 1695

Gillam, C., VWrotham aerial system, 2340, 2643Gillette, F. N., and R. A. White, video recording caniera, 3185Gillman, R. H., with R. M. Badenach, radio navigation aids for civil

ax iation, 897Giltay. J., ferromagpietic states, 126Gilvarry, J. J., Finstein's eriuivalence principle aiid blin(l navigation, 899- and S.H Browiie, appbicatioii of Liottille's approxtmation to problem

of tblindul ruaigation, 900Gindin, L. G., astdi others, foeriiation of conducting bridges im suspensions,

2M88Ginzburg, V.L., cosotir rays as source of galactic r.f. radiation, 2424Ginzton, E. L., with others, design of lft9-eV linear rlectron accelerator,

(A)2245Gipps, G. de V., with f. W. E. McNicol, characteristics of F;, region at

BrisHbane, 189Girardeau, J., (desigti aiid applications of h.f. heiating eriuipineiit in IFrance,

178, 959Gish, 0. B., and G. Wait, thuniderstornis and earth's general electri-

fitation,Gisoft J. H., back ittrrent in filocking-layer rectifiers, 374Gitzendanoer, L. G., cttw,;ii1t ftlter antlvsis, 1857Glaser, L., and S. 14. \an Wariibeck, experitnental evaluation of diversity

receiving systeiis, 227Glaser, W.. calculrtationi of constanits of ittagnetit electron lenses, 703,

(C)2504; electrouoptrt al refractive index and the Routhianfunction, 1741

arid 0. Bergiiiann, focli arid foial lengtths in electroinoptics arnsI strongelectron lenses, 2505, 2796

and F. Irenz, calcuoatior, ofiiritige formation for magnetic lenses,3081lss, F. M., svith C G. , oss. lirse-toise ititerfereiice with lparticle counting,

1744Gleichauo, P. B., breakdoisn oier i,rst,lators ini high vactluni, 2454, 2747Gleisuberg, W., forecast of olar activsitv, 2701Glinski, G., and S. Lazeeki, pliig-in uniits ior digital coniputers, (A)2220Glino, C., field-strength fut tuations of Swiss broadcastinig stations, 2816;

ionosphere reflection toefhicient arid scatterillg of ground wasve,976

Godard, L., arid C. Iafarque, rnieasurenient of charges ois particles of riiist orrain, 355

Godoli, G.. with G. Righiiti, phvsical significane of stolar character figures,862

Goebel, G. W., phots radiation patterns, 2650Goeddel, W. V., atii D. M. N'ost, ferroinagnetisiTi in 'nIti-Ili systerri, 2442Goedhart, D., with others, 48 charinel carrier telephone systeiri, 739, 2013Goetz, H., nieasuremnetit of ultrasonic raifiation pressure, 798Gold, L., niiltiple-e fit ffect due toi release of store(d waie train, 1819Golde, R. R., 'sfe.i s' antl lighthiing discharges, 638Goldman, J. E., siuigle-irs tal inagnetostriftion constants of relCo allov,

371- and IR. Snit(oAthow ski, theorv of niagnetic anisotlopy in alnico V, 369Goldsmith, A. N., and others, Telrisimti, V(Is. 5 & 6, B12038Goldstein, L., M. I ainpert an(I J. Hene, mnagneto-optics of electron gas

with gtiiledanricrowaves, 2911-with I'. Parzen, cuirrent fit tuaticris ini d. gas-discharge plasnra,

2974; hdirfstatic presstre in electrori beart, it travelling-wavesalves, 2580

Goldwater, D. L.. and R. E. Haddad, refrac tory coriipotirtils as thenitioniuerllitters, 1400

Gondet, H., disk-type rotary molecoilar vacuini puimiip, 1180Gondry, R., high-definition ferojection receiver, 3141Goodale, E. D,, with C. I. Townsend, orthogatii television asimplificer, 759Goodall, W. M., tele ision transmission by p.c.rm., 1496Goode, H. H., simutlation in systeiii design, WA2245Gooden, J. S., rith J. H. Frenlin, cyclic accelerators, 2788Goodman, P. D., wi ith others, capacitance briclge for h.f., 1717Gordon, A. N., erotrI i,rdirction io uniformn serni-inofrite coniductor, 2156;

external fielcl itidniced by oscillating magnetic dipole, 2155Gordon, C. C., anIJ. C. itc httiond, thickness gauges for cerairtic coatings,

896Gordon, W. E., with H. f. tBooker, theori of radio stattering in tropt-

schere, 727Gordy, W., tilt,-A nieasureinents, (A1958Goryunova, N. A., wvith A. I. BlOtii), electrical properties if grey tin, 2199Gosling, J. B., with Mi. J. /.iriick, glass selection and prodtictiron techniques

for N-rav and other tubies, 2214Goss, C. G., arid I 'M. (llass, line-noise interference witlt particle counting,

1744Gossick, B. R., energy distrietution ill Johnson noise'piilses, 50Goubau, G., suirface-wave transittission line, h.f., 281, 812, (A)2100, single-

conductor, 26Goucher, F. S., roieasureritecit hlct diffusioin ill n-tvpe (Se, 1868

and others, theory and experinent for Ge p-nnunction, 1889

Gorld, K. E.. equalization of roaxial tines, 836Gouriet, G. G., vide-frequency auiiptufier cotiplings, 590

Goward, P. R., and others. design of el ctroni synchrcortrs, 1212Grace, C. H., with others, tinning unit and ftilse defdectoi generator for

synchbro,tlotron, (A)2245Graffunder, W., at(Il f. Stbulltes, c.r. distl,ay tf valve chartc telistics, R92Graham, J. F., au,tounati. a. bridgec. 1715Granier, J., recoriditg of vsrc-higl-spreet ptreTtot.nena, 3073Gray, G. W., atif dA. S jesen, seqtttenti.l optrationouf beaidsllectiun

storage.tftes, 1317Gray, W. C.. ith otblrs ttliirnwice uttfv utfhigt-presstreote, 1132Grayson. H., X-, gtt"tietz crystalt 561Green, E., st selft) tilfltorittuit 844

Green,H. S.,;tif K Cteng, r itprocits th.e(riu oiutt roi vrttinicits,2690Groen, P. E.. Jr, i;ti- tafereuordtut ftr tut" tlectrical signu,t 970Green, J. C.,.cornigatd Nvsvefittlfe tlanf-psu filters. 2912G'eenhow, J. s., fwttiatint ofeofiTuotes frIcrn nieteir trails, 359Graenough. MI.., anit N VifW ilam etiriuit TuOIineasuiin diistlaceniit

utfpr. ive (fiarir,hr , 1439Greenwald, C., with A. e. Vllarifin. lft-ftistortiot fi.itutduliatorst

(A)2298Greenwood, J. H.. acclurate tittftietur g tftlios, 2757Greenwood, R. W., eti tronic Telavas ini tilt iC p.rcc- -i fntrfl systero,

(A)2245Gregoretti, G., refI foi;ttrtance of ft-l;Omsft,r ov,i tlea(t lines, 379Greinacher, H., riew. solttturt 947Grey, L. E., ptulsed er it sitout fIoii, If ll -Su-i C if0w-'vste , 2055Gridley, D. H., asynchrenous controlfrI ift if tt,tuy,te,e A)2220

Griese, H. J., titbe nuicrrophoriu, 273Grinflths, D. H., with ither ., exspeiimental fet rutmirsatiot of geouniagnetic

Tadialf atiatiorn, 351Griffiths, J. H. E., autd J. 'Ilut I ft uftoti ti wpctn it IigRettot ter,

1711Grillot, E., ant 'if luat,cic-mu illot, stit, *,foi xi atti,tr, andf fltuntinuescec.e

colotur of Z/i-Cit, 645Grisdale, G. L., high statility utirer if., * fl5ilte ttlt 2819Grisdale, R. O., A C. Pfister antl Wl. vstu Roosbroeck,c rb atid boturc

aearbon pyrsyict filuii resistuts, 23865Grivet, P., an(l Vastel, preliniinaustvineatsretu its ot tiutar clectrotm

it celer.ator, 1738Grometotein, A. A., appiroacft to sfteaid state of tintar vatiaotle network

rouutainirugzr,e reaatance, 588de Groot. W., ecylotroen aTid syn ftcro lotron, 1449

with F. A. srtter, effect of tcmperaptirc ii fliores te. *f softl', 90vGross, B., ins\ erui of tLalace tetnsfortit, 383Gross, E. P., pilasuta oscillations i static uiiagiietic fiell, 2151Grosaboblin, H., design) of -deflec tion pit tiure tube WA)2292Grosskopf,J,,teory uf receivsiig aerialss 819Grotrian, W., iruterpretation of sunspit Pherioinenion, 863Grover, F. W., calctilatiori cii rnagneti efietis of circuliar filaisients and sole-

nriIs, 91Gr.en, H., with tthers, propagation fhiart,teristics iru coaxial structure

with two diele trics, 1584,Grsenberg, H., seiou)d-order tuearuts of slttei-wavusegumide arrays, (A)2642Grandfest, Hi., design of anriplifiers for stuldy of bioelectric potentials, 75

-with others, instantaneotis peak vsoltnmeter, 2481Grumsky, C.. with others, i.c w. systeriu for distance measiirement, (A)2186de Grnuyte, E., resverberattior tiuiie a,tt( soulnd power re(uttireri for ordinary

ruonms, 14Gubanov, A. I., theory if contact between senuiconducrtoe, of different

tvpes, 2745Gu6luard, P., sitti otbers, delivy lines if C0uuuif cur interdigital tepe, 772Guenther, R., r f. atmplifiecr design for low uroise figure, (A)2122Guertler, R., irnpedanre transformation in folded dipoles, 34Guilbert, C., two 'grid-dip' oscillators, 2769Guillaud, C., nuagnetic properties of ruixed ferrites of Mg andI Zn, 1673

and M. Sage, numagnuetic properties and structure of lFe.OO%nO, 1401- with others, fe-rromagnetic resonance in ferrites, 1674Gum, C. 8., with C. W. Allen, survey of galactic noise at 200f itc,ts, 867.Gundlach, F. W., application of quadripole theory to wavegiiide sy-steoss,

814; Gruindlagen der Hochstfrequmenztechnik, (B)3191Gundlach, J. C.. with others, single-channel analyser, 2357Gunn-Russell, C., with others, broadcasting progranimes, design of auto-

muratic nmoniitors for, 1491, portable repeater for, 2831Gunter, F. B, Westinghouse Type-FB 91ff Mec s multiflex transomitter-

receiver, 988witrl others, field tests of microwave inultiplex svstetui, 1243

Gunther,-, utroperties of double-T (I iadripole between finite resistances,1589

Gupta, Q. C., arid Duerderi, geonetriiat solution ol transmission-linepruttesms, 1068

Gutin, S. 8., oxide laver on Al antI teniperature dependfnce itf electrolyticc'apacitor, 2750

Gutma ,F.,with B. Breyer, proeu,es iidielectricsmcontaining freecharges,1875

w--ith others, resistanceftenuperatfure relations for thermistors, 1083Gnutsmano, F., specification for ur s w. f nm West Gernuuan hroadcasting

tear, smuitters, 2856Guy, R. F., i.h.f. televisiun reception mt Bridlgeport, Cotmn, 2037GTOndover, 8. D., and V. MI. Lopirkbhin, theory of anode flock of plane

nuagnetreoun, 2598

HHaa, J., concerning Mathieu's equation, 1583Haiman, P. W., *vith others, controlled-valency sennicondilctors, 909Haantje, L., self-toscillating line deflection circuit, 490- and F. W. de Vrijer, flicker in television pictures, 1503Her, G., transnrission factor of electrodynamic sound receiver, 2625Haaa, p. B., with others, noise figure standards, (A)2225Mase, A. P., and E. B. Pehr, new valve nuaterials, 3161- with E. B. Fehr, new valve materials, (A)2194Hakcett, W., graphs and abacs for distortion in i.f. aniplifiers, 1122Hada, T., ith others, travelling-wave c.r. tube, 503Haddad, R. E., with D. LC G,ldwater, refractory comnpounids as therinionic

eriritters, 1400Hadfield, D., pernmaneti- iuagnuet lenses for- televisioni tubes, D)484Hadlock, C. H., unit D elell, sttidies of pulse-tlarnsformtuer equuivalent

ciretuits, 1313laggis, G. H., swith others, (liclecLri, tispersion of dioxaut-water intixtiures.

3027Hagopian, R. H., load iuiatchung for idielec tric herters, 1208Hague, W. M., with R. A Sudermuarmt il h tf. imeasureerrents with upe- ,4

I.B slotted litue, 1714Halacsy, A. A., dotuble-ratin urctren toansftermers 2115

ale, D. A. S., with others, I .I-kW 5ft-tr, s groutded-grit trioti, 3178Hall, A. C., sinuloationt .1f feedhau cutuontutol systets, (A)2245Hall, C. E., sealtte rng plwenotnlena inl elec troii mIicroscope inilage, founalttion,

2502Hall, E. L., uot corag. f stutu tlardi-fre,enctlt sItion iWWXH, 1190Eall, R. N., andNl' C( tunlap, fuep inutinri (-f p-i jflurtidns iunpuritv

diuffusiuon, 37f8HAl, W. L., anuI Fr, v<ai.lle resti,uorncecfriquiict,y tiostal tras-

diefcs, 2319ith others, ultutsu,i, aiabi-frequeicy rustil oFfillators, (A)525,1552

Hall,W. M., an(i W rit ufk-,-d, ptiiiunopti ritit ntof erht ltoxes, 2720Halla, F., with I. Camtellfzj f(uruT,,)uuu,OCinuiteramctionn in tilt alloys, 915Hallows, R. W., fatar Simiptly tXIlnt. HB)1394Halpern. O., optius of radiutu av(, 3092Ham aker, H C., anwt T. ell lirub tiu, uuuuuuuuruuunuu to t trT.ntruuhers tnt

chotks, 1853, 2931Hamburger, F., Jr, with C If tuaouge, iuteasurenuernt of eqiivsaleiit-

circuit constait if quartz crvst.als 392Hlamer, E. G., planning v.h.f. iobile systeoms, (D)987Hamilton, 0. E., technical conusiderations of television recortling, (A)2292Hamilton, R. E., with others, precision coaxial resonanit line for iiripedance

irleastiremients, (A)1958lHammer, I. W., with others, noise figuire stanidards, (A)2226HKi, P., RITfPr comnmunicatioun with vehicles, 3116Hanle, W., scintillation counter, 2512Hlnley, T. E., ThS as theromiorlic emitter, 919Hanna, R. B., with others, static iiiagnietic metnoryunit for lexv-costcoiil-

puters. 1422Hanashs W. H., ft. Bahi, Jr, and ) Caffiaux, seminautouuatic iantifactture

of audio and video equipfnment, (A)2292Hansen, J. R., with others, reflex resnatron, (A)2804Hannon, 0. B.,withl G. sear, television aerials on EipiurSState Btiditiug,

1589Hardie, A. M., pulse techuliqtie in high-ptuwer Valvr dunV (tptTHirIt, 2578Hardy, H. C., and F. G. Tszzer, scite-ittoil sttittieu if uuu,hithe ire

acsostirfs, (A)549astud others, comparison of absorption coefticients. (A1811

Harker, M. G., uith E. I. C. White, eqripfpttertft io %itht C .P'. eltltu,,ri,755

v. Harlem, J., uuhotop hm it, iuuagumet uulltotoplloruus ts, tutu ri .effect. 2964

Harman,W W., reliuti ttuof ifvqiiiis diag ll iloti iii fo')lefretluenev tuet, 1088

Harnischmacher, E., wtith othert. iotuospbteu tfri tut 1148;WOri,wli,te 2 onuizatiuou 634

Harper, D. H_, oiffi(nsof initshiutg fleet, 2,188Harper. W. R., Vtutu effeut as it,e tf static eleutrificatio,, 1012

Harrinrton, B. G. V., wuitf J A TaInneer ldt.,cs ttutiftiis.lt it

aniAlifier f en- rler, 1603itff; s.T frard, elec trutru spit nlc f f, sfit worl

tcstingtt 418

Harringon. J. V., stirriLecf stiuall siglt dietlt rit. tlt e87t36 F. Rotgturc, sig t-utnuieicllu rovc llie tt tb i futec.L tion is

ti . 732s.N tutlf fi.ergid fG. Spenler, fhve-dfgit tuft ititt ltu f,

(A 2220Harrington, R. F., ald W. Rf LePage, directionalotrif.ir s .vith O-

ntuettS ircularly disposed about cIindurictli retle tfr, (Au2100Bacnis, C. M., atud It. Feshbach, acoustics of coualed cut u, 15Harris, E. J., elet tromteter impifedlance conrverter, 2117

sitit }'. ) Btishop, (i.c. arnplifier flr lbiological upplifititut, (C)SI8Harris, H. C., flt analogy, (A)2270

wc ith It. t. fuIffsl ay, trecisirun frequfuencte g uiators usitg Ssliplressed-carrier niuodumlators, (A12226

Harris, H. E., sitluplified tinultiplier, 2678Haris, I. A., iiudlicedl gri(I muoise and noise facter, 1535arris, J. D., short-duration effeets ino auditory fatigtue, (A)535

Harris, W. A., v ith otliers, desigeiof nuohuile equuipment for 152-174 Mc,'St989, 1782

Hart, H., G. Sehaffstein and Ga. 'ogt, developliuent of ucomumruerc iail reccivers,2529

Hart, R. W., s'nund stattering of plane oave frolin sphlre, 2317- util }.. W. Ittontrfll, scattering of plane w.auesms 'soft' spIneuicali

lte 2139EHartree, D. R., CIalculating Instresnnients and iMacrhines, tB936Harvard lUniversity. Computation laboratory, ables of tlhu Fuin. tion

tSiri and of its First Elevern Derivativese (B)1701Harvey, F. with W. E. Kock, photographic ituethod foa (lisplayinig

s'cotnd-wave space patterns, (Af1811Harvey, N. L., mien basis for analysis of radar systets, 357

Mt. l.eifer and N. Marchand, conmponent theors utf calculamtimng rlispectra, 2834

Harvey, R. L, l J. Hegyi and H. W. Leverenz, structure, properties anduses of ferrites, 368

Harvison, R. H., voltage stabilizers using two valves in parallel, 1252Harwovod, B. D., and D. E. L. Shorter, high-level noise snurce for a f. band,

25Hakell, N. A., asvynptotic approximation for nornial mliodes imu sound-

channel wave propagation, 1548H8ns, J. F., and J. S. Hickhnan, piezoelectric equrations of state, 98Huler, G., f-m. in line transmission, 1485Hstd, J. B., G. H. Haggis and P. Hutton, dielectric dlispersiomn of dioxarn-

water iisixtures, 3027lHateld, P., ultrasonic propagation in rubbers, 270Hataway, J. L., a.f. a.g.c. for broadcasting transniitters, 318

and I. ( Kennedy, brief-case atf. amplifier, 312Hatkid, L., elliptically polarized waves, (D)1074Hatoti gadi, M. 8., with M. W. Chiplonkar, refle tion of atnospherics frotns

ionocusphere, 2184, 2185Hauer, A., rneteorological aspects of very-shout-nave propyagationi, 1968Haufle, K., lIttice-imperfection phenomena in mixed phases, 2197Haug, A., u.s.w. resonance method of impedance nuseastireryient, 884; u.s.w.

resonance phenomerna in low-pressure Hg arms, 615Havilad, R. P., anmateur receiver for c.w., a.n., ILn., p.mm., and s.s.b. with

carrier suppression, 439Hawkins, 0. 8., with others, radio echot equiprnmecit for detenmiination of

metesr radiants, 3003Hawley, M. E., and A. H. Kettler, liigher-order-gradient inicrophlones,

usning single diaphragm, (A)1811Hwthorne, E. I., sinusoidal variation of inductance in linear series RLC

circuit, 1330Haxel, O., F. G. Houtermaris and K. Seegar, electron emoission froon rnetal

surfaces as after effect, 3151Bayous, J. R., and W. Shockley, mobility and life of injected holes and

electrons in Ge, 1928Hazard, C., with R. H. liuswn, r-f- radiation from Andromeda nebula, 829

Heeoco*k, D. P., and R. A. Wissolik, low -noise niniatmlre pentcKle, 2063Heaps, C. W., magrietoresistance of Bi at 3 kMcls, 1165Heaton, V. E., measurement of time and frequency irn Hawaii, 2225Heaviside, O., Electrotiragnetic Theory, Vols. 1, 2 and 3, (B)622Begyi, 1. ., with others, structure, properties and ltses of ferrites, 368Behenkamp, T., with H. C. Hamaker, mininium-cost transformiters and

chokes, 1853, 2931Heightman, D. W., conrnmtuimication receiver design, 2004; propagatiomi of

metre waves bevond optical range, 431Heins, A. E., reflection of plane e.m- wave by infinite set of plates, 1352Heiser, W., with B. Amos, internal television receiver interferenice, (A)2292H[elbig, H., review of semiconductor photoresistance c-lls, 2580Hellar, R. A., with E. G. Widell, effect of coating corupesusitio sun emission

of oxide-coated cathodes, 1025Heller, B., J. Hlavka and A. Veverka, natural flequCTruCis cf minfle-layttr

solernoids subjected to soltage surges, 1099Heller, 0. S., with others, underwater sound field of qiturtu trot dice,s,

1821Heller, 8., and I. Sfiulman, Television Servit iiig, IBM4AMBelliwell, R. A., A. J. Mallinckrodt and F. Wi. Kruse, Jr, fiie str ivture if

lower ionosphere, 1898- and others, measuremn,ent of pofarizatioun of lf. ionousphire rctlemtim. nu,

(A?2799Hellyar, P. R., design of a.m broadcasting transmcitters for Austialia, 711Helmes, EH design of magnetic-amplifier inductors, 2361Belt, 8., 1'ractical Television Etngitneering, (B)1011Helwig, G., with H. Konig, thin film of hydrocarbout firtoed by eletc Inn or

ion bombardment, 2738Htmnardinquer, P., 200-kV e s- generators, 99

Heney, J., with others, iinagneto-optins of electrmuns gas with geiale} rimicumm--aves, 2911

Heniseb, H. H., and J. Ewels, electrical formniitg eieti.s at Sc (,t ta ts,928, (D)1943

Henney, H., RadlioEslngineering IHandbookb (B)1289Henninger, P., properties of liquid dielectrics with polar copnmpotentsuHenirii, P., calculation of eigenvalues of nmatrices 1y punched-card

-nachines, 1375Henry, I., horizontal-deflection systein and hi v. supply, 3139Henry, H. L., R. K F. Scal antI G. Shapiro, new tectiruiqiies for uminitutur-

ization, 307Hewry, W. H.. and J. D. Keys, pulser for cyclotron ostillator, 2255

aensley, E. B., and J. H. Aftieck, BaO-on-W cathode interface compound,263, 2054

EMentseh, J. C., precision method for a.f. measuremersnt, 8050; trarnsientreproduction by loudspeakers, 2898

Heppel, H. K., with others, dielectric properties of CunO rectifiers, 925Hergenrother, C., and B. C. Gardner, recording storage tube, tCf788,


Harman, F., with A. Rt. Sltoore, electron-bonibaidment-induiced coidiucrtivity inGe rectifiers, 1685

Hernsvat, R. G., with E. G. Linder, reduction of spac e-cbaage effects inselectron beams, 1013

Her, R., ferrites for magnetic recording heads, 245HaTreng, P., with ethers, compressor(expatidor units of F3rencb P.T.T., 806Heriek, J.F., with others, heating of bone and bone ruiarrow by ultrasonic

radiation, (A)527Baerrnumn, G., and S. Wagener, Die Oxydkathode, 2. Teit, Techitik und


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (6)

Physik, (B)2603Henspg, A., metal location by measurement of small variations of L and

C, 1197

Hertm, magnetic scaling-down circuit, 1318Herzog, W., effect of circuit capacitances on filter attenuation curves, 1327;

oscillators, 2675; pull-in effect in coupled circuits, 2674Hess, K. W., deionization time of gas-filled valves, 2081Hess, V. F., and R. P Vancour, ionization of atmosphere, 894Hes, W. B., R. C. Swengel and-S. K. 'aldorf, ultrasonic measurement of

water velocity, 416Hessler, V. P., and D. D Robb, generalized electrical formulae, 2405Hettich, H., with R. Feldtkelter, variation of miagnetic after-effect in

powder cores, 2446Heumann, H., with Wi. Claussnitzer, plotting of electric fields, using semsmi-

comiducting paper, 1427Hewisa, A., with M. Rble, effects of ionosphere on r f galactic radiation,

1834Hewitt, F. J., testing Alark V Decca navigator rceivser in high noise levels,

3082Heyn, F. A., synchrocyclotron at Amsterdamn, 2790Heywang, W., effect of lattice irregularities on semiconductor resistance,

911Hibbard, L. U., Birmingham University proton synchrotron, 700Hibi, T., and T. Matsumnura, aggregation of trapping centres in semi-

conductors, 1928Hickman, 8., with J F. Haskins, piezoelectric equations of state, 98Hickman, B. B., Americasi television filn recordimig equipment, 2555Hickunan, R. E, B., multiplier photocells is scintillation counters, 1016Hiehle, M. engineering supergain television aerial, 2918Hiestand, N. P., with others, crystal control of 4-kW 1036-lutes trans-

mitter, (A)2298Higgins, T. J., basic theory of generalized Schwartz-Christoffel trans-

forimuationi, 1951and G. Robertson, theory of rnoving-coil fluxiiieter, 944with J. van Bladel, cut-off frequency for tao-dielectric rectangular

waveguides, 1841with D. Reitan, calculatio; of capacitance of cube, 1623

Hilburn, E. D., video distribution system, 1790Hill, J.3., and G. V. Waldo, v.h.f. tropospheric measurememuts, )A)2799Hill. R. T., with L. S. Allard, switch and storage tubes, 3180Hill, W. R., Electronics in Engineering, (B)426Hillert, M., timme dependence of sensitivity of photomtmltipliers, 3155Hiler, J., interncediate lens for irmcreasing magnification range of electron

microscope, 185; objective for electron nticroscopy of ultrathinsections, 1740

Hills, R., Jr, synthesis of line-source directivity pattern, (Al1811Hiimpan, J., deflection of extended electronoptical image by crossed

systems, 2503Hindman, J. V., with W. N. Christiansen, long-period change in r.f. solar

radiation at dm A, 2171with J. H. Piddington, solar radiaton at 10cm during eclipse, 347with others, radio observations of two large solar disturbances, 2125

Hines,C. 0, e.m. energy density and flux, WAM279; ware packets, Poyntingvector, and energy flow, 1881, 268,2697

Hines,N1. wide-range microwave sweeping oscillator, 413Hintenberger, H., second-order focusing of charged particles in magnetic

fields, 184ven Hippel, A. R., dielectrics made to order, 2746- and H. C. Bloom, selenium electroplating, 871

Heah, C. J., with A. V. Loughren, comparative analysis of colour-television systems, 1738

Hiavka, J., with others, natural frequencies of single-layer solenoidssubjected to voltage surges 109

Hoagland, A., picture-tube performance, 2852Hochbeiner, A., with A. Duschek, Grundziuge der Tensorrechnung in

analytischer Darstellung, Teil I, Tensoralgebra, (B)888Hodge, M. W., with 0. R. Wulf, relation between geomagnetic field and

circulation of atmosphere, 13Hoeppner, C. H., telemetry and guided-missile programme, (A)2245Hoftmann, A., rectifiers, Se,T -containing. forning processes in, 1170, dry,

oscillographic study of barrier layers, 941de Hofimnans, P., and E. Teller, magneto-hydrodynamaic shock waves, 600Hogan, A. W., image-converter tube for high-speed photography, 2250,

3080Hogan, J. V. L., and C. V. Olsori, high-speed fm, facsimile, 481ogarthi, C. A., Hall constant of CdO, 1678Hogerth, J. E., angle of arrival and polarization at Fort Chimo, (A)279;

polarization ofZ-trace, 3090HogWbe, H. marine radio position fixing systems, 2188Hogg, D., l.f. atmospherics in South Africa, 438Hoiukes, H., pressure and temperature variations in troposphere, 875Hok, with others, single-cavity resonator for multianode magnetron,

(A)2304Holland, I. D., design of radiotelegraph receiving system, 2822oHoman B.h., travelling-wave c.r. tube, (I)2028

Holloway, HL IL. and H. C. Harris, precision frequency generators usings.s.b. suppressed-carrier modulators, (A)2226

with others, analysis of dot-sequential colour television, 465Holm,R., tunnel effect across thin insulator films in contacts, 2455olmioe, L. W., with others, back heating of magnetron cathodes, 729Holmes, F. C., unsaturated standard cells, 2287Hoishouser,D. F., with others, beam analyser, (A)2226Honeieger. R., microwave spectroscopy, 2161Honnell, M. A., and M. D. Prince, s.m. in television image reproduction,

2296Hooper,J.E. N., atidA. A. Kippax, radar echoes from rain, (D)1155Hopkins, E.G., beam-deflection phase-modulator valve, 1805Hopkins,R.G., with J. A. Saxton, adverse effects ofmeteorological factors

on marine radar equipnoent, 1228Hopkinsnn,R. G., R. B. Mackenzie and R. Nixon, pictorial reprodtuction

in television, 2029Hopper, A. L., storing video information, 2842Homer, F., accuracy of aurat-imull directien-finder, 119Hort, W., and A. Thorua, Die Differentialgleichungen der Technik und

Physik, (3)148Horton, C. W., semsim niductor bornite, 1930; table of Struve functions and

associated integrals, 140and F. C. Karal, Jr, diffractionr hb- paraboloid, of plane e.mn. wave,

2413, of plane sound wave, 1047F. C. Karal, Jr, and C.M. McKinney, radiation patternsof dielectric

rods in TMI, iiiode, 1075Hoselitz, K., andM. McCaig, theory of magnetic properties of anisotropic

alloys, 658Hoshino, 8., with others, X-ray study of phase trarisition in PbTiO,, 927Hoogh, H., andD. S. Ridler, nuulticathode gas-filled counter tubes, 784Houtemans, F.G., with others, electbon euusission fronu metal surfaces as

after effect, 3151Houtsmuller, J., change inm.w. propagation at sunset, 2809Howard,L. W., use of Ni steels in low-power transforners, 289Howell, F. experimental results of c.w. navigation systems, 3008Hoy,R. A., with others, effect of radiation onQ of sections of unshielded

parallel-wire tramusmission line, (A)2100Hgiung Han, effect of secondary entission in power valves, (A)2304Hubbard,J. C., with others, high-intensity-spark light source, 1222

Huber,L., and K. Rawer, 'best' pulse receiver, 1868Huber,O., determining dielectric constants of liquids in dm waveband,

8046Hibller, W., calibration of distortion-factor bridge, 164

Hudack,J. automatic transrnission-measurement set, 1194Hudson, C. 8., theory of series transductor, 1095Hugenholts, H., impulse-controlled oscillators in aircraft transmitters,

767ruggins, W. H., system-function analysis of speech sounds, 1059

Hughes, EL A., electrometer-valve balanced circuits, 3051Hugh, J. V., and W. Lavrench, permittivity ofair at A 10 cm, 3047Hul A. W., fundamental processesin gas-filled rectifier valves,Hull,T.E, withL. Infeld, factorization method, 2216Hobo, J. with B. T. Matthias, new ferroelectric tartrates, 2209Hungensa, pbysics and technology of transistors, 1802Hunt, P. V., symmetry in eqtuations for electromechanical coupling, (A)554unter, L. P., graphical analysis for transistor circuits, 1101; inverse-

voltage characteristic of point contact on n-type Ge, 1330andR.E. Brown, test equipment for transistors,398with A. I. Bennett, pulse measurement of inverse-voltage character-

Index to Abstracts and References 1951istics of Ge point coxntacts, 1581

- with C. N. Klahr, measurernient of semiconductor impurity content,927Hunter, W. C., with others, 6-channel mobile urbant RN/T system, 741Htudord, W. L., television waveforrn tnonitor freqtoency response, 2175Hurty, W. C., with T. A. Rogerq, shut-motor servo withi inertia load, 1249Husten. B. F., irmproved N.B.S. amnmrnomia clock, (A)1958Hutner, R. A., E. S. Rittner and F. K. du Pre, Ferni levels in senuiconduc-

tors, 906outter, R. G. E., with others, rotating-beansi method for investigating

electron lenses, (A)2245Hdttmann, E., nonlinear diVI rtion in electroacotistic trancsucers, 1,558;

quality ratirig of dynatiiic cone loudspeakers, 2093Hutton, P., withi others. dielectric dispersioti of dloxan-water inixtures,

3027Huynen, J. R., rada,- aerial systerns for uniform irrasliation of surface, 117Hyde, F. J., with other=, measureIiient of gyroisteliactio), 155


abde, W. K., with others, apparattus for acoustic impedance measurement,(A)534

Indioudiuian, . D., conference on inforination theory, 2011Infeld, L., and T. E. Hull, factorization method, 2216Inird, U., reflectioti of spherical sound nase frosti infinite plane, 2318- aTnd others, design of sound-absorbing ducts, (A)1811Ingeason, W. H., drift conipensation in d.c. aniplifiers for analogue com-

puters, (A)2220Ingham, W. E., ignitioni interference in p.w.m., 781Inglis, A. P.. with F. H. McIntosh, colour television, 1003Ins¢, G. M., calibration of proportional counters, 713Inbeeg, 3t. A., economy and operating efficiency of television stations,(A)229Isaal, H., semidiurnal fluctuations of atmospheric potential gradient, 190Ivey, H. F., and C. L. Shackelford, thercsionic emission calculations, 1877

JJacke, R. D., progress in synthetic mica, 1946Jackson, C. H., electronics in air transport, 96.34Jackso, W., information theory, 984; structure, properties and applica-

tions of BaTiO, ceramics, 133; sudden commencements in geo-magnetism, 352

Jacob, H., with H. Falkenhagen, theory of electrostriction in Onsageeliquids, 2141

Jacob,h, crossover properties of electron immersion objective, 785J , J.EL, and R. F. Wilson, X-ray liquid-level gauge, (A)2%5Jacobs, R. H., design of molecular pumps, 1661Jacobs, H., information and human ear, 261Jacquanot! P,with others, evaporation in vacuo by direct bombardment,

Jaeger, J. C., and K. C. Westfold, equivalent path and absorption for e.mradiation in solar corona, 1628

Jager J., withx P. D. van der Knaap, deflection coils for television receivershigh-impedatnce type, 2295, low-impedance type, 1793

J"sn, H., with H. Etzold, sensitivity limit of mains-driven d.c. amplifiers,1602Jakes, W. C., Jr, gain of e.i. horns, 1847- with A. B. Crawford, selective fading of microwaves, (A)2268James, H. G8., with R. W. Douglas, crystal diodes, 2387James, K., and R. T. Capodanno, permanent-magnet focusing for picture

tubes, 2032Janes, R. B., and A A. Rotow, tight^transfer characteristics of image

orthicons, 481Jansen, J. J., with others, biconical e.t. horns, (0)2345Jansen, ii. J., s-ith otbers, I.-tlpe heavv-duty thertnionic cathodes, 778Janneen, E., and D. Lebell, applications of differeiiltial analyser to electrical

engineering. 3037Janssen, J. M. L., c.r.o. for h.f. periostic phenomena, 494; method of dis

continuities in Fourier analysis, 2215; 'stroboscopic' c.r.o. foifrequencies up to 50 Mc s, 1434

- and L. Ensing, electro-analoguie for studving regulating systenis, 278- and A. J. Michels, 'stroboscopic' oscilloscope for freqtuencies up to

50n Mc's, 1435Jasberg, J., ith others, design of 10i-eV linear electron accelerator, (A)2245Javitz, A. E., industrial applications of magnetic recording, 15W; research

developments in dielectrics, 1405Jenkins, R. O., end-window G M counter tihbes, 2258Jennings, B., electronics and e.s. generator, 421Jenstn, A. S., with G. W. Gray, sequential operation of beam-deflection

storage tubes, 1317Jerome, C. W., with others, electrolutninescence, new light source, 1841Jerrard, H. G., and S. W. Punnett, electronic tachometer, 177- wittl S. W. Punnett, precision electronic tachometer, 1730Jeerentrup, F., characteristicd'of rectifier disks, 2840Jesel, H., diffractive apertures in wavegoiides, 2102Job, F., with others, level regulation on Paris-Toulouse coaxial cable, 2832Johanoesson, N. O., side-band 2-phase networks, (D056John, U., with F. A. Fischer, calculation of input impedance of coupled

circuits, 2384Johnson, B. R., with others, television synchronizing-signal generator, 749Jtbnson, D. 8., witl F.F Fowler, servo guider for solar telescopes, 2779Johnson, E. O., controllable gas diode, 2869-and W. Mut. Webster, plasniatron continuousiy controllable gas tube,

(A)2304Johnson, H., frequency range of diode noise generators, 3060Johnson, J. B., bombardment-enhanced thermionic emission, 3152Johnson, J. R., with A. A. Ghirardi, Receiver Circuitry and Operation,

(B)3104Johnson, H. C., cm-wave discriminator and application to frequency-

stabilized oscillator, 1596; 3^state flip-flop, (D)2937Johnson, L. W., with others, tiniing unit and pulse deflector generator for

synchrocyclotron, (A)2245Johnson, P. D., and F. E. Williams, luminescence efficiency of organic

solutions and crystals, 1396Johnson, S. J., with T. F. Rogers, magnetic effects on Ni acoustic delay

line, 842, (A)2100Johnson, V. A., and K. Lark-Horovitz, coiiibination of resistivities in

semniconductors, 3015; electron mobility it. Ge, 662Jobnson, W. C., Transmission Lines and Networks, (B)2335Johnston, T. F., and F. D. Wertz, cylindrical BaTiO3 transdtucers, (A)559Jolivet, P., with L. Vfrain, underwater gaussmeter, 158Joll, W. P., vacuum gauge using Pirani cooling ot tungsten filament,(D)640Jon, F., elasticity of piezoelectric and ferroelectric crystals, 1683Jones, A. Taber, acoustics bibliography, 1, 1042, 141, 1812- and R. T. Beyer, acoustics bibliography, 2809Jones, D). S., diffraction by edge, 1619Jones, H., S. Edelman and A. London, long-tube method for field deter-

minations of sound-absorption coefficients, (A)548- with F. T. Emums, video output stage, 1268Jones, F. L.. and D. E. Davies, cathode surface layers and mininum spark-

ing potential, 2073E. T. de la Perrelle and C. G. Morgan, influence of electrodes in start-

ing gas discharge, 1615Jones, H., Hall coefficient for semiconductors, 1357Jone, J. R., with If. J. Allco*ck, The Nomogram, (B)1423Jones, J. Rhys, ccr. d.f. equipment, 396Jones, R. C., speech silencer for radio receivers, (A)2265Jones, ., V., radiation pressure in refracting medium, 160Jaom S. S. D., with J. Brown, microwave lenses, 36, (D)292JOUke, 8. H., with J. H. van Santen, conductivity of ferromagnetic

compounds of Mn, 68Jonker, 8. M., dielectric constant of inhom*ogeneous dielectrics, 380Jankr, J. L. B., internal resistance of pentode, 263,3178-with G. Diemer, time delay of secondary electron emission, 1014Jordan, H. C., aerial systems for d.f., (A)26

119onsephs, H. ., Heaviside's Electric Circuit Theory, ToJoy, J. H.,with R. G. Picard, metal evaporator using h.£heating,87Juma, L., recent patents on batteries, 288Juli,L. B., British developments in instrumentation, 691; measureonent of

small d.c., electronic temperature-control equipment, and Cossorextension unit for television, 1195 Schering bridge for voltagesto 200 kV, 1716

-with R. T. Lovelock, Ge diodes, 3059Jutting, W. a. vanB., radiospectroscope SFM101, 1984


Klauh, A., usaity resonator as interstage transformcer, 308Eaden, H.,circtular-aperture and slot cotiplings betwaeen coaxial lines, 2111;

IDie elektroniagnetische Schinnutig in der Fernmelde- tindHochfrequenztechnik, (B)102

Hafka, H., conductance diagrams for passise linear quadripoles, 13A24Kahan, T., aoIt G. Eckart, e. n. waves in attimospheric duict, Green's function

for, 719, theory of propagation of, 1465; nonexistence of surfacewave in radiation over plane earth, 2517

_*aith G. E ckart, 'internal' reflection in stratified mediutii, andapplication to troposphere, 718

Kahn, If. A., ana3vsis of relay servotnechanisms, 992Hahn, F. D., corptiscular streamns from solar flares, expulsioii of. 1883,

possibilitm of observiiig, 1889Haisel, S. F., and J. W. Kearney, 2 f6-400-VINIs voltage-s.w.r. measure-

iient set, (A)1958Kaiser, H. RL, with D. L. Geriough, counter circuit with outputs at several

predetermined counts, 158&5Halashnikov, S.8., and L. N. Erastov, fourmation of barrier layers by weld-

ing, 2729Hales, M. L., elliptically polarized waves and aerials, 2419Kailen, R., apparatus for testing telephone earpieces, 28allman, H., with others, construction of radioactivity instruments, 3079allmann, H. E., with others, millitnicrosecond oscillography, 3684

Kalunche, H.. unidirectional loudspeaker system, 353Hamen, I., subtractive colour-television system, 1259van Kampen, N. G., asyinptotic treatment of diffraction, 2138Kane, R. W., E. C. Levinthal and E. H. Rodgers, magnetic-field measuring

instrumnent, (A)2228- with others, crystal control of 4-kW 1036-Mcls transmitter, (A)28K]nsg, W., X-ray investigations of ferroelectricity of BaTiO,, S24HAplan, J., sith N. C. Gerson, nomenclature for upper atniosphere, (D)1643Kaplan, 8. H., and R. W. MIcFall, noise statistics applied to radar-range

performance, 1390Hsrkash, J., Transmnssion Lines and Filter Networks, (B)2925Hural, F. C., Jr with C. W. Horton, diffraction by paraboloid, of plane e.mr

wase, 2413, of plane sound wave, 1047- sith others, radiation patterns of dielectric rods in TM,, mode, 1073Haro, D., Electrical Measurements and the Calculation of the Errors

Involved, (B)2960e=rr, P. R., radiation properties of spherical aerials, 2348

Hauek, J. R., p.w.m.ff.m. telemetry, (A)2245Keat! F. G., and 0. B. Hanson, television aerials on Empire State Boilding,

1568Henrney, 3. W., with S. F. Kaisel, 20v-40 kMlc/s, voltage-s.w.r. measure-muent set, (A)133

Heck, P. H., electrical properties of Se coatings, 195iKeck, W., G. S. Heller and A. 0. Williams, Jr, underwater sound field of

(,tiartz transducers, 1821-wisth A. 0. Williams, Jr, effects of reflected signals and electric pickup

in ultrasonic microphone, 1824Kedeedy, EL, with K. Lehovec, graphical determination of Fermi level in

impurity semiconductor, 134Keen, A. W., correlation uf circuit diagrams and wiring, 28; triode

transmission networksi under linear negative-grfd conditions, 1821Hell, H. C., with others, growth of large quartz crystals, 8024Kellaway, N. P, with F. E. Cone, test and aligunent procedures for video

aniplifiers, 1201KRellehr, K. 8., nuicrowave lenses, (D)29; ncrowave optics, aperture

phase errors in, (A)O2, virtual source in, (A)2100-with R. J. Adams, patterm calculations for paraboloid aerials ofelliptic aperture, 89

Kele, H., piezoelectric crystals in flexural vibration, 29Keller, J. B., reflection and transmission of e.m. waves by thin curved

shells, 93- and A. Blank, diflfrction of pulses by wedges and corners, SW68Kell, J. M., magnetic field measurements with peaking strips, 6MKelly, M. J., Bell Telephone laboratories, 793; educational requirements for

development engineers, (A)08Kelly, 8, a.f. valve voltmeter, 28; intermodulation distortion in pickups,

2621; thorn needles, (D)1881-with R. L. West, pickup-amplifier input circuits, 39Kelso, J. M., Lorentz polarization term and ionospheric absorption, 2428- alid H, J. Nearhoof, polarization of long waves reflected from iono-

sphere, (A)29Hemp, W. D., improved video recording with continuously moving film,1008}Kendall, J. T., and I). Yeo, magnetio susceptibility and anisotropy of mica,1687

Hendig, P. M., with D. T. Laird, attenuation of sound in water containingair bubbles. {A)1811

Rennaugh, E. M., polarization properties of target reflections, (A)2186Kennedy, R. C.. with G. L. Fredendall, linear-phase-shift video filters, M08- with J. I. Hathaway. brief-case a.f. amplifier, 312Rent, C. F., and J F-. Boyd, probability distributions of resultants of two

or more vibrations, (A)678Kent, G. J., production-line frequency measurements, 1721Kenyon, R. R., respomuse characteristics of RX lad4er networks, 274Kerchner, R. M.. and G. F. Corcoran, Alternating Current Circuits, (B)8B9erms, D. K., analysis of symmetrical waveguide junctions, 2101- uitb A. C. lacpherson, absolute microwave power measurements,

(A)1958Herr, F. J., and C. A. Shain, moon echoes and transmission throughionospheres 2284

Kesselring, F., new tsTpes of high-power rectifiers. 225essler, W. J., atmospherics waveform receiver, 2717; effective and circuit

bandwidths, 55- and W. F. Zetrouer I1, I.f. ionosphere soundings by observation ofattiiospherics, (A)26Hettel, H., nonlinear distortion in f.m. systems, 288Kettler, A. H., with M. E. Hawley, higher-order-gradient microphonesusitg siuigle diaphragm, (AIS11de eouster, A., with F. P. Pietermaat, dielectric properties of diamond,2210Keys, J. D., with mm H. Henry, pulser for cyclotron oscillator, 288hastgit, S. R., and P. M. Das, periodic fading of s.w. signals, 981- and A. Seit, frequency variation of intensity of atmospherics fromdistamit sources, 1337Khodakov, A. L., h.f. losses in ceramic dielectrics and in BaTiO,, 28Kiebert, H. V., Jr, f.m.Iftim- telemetry, )AA)225Kieffer, J., with G. Trebuchon, physics of glass/metal sealing, 183, 929,

2461Hiely, D. G., dielectric aerials with shaped radiation patterns, 21;paralouic-ylinder aerials, 1572; radiation characteristics ofdielei tric-ttube aerials, 38

- and A. E. Collins, iriicrowave-aerial radiation patterms, 1077-A.A Collins and G. S. Evans, cheese aerials for marine navigational

radar, 10801Hilbumn T., with F. C- Williams, storage system for binary-digital oot-puters, (D)68

- with others, smoall-scale experimental high-speed digital computer,1952Hilpatrick,E.L., polarization measurements of I.f. echoes, (A)M7Kimbaek,E. W., ltectrical Transmission of Power and Signals, (B)078

Bimura, M., teinperattlre effect in G-Mcounters, 714Kincatd, M., it. Alden and R. B. Hanna, static magnetic memory unit

for low-cost coilmputers, 1422Kinder, B., and F. Shtlueich, constant-current mains unit for electron-

(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (7)


Iloisrossope lerses. 748King, A. P., transinissionu ch.rsi st .is of ontltimode ircistllar wvaeguide,

(A)2180King D. D., twio standardIfielI-strength tleters for v.h.f., 154King, It., aerials, asymmietrically sIriven, and slsevie dipole, 288, collinear,

theory of, 1073with C. 11. Papas, r;il(sitin froftwsiede-agle conit al aerials, 1307

Kmnross, R. I., television and osund *vire, 2277Kinsler, L. B., anil A. R Frev, Fundaooental, of Acoustics, (B)1561Kippax, A. A., with J. E. N ftlocpe!r, refdar echoes frorti rain, (D)1155Kirby, M. J., sersotoechaoisms avith linearly svrying elesonts, A)2547Kitby, R. S., fielfsf treegth iiasteranenonts for two v.h.f. stations, A12799Kircher, R. J., Nvith others, 1 5-5cW50-Ncis groundedf-grid triodfe, 3178tireehmayer, L. K., witis ott-s, speciat detices for rdiffeential aelysters.

WA)1183Kirchner, F., h.f. gas siscb Io-ge, 85Kirenski, L. V., astl L. L IStsosf oi, efiect of directe(s stresses n shaps of

miagnetizatiosn c srve, 2408Kir c Hbanm, S., aTiad C. XXarren, dltsigt of pulse transforrmers, 828KirSchner, U., generalizedt network theors, 837i repfresentation of valve

circuit iterastive isatrixs, 2688Kitai, R., sahle soltnieter fssr stusdents' use, 400Kitchenn, R. C.. fossle-tutnesditransforners in tandetmt, 292fKittel, C., E. A. Nesbitt andl W. Shockslet, nsirleatioss aitd isagietic'

propesties of atlnio V, 657- with others, stelocity tf sropag.atioi of ferrosnagnetics dousain bouins-

arc, 855KB8hr, C. N., re sistivity andf Hallscsefficient of semsicotnductors, 33220M- andL 11 Hffnter, niesasuets cnt sf semsicondusctor iSsIpurity contenit,

1927Kair, J., vsith othsers, bsiblfiograpshy of sotsic anti isltrasonic applications in

biology, biochetiiistry atid biophysics, 1813Klauss, E., with f. D. HI. Tellegen, parameters of passive 'gyrator' quad-

ripole, 301; tesonanisat eircssits couplesl by quadripole, 2945Kleen, W., receiver noise, 2532- with others, electron beams and e.. wcaves, 3188Kle4nen, P. H. J. A., perietration factor andi field of planar triodfe, 3178

Klein, M. J., ansi Ri S. Steiitti, thtlu ferroxroagnetic fil uis, 1875lein, P. E., electron-beam 'ferroscope', 2477Klein, W., u.h.f. RIT transmission tests in Alps, 219Kleinwachter, H., travelling-wiave valves, 502Bempnerer, ., developmnents in signal-storage tubes, 1538- with others, e.s. stofrage tssbe, 1034Klemperer, 0., ansI Y. flitiger, spherical aberration of electron-emission

systems, 1977Klick, C. C., aisd 1 H. Scltulinan, 'sut-iands' it luaiiinescence spectrurn of

Zn SiO, fitn, 847- with 1 B. Schediitian, fltiorescence of phosphorescence epission spectea

of Zn.SiO4-Afn, 387KRline, K., asymtiptotic sstlution of Mlaxswell's eqtiation, (A)2752KRlingatan. 3G. W., redofuctioni of ititerference froiss r.f. heating eqsiipment,

206Klinger, H. H,, new travelling-waste valves, 2885Klinger, Y., with 0. ;lelnperer, spherical aberration of electron-emission

systems, 1877

KJute, W. A., microwave pt5lse gt aeration and shaping, 3111

van der Knalp, P. D., and J. Jager, detlection coils for television receivers,high-impedance type, 2295, low-inipediatce type, 1793

with others, elecfrical recorlirig of diagratus swith systeins of co-ordiotates, 3075

Knight, H. de B., characteristics of hot-cathode thyratrons, (D)782Knighting, E., niieteorological aspects of rassio-cduct fortisation, 1488

HnoLKL, 8., and G. Dienier, e.r. raves in waveguides, 585; fluctuations anddampinig in double-cathode valves, 507, (Cf3175

_- with G. Diemer, low-lesel triode amplifier for microwaves, 780Knoll, K., and J. Randiner, grid-type image-storage c.r- tube, 786_ with others, getter materials for valves, 489

Knuduen, L, field of circular and square helical aerials, 1844; solution ofsystem of linear equations with asymnmetrical miatrix, 2489

Hobrakc, G., effects of high-inteosite sounds in ear, (A)537Hobtryuki,M., and A. N,evron, ireasuremetnt of sound transniission through

partitions, 2616Koch, B., and H. Neuert, random electron oscillations in h.f. gas discharge

in magnetic field, 614Hochenburger, J., atialysos of coritactor servowiiechanisnis by frequency-

response methods, 224Kock,W. E., photographic tethniques for nicrowave field patterns, (Af1958-and F. K. Harvey, photographic method for displaying sound-wave

space patterns, (A)1811Koenig, E. C., photoelectric anzlogue computer, 1187Koerner, L. F., crystal stnits, measurement of characteristics of, (A)1958,

test oscillators for, 1437Hofink, W., with others, bolonieter with short tissie-lag, 3059Kogan, S. Kh., e.m. tave propagation along enctless slsenoid, 30

oiojima, S., atid K. Takayamsa, noise teiriperature of di.c. gas-dischargeplasnia 1133

Kolb, 0. K., magnetic-sound-filsi developitients its Great Britain, 1065Hoilaib, R., direction and phase in particle accelerators, 1447Kolemiefa, B. T., characteristics of PbS photoresistors, 2882Kondorski, E., singie-dotriaiai structsre in ferroicagiletirs, 2408KSnig, H., schlieren optics in elestron msicroscope, 1451

and G. Herwig, thin filins of hydrocarborn foritted by electron or ionbombardment, 2738

KOnig, H. W., ilynamiic electron flow uiider iTIffuence of dynamic field, 854Koppenh6fer, A., with 11. Kiruger, r.f. induction heatitng of otetals, 2788Hoaablev, L. N., ring counter using neon lamps, 2120Horff, S. A., and Y. Beers, solar atmosphere and origin of r.f. radiation, 341Korman, N. I., and J. R. Ford, achromatic inicrowave aerial, (1)1078Kom, G. A., and T. M. Korn, imiodern servomechanisin testers, 4S7Korn, T. M., with G. A. Korn, modern servomechaitism testers, 457Kornetzki, M., moeasuireumients on high-a ferrite cores, 2736; permittivity of

BaTuiO, 1404; relation between permittisity and loss angle offerroelectric imiaterials, 1402

_ and J. Brackiniann, cores for u.s-w. variometers, 1677Kornhauser, T,, propagation on dielectric-coated rires, (D)2098Hares, L. L., and RK Schwartz, transistor frequency-modulator circuit,

3147ortman, C. M., with J. X1. Shaull, chronograph arid chronoscope for

coinparison of quartz clocks, 2471Heasmahl, H., with R. Gehauer, efficiency of oscillation generation in v.m.

valves, 2802HasWn, L., design and construction of electronic computers, 1181Hotowski, P., and H. Sobotka, Drabtloser Oberseeverkehr, (B)22$

E Schuttloffel and G. Vogt, directive aerials for s.w. angle-of-incidence measurements, 434

Kouveelites 1. 8., and L. W. McKeehan, magnetostriction of prolatespheroids, 1873

Kraft, H., with others, u.s.w. transmitting valves, 28721rsft L. G., correlation function analysis, 1179-with Y. W. Lee, detection of repetitive signals in noise by correlation,

(AW2285Krasnogorkaya, 1N. V., electron-multiplier magnetonieter, 2785sn_ rin, P. K., theory of oscillations in nonhom*ogeneous discrete

structures, 2399Kraus, X. D., Antennas, (B31574t helix theorem, 2342Kruse, R., determination of ultrasonic fields in fluids, 798Krau, L., with P. F. Ordung, cathode-coupled-clipper response,

(A121; frequency-coordinate vector diagram, 1378Hrautkcriimne, H., and J. KrautkrAmner, testing materials by ultrasonic

means, 301Keanmkehuner, J., with H. Kratutkramer, testing materials by ultrasonic

means, 3071HrslU E., properties of phosphors and photoconductors in intense electric

fields, 902

Krebs, pendular secondary electron multiplication in h.f. fields, 790

r, J. V., with others, power-line carrier system for multistationcontrol, telemetry and cornmunication, 425

Hrstseh W., and F. J. Walker, speed-controlled switch, 293

Jrebew, B. R., application of autocorrelation analysis to p.t.m. systems,1487

Krits, J., precision a.f. phase meter, 409

Krosbd, W., measurement apparatus with frequency-sweep oseitiator,30; noise in undirectional conductors, 1408

Erter, F. A., and W. de Groot, effect of temperature on fluorescence of

5l 3+, 903with A. Bril, fluorescieote sattiratiott in television Ce. stibes, 1923

Kroll, W., c- .spuitatissi of geodetic distsince frosii shoran observatioans,898

Kronenberger, K,, iluctuatiotii phenonieria and opcratiors of d.c artiplifier,2879

Kropp, R., isower supplies for large transssitters, 2550Kriuger, M., ass Is.Koppenhssfer r.f. indus tion heating of inetals, 2788KFase, F. W., Jr, sith sthers, oine structuire of lower ionesphure, 1898Kryder, S. J., stith others, sisicisowavss iieastreenients of dielectric properties

ao es 1428; rerorsifig atmossespleris refractive inIrex for mis ro-Iasres, (A)1958

Kuehn, R, L,, .i .dl ft. Seigle, rack-osnsrsted flying-spost scassoer, 2848KnentZ, W., tstresV isitsn isI Suiss territory, 3125Kundu, P., RC-ts,ned oscillitors, 2955Knnz, S., psopagation of rticironaves bsetween parallel conosuctirig ssr-

t A)2100Kupperian, J. E.. Jr, P. C. Murray assd I. Ireeusy, spursious cousstts ii G-51

csslllters, 1890

Kuritsyna, E. F., sithll R.R Teles tin, deyenrlertie of isiagnetic viscosity antes t rature, 2410

Kurns, H., h.X... Vtliner, nieastsreiIsent of eqtsivalent circuit parimetersof dissipative iuicrowave structtires, (A21O00

KEwa], B., cosnseqsiences of radiatisn froni fast particles in tuiagnetic field,1318, s,rrelation between coss lic raps amid radio rio .e from sumIauss1 gsalaxv, 1142; e.m. radiation frosii cositic protons iii intenseillsglletic fields, 21688

KyhI, R., witlh others, designu of l01-eV linsear electron accelerator, (A)2245


Labate, 8., with others, design of sotnd-absorbitng duiets, (A)1811LIBerge, W. B., with others, Schottky effect for polished Ta, 1931Labeyrie, J., G- counters, itiiproved, COf-filled, 2259, for ultraviolet

radiation, 3085and P. k.Ager, glassfniica vacuurn-tight seals, 2482

Labin, 19., Cilcul Opirationnel, (B)389; signal-retardation electron tubesrith delay niodtilation, 2576; wide-band television systems, 475

Labrum, N. K., with H. C. Milnnett, solar radiation at 3 18-cutm A,Labus, J., bridge-compensated differential amplifiers, 2394; h.f. ampli-

fication by interaction of two electron beams, 1018; space-chargeeffects in h.f. modulated electron streams, 3187; space chargeantI phase focusing of electron beams, (D)3187

Lacy, L. Y., rith A. J. Aikens, 450-Mc/s RfT transinission tests in NeyYork, 734, 1788

Ladner, A. W., and C. R. Stoner, Short Wave Wireless Constnuoiucation,(B)2080

Lemel, A. K., coding processes for bandwidth reduction in picturetransniissiori, (A)2270; measurement of waveguide and coaxial-line isimpedances with circular waveguide, (A)1958

Laett, B., C.C,I.R. 625-line television standards, 3133Larque, C., with Godard, rueasuremexit of charges on particles of uist

or rain, 355Laferty, J. M., bori(le cathodes, 2050L},8neur, M., and C. Pecker, r.f. emnission due to gyromuagnetic effect in

discharge, 1139Lagarde, M., 1'. Herreng and A. G.auenet, cornpressor expam tler sinits of

French P.T.T., 306Igasse, J., determination of leakage reac.tance of transfornsers, 1314LsGrone, A. H., W. H. Benson, Jr, arid A. W. Straiton, attenuation of

radio signals by scattering, 2525Laird, D. T., aol P. M. Kendig, attenuation of sound imu water containing

air Issubbles, WAf1811Lakatos, E., problem solving with analogue computer, 1954Lallend, A., development of (riscope, 478- and IM. I)uchesne, properties of complex photoelectric layers, 1272Lambert, R. P., wall viscosity and heat coniluction losses in rigid tubes,

2615Lampert, M., with others, magneto-optics of electroii gas with guidesd

mnicrowaves, 2911Lance, T. M. C., iniprovements in large-screen television projection, 467Lanezos, C., iteration method for solution of eigenvalue problems of linear

differential and integral operators, 1418Lanuianer, R., approximations for associated Legendre polynsnmials, 1415Landsberg, P. T., characteristics of Se photocells, 1513; rectifism, barrier-

layer. theory of, 2744, d.c. characteristics of, theory of, 2743-R. W. Mackay and A. D. ScRonatd, parameters of simple excess

semiconductors, 3014Landshoff, R., convergence of Chapman-Emusiog method for ionized gas,

(3)2404Lang, Chi-Shi, with others, electroni voltaic effect, 2303Lange, F., with H. Geschka, styroflex capacitors, properties and appli-

cations, 2121de Lange Den, H., caletslation of multivibfrator timne delay, 72lange, K., photoelectric scaniting anmd chronmatic selectiori for colonur

designs, 1258Langethop, C. E., note on Levinsson's existence theorem, (D3d3(8Laugi01, R. C., scattering of 1tt-cut radio waves by rain, 1385

Lankestee, S. G3., and S. G. Dreier, radio control for ship models, 1747Lanzalotti, S. J., snoth S. F. Danko, assemtibly of miniature military equip-

mient, 2949

Laperte, H,, Die Messung von elektrischenl Schwingungen aller Art nachFrequenz und Amplitude, (B)2238; Die Messung von clektrischenSpannungen und Stresmen aller Art vom Gleichstrom bis zurHochfrequenz, (B)22389

Lapp, F., and K. B. Westendorf, resistor for h.f. nieasurements, 2759larwlh, 8., and R. E. Shrader, cathodoluminescence of Zn,SiOi-Mn, 1921

Lark-Horovitz, K, with V. A. Johnson, combination of resistivities in

senmiconductors, 3015; elesctroni moblility in Ge, 882

Larson, R. R., with others, recordinig atnsospheric refractive index forniicrowaves, (A)1958

Lahkarev, V. A., diffusion of ctirrent carriers in semiconductors, 2440Laftimer, K. M., and H. B. MacDonald, possible applications of ferrites, 193Lafer, A. R., ultrasonic generators and applications, 197

Lautr, E A., statistics of night-time abnormal-E layer, 1377-with F. Schindelhauer, phenomena connected with Mogel-Dellinger

effects, 1477LAlterong, K. B., curreeit integrators for counters, 1462LAvoick, K, special waveforms in study of dielectrics, 2230lAvrneh, W., with J. V. Hughes, permnittivity of air at A 10 cm, 3047Lawson, J. D., with others, design of electron synchrotrons, 1212Lawson, J. L., and G. E. Uhlenbeck, Threshold Signials, Hadiation Labora-

tory Series Vol. 24, (B)124Lax, B., W'. P. Allis and S. C. Brown, effect of nmagnetic field on breakdown

of gases at u.h.f., 1134lax, M., with A. Levitas, scattering and absorption by acoustic strip, 2314Ilaecki, B., with G. Glinski, plug-in units for digital computers, (A)20Lasseri, J., 3-cm magrietrons, 2086Learned, V., klystron mixer applied to television relaying, 258, 314*Lebacq, J. V., with W. B. Sell, microwase oscillograph, (A(1958Lebell, D,, with C. K. Hadlock, studies of pulse-transfortner eqtmivalent

circuits, 1313with Is. Jansseui, applications of slifferential artalyser to electrical

engineering, 3037Lebt, A. W., pulse testing of coaxial cahles, 2231Lecuir, R., physico-chemical phenomena in ceramics industry, 257Ledinegg, E., and P. Urbaln, theory of oscillations in coupled cavity

resonators, 1115le6ward, T. A., barrier-layer photocells for high-inipedance voltmeter, 401lee, A. J., with A. C. Burd, sonic scattering layers in sea, 2083Lee, F. B., economics and choice of traffic-control systerii, (A)2181Lee, R. W., with R. L. Garinan, proposed closed-loop theatre television

system, 3132; television image tubes and techniques for filns,1792

Lee, Y. W., and L. Kraft, detection of repetitive signals in noise bycorrelation, (A)2265

and J. B. Wiesner, correlation functions and application to com-munication problems, (A)679

T. P. Cheatham, Jr, and J. B. Wiesner, application of correlationanalysis to reception of periodic signals in noise, 730

lee, L. K., automatic television-synchronization lock, 3134

v. Leeuwen, F. J., asutoinatic apparatus for reverberation-tisiie iteaisure-ment, 1830

Lfger, P., with J. I abeyris,, glassmirca secrito tight 2

Legg, V. E, rith otrsers, d.c. aittplifiers tisiiig magnettors, (A)2122

Le Grand, Y., physi.olgical basis of coslosr television, 2843Le Guen, F,, with others, level regulation oni Paris- oususse cosxiul

cable, -2832Lehany, F. J., aand ). I. YabsIles, solar r diatioti at 1200,. aotd 2'I.s

Mlc s, (Cs861Lehmann, G., background n5ise imu aslpifiers, 1333

Lehmann, EI., loss-csilleplr tld litteri sn arrierrfrequellcy sostests,Lehmann, R., with fi. f-hsasse, defissitioei of cotusplex noise witll contini-

uo5sspcctrusm, 799; uiltrasotuics in everydlay life, 2888

Lehove, K., miieasuritig capacitance of dry cliis rectifiers, 940; srigin oftisire-lag effsect is Sc reitifiers, 1686

issl H. Keslcesdy, graphical letersintion of Flersui leescl in iinprtityediicncluctor, 1343

Leiler, M., .sst.s N. AM srehsusd, sert iss syste'ss, cro sss-Cor-latioIit doptirisuen sigieas'nrise ratio tor, (Ai22fl5, designi ost, 738

-sWith others, analysis dof ct-sequoontial colsur ttslevision, 465; cvll-fpoivent tlieory of csalcslating raosio speeira, 2833

Leitner, A., and R_ f). Spsrce, effsct of ciscular grond-plicle Otl arialradiation, 587

Lejay, P., and F7. Leperhinshy, effect of tempetaturc sti ioniz d lsaverf7srsation, 2995J. l Ardillfiss anr (f. Blertusx, carth's iia.gsietisitaln prrpagastion of

raci. isaves, 2806Lexmmns, H. J.,M. J. J.ansen andl l. Loessjes, I, type heaveolhitytrivris -

ionic eathodes, 773Leumon, K. T., with others, comparison of sofin pressures in earphone

coiplers ano is ear, (A)1811Lempigki, A., asud A. 13f Mcl arlane, silicose oil salsoser ssId iecondars-

clectross essission, 274032.,

lt al display of bitsarvneios(sers, 2468Lengyel, B. A., reflection anul transniss,ion, 1878, at surftus e of illetaI plate

structures, 1879Lennartz, H., with H-. Boucke, elrctronic sritches, 2935

Lenz, F., calculation of optical parar.etetrs oIf iiagsrticu electron lenses,1454, rith bell-shaped fielsl, 705; rotatis nially synunietrical foten-tial fields with cylimtdrical esauipotentuals. 2258

- with W. finlaser, calciulatiomi of iiiiage floimatioist for mnagnetic lenses,

3051LePage, W. R., and R. F. Gates, feeder prosletiss in brosad-band aerial

arrass, (As2842-C S. RKys and S. Seely, radiatioun feicirs sular current sheets, 31-uith t. F. Harriagton, dire tionsal aerial arrays with elenrifIts

circularlv dispo,ed atssut rylindric at retector, (A)2100Lepechinsky, D., with f'. Lejay, effect of temssprature on ionizeed lser

forici.utioeu. 2995L-ephakis, A. J., stsr ge (levices fI.rsosrts issectios sys5teosS. 1235

Lepp, H., gases an(i Isietals, 1679lepri, F., I. F. Quercia aoust H. Rispoli, sf.r.s.equipiiieit fr of setr atiiri of

transients, 185Leroy, R., syrithesis of 2n -terniinal passive sketworks, B4Leslie, F. M., radiation froio resonant A04 traisinission lisses, 1563Lethersicb, W., rheological properties of dielectric polymers, 888

de Leudeville, A., with J. Selz, C.f.T. wave ansalyser, 3057

Leven, J. J., 0.f. iuudtiction heating f(ir motor-car irts, NOLeverenz, H. W., with others, structure, properties ansI uses of ferri tes,38

Leverton, W. F., and A. J. Dekier, Hall coesfiiemt and resistivity ofevaporated Bi films, 1403

Levina, L. E., with others, electri.. field ise 3-electrode g,ils-diss harge ttbeo,2874

Levine, A. M., and S. Moskowitz, power supplies for television receivers,fA)2284

Levine, H., wavelengtli of sphbe misal reesonmator, 2320- and C. Hiapas, theory of circular diffraction aersal, 1305

Levinthal, E. C., oith others, tosagnetic-field mesasuring instrsisiseilt, (A)2228Leeitas, A., anltM. Lax, scattering and absorptioni by as omisic strip, 2314Lewin, G., design of robust valtes, 2863; te hnioues i.e tnagretit roaTIrrlig

for muuotion-pirtiire production, 2901Lewin, L., interfcrence in mrultichannel circuits, 988, (C)1780, 3100

Lewin, L., J. JMuller and I. Ioasard, phase distortiuon iii fsersers, 1087Lewis, r. A. D., variation, of pfhase velocity in contirsusossywptstsid delay

lines, 2837Lewis, W. W., Ilrotectiosi of Traiisioissiorn Svlstess agases t tLightning,

(B)2112Leykhter, L. E., with 0A. B.Budaros, theore and desgesn ef reflex voltifeter,

2767Leyland, S. C,,rwitt others, field tests ot niicrswavea es.sltiplex system, 1243Libois, L. J., nonlinear distortiorn in fLll. transnmission, 448liichtman, S. W., hcv. statilization bf is eaois of *orssna diss Isaree, 2548Licklider, J. C. R., intelligihility of quaistize(i speech, (A)538Liebmanw, G., mmsapping of vector-poteitial d istribustions iis Axialls sves-

iaetricnl systems, 1428Lsh*ts, A. M., ih N. B. Bgtdasv-afs, rasiio lnterference on 410-kf liV s,

3102Lilienthal, J. L., Jr, with otliers, mechano-electroni traisisllcer fsr pfisO I-

logical apphli ations, 2791Linder, E. G., and K. (. Hernqvist, redeictiois of space-charge Offs-cts in

electron beai-is, 1013Lindquist, R., soaiospheric effects of tvar flares, 1381; lanorasllis iono-

spheric recorder, 1425Lindsay, D. G., dual-diversity frequercy-shift meseiver, 2823

-J 1. Bluor and J. 1). Gilchrist, distanuce-ineastsriuig erquips lent forcivil aircraft, 1382, 1659

Lindsay, P. A., properties of e.s. fields in electron leuses, 181

Lindsey, R. H., with others, effects of contamninants on electrical insulation

130LindtrOm, O., therniistors in ultrasonic interferonisetry, 3068van de Lindt, W. J., with I1. G. Beljers, (lielectric iueaseerer uents with

onagic Tces, 3053Limke, J. M., designi of reactan e filters by use of Zotel X -teniiinations,Lippett, W,, with others, bolonlteter rith short timne-lag, 8059

Lippman, B. A., RC-asplifier bsandwsidth, 1236Lisman, 32., phase velocity of e.m. waves over surface sf sphere, (A)2799Litehford, 4. B., with others, i.c.w. system for distance zuieasurerment,

(A)2188iattle, A. G., sYith others, radio observations of tto largesolau distursatces,

2168Little, C. G., and A. C. B, Lovell, fluctuations in intensity of iadis) waves

froos galactic sources, 1366and A. Maxwell, fluctuations in intensity of radii waves frout galaictic

sources, 2172Little, J. B., travelling-wave valve for aioplification at 6-ntiti A, 1521Little, R. V. Jr, R.C.A. PT-10i0 theatre television equipmneuit, 2847.

Littlefteld, R. Y., with H. F. Meyer, radio communication system uisinigph.m. transmission amid s.s.b. reception, (A)2270

Littlewood, J. H., with T. Baldwin, null method for gain and phase shift of1.f. amplifiers, 1728

Lloyd, E. C., perspective distortion in televisior pictures, 2024Lloyd, W. M., s.s.b. receiver design, 2557Locanthi, B. NK, high-speed multiplier for analogue cnouputers, (A)(6- with others, nonlinear devices in analogue ompsuters, 143Locquin, M., electron microscopes, 1988

Loeb, J., application of Shannon's cominunicatioru tlieory, to telecontroetcm, 2535, to meastireinent, 3041

Loeb, L. B., with C. G. Miller, starting potentials of coronas, 26

London, A., with others, long-tube method for field deterrmitiation ofsound-absorption coefficients, (A(548

Loosemore, W. R., and 7. Sharpe, tine delays in l.v. halogeru-quenchedG-M counters, 2280

- and D. Taylor, temperature dependence in G li counters, (D)187-with E. Franktin, survey equipment using l.v. halogen-quenched

G^M counters, 2258LoeIes, R., with others, L-type heavy-duty thermionic cathodes, 778LopUkhin, V. M., with S. D. Gvozdover, theory of anode block of plane

magnetron, 2598Lord, E. W, design of wide-band transformers for linear circuits, 20

Ioughre, A.V., and C. J. Hirsch, comparative analysis of colour-televisionsystems, 1786

Lovel, A. C. B., radio astronomy, 1363with C. G. Little, fluctuations in intensity of radio waves froom

galactic sources, 136

Loveleck, R. T., and J. H. Jupe, Ge diodes, 2059


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (8)

Index to Abstracts and References. 1951Lowrie, R., lattice-type crystal filter, 2377Luck,D. G. C., propertiesof wide-band phase-splittinignetworks, (D)123Lucke, W. S. electric dipoles near elliptic or circular cylinders, 1308Ludi, P., Frey, theory of travelling-wave valve, 1518Ludwig,G. D., ultrasonic velocity ini aod aotostic inpedance of animal

tissues, 1048

Lumbroso,}H., theories of ferroelectricity, 2725

Ltun,M.J . with H.F. Farnsworth, secondaryenissison of Ni-Ba nixture&and Rh bombarded by50-8800-eVele trons, 1399

Lund,N., measuring adjacent-band radiationfrouti transoitters, 2782Lundquist, S., magneto-hydrostatic fiells, 1892

Lundry, A., delav coincidence circuit for cointers, 3086Lundry, W. R., attenuation and delay equalizers for coaxial lines, 835Luongo,J., with others, 32-channel high-spetit crii.ii utator, 295

Lusby, W.S.,inttsiiatioii of X-ray fuosiesceitiiitages, 2507

Luta, 8. G., calculating transitiission-line loatI iliipe.danc, (A)2106;single-tapped coil delay line, (A)2100

Lutzker, L., statistical methods in research and development, 1040Lux, H., research by Telefunken during the war, 2882

Lyman, H. T., Jr. with D.R. Delar, variable-induictance television tuner

for v.h.f. channels, 1289

Lyman, J., Litchford and C. Grunskm, i.c.w. system for distantemeasuremenit, (A)218B

Lynch, C., temperature coefficients of piezoelectric constantsof quartz,921

others, properties and tests ofmagiieticpowders, 1948

Lyons, H., suirvey of ttoorni frequenscy and tinte standards, (A)1958- with olers, ticriwave measurenments of (lielectric properties of

gases, 1428; riicrowave spectroscopy, with application to

chemistrc,nowlear physics antI frequency staridards,lAu1958Lyubaraki, 0. Ya., with A. I. Akiliezer, excitation of oscltlations in wave

guide by means of linear aerial, 2335


MacAdam, D. L., quality of colour reproduction, 2553Macalpins, W. W., heating of r.f. cables, 28Macdiarmid,I.F., and D. G. Tucker, polyphasemodulation for telecom-

munication filters, 213

MacDoiald,D. K. C., spontaneous fluctuations, 79; statistical analysis ofelectrical noise, (D)293; transit-time phenoetiena in electroistreams, 1038, plasma and bearl flut tuations, 2071

_ K. Sarginson, size effect itn conductistity of nietals, 328MacDonald, H. B., weith K.E. Latimer, possible applications of ferrites,


MaDoniald,J.R., withJ3 1-1. E. Griffiths, oscillation-typetmagitetometer,1711

Asadaya, K. A.,calculation of distortion in iron-cored a If transfortiters,1087

Mafarlane, G. 0., energy spectruiti of nearly periodic pitlses, (D)441;theory of contact iioiseili semiconduictors, 910

-and M. Woxrdward, small signal theory of wave propagation inuniform electron beani, 261

Machin, K. H., distributiortof r.f. rodiation aerr,ss solar disk, 2887Mcht, H. G., 'absolute qaladtrpole-t-omitit', a fuoidaicertal rmagneto-

static quantity, 110

Mack, C., capacitauce of parallel plates with ciyltnder in torsion betweenthem, (A)2184

MacKay,D. M., calculatiiig macbhirs an(I hun,ian thought, 1698Mlacay, R. W., with others, parauieters of simnple exsess sevuiconductors,


Mackenzie, R. B., with others, pictcrial reproduction in television, 2029MlacNel, R. H., with G. D. McCann, electric analogtre couiiputing tech-

niques for complex vibratilot probleis, (Af189Macec, B., high-speed product integrator, (A)2220Macpherson, A. C., and D. AL Kerns, absolute microwave power measure-

ments, (A)1958Maddock, A. J., with D. J. K. Nstrin, lowopower alternating-voltage

stabilizer, 1492

Hagat, M., and M Bruina, resonator fi.r and dirn A, 2954Mager, E. L., with others, electrolcIminetceite, new light source, 1341Magnien, M., with C. Dubirt, study of rneshed network, 1855Macaus, W., and F. Oberhettinger, Formulas aned Theoremrs for the Special

Functions of Mathei,,atical Physics, (BA148Mlaguski, H., adjacent-c han.tl-rejectino reveiser, 1480Magpuon, P. C., rolling-ball at alogtie of coupled cuircit I, (A;1114lMibly, H. J., approxiromate calcitlation of e.ti. oscillations iti casity re

sonators, 1594

Mlaillard, J., J. Voge atid P. Chavance, eqtiipmeTlt fIor study of ci-owavepropagation, 3115

Maier, A., gravitation and magnetism, 108

MJaury, T. G., with others, dielectric-constant muethodl of observingpolymerization, 2240

MalAs, D. J., and B. F. J. Schonland, electrical processes between strokesof lightning, 2182

Malatitta, B., cathued-degeneration phase inverters, 298, 1885Mallach, P., dielectric directive radiators, 287

Mallein,, 8., scaniting in cinema television with continuously movingfilmn, 244

Mallinckrodt, A. 3., with others, fine structure of lower ionosphere, 1898;measuremnent of polarization of l.f. ionosphere reflections, (A)

Malov, N. N., velocity if Hon waves in mu3tilayer wmveguside, 2640lalsch, F., tuning-indicator valves for receivers, 3180Malach, J., electron intl electrical conduction it solids, 1342; transistors,


Malter, L., and M. R. Boyd, grid current and emission in thvratrons 2873W. B. Webster, determination of gas-discharge coitetants fromprobe data, 2972

Malvano, R., metal waveguides with parallelograin cross-section, 2910Macdel, H., accumnulators for very low temperatures, 149i3Mlandelbrot, B., adaptation of riiessage to transmission line, 2271, 2827Mandeville, C. E., with others, construction of radioactivitv instrunients,

3079MAnley, B., terrestrial magnetic field, 1838Manley, J. H., magnetic amplifiers, 2118

Manerbeg, E. with others, high-stability u.b.f. televisioii tuner,(A)2292

Mausberg, B. P., techniques of c.r.o. photo-recording, 675Many A., network for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real syrnimetrical

matrix, 1899M,aple, E., with others, evidence for ionosphere currents frout rucket

experiments, 2713

March, H. T., M. Yacbter and I. Zauderer, inacuralie isn feedla,c k co. troisystems, 223

Marchand, N., coiour multiplexing bv sine-wave fumictions, (A)2292H. R. Holloway and M. Leifer, analvsis of dot-sequenitial colour

television, 485with Mt. Leifer, periodic systenis, cross-correlation and optimuiti

signal/noise ratioe for, (A)2265, design of, 736witb others, component theory of calculating radio spectra, 2834

Mareblse, T. J., with others, periodic-waveguide travelling wave amplifierinediuni powers, 2047

Maatcou, P., frequency conipressicns 98&Marcuvitz, N., and J. Schwinger rcepr serqtationc of electric and niagnetic

fields in wavegitles, 2638I Felsen, half -space as spherical transitissitin line, (A)2100

Maric, P., propagation of waves of frequtenty 0-3- 3kM10cs,435; u.hf.filters and lenses 1842

Marian,L.U.,aid J. .. R, Moral, telecommtuinication ietworks msiily u.h.f-radio links, 2836

Marique, J., frec umocy-spectruiti analvser for radio sigitals, 187Markham, J. J., acoustic fiells with viscosity and relaxation, (A)1811;

nlechanisnis of sound absortliocni in fluids, (A)529Markus, J, with V. Zeltiff, Electrostics Mantual for Radio Engineers,

(191750Marriott, H., and A. L. Cullen, rationalization of electrical theory and units,

322Marsh, J. A., current distributions on helical aerials, 2l47Mrshall, B. O., Jr, analogue multliplier, 1419MarshalL F. R.. with others, Kerr-cell photographic shutter, 235

Marshall,J., transmsmion-line-reflection voltage-doubling amplifier, 180Marshall,J. L, and others, calculation and measuremnent of loudness,

(A)542with others, calculation and measureotent of loudness, 2824

Marston, A.E., beam shaping in doubly curved reflector systems,(A)2642Martin,D.J.R., and A.J. Maddock, low power alternating-voltage

stabilizer, 1492Martin, R. A., andR. D. Teasdale, tunetd coupled circuit ftoroscillator

application, (A)2122Martin,R.E., radlo coniniunications for power systems, 1775Martin,8. L., and G. F. Weston, spectralenmittance of uncoated and oxide-

coated Ni cathodes, 1028Martin, T. L., Jr, IUltraltigh-FieqitenyEngineering, (B)2077Martius, U. elects of plastic deforntatioiiottntagnetic pioperties of

polyrystalilitie nietals, 1876Martyn,D. F., the yv cf magcietic stornts and attrcrae, 1374,(D)2995Marzolf, itdttC ercetet'thod fcr remoteindicatioit of tank level, 143Mason,J H., detercioation anti hreakdown of dieectrics resulting ferom

intcreit disttharges, 1688; randotit noise indielectric materials,1689Mason,S.3.,signalltoW graps,(A)2122aso n, W.P, niagntetstriction antl morphic effects for Ni crystal, 3020;zer,t-tsiuperatilre-c(>efficient quartz crystals, 2452-and F.Wiik, high-power ultiasonic BaTiO, transducers, lA)5O0,

1818with tithers coupling ioeficients ofsingle-crysttlal it,0 2450

Massey. B.S. W.. Negative cons, B)1883Haucci, C., wittl others, .e diode asvideod&tetor, 2589Hatar6, R.F., tystal deted torsanduse at u.h.f., 775;poweradjustment in

waveguttides 15I5 secimicndtutcors, aTtipificatior, in, 1037,statistital iltuctuiationsin, 909; sensitivity of diode mixirigcir-Ci its, 28;tlansistor itteasureittetit techniques, 1533

Mather"G. U.,radiation-pattern calcusater for 2-tower arrasys, 2350Mathes,R. N., and others, eflects of contaninants on electrical insulation,

130Matheson, R.M., and L. S Nergaard, high-speed 10-V effect, 3170Mathews, W.E., transmission line equivalent oftravelling-wave systems,

2948Mathias, L. E. B., with A. Cunliffe, perturbation effects incavity resonators,

70Matricon, M., and S. Trouv6, distribution of space charge in thermionic

valves, 1514Hatssmura, T., with T. Hibi, aggregation of trapping centres in semi-

corledictors, 1928Matthaes,G., quality of printed resistors, 1584Matthews withM. V. Callendar, harnuonics atid intermodulation fre-

qtiericies in nonlinear amplifiers andrtixers, 2956Matthias,B. T., ferroelectrrcitv. 2451

and J. K. Hutn, new ferroelectric tartrates, 2209- andJ.F'. Remeika, dieleetric properties of NaNbO, and KNbO,, 3023Mattler, J., with G. Destriau, effect of tenriperature on electrophoto-

lusiuiicescetuce phenomenta,644Maurer, P., impeedance transforriuatiomi byh.I. line sections, 833Mawardi, 0. K.. sound prcpagation ini narrow conduits, {(1)3; transient

testing ccf loudtpeakeers, (A)282; wuide-range acouistic termination,(A1811

Maxwell, A., radio emission fromsomspot, 14th June 1950, 2700-with C. G. Little, flticttuations in intensity of radio waves froni

galactiuc sources, 2172Mlay,E., Industrial High-FIequenmcyElectric Power, (B)716Hay, J3 C., with others, integr.altion-noise reducer for radar, 360, operation

of split-anode miagne tron, 1120Mayer, H., release of electrons on transitiont from atomic to compact

metal, 1397Mayer,R. W., with H. Chestnut,comparison of steady-state and transient

performance of servomechanisms, 222

>Ma C. effect of earth admittances in a.c. bridges, (DP1433.Mayo-Wells, W. J., techni(uiies and applications of f.um.ef.n. teleinetry,

(A)2245MeAdam,W., nith others, stabilized wide-band dc. amplifier, 849XcAlister, K.R., variable-length r.f. transmission-line,section, 2907HcCaffrey, B.I., datumll correction in radar-altimeter surveying, 1655XeCaig,M., wtth K. Hoselitz, theory of ucagnetic tproperties of anisotropic

aeloss. 658McCallum, D. aiud J. B. Slnith, design of logical comteputers, 2487McCann, G. D., antI H. MauNeal, electric autaltegoc conuptiting techitiques

ftr ioniplex vibratioui problemsu (A)189- C 1I. VWilts aid B, N. L1ocanthi, no Iiitearti eties vs rittalogite coumi-

petters, 143McCready. L. L., with J. 1I. Wild, spectruiue if higl intetlisitv i.i-A solar

radiation, 1829McPDonnell, D., effect of cir tciit tiysP nira rltctcr, 3101McmElwee,E. M., statistics of lie expecutatn sf valses 2945McPall, R. W., with S. M. Kaplani, toie statstics ateplied tI raedar ranfge

perforiiuance, 1390MicFarlane, A. B., with A. Lempitcki, siticocieel sitvapor and secondarv-

electron eniission, 2740McGee, J.D., television pitkhied tithes. 758

sith E. L. C. White, televisioei cattera tubes, (D)2556Hlclwain, K., with H. IPeder, EPlectricil I'tgingtere' Handtoick- Electric

Comtnunication and Flectroeiis, (B)2808McIntosh, D. H., geontlagnmetic effect of solaot lares, 2988; stidden com-

oceT lCteonts at l er eick, 2175MlcIntosh, F. H., and A. Inglis, coloetr televisioni. 1003McIntyre, A. R., with ithers, auiitouunaitc bteauie Ilcanker tcri c n., 405HtKsy, K. tietertitining etuergt dlistritbtion olf secontdIacry electi.oiu Iro

itesulatcic, 1347HicKeehaut. L. W., itt J. IS o rliteI, icag ieto-strit titen of IprolateMcKinley, D.W .,R.dcel rationt aTnt itizing etlitienc of ineteors, 1625

itil t.%L Mil1ie ip,t ictec vcilocities, 100McKinney, C, H., tieth otheris l-atiatiot elatt -rns of (celectrie rodIs in

1M, niode 1075McLachlan, KR., wiith R. Yorle, ac tliticr of sariable cetllcet itiepedalice,

2881MttcLafhlaa,N. W., Otditru. Nonluinetir lifferenutial 'qtiolts in0lligineerc

nta-1 lhvsicAtivieics, (B)1958McLauchlan, T. A., K. S. Seteliett aind G. D. Stott, electreci-etiicrecscotc

ocservations otl forueatiote of evaptccratedl ieeletal ils, 659MtLeas, D. A., uiietallized paper for capacitors, 134MeNaney, J. T., autouicttic (;t,.A., 1658MuNary, B. D., enhance(I photoelectric eeission frcoii lBO, 1883MiNicol, R. W. E., failitig )t rnIf. aiud h.f. cutves (D)201

acl G. de V.(Gil)es uicar eristics ofi ei atilri)anc. 1899HcPherson, J. C.. uvitie Is. NIillsaps. wi<illations (if iagnetiiscct cpe siu ics,

2153cRonsald, A. D., with Oti peranteters tf simplee cx-i scitc,tiridiictrs,

3014MeSkimin, H. J., suith othecs, coupelingrteet.ientst of sincle ccc-t Ill iTliO_

2450Meacham, L. A., 4-utiit eltc treic ocrgute, 1737Head, J., r clic.telegracph itetwcit in N.". Westert Aucstralia, 1772Meagher, J. R., televisicoui trecule-shootinlg umnd etlinotenit, 1794Meahl, H. R., and C. Ch.AIen, tualibrektion of a i21sleters t.ove M'sM,

IA)1958Medhurst, R. G., acmi S- I) lPool, rmttiltsal ituepedcltice cf par.illel aerials,

iD 1309Meek, J. M., wittl J. ). Cragcs. recent reseatlcti oii park discharges, 114Megaw, E. s., scattering of e.m. wases lixy at.itcspheric turcticlemece, 972,

(D'1755Hehrbach E., with W. H. Sayer, Jr, parallel oteretioe fIvlsves iit ti.h.f.,

(At2292Mehrotra, R. R., with S, S. Banerjee, miltiple reflections and undtlations

it regiori, 2526; radliation resistatce . skew-x ire r.f. trans-

Meinel, A. B., entrly of protoiis into atmnosphere Ilring aeirccc, 636Meiske, H. H., e Tee waves nonuniforen lines, 2334t h.f. tproperties of

curveI tiniflruse lines, 2133Meirlkea. R. H,, with other,- high-tetviperativstirvacumn in.dction feurnace,

3078Meister, H., objec tit*e mtueasutrements on telephone earpieces, 2895; theremial-

,.1isc generator for 30 c/s l)k5tsc 24Heuser, J.. diffrauction of e.m. waves bli disk, 94Meltse, B.. idemutitv of theumial and shot noise. 292

MSelville, H. W., with others, duietetrii-clstantaniethod tef othserei ngpolymnerization, 2210

Melville, W.8.. saturable reactorsin pulse generators, 2362Mendelev, B. G., with others, electrim hiell ti 3-electrode gus-clischargu

tube, 2874Mendousse,J.S., P.D.Goodiuuan an(I W.C.faels, capacitanet tridgefIcc

h.f., 1717Mentzer,J.R.. measurement of radar echoiiig areas ofecomuit etii tecide.

(A)2186Menzel, W., with 0. Augustin, solar and terrst.riatlphenoenadUlcTing

suddenionospheric disturbammce tl9th Nov. 1h4l, 8S

Menser,E, and H. Voelkel,If. technique in u.s.wn bercadicas timng 45.3Mereier,J. radiation pressure in acocustius, 2888; Si rvstaldectectors, 2070Meret, sinultaneotus feedingof one aerial front two traiisuietters it

Toulouse-Muret, 1508Merril G.,with otttlcr- d.c. asiiplitiersus ing mt.agnettcrs, A)2122Merrill, J. L., Jr, Type El negativeuinipe.ttice repeater, 1323, 1770Merrimnan,J. H.H., aniTR.W. White application of C. to -nh.f.fIslt miltti

cha.innt R (D11241Merritt,F.R., with others, ferroitiagmuetic resitnance in ferrites, 1874Hertz, P., A. D. Fowler amid H. N. Christopher, quality ratiung oftelevisionisiiiges, 751Herz, W. clielectric properties of BaTiOt at low temnperatures, 1945-with C astuari, electrouiiechanical effects it BaTi(t single-

domaint crystals, 918Mesnard,G., theria, semicondt torproperties of, 2730, thermionic pro-perties and activationof, 504, 774Messard,G.,atdR. tUzen,treatimenct ccf ttitmgstet wire for valves, 1412Metcalf,D.F., sithotlers, tropoesphericse.atttering ofra(ciio esaves, 2811Mftivier, R.,wvithothers, test mieethols anid apparltus for 3-cin 1L.klystruns, 883; side-diatdast.r. irt tr gas- usdl uarge switches,

2044, 3-CIs v,reflex klv5tItrtn RHKit2, 2089Metson,G. H. residual-vacuum charac teristic itf tlivrmiiotmic vsalve, 180Metzger,L., with H.

* eorge,Samica sica pep(tr, 1407Meyer, A.J. P., gyroniagnetic consta mt if ferrI.ciriigeietie iletuetit* antIallovs, 1932- and P. Taglang, ferrommuagnetisuto, ocf ills eBe,, 2203, of to /n

alloysy, 27Sl magnetic properti ec (fCiit slii sclutionin Co ndin Fel/Ni alloy,655

Meyer, H.F.. aiid H. Y. Littlefield, ciniunicactioi systemi. tisiug phtuetransmission ands.s.b. reception, (A)2270Meyer de Stadelhofen,J., locator of r.f. intmerfelrese sotoces oci overheadu

power lines, 1483Meyer-Eppler, W., analvsis of oscillaitiwsiv searth-tene nuttleod, 532Meyerhoff, A. A., interaction bietween tessase transiuissiomi lilles,(A)2100Meyer-Schmitzmeister, L., extertel ithotoelectric effect im ItC,O antI Cult,

2859Michaels,E. L., osoi of comitlex impledance amid adlmuittane fimetilns,(A)2125Michaelson, H. B., variations of rerii cctlucit poteultial astd associateel

gridcurrents, 264Michel, B., with Thien-Chi N'(.Guye. i.specil Ni Fe allevs preparccI It-

powder smuetalltirgy, 2400Michels, A., and C. A. ten Seldaun, iniuence of iuductanctsoxi detersitiia-

tion of capacitances, 1961Michels, A.J., with J. i. IL. Janssen, 'strotos pic' os0 illoscope for fre-

qumencies up to about 511 Me s, 1435Middleton, H. A., Iteceivingltibe Substitutiotne Ceiiide Book, (B(2072Miedzinski, J., and S. F1 1earte, perforniatice of screening rcoOTIls, 458Mlkhenewitch, N., and tI. AlixatntW illianisonVey-high-fidelitv amplifier,

1334Hidner,R. C., calles, h.f., iu televisiotm, 278,r.f, power ratinlg of, 28, for

soulnd-distribetion svstemmus, 2905Miles,J. 0., sattirable reactors imu high-speed digital coroputers, (A)2220Millar, N. P., expanded-scale voltiiietnr for a.s., 160Miller,C.G., and L. B. lieb, starting poitentials of coronas, 2888Miller,D. A., and EI A. Slusser, televisioom remeiver noisecalculatiolis, 3142MiiUer,P.G., stytusigrosve relatisoni uerepreduction, (A)550MilUer, F. P., with G. B. Fanning, tropcospheric radlun prolpagation, (A12799.iller H. 0., with EF. i. Ostliund, 1 - 4 bile s trio(le aniplfier, (A)2122

with L. Staschover, televisiosi-link sound*iiplexer, 3126Miller,M. L., design of equipotient tusitto stiln)ininttirei coieponemtis, 839Miller, P. f.m. receiver for bi 1111 it lcand, 731Miller, S.E., and A. C Iechk, teelo asswavegutide transmiss ion, (A2100- andW. Wi Mirnfircd, mmili tie eltlement directiontl couiplers, (A)2100MiUear, W. effective ratitus of eaelth for rcoiio pvropagationbeycoiid horizon.


Millership, R., atid t. i. *Vlstir, hI.f. tpermeatilits of ferroemm.gnetimmuaterialc, 913Millington, G., effct of earth s imeagum tic field on s.o. ecmriutuumiutiation,

(Ae2805Millman, P. M., and 1). W. IR. NIt inley, tiettior veloecities, 100Mis,B. Y, I1-MV resoiiant-cavitl X-ravtluie, 708-;sith others, solar radiiation at 5bI cTii durinig eclipse, 346

Millsaps, K., antI J. C. McIherson, tscillatioris of iisagmietic sutspensions,2153

Milne, E. A., gravitation .und niagnetistri, 1837Milnes, A. G., iiiagnetic amiuplfiers, P1094, (D)1582, new theory of, 48,

(A)582Milnes, B., and R. S tTnAin, radli meteorological ittvestigatiots in New

Zealant.md, 200Mims, B., with W. KRtltdtiose, c Ilipntietlt fer tueltl nmseasirctient of reverber-

ation tiumies, (A11811Minc, A., swith *W. C. Iletertltaiu, 4 2- hamel tuirne- divisiout- muultiplex

telegraph systeTii, 3108Mindlis, R. thicknes-sthear mist iltexital vibraticls of crystli plates,

1861Miser, R. C., with I. 1. MIott, ring-arnti.mttire telepliuone uartpiec e, 1296Ministry of Civil Avmation. Corisol Rlice Auidto Naxigatiicnm, (B)901Minnett, H.C., and N. R. ILabrus, scoar radiatian ait 31O cust, 343

with J Ii. l'idtlingtoti, solar rauiiatiois iat 2/i cmti, 342Minnis, C. M., ionospheric storrcni antI raolio-cir, teit dictirbahacces, 1470- with A. IF. Wilkiis omparison ionf spheric transmsuissioni forceasts

with practical results, 2520Minommky, N., differential equatioTi cc vyrring ie phvsics, 1893; Nuathieti's

mnonimnear oscillttor, 2951, tprtiisetriu ex mitatimn of oscillittins,1338

Mivimanov, R. G., comtlex radita.tieon remistance of coupled aerial systemsus.1846

Mitra, A. P., with S. Si.Ieel,rt ionlosphere over Calcultta, jun l-945 j itle881

Mitra, S. N., anonmalots blehaviosuur fnuJmltiply reflected iomosphere echoes,2527; s.w. fading due tt initerferecrre between suagnueto-iscniscomnuponents, 2815

Mosts, R. R., moode interactiost in mimagnetron ost illtors, (A(2304Moen, C. J., ultrasonic absocrpttionu its lituiels, eAt531, 1550Motr, J., aoutomatic prograwmmee mulortitor. 2280; Btritish recorders alit] vipre)-

ducers, 1559; loudspeakec eldiphragcuu coritrol, 2826; nev thleoruesof studio acucstics, 803

MOl, E. A. J., polyvinyl chloride insuelatisn fcr wires, 1944Neolimari, H., sigbiail-genuerator utitptut systesis, 411Moline, J., delav limues, 2914; self-bloue inmmg coscillator and atelications, 1116;

sinuiseoid-peulseacid pullsc-siutisoid transformumations, 2927; transtietinental series of television salesy 3162

Hloller, G., c .r.c. fortitus states. 408

Molloy, C. T., respictse 1ea(s in fiittle hot-ns, 6

Monnot, R., tinitelevsision tracmsmeiissiote ti ounstceolrnge systiesum, 463Mouro, C. R., flying-slot cattera Txe Itst-3A, 1265Monroe. R. B., with Sterliuig be Rudlie Manutal, (Be794Monteath, G. D., applicatioei of cocmtupemnsation theoremil toi rateiation prtit-

lent, (A 2818; wile-bared folled-liit serials 570M entgeomery, G. F.., asa deth litmarse teunetii wisth feedbta ck 2 6080 emmett(

inueutalu liditpt:v lse generator, 1725Montgomery, H. C., backgrouelts noise in traisisttrs, 779

- .with N. A, Miulton, speech aitalyser autud svnthesizer, (A)539Montroll, E. W., nmith i. Hart, scatteering of elate wavsecv 'soft'

splverical otestac les, 2139Moody, N. F., ti.c. assuplifier for portable ionizatio -tcharnmber instrulements,

2797Moon, J, H., developstueiti of aircraft autorsuatic radio compliass, 2190Moore, A. D., developsmment of fluid umuappers. 3040Moore, A. P., with others, experirmiental determmminatiorl of geoniagneticraduial variation, 351Mmore, A.R., and F.Hereiman, electron-tonmiluarvd.ient induced conclorttivitv


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (9)


in Ge rectifiers, 11685Moore, C. E., developments in radar for merchant-marine service,1391Moore, H. S., and M. Stein, comparison of ionospheric solar indices, 884

with M. L. Phillips, dispersion of F.-layer critical frequencies,(A)2799Moore, R., J. Fisher and J. Chatten, flying-spot colour-signal generator,

(A)2292Moore, R. K., aerials illconducting media, (A)2642; atirora, and miagnetic

storms, 2994,and v.h.f.propagationphernomenoii, 2002, (A2799- with C. W, Gartlein, southerti extent of aurori borealis in N. America,

1908, (A)2712Moral, J. J. R., with L IJ. Marin, telecomiunication networks using

u.h.f.radio links, 2836Morad, -, radio comniunications eqtiipment for arined forces, 2540

Moret,R., with L. Fontes, auxiiary circuits forG -M counters, 1105

M organ, C. G., with others, influence of electrodes instartinggas discharge,1615

Morgan, J. M., with others, portable television pickup equipment, (A)2292Morgan, M., television transmission and reception on 4801 Mcs, 494Morgan, M. G., and W. R. Evans, Jr, synthesis and analysis of elliptic

polarization loci,2416Moriarty, 0. M., propagation ineasurements foer Tasnianiansainland R1T

link, 1759Moriane, B., T.R. 153 receiver, 2818Morita, T., theory of concentric slot aerial, (A)2100MorOs,L. M., with others, formation of conduicting bridges in suspensions,

2688Momeal,K. C., R. '.Benson aiid H. Tavis, perforinance ofaudioiiieters,

1053- with thers, Anierican Standard Z24.9-1949, otipler calibration iif

earphones, 21Morrill, C. D., with R. V. Bauin, time division niultiplier for electronic

differential analyser, (A)2220Morris, A. L., small power transformers for aircraft, (D)581Morris, L. P., equipiiient for 450 Mc s, 2278Morris, R., with T. W. Ben jgton, reception of London 41 5-Mcs signals

in SouthAfrica, 722

Morri8h, A. H., and A. J. Dekker, decay of luminescence of KBrand LiF,904

lorrison, L. W., television transmnission in local telephone exchange areas,2841

Morrison, L. W.,Jr, television terminal e(tuipriientforcoaxial systems, 1005Morse, R. W., dependence of 'shadow-zone' sound on surface sound-

velocity gradient in ocean, 1044Mortley,W. B., frequency generation and rneasurement, (D)1188

Morton, C. W., extension of Loniitel integrals to Struve functions, witlacoustic application, 138

Morton, J. A., and R. M. Ryder, design factors of Type-1553 triode, 510

Mosea, R. C., Ge-diode impulse-noise limiters, 445; improved franie-

synchronization systern, 1494; video amsplifier design, 319

Mosher, W. A., with others, bibliography of sonic and ultrasonic appli-cations in biology, biochemistry and biophysics, 1813

Moskowitz, S., L. Diven and L. Feit, crosstalk in time-division mulltiplexsystems, 740

-with A. M. Levine, power supplies for television receivers, (A)2284Moan, H., cathode-resistance stabilization of c.r.-tube gin current, 2596Mao,T. S., photoconductivity, of Mg,hSb layers, 1163, of various elements,

3149; refractive index and infrared sensitivity threshold of

photoconductors, 1273Moatafa, A. E. S., valve performance for large signal voltages, 1517

Mott, E. E., and R. C. Miner, ritig-armature telephone earpiece, 129

llotz, H., Electromagnetic Problems of Microwave Theory, (B)2113;radiation from fast electron beaios, 2411

Moullin, E. B., non-ohmic resistor illseries with impedance, 2657; The

Principles of Electroinagnetism, (B)623Mourier, G., 'anticvlotron' travelling-wave valve with magnetic field, 260-with others, travelling-wave valses with rniagnetic field, 1020Moyer, R. C.. D. R. Andrews aiid H. E. Roys, iiietltolrs of calibrating

frequency records, 533Moyshes, B. Ya., excitation of e.m. oscillations, 2415Mti}hleisen, R., lightning discharges upwards from thunderclouds, 2183

Mifloer, H., iiieasurement of distortion in broadcasting tranismiitters, 2588

Huller, J. J., with others, phase distortion in feeders, 1067

Mtller, K., first Gernian post-war high-power transniitters, 2585llier, R., soiar a,iu teitestrial phenoinena dciritcg sudden ionospheric,

disticrbaicce l9th Nos. 1949, 885- stibility and attenuation ofe.in. naves illwaveguides, 813

Mlunord, W, W., with A. E. Bowen, Type-]5,53 triode as modulator andantplifier, 310

inithSSE. Miller, mnulti-element dire, tio- al ctiplers, (A)2100Munro, G. H., Nvork of Australian Radio Research Bcoard, 1999

Munson, W. A., and ff. C. Moiltgoiiery, sceeh arislcyser axid symittlesizer,(A)539

Munster, A. C., monoforrier c.r. tube, 1033Murdock, C. E., high-power tetrode, (A)2304Murray, P. C., with others, sprious counts in G itaounters, 1990Mtser, H.. IcFuci Iiiiiiting energi y o srti enicocdiictors, 1876;

opirating liuoits of photfire.istl,icct s2861Momon-Genon, R., J. Chantereati atid R. Mctivier, test inethods arid

appatratus fc.r 3-cn I.v,kltstrons, 683R d._Wtivier andR. PaUs,ide-tand a.t.r, and t.r. gas-disch.lrge

SWitches, 2044- with others, 3-cini low-vcltage reflex kiystroun REtI- 9332, 2669Myers, G. F., fistriluted aeitplification for pltlses, (A)2122Myers, R. H., design of loi-an transuititter, 2300


Nagata, T., sotithward shift of aurorat zone (Itericg icnaginetic storiis,(D)2710

Naimark, G. M., J. tlair anl WA. A. ilosher, bibliography of sonic anduiltrasoniic applications in biology, biochemiisttry andl biopliysics,1813

Naismith, R., atid R. Bailey, .cutoilatic ionosphere rec rIcer for 0 55- 17

Mc s, 1191Nakamura, T., with others, travelling-wave ce.r. tuie 503Nash, H. C., with F. Carcime, seletive relas ctiiiplifier ftrtrecrdlingWAN'

tinie signals, 74National Bureau of Standards, Computation Laboratory, ctWe of the Bessel

Functions Y,(u) and Y,( for Complex Argcinceiits, (B)935Neal, R., with others,.design of 109-eV linear electrcon accelerctor, (A)2245

Nearhoot, H. J., with A. H Benner, polariiciter ior stti(iy of lf ionospherie hoes, 415

- f-ith J. M. Kelso, polarizaticon of lomg wa,es reflec ticf troiic ionosphere,(A)2799

Nobel, C. N., local wire television netwsorks, 2291

Needle, J. 8.. and others, singlc -avity resona.tor foriiiiilti-anode magnetri i,

(A)2304Nelson, A. H., p.1ti. telemetry, (A)2245Nelson, H., base-metal effects with thoria-coated filamlents, 1028Nelson, J. H., s.w. prupagation correlated with planetarv positiotis, 1997

Nelson, P. A., with others, heating of bone and bore miarrowIby ultrasoniccradiation, IA)527

Nelson, R. N., surface-wave transitc.issiou line, iD2333Neutwig, K., secondary-electron iciiiltipliers .nd their technical significance,


Neppiras, E. A., with B. E. Noltingk, ultrasonic soldering ocf Al 174;

ultrasonic soldering irons, 1732

Nergaard, L. S., with R. AM1 Matheson, hiigh-speed 10-V effect, 3170Nertney, R. J., with J. J. Gibbons, w yve solutions of ionosphere-reclected

lung wayes, (A)2799Nesaitt, E. A., magnetostriction of permanent-tinagnet alloys, 127

with others, nucleation amid niagnetic properties of alnico V, 657

Nestel, W., experimental television transmissions in N.W. Gerniany, 3129

Neuber, R. H., with J. W. Clark, end-cooling of power-valve filaments, 1024

Neuert, H., contact-potential nieasuremeiits on irradiated metal-oxide

surfaces, 80; counters, tultraviolet-sensitive, after-effects in, 188,

vapour-filled, discharge nmeclianisoci for oversize pulses in, 2510;

production of ion beams by h.f. discharge, 88

with E. Fuinfer, oversize pulses in vapour-filled counter tubes, 1460

with B. Koch, randon electroei oscillations in h.f. gas discharge in

magnetic held, 614

Nevin, 8., and H. Salinger, secondary-emission surfaces exposed to oxide-coated cathodes, 2956

Newell, H. E., Jr, upper-atmosphere research from rockets, 2180Newton, C. C., F. J. Hyde and H. G. Foster, measurement of gyrointer-

action, 155Neuwton, G. C., Jr, statistical filter theory for feedback control systems,

(A)2122Newton, H. W., solar activity, Jaii.-Jure 19.5i, 106- amid H. F. Finch, solar activity and geomagnetic storii s, 1950, 1631Neyret, G., with others, effect of radioactivity on therinoelectronic emission,

2301; radioactive eletoents in study of oxide cathoiles, 1522

Neyron, A., with 1. Nobrvnvki, measiirement of sound transniiissionthrough partitions, 2616

N'Guyen, Thien-Chi, electrical contacts and powder metallurgy, 923

-and B. Michel, special Ni)Fe alloys preparedby powder metallurgy,24W0

and J. Suchet, thenrmistcirs, 44Nichols, H. H., and L. L. Rauch, radio telemetry, 1978

Nicolet, H., atmiiospheric scale-height gradient and variation of ionization

and s,wo absorption, 1644Nienburg, R. E., and T. F. Rogers, storage tube as aiiiplitude distribution

inalyser, (A)2226Niessen, K. F., earthi's constants freoii iiieasuremiients near transr itter, 109Nieuwdoep, H., with others, liliilips 10 -kV electron itticroscope, 1458

Niguet, P., asyutrnsetry in ware proipagatioii on Paris/Algiers link, 1467

Nijenhuis, W., impedatce- svnthesis w ith loss distributiomi in reactance

elements, 1109Nilsson, B., with S. Ekeltjf, high-sensitivitv autooiatic recordicug potentio-

iiceter, 1989Nitsche, H., h.f. connectors, 2906

vith others, highl-power f.rn. broidcasting trarisrrtitters, 764Nixon, J. D., antI A. (). Williats, Jrj, sirface vibration pattarns of piezc-

electric raidiators, (A)558Nixon, R. D., with other,P; tictrial reproldut ion itt television, 2029Noble, S. W., with F. C. Williat s, applicatioti of iitagmietic lodulators in

a iiplification of siotall (l.t signals, 152, (A)182Noll, E.M., video circuits iri modern television sets, 2561Nolle, A. W., sviscosity effects in acotistic inductances, (A)1811Nolte, H. J., .und R. F Spurc k, rinetallceramntic sealing using Mo,'io mutixture,

1410Noltingk, B. F., high-power ultrasoiiic generators, 1544- amid F. A. Neppiras, ultrasonic sol(leriiig of Al, 174; tiltrsonmic solder-

ing irots, 1732Norinder, H., stmospherico predciceli by electrit discharges iu snow squalls,

1910Norton, K. A., and I. W. Alleii, variition with frequency of raiige of f.rii.

and television trimni utters, 2281Norton, L. E., perforiciamuce of oscillators comttrollecl bh gas abso rption lines,

(A)1958Noskowicz, T. 8., witll C. S. Szegho, electron-gun ion trap, 3Z83Nottebrock, H., Baueleumnente der Nachrichtentechnik, Teil I, londen-

satoren, (B)851Nowak, A., deroiodulation in u.s.w. f.i. receivers, 2820

Noyer, R. O., with others, test-paitterui gemierator for colour-televisionsignals, (A)2292

Nuckolls, R. G., wuith others, mictro.nave spectroscopy, with applicatiotl to

chemuistry, luclear physics anil frequency standards, (A)1958Nuttall, T. C., phase and gatisiiia correction in television, 473

Nyland, H. W., with W. C. aco*ck, aerial systems for im ultichanneliccobile R1T, 569

Oakea, F., measurement of resistor iioise, 945

Oberhettinger, P., with Wi'm. Magiius, Foritmulas and Theorenis for the

Special Functions of Mathematical Physics, (B)146Oboril, F., with others, ionospheric observation at Dakar, 1148Oda, M., and T. Takamura, solar noise at 3-3 kMc s, 2984Ohman, 3., and P. M. Erlandsoti, vibroton transducer, (A)2245Oldenbuoger, R., Mathematical Engineering Analysis, (B)3038Oliner, A. A., and H. Kurss, ineasuremiient of eqtuivalent circuit parameters

of dissipatise inicrowave structures, (A)2100Oliver, B. M., 'rooter' for nth root of video signals, 754; tone rendering im

television, 757Oliver, M. H., with others, h.f. resistattce standards for calibration of

admittance bridge up to 15) BMcs, 691Olson, C. V., with J. V. l. Hogarm, high-speed f.m. facsintile, 461Olson, H. P., loudspeakers, cabinets for high- luality, 2897, direct radiator,

inounting for, (A)2082, sensitivitv, directivity and Iiciearity of,275

- and D. F. Pennie, attomatica nonliiiear distortion analyser, (A)1811,1836

Olson, N., mnatheniatical analvsis of oustic filter, 12

O'Mesra, F. H., circucits ami(I1alves fur tcltrasensitive electromueters, 1967Oono, Y., synthesis of fluite 2n-terumminal network, 65van Oosterhout, 0. W., with outhers, tonctrolleldvaleiccy senmuiconductoirs,

905Op den Orth, J. M., oscillations in circiilts with iron-cored coils, 66

Orchard, H. J., networks, RC, synthesis of, 2371, 2-phase, wide-band, 1103

Ordung, P. F., and FlH L. Krauss, cathode- oupled clipper response, (A)2122;frequency-coorelimiate vectcr (iiagrttil, 1578

with J. T. Fleck, tramisfer-ratic synthesis by RC networks, (A)2122Ortman, G., with N. til', Zni-Cut lphosphors, 124Ortusi, J., and G. Boissintt, slotted waveguuides and tise as acrials, 815

antI P. Fechuier, mcodutllatiocin crii waveguides, 1012- and l C. Sititon, diffractionsticpalcoloids of revoiutiouc, 820Ory, A., evolttiton of televiSisic, 248Osherovich, A. L., whith S. F Isui sov, secondary-electcou photon

c( unter, 2509Ostlund, E. M., anl 11F. G;. Niller, 7 2 4-kM'sts triode amusplifier, (A)2122Oswald, J., liuiteu-sI)ect tei signatls, amid modulation theory, 2829,

rauidousi, 3106, cisul thf ir tranccsforumcations, 210Ott, N., Zennecl,wsave int ieldl f Adialtor, 2516Otte, J., with B. 1. t,,Dtintts, iiterelectrode feedback freqclerluy

chnmgers. 1482van Overbeek, A. J. W. H., -toulIt reconidars-ecissicc miiitlti-

pliers, 2583Overton, B. R., peruscamuecnt- gsiet it uses for televisioi tulres, (D;484Owaki, K., and others, trvisulliti -wate c.r. ttibe, 503Owen, R. B., antI I". A. Susvle, tcintilla.tioit counting equipriieiits, 2258Oyston, N. J., with oltherc t-I,i hiroInlucising-sigmcal generiltr, 749


Pachner, J., piston sotirce, in ifiticite stall, selocity potential cof,1816,(0i2610, raethition iielti of, 1817

Paetzold, H. K., wiith otlhers, verticcl (iistriblution of ozone, 1376

Page, H., indoor televisiori slot art iml, 2559Painter, H. E., internuaticonal ra(iosoun(le trials, Payerne, 697Paldus, G., cornpensatiorl amd mitesurenierit of srmiall (lirect vcltages, 2760Palies, R., with others, wide-batc a.t.r. aotl e.r. gas-discharge switches,

2014Palm, A., BegistrierinstrunIncitte, (B)3064Pan, W. Y., design of uc.h.f. ionverto,s, 442Pannenborg, A. E., ucciucrowasve rcumasurcicermt eciitiptitetnt, 946, 1966Panter, P. F., and W. D)it(, qij anltizationl dlistortionr inl ntle(lliodul>l-

lation, 1488Papas,C. H., and R. King, raduiation froill WiwleCiulgle 01iC.l acri.cls, 1307

with H. Levine, theory ofcirctular diffraction aerial, 130.5Papians, W. N., ferromagnetic cores foe digital storage devic es, (A)2220Pappenfus, E. W., stabilized ucuaster oscillator for sculti santel coict-

-nuication, 1117

Parkash, O., teniperature variations in alcohola'Fargonl-fillect G1-.NI counlters,423

Parker, R., iciagnetoresistance, saturation, of ferroucuagnetic tllioys,3018,silicon-iron, 1164

Parkin, P. H., and W. P. Scholes, speech-reinforcement sistes ts, 1294Parkisnon, W. C., with others, studdlen cot smscencecuuents acid imtupulses

geoctiagnetusm, 2708

Parodi, M, l7quations Int6grales et Transfornuation de l.aplace, (1)2756forniationofpositivedefiniteiciatrices,2941; stability, criterionof,1312, study of, 579

Parrish, W., iutauiufactture of quartz oscillator plates, 663, 664, 1940Parry, C. A., cathamiplifier, 78

Parry, J. V. L., dielectric toeasurentents at 39( 6(0N1Ics, 2783

Partridge, N. G., colour- oded wiring svsteTlm, 2378

Parzon, B., wide-range frequency iiieter and signal generator, (A)2226Parzen, P., and I Goldstein, current ficucttuations in d c. gas discharge

tplasucca, 2974; hydrostatic pressure inelectromi beirssi in travelling-masve valves, 2580

- with others, travelling-wave- alve aicuplilier, (A)2270, fIr rnediur.powers, 2047

Paschkis,V., coeusparison of long-titne and short-ticire analogue computer,142

Pask, J. A., glass. onetal seals, 1173

Pasler, M., and W. Reichardt, Fourier spectrlecis of forced oscillations dueto step and needle iimpulses, 68

Pastor, HM., wave propagation in anisotropic iiiediucii, 2400Patchett, G. N., precisiois alternating-voltage stabilizer, 227, 1253

Patrushev, V. L., curvilirsear coordinates for calculation of 11-type cavitvresonator, 2385

-antl. V. Roucanova, design of I-type cavity resonator, 2386Pattison, D. R., and others, field tests of nmicrowave siiultiptex svstem, 1243

Pawley, M. G., phase control with constant atteumuation, 299Pawsey, J. L., solar r f radiation, 104

Payne, E. C., F. L Mager and C.W. Jeroiuie, ele treldltnhcinescence, new lightsoclrce, 1341

Payne, N. N., with others, design atid operation of 30-NeMV syn clrotron,1213

Payne-Scott, R., with others, radio observatsicTs Of too large solar disture-auices, 21B8

Peachey, P. A., G. Stannard and C Gunn-Russell, piortable repeater forbroadcast programmes, 2831

with others, autoimatic nmonitors for broadcasting predgrausntes, 1491Peace, S. P., and D. C.G. Smnith, narrow-pulse generator, 01D2776

with J iNiedzinski, performnance of screening roomiis, 458

Peason, G. L., with W. H. Brattain, conductivity changes induced isu I.e

bv a-particle bombardcnemst, 1162- with others, theory and experimnent for Ge p-n jucnction, 1669Pearson,P,with others, design of 10-eV linear electron accelerator, (A)2945Pearson, R. H., with F A. Benson, pulse generator with fixed repetition

rate, 843Peck, R. C., with V. C. I'ineo. cir( uit for recording radar-type reflections,

1915Pecrker, C., with M. Iaffineur, r f enuission clime to gyroinagnetic effeirtiTI

discharge, 1139Plissier, R., propagation of transient and perio(lic wanes along trans-

mission lines, 1070Pell, J., cosine deflection yoke, 3138Peltier, J., with G. Soule-Nan, method of calculating certain integrals, 2917

Pender, H., and K. Mellwain, Electrical Engineers' Handbook---ElectricComuiiunication amid Electronics, (B)2607

Pennie, D. F., with H. F. OlsoIi, asultomsatic nonlinear distortion analyser,(A)1811, 1836

Penrose, N. E., an(i R. S. H Botlclimig, Priesciples asi(I PracticteifRlaRar,(B)3011

Pernik, J., modern batteries ic telecissummunications, 3120

de la Perrelle, E. T., with others, infllmence of electro(les in starting gaclissliarge, 1615

Perron, R. R., high-power attenuating tuiner for 10-cisc cavity, 1859Perrot, N., with A. Blanc-Lapierre, conduictivity of thin Ag fibfus in strong

electric fields, 651; diffraction antI quantity of inforniation, 209

Perry, K. E., with others, icreasureucent of resolving tinoe of c ounters, 715Peter, R. W., direct-reading noise-factor-tuceasuring systens, 3043

Peterman, W. C., snd A. Minc, 4 2-cliannuel ticur-didisicti-illultilutex tile-

graph syst1-ui, 3108Peters, R. G., conupouient ininiaturization techniques, 2947; iruechanized

production and uinitized constrInction, 2948; printed-circulitproedictiou amid assetiblv te-hnioulies, 1329, 1592; telexi.tiuitreceiving aeitiais 1845

Petersen, H.,ieastireineust of veres high resistance at hiah alterDatingvoltage, 2229

Peterson, A., nonlinear distortion in hearing aids, (A)1811and D B. Sinclair, sirugle-ended push-pull audio aisiplifier, (A)208m

Peterson, A. M., mechanism of }-layer-propagated back-scatter echoes,2808

Peterson, A. P. G., with others, apparatus for acoustic impedance measure-inent, (A)534; calculation and measurement of loudness, (A)542,2324

Peuteman, A., binary counter with additive or subtractive operation, 1697Peysou, J., high-power capacitors with ceramic dielectric, 832Pfann, W. G3., effect of composition of contact point in Ge rectifiers, 1942;

transistor as reversible amplifier, 509P2ann, W. G. and J. F. Sqff, p-tspeGe transistor, 5S0Pfefferl, A., with others, high-powe f.Im broal astlng transjllitters, 764

Pfister, A. C., with others, carbon an(t borocarbon pyrolvtic fildii resittors,2365

P&ster, W., niagneto-ionic multiple splitting deterriined by phase- integra-tion miethod, (A)2712

Pfost, W., input adinittance, etc., in variable 3-stage filters, 2669Ploiser, G., conductivity contour of barrcer layer in Cu,O rectifier, 997

with others, vertical distribution of ozone, 1378Philpp, E. M., measurement of damping variations for cm waves, 841;

wavelength and damping of cavity resonators containing dielectricrings, 1862

Phillips, C. 8. E., dielectric properties of solid ItCh ant DICI, 2742Phillips, G. J., wi(le-band aerial system for circularly polarized waves, 2353

with B. H. Briggs, horizontal irregularities of ionosphere, 980Phillips, 1. L., and H S. htoore, dispersion of F,-layer critical freqicencies,

(A)2799Phillips, R. 8., e.m field preduced by helix, 1349Phillips, T., WKPT axid WKPT-FM, Kingsport, Tennessee, 1247Picard, R. G., and J. . Joy, metal evaporator usiumg h.f. heating, 2497Pickard, 0. W., and t. T. Stetson, comparison of troposphleric receptioni at

44 1 and 92 1 Mc/s over 167-mile path, 977, (A)1227Pickles, S., efectIf vertical radiation pattern on ocnnirarmge veacon

characteristics, (A)2186Piddington, J. N., derivation of rniodel solar chronmosphere from radio data,

345- aiid J. V Ifsindnian, solar radiation at 10cm dturing ectlipse, 347- and H. C. Minnett, solar radiation at 1 25 cm, 342Pieplow, H., selective generation, anitlification or rejection of alternating

voltage 1106Pierre, J. R., momwave sources. 1598; stability of electron flotw in preseusee

of positive ions, 611; Traveling Wave Tubes, 1B)511; travellitcg-wave valves, 501

Pimron, N., cerebral mseefaniscms of binaural functio,ss, (Dm2889Pietnpol, W. J., Ge p-n jund sion rectifier and photocell, 2302

with R. L. Wallace, Jr. circuiit properties of n-p-n transistors, 2957Pietermaat, F. P., and A. de Kseuster, dielectric properties of diamond, 2210Piety, R. 13., linear operational calcumlus of enspirical functions, (A)2122Pihl 0G E. with others, statistical properties of speech sounds, IA)540, 1827Pike, W. i., with others, portable television pickup eqtipmnent, (A)2292;

storage oscilloscope, 3055Piloty, R., assessment of modulation systenss on basis of channel capacity,

2017Pimonow, L., high -power iiltrasonic siren, 1822Pineiroli, A., 2-pole conpensation networks, 61Pineo, V. C., and R C. Peck, circuit for recordiuug radar-tvpe refletIouns,

1915Pines, D., trith D. Bohfic, 'collectisve' *escriptitn of elec tron cIstera tions,

2975Pinkerton, J. M. M., a f.c of clock ptilse freqtuency in (ligital comnputers,

2364Pipe, D. W., sound-reinforcemnent systerui, Churchflouse, Westminster,


PiPpud A. B., penetration of m-agnetic field into stipet-conduc.ting tin, 330;resistance of single crystals of tin at 9 4 kMc s, 329

Pircher, (G., u.h.f. discminiinator, 2758Pstoulet, B., with others, properties of magnetic powders at u.h.f., 372Pit H. P., with E. J. Post, alternative methods of feetIback-oscillator


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (10)

Index to Abstracts and References 1951

analysis, 1860

Flach, D. J., and P. B.Wdiiaias,3-unithigh-fhdelitv loudspeaker, 276Plemner, K. W., withE. Billig, dielectric dispersion inpolycrystalline

materials, 2198

Plurinage, P., and G. Taylor, measurements of atmospheric electric fieldiii Greenland, 1153

Pohl, R. W., fundatuental and derived magnitudes, 2976

Pohl, W. J., design and manufacture of planar grids fura.hh.f triodes,


van der Pol, B., radiation of beam aerials and large surfaces, 40-andlHI Bremmcr, OperationalCalcullis, based so the Two-sided

Laplace Integral, tB)1700Poliakoff, A.hearing aid design, 23Pollack, I.,threesold and loudness of repealedbursts of noise,(A)543

PoP uck, A. M., thorn needles for gramophones, 806, tD)2089

Pomerantz, M. A., cosmic-ray intensity increase after solar flare, 1890;cosmic ray radiosonde andtelemetering system, 2495

Pool, S. D., withR. G. Medhurst, niutual impedance of parallel aerials,(D(1309

Poole, F. L., with others, Kerr-cell photograpbic shutter, 235

Poritaky, H., exntisisoi of Weyl's integral for harmnonic spherical wares,

3034de Pesoel, R., and C. Poiiget-Michel, Huyghes s principle for em. wave,


Past, E. J., andH. F. Pit,alternative orietiods of feedbaac -osrillatnranalysis, 1880

Pest, R. F., and L.T. Schiitf statistira l Iioiiltations on rerolcing time ofscintillation couinters, 987

oftter,R. F., with(.. R..Whittpredictt ionofionosphrc dataforantipodalstation-, 880

Posget-Mlhel, Gf., with de Possel, Huyghens'principIe fore.m. wave,

2695PowPes, J. G., interprettaion of dielectric mea surements using Cole-Cole

pInt, 1408

Praghe, M., and Cazenave, cylindrical-coil theior and calculation ofreluctance, 2858; measurement of permeability and magneticlosses of straight samples, 158

du Psi, K,, withrthers, Fermirevels insemiconductors, 906Pnisman, A., loudspeakerdaa,uping, 2328Premsler, H., statltes onh.f. in Germnany, 3103

Pressman, A. I., and J P. tBewetti 03-4 M(cs iectficall tuned oscillator,1332

Price, A. T., rn01inin uction in senciiinfinite conductsr, 1817-and G A. Withins, daily magnetic variatiors ini equatorial regions,

2707Prime, H. A., andR. C. Turnock, iconoscope electroooptical shutter for

high-speed photography,1222ith others, scattering of3-ca radiation by ionized gases,

Prince, M. D., wilts M. A. Hontiell, v.m. intelevision-iniage reproduction,

Pritchard, R. L., diiriity, andefficiency of linear arrays of transducers,(A5513

Pritchard, W. L., with W. Hall, optimum operation of echo hoses, 2720Proctor, R. input impedance of horizontal dipole aerials at siiiall heights,

(D)35Prowe, W. A., breakdown in gases subjected toh.f. fields,B81Puekle, 0. Totne Bases (Scanning Generators), (3(2892Pugh, E. M., N. Rostoker and A. Schindler, Hall effect in ferromagnetic

materials, 820

with N Rostoker, Hall effect in ferromagnetic materials, 2183Pollen, A., use of G comves in pentode-circuit design, 888Putting, M. J. L., television,B..BC. Lime Grose studios, 758, Calais1

London relay, 459Putafued, E. W., with E. H. Cooke-Yarboroagh, counting-rate meter, of

high accuracy, 2258, logarithmic, covecing wide range, 2258Pomprey, R.J., upper limit,of frequency for human hearing,(D)2322Punip, L., and H. Fricke, measurement of small angles of elevation of

incoming metre waves, 432

Punnett, S. W., and H. G.Jerrard, precision electronic tachometer, 1780with H. G.Jerrard, electronic tachometer, 177

Putilova, N., with others, formation of conducting bridges in suspensions,2088


Qa, C. F., with C. C. Cutler, space-charge and transit-time reduction ofnoise in electron beams,1274

Quereia. L P., with others, c.r.o. equipment for observation of transients,168

Blate,R insulating varnishes, 98


Rabin, B. K., and A.M. Strashkevich, trajectories of slightly deflectedcharged particles, 2794

Rab.n L. v.h.f.-u.h.f.tail-cap aerial, 2651Racker,J., microwave aerials.82MRadelife,F. R., wide-band swept-frequency measurements for travelling-

wave valves,(A)1958Radio Corperation ef America, Laboratories Division, sampling principles

of dot-sequential system, 464Radio Research Board, Valve and Circuit Noise, R.R. B. Special ReportNo.

20,(B)1808Rado,G. T.,R. W. Wright and W. H. Enierson, dispersion mechanismsin

ferrites, 337RNa, S. J., reflecting surface to simulate infinite conducting plane at

microwave frequencies, (A)1958, 2354

Raisbeek,G., with R.L. Wallace, Jr, duality as guide in transistor-circuitdesign, 2369

Raistrick, W.G., phase-shift oscillators, 598Ralchman,J., selective e.s. storage tube, 2064aksh*t, H., noise from extraterrestrial souries, 1627- and N. L.Sarkar, simple method of producing wide-band f.m., 2857

Ramer, L.G., with others, comparison of absorption coefficients, (A)1811Ramsey, N. W., nieasurements of resistivitv of insulators, 131Ranc,G., with A. Colombani, crystallization of thin gold films, 2739Randmer,J., with M. Knoll, grid-typeitnage-storage c.r. tube, 788Ranke, 0. F., theory of action of aorhlea, 1051

Naielen, B., F. A. Peachey and C. Gunn-Rtussell, design of automaticnionitors for broadcasting progrAmnies, 1491

Ran,B. R., ultrasonic velocity measurement in liquids, 11

Rapoport, A., sonie biological applications of randin nets, (A)2245Rattliffe,J. A., with others, diffraction by irregular screen, and ionospheric

reflection, 428; ionospheric propagationi of low- and very-low-frequency waves, 2522

Ratheiser, L., grounded-grid disk-seal valves as doi-A escillators, 1280Rauch, L. L., withM. H. Nichols, radio telemetrv, 1978Raudorf, W., electronic ram, 2788Rawtiffe, 0. B., rationalization of electrical units and M.K.S. system, 322

Rawer, K., approxiniate world distribution of F.-laver ionication, 1379;prediction of s.w. propagatiori conditions badset Oxi ionosphereobservations, 2812

with M. Barre, ionosphere otservatiotis, in Adelie LIand, 112, inCommandlant Charcot, 2997

-with R. Gallet,- long-tenn relation between F,Ilaver ioniizAtion and

solar activity, 1149- with I. Huber, 'best' pulse receisver, 1868-with others, radio propagatiosi between Noumea and Adcli Land,

1231; world-wide F, ionization, 834Rawon, H., theory of stresses ini glass butt seals, 3032Raymond, F. H., coding of multiplex traiisrnission, 2833Rayner, G. H., effect of earth admittances in a.c. bridges, (D)1433- and L. H. Ford, stability of N.P.L. niica standaids of capacitance,

2938Reagan, M. E., with others, field tests of microwave multiplex system, 1243Raber, G., motion in solar atmosphere deduced from radio nieasurenients,


R eddick, H. W., D)ifferentii Eqouations,(B)149Reddishi, W.,tidislIris protier tics of polyetvthyclr tereplithtalae (tervtetsej767Reed, C. W., erid iwindows scintillation coo icer, 1220Reed, W. 0., ivith others, tossreflection picture titbe, 1503Reeves, E., esetrical ti oing drvicrs, 228

Regenfe, E.,It.K Patldrd arid G. Pfotzerc, ertlical diritutionoci ozoie,


Regener, V. H., erfica diaeilottoiui of atiiiospherics o 1840

Keegeistrfit,e., e elects-clens, -with elliptical .ential eliectrde, 2793,

w it Kth s.iphntral 1 455, 1742,3- 'tectrode-tt pe, 2500Rehier, K N., Ifitheois sb-1ctio f(.trixr rloipuiciei and 'siitchingIp

;cl; is A tl222f0Reich,E.,(lefiiiitioii of inforimaiitiiion 2273

Reich,H J., aiist others, cft. of uxilstiscv cuirrent on trainosisf operation,2591; opciotion of spli irinte iiiigietron, 1120

-*viithPh MI-1Scltheiss, trai sistortriggeo csirssit. 2661Reichardt, W., radiationchlaracteristicso trecta oigular hori.s forIf-mode

ca.es 1843vt ithM Ple l aler forserc sectru of lotced oscillatotnsdnl eto stepand oeedle iniiutsets f8

Keiffel, L., pasiie poloc tli.ripe ngctiitr s 2375Reiling, P. A., o-vegoideIcltfi(-s for tilcc transoriss ion tiii(-es 2104Reisner , J. H.,1-.. aIi. 1-t cl,G orDinfeldsial eleciros niicr0} ccop 965

-ani IT /etllters pieiitpsont -iiagnetrlectron iiicrse pe 1457

Reitan.aD.n K,antTI Ji -tsoigi_ itss itsioin fcapacitanceoflssbe,8I2Remeika, , P., 13itt it ihiass didictee properties of\-Na'b\bO, andKNtiih, 3023

totn., TN.,let osi niiiatiiiis Pc incis ples .B 2884

Rettinger, M.,( c mia cc iiicrase hebt t, 2630; niagneic recorditiig amidlreproidtnisln 'ac, 807; teitesiion iiiidiio acc,iitwi .2297

Revell, R. S. M..And A. sr Agic,ftosoin igilectriciicisioscopy, 1218

Reverdin , D. cleetiiiolpilcil iivestigations of spa ce hihc cin soutoftIrissgnieit r 1988

Reyner, J. B., [itsin io Sets,(B)1204Keynolds, L. W.,witicti her sci iechano-electronic trio loser tot physio-logiitala pptic'tions, 2791

Rheaume, R. H., (oaxiOa acrteteodte foea50kIkW oultput uip to1t0 Mc. s,(AA-2328Rhodes, D. R., iA ecil devtilopiints. 2922; theory of,clindria l aerialsw.vtith axialislis,, 81

Rihlet, H. J., curreisi( '-strihtionsos sin large reflecting cylincters, (A)2685Richards, C. E.,ad it oiliers properties and tests of ncagiietic powrders, 1948

Richardson. A. S., Jr. acivdicafitii of remiiaioder theoreiii to operatiomialcatculcs techeehgs, 877, (C)2219

Richardson,E . G., atioscheici tiii bclence andsounuoc propagatiomi, 267

Richardson, L. F., scattering ofeiii. wares be atniospheric turbulence,(Dtl755Richmond, J.., withC. C C. Gor-don, thiclknss g.isigeS foe ceramic coatings,969

Richter, H., 1Fortcthitte dee FutiktechnikoonAihrerG(enz gebiete, Vol.

7;!c,(131288Riddiford, L., air-cired sstichrcyclotroti for4)00- MeV protons.19822

confe-rence on svasuuin physics at Birniinghar1, 1950. 641; gas

scattering in particle accelerators, 1448

Rid,au , G.,e ethod fir stuidy of perturbatiorms of liniited duiration, 2136Rider, J. V crin nim Tcrt.eV io ltrleiters, (3 (3066-; nd S. r. tsla,i, EIsiycsotpedia on Cathode-R ay Oscilloscopes and

tlisir IUse,,B)2491Ridler, D.S., woith G.If liorigb, muliuticathode gas-fittest counter tubes, 784

Ridout,M S., with F.BHilig,h eight of potential barrier in contact recti-fiers, 3153

Riebman, L., distortioni is linear passive muetoorks, 2876; oscillatorfreequencify indetrinirtanev, (A)2122

with J. BrooinalJ,ll sirsplinganalog uie comiuiliter, (A)2220Riety, P.,sound-fi eldregxsi.ator, 2628Rigby,E. C., with others, diffraction errors in optical investigation of

aerial pattern, 2110

Righhsi,G., an(IG. Godoli phlysical significance of solar character figures,862

Ri', N.,and G. Ortman,ZnS-Cu phosphors, 124Ringrose,J., with A. D. Booth, flip-flop circuit woith three stable states,

2367, (D;2937

Rinia, B.,Schmidt optical system, 82Rispoli,B., with others, c.r.o. equipriient for observation of transients, 165

Rittoer,E. S., with others,Fermileeels in semiconductors, 906

Robb, D. D., with V. P. Hessler, generalized electrical formulae, 2405Robeer, A.G. and W l. Vervest, automatic electrical timning of large

transmitters, 765Roberson,R.E.,random noise in atteniiating fluid niediumo, 2311Roberts,B. W., Jr, K.EF Ierrv andR. G.Flriharty, measurememit ofre-

solving titne of counters, 715

Roberts,E. B., with A ye.Weber, 1950 world isogonic chart, 1893

Roberts, P., with J. Z.YVtong, flying-spot microscope, 1733Roberts,M. H., electrical control of furnace teuiiperature, 1734Roberts, S., andF. F. Williams,theory of luminescence of sulphide phos-

phors, 646Roberbon,G., sith T. J. Higgins, theory of moving-coil fltuxmeter, 944

Robinson, D. W., anechoic chamber for acoustic meastirenients, 2088Robinson,P. N. N.,travelling-wavevalves with dispersive helices, 2581

Rocard, Y., absorption of sound in fog, 2014; acotustic waveguides,1290-Plectricite, (B)2981; mechanism of corocnal r.f radiation lumps,

1360; possibility of trueniechanical transforrner, 2623Rockafellow, S. C., thyratron circuit for tiuring maichine operations, 956

Roddam, T.,square-law rectifier voltmeter, 3052Rodgers,E. H., with others, magnetic-fieldnieasiiring instrument, (A(2226Rodionov, S. F., and A.L. Osherovich, secondary-electron photon counter,

2509Rdwin,G.,LD-RI s.s.b. radio receiver, 2266Roe,J. N., Genlock for television prograuiuoiiing, 2294Roessler, N., nornliear distortion in loudspeakers, 556Rogers,J. D., H.L. Cox and P. G. Braisrischweigcr, frequssency eniter for

iicicrowavespectroscopy, 1723

Rogers, T. A., and W. C. Hurty, shtint-inotor servo witsl inertiaload, 124kRogers, T.F., Van Vleck-Weisskopf equation forattnospheric riicrowaveabsorption, (A)2685- and S J Johnson, ocagmietic effects on Ni acoustic delayline, 642,

(A)2100with J. V. liarririgton, signal/noiseimprovemusent by integration in

storagetube, 732

W It EI 'Sienburg. storage tube as amplitude distritiuition analyser,

(A)2228Rogozinski, A., with sitkers, logarithmnic atiiplification of*veak currents

ussirgdiode,, 2228

Kohde, L., H. Nitsche and, A. Pfeffert, hidsfigbpoewr f.m.biroadcasting trans-

r1sitter , 764

Roi, N. A., electromssec hansical oscillations in BaTi(O ccrarnics, 2449

Roizen,S., with others, esaporation invactsotsv dis-ect bouDbardmTsent, 3029

Romatn, P.,reading errors with Meterod g.a ige, 1159Romanova, 0. V., wsith V I ltatrbshev, desigc of II-typecavityresonator,


Romanow, F. F., writh others, American Standard Z24 4-1949, pressure

cal;bration of laboratory-staulslard mireophones, 19; AniericanStandard Z24.-1949, coupler calibratioc of earphones, 21

Romeiin, F. C., with others, controlled-valencysemi.consductors, 905

Romell, D., radio reflectiouls frosm Hg-arc discharge 1838Rooksby, N. P:, and E. G. Steward, Bat)-W cathode interface compounds,


Roop, R. W., dainpirsg effects of poroiis abosoorsing units in rooms, (A)1811Roorda, J., grounded-grio aiisplifier, 845vanRoosbroeck, W., theoro if flow of electrons Aid holes in Ge and other

secisuconductors, 377

witlt othlers, caronziand borocartbon pcrolytic film resistors, 2365Rooedonp, H. J., regulation of industrial proscesses, 2242Roques, K., televisiort on tour, 460Roquet, J., isothernsal rensa.ience of finesv granulatedt magusetite, 1671Reschlau, N.. high-senssitisity h f. noise-nmeasusreu.semrt apparatus, 2487

Rose, A. S., stailuless steil for television ccr. tubes, 136Rosen, P., with G. W. 5Stuaoe, Jr, cylindrical easily resonator wvith d.c

discharge, 1595

Rosencrans, C. A., polarity diplexing in5 microwave relay systems, 3113

Rosenfeld, L., Theory ofF lectrou s, (B)2982

Rosenthal, J. E.. correction of spot distortion in c.r. tubcs-, 1806Rosenthal, L., amplitude stabilization of oscillators by nonlinear networks,


Rosenthal, L.A., and H. S. Zablocki, electuonic slifferential a c. voltmeter,

Ross, A. H., with S H. Vani Wambeck, perforioanec ofdiversity receivingsystems, 2268

Rest, A. W.'visibilitv sif radar echoes, 1953

Ross, S, 3,,v. hf. andus.h.f. radio linksi Ausstrasliano fi>0 omxitsuiuiicationetwork, 1778

Rost, W., E. N. Bramlev and G. E. Ashwe-ll iirection ofarri sal of iono-

ssphericwaves,2wewith I. N. Bramley, uneasureinents ofdirection of arrival of shiort

radio waves, 3291

Rosl, 3., with HC.Es, properties of diussesond ansI crystal counter, 424

Kostoker, N., andE-.AL1 Plgh, loll effectfeerosumagoetir' materials, 2168with others, Hall effect frerommgnetic iisatersals, 620

Roth, M. S., perforiestsiaice lcsts for sibatorliwer supplies, 1702

Rothauge, C. N., andI. Hamburger, Jr. ssseasurcmsment of equussalent-circui tc otistasitsof quiart z irs, tl3 392

Rothe, H., salve itleselotipiit it it cTrlfdintsriis ince5 945, 2574A. EoghertasH d H. Kraft,s i.s traidsitiittingvalv 2872

Rothltin, 3., high-couductanlstae ccitt dude, 2588

Rotow, A. A., wiltsR.. 1t. jaues, liskt-tiaIsisfer characteristics of imuage

onsk,cons, 481

Rouhine, K., ens field beltx,calotslatiu ni si, 1350, generalerupession fin,2978; oases gucided buy hetlical circuiitsI 2991

Rougerio, P.,blriar diurnalv ariationof g ecomagneticfield at Vat Joyeux,353

Rouland, K, lunsinscence sfc rI stue screriss, 1922Keutiton, K. I., differeotial pute-. huight anal-sers 578Rouse, G. F., with K 1-rnisn. osdu-c athodel iaserectalslthuers, 1527

Rousseau, 3, cathoescouspled freqrncu changer,2817; high-fidelityceiverusi cg uiticesn sataes, s, 440,982; 1(161 coonpomnntss exhibiktomi,

tarats 2672

Knotty, P. H., wulls others, ele Issat cond u tirv ic of iususizedA gas, 335

Royden, G. T., sustppression ofharemsonics radio transussitters, 3144

HOYs, C. S., wink others, radiation frornt eircerlarcsrurent sheets, 31

Roys, wilts others, nethois of calibrasting fretimency records, 533

Rosenberg, L. D., Iocusising if sound wases bv parabolic reflector, 2335

Hozentveig., i.Ye., witk A. Stluonan,sesecnd darv electron emissicn front

All2C1 2569

R oth, K., effrct of duahlbrace ouitfbete of wave tribe, 584Rudd,J B.,r.hf utiarisorsi ccr for ',sm ll aircraft, 763Rudenberg M.G.,pt. lse trariutrinier codnsidered aswide-band network,

(A)2122Rtdenberg, K., muocsnsk.uencc osscillatons df ue to magnetic saturation, 87

Rudmese, W., eeco-rchrereecd test toe coons(A1 1811- and H.Af;lii-.. eItiiuponret forfield oreasureent ofreverberationtimuses,

(A)1811Rueger, L.J.,R. G. Niickolls and If. Lyons,micrmosasespectrosccpy, with

applicatiois to ckemsi tsy, nuclear phyessac-datefrequecystansanrds,(A(1958

Kueggeberg, W., with J. B. Whitehead,h.I. dielectric-loss mimeasssrenientnulls elhamngenugutreperatuire, 151

Ruhrmano, A., exponential tine at cot-off ansi stop range. 2338Rumbamih, L. N., and L. R. Alldredge, airborcn eqoipnnent for geomagnetic

mcarsurements, 1442

Rn msey, V. H., designs of frqeqenemy-conpensating matching sections, 300;transmission betweens elliptical-polarization aerials, 2348

Rmscorn, S. K., 'tellar magnetic fields anclrotatioms, 107-and others, experipmental deteruiiiiation of geonagneeic radial

variations. 351

Rundsuist, E. C., seth H. A. Taylor,X.C A. frequency-mneasueienemut'(nstall-atioms, 1965

Runge, W.,..sw.. ffiT technique, 2538Rust, N. H., rlectroacoustms transformation by mnagnetostriction and radia-

tion from transformers. 2318; heavy-duty quartz ultrasonic

generator, 2885; stspensions of frrronoagnetic particles sub-

hstisttes foe powder cores, 2749; ultrasonic generatiomi by volurne

magnetostrictioss, 2612

Rust, M.,h.f. surface-wave transmission line,50 3

Rusterholz, A. A., Elektronenoptik,(B31751Ruston, 3., crystal dsscrinatoafor for fis.-osillator stabilization, 3145;

transnsission-atumplitude characteristic of television transmitter,

(A)2226RHutishauser,H., A. Speiser andE Stiefel, procgranusee-controlledl digital

comilpulters, 2221

Rune,J., nletat-platelecss, research at A.F.CKR.., (A12642, wide-angle,(C)2652;nsiniunoun side lobes in broadside arrays, (A)2100

- andM. Yosnig, nieasurementof reflection coefficient of iisetal plate

structures, 1880

Ryan, W. N., with others, esaluation of coaxial-slotted-Iihue inspedance

Illeassmrements,1963Rydeck,O.E.H.,Kiruna ionospheric and radio propagation observatory,

1380;niagneto-ionic triple splitting ofiosiospheric waves, 1147,2427, theory of, 2714

-and S. K. H. Forsgren, theory of electron-wave tthbes, 2866Ryder,E.J., and W. Shockley, electron mobilities in Ge for strong electric

fields, 1388Ryder,J. D., ElectronicFundamentals and Applications, (B)2883Ryder,R. M., with J. A.Morton, design factors of Type-1553 triode, 510Ryle, M., radio astronomy, 2698-and A. Hewish, effects ofionosphere on r.f. galactic radiation, 1634


Sacas, N. 0., sunspots and propagation prediction, 2818Sac dote, 0.G., and A. Gigli, sound absorptioui by resonant panels, 2325

with A. Bressi, recording nonlinear distortion, 1834- withM.Ferrero, sound transmission parameters for granular absorb-

ing materials, 16Sack, B., with H..A. Sack, Hertziami oscillator and application to organic

analysis, 3074

Sack, N. A., and B. Sack, Hertzian oscillator and application to organic


Safe, N., circuits andmeasurement apparatus for 30-cmn band, 2479Sage, B. B., with others, predicting phase behaviour with digital computers,

(A)1749Sage, M., with C. Guillaud, magnetic properties and structureof Fe,O,. ZnO,


Saha,N. E., B. S. Chandersekbara and Ml. K. Sundaresen, sismple voltage

stabilizer forG-MSaie,F. C., propagation ofnoetre waves, 1229Sakiena, B. D., piezoelectric constant of ZnS, 1924

Salinger, N., with S.Nevin, secondary-emissioni surfaces exposed to oxide-coated cathodes, 2056

Salisbury, F. L., with others,klystron amplifier for u.h.f. television, (A)2304Salomonovich, A. K., with L. N. Borodovskaya, measurement of oscilla-

tion amplitude of quartz crystals, 2774

Salow, N., Ge triodes in I.f. and m.f. amplifiers, 2958; solar and terrestrial

phenomena during sudden ionospheric disturbance 39th Nov.

1949,885Salpeter,J. L., physical basis of wave filter, 621

alz, N. P., with others, Ge diode as video detector, 2589

Samuel N. W., andR. S. Shankland, sound field of Straubel X-cut crystal,


Samuton, N. A., spectrum analysis of transient-response curves, 1856

Sandretto, P. C., p-0 system of air navigation, 1158Sanford, R. L., and P. H. Winter, perTmeaineter for magnetizing forces up

to 300 oersted, 157

Sanner, B. G., spectral sensitivity of Se photocells, 769van8anten, 3. N., and G. H. Jonker, conductivity of ferromagnetic com-

Sa.rage, W., wide-band 2-phase mietworks, 1106

Sargiown, K., with D. K. C. MacDoiiald, size effect in conductivity of

metals, 328Sarkar, N. L., with H. Raksh*t, simple method of producing wide-band

f.m., 2857Satas, R., linearization of fm. characteristic, 498Saunders, R., Jr, with L. E. Swedlund, e.s.-focusing picture tube, 2960

Saunders, R. M., dynamnoelectric amplifiers, 48, Class A operation of, M2Sauter, P., statistical theory of electron nmultipliers, 1023Savut, J., recombination in F region dturing solar eclipse, 21kth May 1947,



(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (11)


Saxon, D. S., with others, prop,ag.tion in ci7axial structure with tw>(lielectrics, 154

Saxton, J. A., field-strength inieter for 60(1 NIc 's, (A)1958Sarton, J.A., and H.G. Hopkins, adverse effects of mneteorological factors on

imarine radar eqniipnient, 1228Sayer, W. H., Jr, and :. lehrbah, parallel operation of salves atuh.

(A)2292Sayle, E.A., with HZ.B. mtVedt,SCi tillatiOnt COUlltillg eipmeIt_ 2258Scaff, J. H., Msith W. G. Pfarioi, p.-type Ge transistor, 508'-with H. C. Theuerer, effect of heat treaternt oti Gf, 2201Scal, R.K. F., with others, nes teshni(ques for miniatiuriztion, 307Scarborough, J. B., :onuericil Mathi cintiit A snxlvis, (B 1957Schaafs, W., generation of intense electi-on flashes, 3069- nmd F. Trendelenburg, X-raviss estigation of s.uood waves due to

dielecrtric breakdown, 86bchachenmeier, R., influence of troosphere propagationc, 2524Schade, O. H., iiiiage struitotre sit traisfer larai ristics in television,

2293Schaetti, N. See Schatti, N.

Schafer, E., measiiretrients on rii-.gap oiagnets, 943Schafer, J. P., with W. J. Albersheirii, chbo disttrioto in fin. traiistiiiicon

of frequetcy-disision multitlex sigoals, (A)2265Schafer, T. H., P. Thotipson and J. C. Webstcr, masking of ptsre totie at

gap iri theriral-noise spectrtiisii (Ai544Schaffner, H., siiultaneous oscillations in ccillatorsr (A)2122Schaffner, J. S., with H. von Foorster, prino iples in pro(iuction of sub-

milli,iietre waves, (A)2122Schaffner, M.,andG. TLraldo di lransois, esaes cont tiicrowrvres generaterd

diffraction, 1354Schaffstein, G., *vith others, develotpisent OfCoTI 1ercial receisers, 2529Schagen, P., ciiechanisin of high-selocits taoget stabilizatio in image

iconoscopes, 3137SchAtti, N., non-storage scatining tubte for filiiis, 482; secondesary-electrii

Isiltipliers, 2868- and W. Baunsgartiser, photoefiect in alkaitsGe cosinpounds, 364- WithW. Baotirgartner, photoelectric effect foris-0, Cs S, Cs-Se and

Cs- e photocathodes, 1797Schatz, E. R., acid E. M. Williamsi ptlse tracisieiits in exponential trans-

inission lines, 280, (C01069- with E. M. Williatns, deiign of exponsenstial-lite pulse transformers,

1301Schedhig, J. A., with F. Blalia, display of firses oIf isagnetic force by glow

discharge, 1348Scheldort, M. W., new comtmsitunications aerial, 823Schelkhnoff, S. A., Kirchhoff's foriula acid other field-equivalence

theorems, 2962; wave propagation in stratifieii iisedia, 3089Sch6rer, J., d.c amplifiers, 2684Schrer, M., and E. Vieille, propagation of slischarge in G-M counters with

external cathode, 710Scherzer, 0., electronoptical apieficrotniat, 182Schiff, L. I., with R. F. Plost, statistical liIl itations on resolving time of

scintillation counters, 967chindelhauer, F., and E. A. Iauter, phenomena connected with Mogel-

Dellinger effects, 1477Schindler, A., with others, Hall effect in ferrotisagnetic naterials, 620Shirp, W., air-cooled variometer for s.w. transnsitter, 2299Sehlafly, H. J., coniparison of television- and filni-icidustry definitiolis of

resolution, 1495Shlang, A., deternination of critical servo gain, 2021Schleich, F., with I.- Kinflerc constant-current mains unit for electron-

microscope lenses, 746Sghleainger, K., dot-arresting technique for dot-ituterlace transmission,

(A)2292Sobluter, A., cosinic radiation and magnetic fields, 2989; dynamics of

plasma, 2150Seimid, O., maximum permnissible grid-leak resistance, 2683Schmid, P., and E. Baldinger, wide-band amplifier for c.r.o. observation of

transients, 315Schmidt, K. O., directional aerials, 2352; sinople tioethod of planning dm-A

links, 1245Schmidt, O., with H. Boucke, amplifiers with selective feedbsack, 1124Schmidt, T., with H. A. Bomlke, ponderomotive effects of cm waves, 681Schunit, G., and H. Schrag, double-humped resonance curves of repeaters,

1088Schneider, W. G., and G. J. Thiessen, velocity of sotnd in He, 515Schoenfeld, R. L., with others, instantaneous peak voltnoeter, 2481Scholes, D. H. C., transmitter for British civil-aviation area-coverage

netsvork, 2545Scholes, W. E., with P. H. Parkin, speech-rcinforceme;it svstems, 1294

Scholte, J. W. A., with W. C. van Geel, capacitance and dielectric losses ofAI,O,, layer, 3022

Schonland, B. F. J., The Flight of Thunderbolts, (B)2718with D. J. Malan, electrical processes between strokes of lightning,

2182chbott, F. W., response of directive aerial to incoherent radiation, 2654

&ghott, L. O., electrical vocal system, 1058&-houten, J. F.,with others, 48-channel carrier telephone system, 739, 2018

ghouten, J. P., fields associated with cavities in magnetically strained

medium, 90S&hover, D. B., with A. A. Gerlach, pulse-width discriminator, 2784

Schrag, H., with G. Schmitt, double-humped resonance curves of repeaters,1088

Schreck C., measurenient of temperature coefficients of coils, etc., 2476

Sehroter, F., image-storage problems, 480; c.r picture telegraphy, 2551

Schulman, J. H., and C. C. Klick, fluorescence of phosphorescence emissionspectra of Zn,SiO,-Mn, 367

- with C. C. Klick, 'suib-bands' in the luminescen. e spectrum of

7n,SiO,-Mn, 647Schulten, H., with W. Graffunder, cer-o- display of valve characteristics, 692

Sclioltheiss, P. M., and H. J. Reich, transistor trigger circuits, 2661-with others, effect of auxiliary current on transistor operation, 2591Schultz, W., energe loss from fast electrons, 2792Schulze, A., physical properties of SiC below 1000 C, 1680

Secumann, W. O., e.m. oscillations in plasma, 717, 853; slow e.m. waves in

gas-filled metal tubes, 1303Schunack, J., transmission bandwidth and television picture quality, 493

Schuster, N. A., phase-sensitive stetector circuit, 2780Schlittl6ffel, E., with others, dlirective aerials for s.w. angle-of-incidence

measurements, 434Shutznberger, M. P., relation between quantity of inforniation in Fisher

and in Wiener sense, 1769Schwartz, E., sharpness of television pictiires, 2025

Schwartz, L. B., error reduction in determination of electronic systemparanieters, (A)2270

Schwartz, R. F., with L. L. Koros, transistor frequeiicy-modulator circuit,3147

Schwinger, J., with N. Marcuvitz, representation of electric and msagneticfields in waveguides, N28

Scott, D., with others, electron-microscope observations on formation of

evaporated metal films, 659Scott, J. C. W., computation. of ionospheric propagation, 720; gyro-

frequency in arctic E layer, 2001; longitudinal and transversepropagation modes in Canada, 1471; Poynting vector in iono-sphere, 193

Sott, N. R., stability of oscillations in nonlinear system, (A)2122Scott, R. E., network synthesis applied to feedback control, (A)2122Scott, T. R., crystal triodes, 2592Scroggie, 0., design of wobbulator for simple c.r.o., 412; Radio Labora-

tory Handbook, (B)306; sensitive null-detector amplifier, 2390Scuader, R. IL, design of Bridgeport u.h.f. television aerial, 284

Seaan, E. C. B., D. A. Crow and C. G. Chadburn, piston attenuator for

cable testing in range 1-30 Mc/s, 1720Seebeeger, Lh N., with A. H. Benner, graphechon writing characteristics,


Seegar, E., with others, electron emission from metal surfaces as aftereffect, 3181

Seeger, C. L., observations of 205-MCrs radiation of Cygnus A, 2703Beey, B., with others, radiation from circular current sheets, 31

8edeAdlbh, N, frequency response of output transformer with filter

coupling, 2881g., R. K., with R. L. Kuehn, rack-mounted flying-spot scanner, 2846

Bdt4, V., influence of plastic flow on alkali halide crystals, 129; theory of

semiconductor resistance in magnetic field, 612Selby, M. C., High-Frequency Voltage Measurements, (B)1974tn edam, C. A, with A. MIichels, influence of inductances on deter-

mination of capacitances, 191

Selfnyi, P., electrical flywheel acid electron inertia, 2967Sell, W. B., and J. V. Iebacqz, microwave oscillograph, (A)1958Selz, J., and A. de Leudeville, C.l.T. swave analyser, 3057Beanan, 0. I., optical strength of short electron lenses, 2795Ben, A., svith S. R. Khastgir, frequency variatioci of intensity of atio-

spherics froni distant siour ces, 1387Sen, S. N., u.h.f. absorption, ini orgasic liquids at different teiperatures,

1356, in substituitedl feirzene compounids, 2162Bennett, R. S., with others, electron-mic roscope observatioris oli formation

of evaporated tal ftlms, 659Sepmeyer, L. W,, equipicent for SOIcDd iicascirenment an(e acdlys* (A)1811Seright, C. G., corassmremuent osf reseiver radiation, 2006Sette, D., uiltrasonic leries of plastic tmasterialst, 1292Severin, H., diffraction, of cno waves by tiietal dlisks, 2412, of e.m. xases,

theory of, 2694-and W. s. Baeckmnanci, diffract ion of c,cs waves by disos, 2693Sewell, D., slesign of cevatrin niagniet, (A)179Seymour, P. W., eiticalizer curves for designi of 2-terciiinal iietworkis, 2372Seymour, R. A., siiiiple cphase-fmceasurenment circuiit, 1724- anl t) G Ticker, chhlse couslted plhase inverter of high acicurscy,

1580- with D. G. Tucker, synchrodyne as lprecision demodulator, 204Shackeltord, C. L., with EI I. tvey, tliercionic-emission calcoulations, 1877Shain, C. A., with . J. IsKer, nioon echoies and transmission tIlrougi

monosphere, 2264Shankland, R. S., with E. W. Samnuel, sdiund field of Straubel X -cut

crystal,5Shanmon, C. E., atid W. Weaver, 'IhehMathematical Thesrv cif Coinmuoio-

cation, (B)455Shapiro, G., radio receiver hsubiniaturization technticqiues, (A 2265

with others, new techniclsces for rniniittsirization, 307Sbarpe, J., and 1). Taylor, ouinters and couciting systeoss, 2258- with W. 1. toosemore, ticise delays iri lv. halogenr-cuenched G-1.0

ioc*nters, 2260with h). Taylor, ion chambers and ion-chambser instruesments, 2258

Shasherin, V. P., speed of recording c r. traces by photographb, 2768Shaull, J. N., and C. t. Kortman, chronograph and chritos op' for covn-

carison of quartz clocks, 2471Shaw, E. A, G., variable-selectivity tuLnable a.f. asnplifier, 600Show, I. J., ionospheric cross-modulation, 1472Shaw, R. C., and others, 6-cliarcicel mobile urban R/T system, 741Shaw, T. M., and J J.JW'indle, msicrowave meascirement of permnittivity

fibres, 686Shea, R. F., thyratron-operated photSelectric baseball umpire. 1211Sheldon, J. L., characteristics of all-glass television pictutre bulbs, 1795Shepard, F. H., Jr, saturable-reactor considerations, 1315Sheppard, G. E., M. Garbtiny and J. R Hansen, reflex resnatron, (A)2304

witth N. (Garliunv, reflex resnatron operation, (A)2304Sheffield, B., filter design simplifies, 2127, 2946Sheridan. K. V., with V. I). Burgmnann, microwave d.f. for aircraft navi-

gatiori, 2189

Shimmins, A. J., cathode follower response to pulse and sawtooth signals,846; quiescent voltages and currents in pentode amplifiers, 77

Shinn, D. H., with others, diffraction by irregular screen, and ionosphericreflection, 428

Shimane, GE., S. Hoshino and Kt Suzuki, X-ray study of phase transition iv]PbTiO3, 927

Shmoys, J., definition of virttual height, (A)2712; diffraction of e.m. wavesby plane wire grating, 2966

Shockley, W., Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors, (B)2463-M. Sparks and G. K. Teal, pun jtinction transistors, 3177

with J. H. Haynes, niobility and life of injected holes and electronsin Ge, 1928

- with E. J. lRyder, electron mobilities in Ge for strong electric fields,1398

- with others, theory and experiment for Ge p-n junction, 1889;nucleation and rnagnetic properties of alnico V, 657; velocity ofpropagation of ferromagnetic domain boundary, 855

Shone, A. B., variable-filter tuning, 733Shorter, D. E. 1., design of loudspeaker cabinets, 809; influence of high-

order products on nonlinear distortion, 2892, (D)2893, (D)289-with H. D. Harwood, high-level noise source for a.f. band, 25Shrader, R. E., with S. Larach, cathodoluminescence of Zn,SiO,-Mn, 1921

Shteinshleiger, V. B., phenomeTia in e.m. resonators near natural frequency,1863

Shturkin, D. A., and Ya S- Shtrs, risagnetostriction hysteresis in alnico andvicalloy, 2733

Shou'man, A. ., currents producing radio valve noise, 2877- and I. Yu. Rozentsveig, secondary electron entission from At,O,, 259Shulman, C., quanttum effects in iciteraction between free electrons and

e.m. fields, 2149Shuhnan, I., with S. Heller, Television Servicing, (9)495Shumard, C. C., design of filters using RC networks and d.c. feedback

amplifiers, 1325Shunaman, F., colour-television systems, 1787Shur, Ya. S., with D. A. Shturkin, magnetostriction hysteresis in alnico

and vicalloy, 2733Shura-Buma, M. P., probable error in solution of finite-difference equation

for electrical networks, 2942Sieffert, L. E., with others, effects of contaminants on electrical insulation,

130Siegert, A. J. F,, first-passage-time probability problem, 1894Silleni, S., ionosphere data dedticed from radiotelegraphy tests in Italy,

1754Silsbee, F. B., N.B S- standards for electrical measurements, 2227Sim, A. C., generalization of reversion formulae and application to non-

linear (lifferential equatiocts, 2217Simmons, A. J., wide-band issiciowave quarter-wave plate, (4)2100Simmons, L. with others, resistanceltemperature relatioln for therm-

istors, 1083Simon, J. C., with J. Ortusi, diffraction by paraboloids of revolution, 82

Simpson, J. A., Jr, change of cosmic-ray neutron intensity following solardistcirbances, 16,35

Simpson, J. H., static dielectric coistarit of dipolar solits, 2195Sinclair, D. B., with A. Petstrson, single-ended push-pull audio amuplifier,

(A)2082Sinclair, G., patterns of aerials locate near elli;tical cylinders, 2249;

transtmiission and reception of ellipticaily polarized waves, (0)285Singer, F., 1-. Maple and W. A. Bonwen, Jr, evidence for ioclosphere

icgcrrents from rocket experimoenits, 2713Singleton, Ef. EH, digital electromOc correlator, 1237; aptiOuiu nonlinear

filters, (A)2122Bittkus, A., solar and terrestrial phenomena during sudden ionospheric

distturbancer1th Nov. 1949, 885Skafnik, J. G., with others, effect of auxiliary current on transistor opera-

tioem, 2591; integration-noise reducer for radar, 360; operation cfsplit-anode niagnetron, 1120

Skaupy, F., Metallkeranmik, (B)1690Skeeters, R. N., sound ranging at Niorris Dam torpedo ranges, (A)116Sketlett, A. N., and P. W. Charton, 30-element radial-beam switching tuibe

with e.s. focusirig, 1030Blade, B. N., transistor with wide-spaced contacts, 1803Slate, M. W., J. P. Van Duyne and E. G. Mannerberg, high-stability u.h.f.

television tuner, (A(2292Slatem, J. C., Microwave Electronics, (B)1540SlMe, 0. B., with G. J. Staciley, galactic rcf. radiation, 865Sleeper, M. B., F.A.S. a.f. system, 804, 805,1832Blemon, . R., radio interference from h.v. corona, 205810bodskoi, L. L, with L V. Kirenski, effect of directed stresses on shape of

magnetization curve, 2408van 81ooten. 3., testing networks by unit-function.response, 2235M0oughter, G. B., and R. T. Ellis, liniear discriminator for f.m. telemcetering,

2783Sluse, H. A., predicting performance of u.h.f. radiating systems, 2814-with D. A. Miller, television-receiver noise calculations, 8142Bmem, J. F., with others, field nreasurements on model betatron and syn-

chrotron magnets, 6"Bmerd, S. F., r.f. solar radiation, 344, polarization of, and sun's general

magnetic field, 860; solar r.f. data, 625

-and K. C. Westfold, r.f. radiation in ionized gas, and solar radiation,95

Smith, A. D. N., electronic instruo,ment for measuring damping capacity,2246

BMith, C. E., performance of sectionalized broadcasting towers, (A)2270mith, C. P., phonenme detector, 2620

Smith, D. C. G., with S. F. Ilearce, narrow-pulse generator, (D)2776Smith, E. J., observation of precipitation with airborne radar, 892;

transient response of self-saturating niagnetic anipfifiers, (A)2122Smith, F. 0., intensity fluctuations of r t. galactic radiatioli, 1365Smith, F. W., network representation of aumplifier adnmittances, (D)2392Smith, H. M., determination of time and frequency, 2223Smith, J. B., with D M. McCalltcsn, logical cocnputers, 2467Smith, J. J., and P. I. Alger, tinite representation of imuspulse fin tions,

tA)2218; Heaviside's operatuoialf calculus asud Schwartzfunctions,932

Snith, L. G., 05agnetic electron iiiultipliers for detectiosi ofPlositive ion>,2584

Scith, M. C., H. F. Harrett aid H. T. Beyer, ultrasoniu absorptiomn imMgSO, solutions, (A)530, 1549

Smith, N. F.. WOR televisioui stuidios, New York, 1270Smith, N. S., performance tests 'n radio receivers, 1727Smith, P. D. P., field equatioris for regiouts of variable and f, 858Smith, R. S., with M. J. slein, thin ferromagmietic filmiss. 1875Smith, R. W., with csthers, storage oscilloscope, 3055Smith-White, W. B., nenegy in electrostatics, 326; thercmodynamnics of

lsid diuelet triC, 1611Smol'achowski, H., with J. H. oliuman, theosy of itiagnetic aiiistropy in

alnicfj ', 389Smyth, H. T., H. H. Streinken and iL Wisnyi, luigh-terssperatuire vacuum

induction fuse, 5ce, 3078Smythe, W. t., electri. andl tnagntetic forces betweeus slhere ansI wire, 2140;

Static anI Devnaiiiic Elefrtricity, (B)2165Snoek, J. L., with It.G Beljers, gyroiiagiietic.phertsionirna in ferrites, 652Snow, D. L., msith otiers,s and amplifier klystrun, )A)2304Snyder, J., tituse-domliain filters, *)2122Snyder, W., with others, miceasureunent of polarizationr of If. ismiusphere

redlections, (A)2799Snyder, W. F., with I. L. Corliss, calilbration of audioiimeters, 1054Sobotka, H., with 1. lestowski, Dlratltioser ('berseeverkehr, 9)2283Sochnev, A. Ya., utimuss's p.aricmeters of systems with permanent iumagnets,


Soderman, R. A., ltols rceter bridige for h.f. power timeasoirenelit, 410-and W. M. Hagiue, uIh.f. miieastcreummemits nith ITye-s'74 I.B slotted

line, 1714Sokolov, A. V., with S. V. Vonsovski, surface photoelectric effe t in ferro-

rtuagnetics, 2401Solow, M., I. W. f animer and I'. H. Haas, cioise-figtmre standards, (A)2228Sommer, H., with R .A. Erickson, distortiori correction for video delay

lines, 52Sommer, J., high-Q dust-ored coils forII0 c,scs 100 kcs. 584

with R. Gauiger, bridge-stabilized generator for tuning musical instru-mnents, 693

Sondheimer, E. effect of transverse imiagnetic field on cociductivity ofthin me.ml filrrms, 331; theory of transpoirt phenomnena imu nietals,327

Sorrows, H. E., H. E. Haniilton and Ming S. Wong, precision coaxialresonant line for impedance measurements, )A)1958

- W. E. Ryan and R. C Elleniwood, evaluation of coaxial-slotted-lineiunpedarice measurements, 1963

Sosin, B. N., directional couplers for v.h.f amplitude-ratio and phasemneasuretmuent, 1962

SoulA-Nan, 0., and J. Peltier, method of calculating certain integrals, 2917Soother, H. T., imnproved bass response in loudspeaker systems, (A)2082Southworth, G. C., Principles and Applications of Waveguide Transmissions,

(9(1311Soutif, M., 1950 International Congress on r.f. spectroscopy, Anmsterdaums,


80wton, C. W., and D. B. Balchin, new London RIT teriiiinal, 2539Spandock. F., froni decentralized to central sound transcmcission, 1829Sparks, M., with others, Ge p-n junction, growth of single crystals contain-

ing, 1682, theory and experuinent for, 1609Spear, W. E., electron optics of e.s. focusing systemi, 1984-with W. Ehrenberg, e.s. focusing systeom and application to fine-focus

X-ray tube, 1450Speisem, A., with others, programme-controlled digital coumputers, 2221Bpence, H. W., systematizatioti of valve surveillance in computers, 3163Spence, N., with others, p-n-junction transistors, 3177SPence, R. D., and C. P. Wells, vector wave functions, 3035- with A. Leitner, effect of circular ground-plane on aerial radiation, 867Spcer, E., separation of variables in e.m. theory, 2103SPencer, G. R., with others, five-digit parallel coster tumbe, (A)22208pencer, R. B., tuned absorption circuits, 62

Spenke, E., rectifiers, crystal, with heavy d.c. bias, imimpedance of, 1532,dry, distribution of imcpurity centres in, 924

SPirer, H. F., relzmtion sf Ny'quist diagraui tI pole-zero plots, (B(2358SPitzer, E. E., rating of high-vacuumum power valves, 1799Spitzer, L., Jr, with others, electrical conductivity of ionized gas, 335Spurck, R, F., with H. J. Nolte, metal/ceramic sealing using Mn/Mo mix-

ture, 1410Squimen, W. K., determination of amplifier sensitivity, 2478

and K. R. Wendt, synchroflection deflection system, (A)(22Srivastava, 5. S., with E. E. Zepler, intereles trode iuiipedances in triodes

and pentodes, 2590Stahl, F. A., Ge trigger photocells, 3154Stahl, H. A., electron diffraction in valve technique, 1735; poisoning of

oxide cathocses bv atminspheric sulphur, 2051Stahl, P. D., ultrasonics in loran trainer, 3008Stanley, G.1., and 0. B. Slee, galactic r.f. radiation, 865Stanley, J. P., ionosplieric reflection of long radio waves, 974, 1474

withnt. A Whale, group acid phase velocities on ipagneto-ionirtheory, 972

Stannard, G., with others, portable repeater for broadcast programmes,2831

Stanner, W., ansi H. C. Freiesleben, hyperbolic aerial-navigation systems,1393

Stauxel, F. R., ciharacteristics anol applications of varistors, 2363Stansel, N. R., Inductiouc Heating, (B925158hanworth, J. E., Ni-Cr-Fe alloy for sealing to glass, 674Stark, H. J., withi others, aging ccf plastics under varim.sss liniatological

conditioris, 2453Stark, K. H., witfm V. DImniel, dielectric properties of ketones, 1941

Staschover, L., anmu lt Mliller, tetevision-link sound diplexer, 3126Stetanizzi, A., rmdioartivitv olfsu;w anus rain, 893Steigerwald, K. H., positiveeus issin frortu tiermimiiouic .afthode, 2570St%in, M., with H. S Moore, comparison of iomsospheric solar iclcices, 884Steinberg, E. B., with W. F spe, Al-clad iron for electron valves, 1949Steinberg, J. L., and S. Zisier, detectiosn of solar rf.rIadiation reflected by

cMosn, 626ith others,crorrelation o' geoiagaetic ati(i solar activity, 2983;

ititerpretation of solar-nmoise julos, 1359; lw-iwutensity solarIadim storscs, 1358

Steinhaus, D. W., with others, s uppression of parts of spark spectra, 8076Steinort, E., (lesign of pennanent-mnagnet systemiis, 1171Stephens, R. W. B., and A. E. Bate, Wave Motion and Sound, (B9152Stephenson, J. 1., a.f.c. of imiechaumically tuned oscillators, 601Sterling, G. E., arid R. H. 'Monroe, The Radio Manual, (B)794Sterling, H. T., ele tronic filter, )A)2122; extended class-A audio, 268

Stetson, H. T., with W. Piickardl, tropospheric receptlon at 44 1 and 92 1

Mc0s over 107-mile path, 977, (A)1227Stevels, J. M., power factor of glasses as function of coniposition, 8031Stevens, K. N., atitocorrelation atialysis of speech sounds, (A)541, 1056Stevens, R. F., mrmd T. W. Stringfield, microwave applications to Bonneville

lPower Admininstration systeni, 1777Steward, E. G., with H. P. Rooksby, BaO-W cathode interface corti-

pomlnl,f 2053Stewrart, W, E., AC. Type-RT-IIA tape recorder, 2094Stiefel, E.. anld i-. riegler, natutral eigenvalue problems, 1176

with stllers, progrcn me-mcntrolled digital computers, 221Stiles, J. E., f.it. commususunis ation system monitor for 30-175 Mcjs, 1972Stimson, A., and C. F. Taylor, design of log-scale d.c. meters, 399StOckmann, F., theory of pliotocoulduction in compmsite coriductors, 84;

valetice semiconductors, 2727Stoker, J. J., Nun-LIinear Vibrations in Mlechanical and Electrical Systerns,

(B)390Stone, W. R., with others, test-pattern generator for colour-television

signals, (A12292Stoner, C. R., with A. W. Cadner, Short OVase Wireless Comemunication,

(B(2080Btoner, E. C., niagnetization cuirves, 2689Storm, H. ., response of saturable reactor with resistive load, (A)2932Stout, B.. Basic Electrical Measurements, (B)1973Stovall, J. R.. transducers as sensing elements for servos, 225U


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (12)

Index to Abstracts and References .1951Stowe, H. A., electronics for Sydney Water Board, 2276Stoyko, A., velocity of propagation of radio waves, 2803- and N. Stoyko, diurnal variation of propagation time and frequency,

2802Stoyko, N., with A. Stoyko, diurnal variation of propagation time and

frequency, 2802Strack, W., Jr, with others, 6-channel mnobile urban R/T system, 741Straiton, A. W., and C. W. Tolbert, factors in v.h.f. wave propagation,

(A)2799D. J Metcalf and C. W. Tolbert, tropospheric scattering of radio

waves, 2811- with C. W. Tolbert, phase-shift refractometer, 2472- with others. attenuation of radio signals bv scattering, 2521

Straker, T. W., with others, ionospheric propagation of low- and very-low-frequency waves. 2522

Strandberg, C. F., process for resharpening recording styli, 2903Stranz, D., ionosphere duiring solar eclipse, April 19411, 299; properties

and origin of D laver, 878Strashkevch, A. M., with B M. RIabin, trajectories of slightly deflected

charged particles, 2794Strassner, R. M., gas-diode electronic organ, 1445Strauss, R., news ratiometer for electron microscope, 1217Street, R., antiferromagnetism, 2977- and P. D. Whitakhr. power nieasureotenl for 3-cm and 10-cm waves,

168Striugfeld, T. W., with R. F. Stevens, microwave applications to Bontie-

ville Power Adininistration system, 1777

Strum, P. D., mixer-(crystal checker, 1200Strutt, M.J. 0., naw niethods of h.f. voltage tneasuresnent up to kmcls,

2761; properties and applications of ferrites aiid other ferro-magnetio mnaterials, 912

Stuart, G. W., Jr, and P. Rosen, cvlindrical cavity resotiator with d.c.discharge, 1595

Sttfiber, C., use of durnmy reflecting objects in anti-radar technique,Stuetuer, 0. M8.. Geru aii development of artificial-dielectric nmicrowave

delay lenses, 37Shull, K. radar test generator, 2489Stumpers, F. L. H. M., first-passage-timne probleiti, 1127Stuntz, S. E., sotund intensity lesel and judgmnent of tonal range, (A)536,


Sturley, K. R., Frequency Moidutlation, (B)991Sturrock, P. A., focusing of electron beams in magiietic fields, 964Styles, R. S.. prevention of echo interference in double-pulse systems, 30078uart, R., design of low--power valves for v,h.f. and uh.f, 2065Suchet, J., with N'Gusei Thien-(hi, thernmistors, 44van Suchtelen, H., itrilerdiction to application of ferroxcube, 2204

Sueur, R., F. job and F- Le Gtien, level regulation on Paris-Toulousecoaxial cable, 2832

Sultanoff, M., 10-frames,vse cainera, 747Snubser, P. G., bridged-T rietwork, 2943; ttuning ssterms icsing feedback

amplifiers, 1809-with others, polar vector indlicator. 100

Sn inerlin, F. A., conipensatiorn of zero-drift errors in direct-coupledfeedback systems, 1807

Sundaresean, M. K., w.ith others, simlple voltage stabilizer for G-M counters,228

Supper, J. B., overtone ervstalc an(t noaintaiting oscillators, 2382Surugue, J., Techniques Gen6rales du 1.aboratoire de Physiqle, Vol. 2,

(B)1174Susskind, C., artificial dielectrics of obstacle type, (A)2100; characteristic

inipedance of sliielded c-tis, 2118Sutton, H. J., ttinitig equipsfent for carrier current power-line iiostallation,


Suxuki, K., with others, X-ray sttiy of phase transition in PbTiO,, 9278vartholm, N., ficusing of charged particles iii crossed e.m. and e.s. fields,

704Svenison, R., experiniental investigation of electron orbits in inagnetroit,

3186Sveshnikov, A. G2., radiation principle, 2518Swsllow,J. C., with S. de Walden, aural-ntitl and twin-chanziel c.r. direction

finders, (D)118Swannt, W. P. G., electrets, 68

Swarm, H. M., generation of s.s.b. suppressed-carrier signals, (A)2270Swedlund, L. E., and R. Saunders, Jr, e.s.-focusing picture tube, 2560

and C. W. Thierfelder, projectioii kinesrcpe 7NP4 for theatre tele-vision, 2851

Sweet, P. A., effect of turbulence on stoti's inagnetic field, 101

Swengel, R. C., with others! ltrasonic rieasuirement of water velocity, 418Swern, L., iiaicrowave teIhnimaies for 23--.300 klc! s, (A)1958Szegho, C. S., colouir c.r. tube with three phosph.r bands, 1002- asid T. S. Noskoswicz, cectroi gtmrn iori traps. 3183

M.. 1. Aindtirskv and \Ni. ). Reet, low-retlection pictucre tubes, 1501


Tabor, L. P., aircraft and airpfrt traffic characteristic s. (Aj2186Taegre, W., Wien bridge as phase-shift eleitierit of RllC oscillator, 597, 842Taft, E. A., with J. E. Dickey, photoelectric changes in SrO and BaO due

to ultraviolet irradiation, 385Taft, V. &, synthesis of quaidripoles with specified paranieters, 57Tager, P. G., electron-optical sotund-recording devire, 1838Taglang, P., with A. J. P. Meyer, ferroiiagietisri, of alloy FeBe., 2203, of

Co !Zn allovs, 2735; mimagnetic properties of Cu in solid soltution inCo and in Fe,Ni alloy, 655

Tai, C. T., effect of grounded stab on radiation froin line sotrce., 2108Taieb, J., soltage regulation for Van de Graaff generators, 1000Tait, A., with others, source of error in radio phase-mneasuring systeios,

'()24833Takamura, T., with M. Oda, solar iloose at 3 3 kIctes, 2984Takayama, K., with S. Kojtitia, noise teniperature of d.c. gas-discharge

plasiiia, 1133Talbot, S. A., and others. iiiechanc-electronoic transducer for physiological

applications, 2791Tal1ey, D., eniergency equipment for linking radio and line circuits, 2018Tamarkin, P., G. L. Boyer and R. T. Bever, experiniental determination of

acoustic wave fronts, (A)517, 1547Tan Soen Hong, with others, iitfluence of initial phase il nonlittear circuits,


Tanmer, J. A., and B. G. V. Iarringtoii, frequency-compensated direct-coupled aniplifier for pen-recorder, 1603

Tanner, R. H., master control facilities for large studio centre, (A)2270Tanner, R. L. inmprovemient of loudspeaker response by motional feedback,

1835; theoretical linitation. to inipedance rnatching, 1566Tarbfs, P., scanning tubes with transparent signal-plate, 479Tasny-Tsubiseey, L., extension of Thevenin',, theorem, 297Taub, A. H., and N. Wax, theorn of planar diode, 777, (0)1800Taylor, C. F., with A. Stimson, design of log-scale d.c. itieters, 399Taylor, D., and J. Sh-arpe, ion chambers and ion-chamber instruments,

2258with W. R. l oosernore, temnperature dependence in G-M counters,

(D)187with J. Sharpe, counters and cotintiiig systems, 2258

Taylor, G., with P. Pluvinage, ineasurenirits of atmospheric electric fieldin Greenland, 1153

Taylor, H. A., and E. C. Run(iqtfist, R C.A. frequjency-measuremiient'instal-lation, 1965

Taylor, J. H., pressure dependence of resistance of Ge, 1161Taylor, N. H., niarginal checking as aid to coinputer reliability, 1185Taylor, T. T., aerial pattern synthesis iiiethods and etiergy storage con-

si,teratio,is, (A)2642-and J. R. Whinnere, applications of potential theory to design of

linear arrays, 1308Tazulakhov, B. D., secondicry-emission catlhodes of high stability, 2582Tchernichtff, A., spectroliieter for radiotelegrashy, 3056Teal, G. K., M. Sparks and E. Buehler, growth f iGe single crystals

cotitaining p-n junctiolns, 1682-wwith others fn touction, Ge, iheors; anif especittient for, 1669,

transistors, 3177Teare, B. R., Jr, mnakinig engineering education professional, tA)2308Tesidale, R. D., with R. A. Martin, tuned coupleuf circuit for oscillator

application, IA)2122Tebble, R. S., and W. D. Corner, reversilble susceptibility of ferrnoagnetic

materials, 1168

Teichmann, T., beaiii oscillatioris in f.m. cyclotroni, 1214Teitell, L., with S. Berk, effect of fuiigus growth on inisulating tapes,Telesnin, R. V., laws goverriing inagnetic viscosity, 2409- and E. I. Kuritsyna, dependence of niagiietic viscosity on tenipera-

tire. 2410and S Z. IUshakov. niagnetic viscosity of permalloy, 2734

Tellegen, B. D. H., forces between two current-carryitig conductors, 92and E. Klauss, parameters of passive gyrator quadripole, 301;

resonant circuits couepled by quadripole, 2945Teller, E., with F. de Hoffitiann, magneto-hydrodynanic shock eaves, 605Templin, E. W., with others, professional magnetic-recording systeni for

films, 2829Terahata, S,, with fiheis, t aselling e,tasve c.r. tule. 503Terletski,Ya. P., with i. E. Nolpakos, propagation of hru,'iell ofsunspots,

2423Terroni, T. B. D., 12-channel carrier telephorne svsteni. 2537Terry, R. L. and R. B. Watson, reciprocitv calibratioi of toicrophones

singt pitte techniqtic, (A)553Tesner, 5,, Tninterut thcories on dielectrics and semi ondluo Iiton, 375Thaler, W. _, with otlhers, higb-intensity-spark light soturce. 1222Th6nard, J., with G. Valladas, differential method of co intitug in pulse-

anlplitudc selectors, 577Theuerer. B. C., antd J H. Scaff, effect of beat treatlment ot) te, 2201Thiede, H., tiuagnetostlictisc ultrasonic apparatus, 2813Thiemann, H., cidoehor method for large-screen televisita projection, 485Thien-Chi N'Guyen. See lc'Guyen, Thien-Chi.Thierfelder, C. W., with L. E. Swedlund, projectiosi kinescope 7NP4 for

theatre television, 2851Thiessen, G., spectral itivestigations of general agneuti field of scin, 1141Thiessen, 42. J., resotnance characteristics of finite catentidal horn, 7

with W. G. Sclhneider, velocity of sound iri He, 515Thoma, A., with W. Hart, Die Differentialgleichumngern der Technik ttnd

f'hvsik, (B)148Thomas, A. L.-Jr, graph-scope, electronic graph plotter, 1216Thomas, A. M., I_icIltenberg figtures and ionization iif dielectric surfaces.


Thomas, D). 4. A., and H. W. Finch, simple electronieter using vibrating-plate capacitor, 159

Thomas, H., resistance alloys, 2751; wide-angle deflection yoke design,(A)2292

Tlomas, H. A., ineasunremeust and regulation of magnetic fields by nuiclearresonance method, (A)2226

Thomas, Horace A., imieasureiiients of atmospherics at h.f., 169, 203Thomas, L. A., with othemo, growth of large quartz crystals, 3024Thomas, R., with C. Brasse., Jr, horizontal-polarization omnidirectional

aerial. 2920Thomasson, D. W., electronic colorimnetrv, 2248; sigmual sources for tele-

vision testing, 1202Thompson, L. E., distortion up inultichannel f.m. relay systems, 1489;

iiuserowave propagatiomi expaeriments 202Thompson. P. O., with others, moasking of pure tone at gap in thermal-

noise spectrum, (A)544Thomson, J., Naadio Comimumiicatiorm at Ultra-High Freqisenscy, (B)742Thomson, W. E., with W. A. Cawthra, bandwuilth of sintisoidal carrierwave,

with f.o. bv rectangular wave, 1242Thomson, W. T., transmission of plane elastic waves through plate, 1046Thonemanw P. C., and W. T. Cowhig, self usagnetic. field.in gas discharges,

2146Thouz6cy, J., double-T RC filter, 2670Thurston, W. R., direct- eading u.h.f. adrauittance nmeter, 163Tien, Ping King, with others, aniplification by acceleration and deceleration

of single-velocity beam, 2068

Tigler, H., high-speed pulse rrsodulators for radar transomitters, 2431Tiley, J. W., automatic aerial-polar-diagramis recorder, (A)2100Tilman, J. R., transition in Eccles-Jordan circuiit, 2119

and H. Yemom, decav of current in Ge dimles, 1528- with J. E. Flood, crosstalk in a.m. time-division Inultiplex systems,


Tilton, E. P., civil-defence portable transmitter-receiver, 3110Timbrell, V., absolute mneasurenient of sound pressures at high frequiency,

1555Tischer, F., isIductive probe for microwave measirements, 3045Titehmarsh, E. C., eigenfunction problemis for case of periodic potentials,

676Tizard, R.H., and B. G. V Harrington, electronic speed control for carriage

of ship-model testing tank, 418Tobint, M. W., If. Grundfest and R. L. Schoenfeld, instantaneous peak

voltoineter, 2481Todd, A. C., aerial radiation-diagram analvser, 282Tolausky, S., and W. Bardsley, interferornetric studies of quartz-plate

vibfratison. 1939Tolbert, C. W., and A. W. Stu-aiton, phase-shift refractorrieter, 2472

with A. W. Straiton, factors in v.h.f. wavse popagationu (A 2799with others, tropospheric scattering tf macfuo maves, 281f1

Tobtot, N. A., jumps in condtictivity of BaTit)5, 2447-and P. P. Feofilov, new niethod of stliiIving relaxatioas processes, 1872Tombs, D. M1, and J. F. Ward, f.m.is capacitansce measturemient, 396Tomiysu, K., amid S. B. Cohn, directionsal coupler permitting fItll power

transfer, (A)2100Tootill, 4. C., with others, small-scale experiumental high-speed (ligital

computer, 1952Toraldo di Fraiia, G., critical remview of generci u.as of (iff action, 83

- with U. Schaffner, evanescent musicrowaves generatet3 by ditfractioni,1354

Ton, P. M. 4G., 'knight' scmnning in television. 243

Townsend, C. L., ansI E. D. Goodate, orthogaois televisiors amplifier, 759Townsend, H. A., cold-cathode cotunter valves, 783Tozzi, R., iuicrowsave power ineasureniients, 397Tranter, C. J., dual integral eqtuatiomis in potential problems, 1814Trautman, D. L., and J. A. Aseltine, amiplifier synthesis sun equal-ripple

basis, (A)2122Trtbuchon, 4., and .I- Kieffer, phvsics of glass,Imetal sealing, 135, 929,241Tremellen, K. W., long-distanice propagations in 10-f30-kc11 s and 0-5--1-

lt ls banf-ls, 978Trendelenburg, F., with W. Schaaffs, X-ray insestigation of soumud waves

due to dielectric breakdown, 80

Tricauud, J. B., array theorn and nonresonant slustted wsaveguidec, 241Troel'tra, S. A., coating by electrophoresis, 3028Tronnier, H., and H. agener, all-iuains anuplifiter for photocellt iieasure-

ninuts, 2777To,pper, H., Electric Circuit Theory, (Bj320Trott, W. J., and C. I. Darner, properties af sound-absorbent panels at

high hsdrostatic pressures, (AS545Trout, C. C., with others, 1((-chaniel distance-nimeasiuring erluuipsiient, 2722

Troui*, S., with Ml Matricoi, distribution cf space charfe ini thermionicvalves, 1514

Trxals, J. 42., inetwork synthes,is applied tuo feedlback corntrol, (A)2284Tucker, D., switli others, tiltrasonic effects on uniusal tissues, 1050Tucker, D. 42., amid i. A. Sevteiotur, syvnchrodyne as precisious demodulato,r,

204- with I. I Mactliariiuid, polyphase imuo(lulation fur telecornmsunication

fillter problenss, 213withml. A. Seysusontr, choke-coupled phase inverter *f high accturacy,

1580Tucker, J D., deterniiusantal solutiomi of phase-shift oscillators, 1597Tuller, W. G., inforneation theory armd systeiti design, 2274Turnock, R. C., with H, A. Itriiie, iconoscope electro-optical shtutter for

Iiigh-speed photography, 1223wersky, V., nonspecmlfar reflection, of e.m. waves, 2692, of souumid froyi

absorbent surfaces, (Al811, of sound froni planes with absorberitbosses, 2316; scattering of soumid was es bh spheres and cvlinders, 9

Twin, R. Q., Bailey's theory of circularly polarized wave. in suinspots, 624Tyler, V. 3., reimlote-control systeum for radio transnsitters, 2798Tyrrell, A. J., perforisiaiice and stability of permanent miiagnets, 2213Tyrrell, W. Laplace Tramisfornnation Theors and Engirnee sing Applications,

0B3039Tyson, B. F., ui.h.f. conveiter, (A)2292- and J. G. Wcissuiian, .f.aInplifier for u .h.f telesision bauid, (A)2292Tysser, F. G., with H. C. Hardy, scale-misodel studies of asuiphitheatre

acoustics, (A)549-with others, comusparison of absorption coefficuenis, (AIlSil

uUlhlenbck, 4. B., with J. L. I awsomi, Threshold Signals, Radiation

Iaboratory Series Vol. 24, (311234

Uitiens, A. G. W., with others, electrical recording f (liagrzc,mms ws ithsystems of coordinates, 8075

U er, N., German imiagnetic sound-recording systeim for filiius, 2831UIlich, C. W., single-insut attenuators uith musultiplue oultpusts, 1590UmpJeby, K. F., with E. L. Crosbs, Jr, h.f. amuplifiers with direet cotiplitg,

IAW2122Ungvary. R. L., with others, operation of split-anodle moagnetran, 1120Union Radio Scientifique Isternational, BrLutit* Radioi Ple triquses Solaires

et Galactiques, (B)115Unssld, A., cosuist radiation anI mnagnetic fielss, 2"0, outigie of galat.tic

r.f. radiationu amid tosmsicm rays, 1364Unthank, H. W., wita others, sudden coammuenrncnents inIii iupuslses in

geoiiiagnetissui, 2708UInwin, R. nl.,witB '.Milnes radlio iiieteorutlogicail iuuvestigation in Neut

Zealalmd, 200Urban, P., sith E. l edinegg, thcorst afoscilla.t.ns ins couptel oavity

resonators, 1115UrteL, R., self-excited gerierators for dledle tieun currents, 491Ushakov. S. Z., with R. V'. ielesnisi, nsiagietic viswesitv of percuualhos, 2734Uslan, S. D., with J. F. Rider, Encyclope(lia oi CatliodeRav Oscillulscopes

and their t'ses, (B)2491Uzan, R., with G.Mesnard, treatmusemit of turngsten Nvire for salves, 1412


Vainsbtein, L. A., circular wivegumide, open enui of, ausytminuiettical wavesfroimi, 23386, diffraction of was es at, 2337

Valentine, J. M., with A. L. co*ckroft, prosportional couinters amnd ionchambers with external graphite electrod.es, 709

Valladas, G., and J. Thenard, differenmtial imiethod of cotmtiting its pulse-amplitude selectors, 577

Valatrino, A. R., and C. Greenwald, low-distortion f.i. mon(lulators,(2298

Vali6e, R., Hilbert space, proble;u in cybernetics referred to, 202, ansI

properties of periodic and pujlsed systemins, 28534Van Bladel, J. See van Bladel, J.Vance, A. W., simulation of three-axis guided iiiissile systemum (TIyphoon),

(A2MVancour, R. P., with V. F. Hess, atmospheric ionization, 894Van Dugne, J. P., with others, high-stability t.h.f televissmn tuner, (A(2292Van Dyck, A. F., with others, Teles sion Niols. ,X &. 6, (B)3238Van Dyke, K. S., imeatrices of piezoelectric, elastic amid dielectric constatit*,

(A)t6OVan Wiasbeck, S. H., and A. H. NRss, herforesnlce sf tlsversity receisvig

systems, 228- with J. L. Glaser, experimemntal esalua.tion uf deisersty receiving

systetns, 2267Vtradi, P. F., ferroniagnetisi inrin i'tit*lnpounds, 2202

Varian, S. F., with others, .amumplifier klvstroms, N-band, (A)2304. fltr ii.h.ftelevision, IA)2304- crvstal conitrol of 4-kW 1(036-N css trans-resitter, (A)2298

Vastel, J., minodern low-power h.v. generators. 2506with P. Grivet, prelismisnarv utieasusrentents on limmem electron aeseler

ator, 1738Vecchiacchi, F., long-distance television links, 238

Vedder, H. H., imusprovieng indtislrial control *nesign, 2781Vegard, L., auroral spectra amid physics of inonsphere, 1151

Veith, W., photoelectric properties misul eiiiission nimechamnisium of Cs/Slifilmims, 643; signal forn atiotm isu conducs troem pickup tubes, 1498

Veldklip, J., propagation of sotnd cver great clistances, 1542- with J. Bartels, international data 'on mamignetic distirbances, thir(l

qusarter 194t. 1370. first quarter 1Il50lt, 630, seconc3 (luarter 19,51,870, thirdl quarter lif50, 1894, fostsrth uarter NtWXII, 2705

Velichkina, T. S., andt. L. Fabelinski, velosity of ulltrasonic waies influids, 2084

Vellat, T., radiation of dipole imcside rectanugulamcr wasegu, ise, 816Vepa, R. K., variation of resistaoice im resonator neck, 2321V6rain, L., and P. Jolis et, underwater gasisslueter. 158Verhoeff, A., with others, Philifs 10mm-kV electrost mnicroscuspe, 1458Verma, 42. S., effects of httiusiditv on tiltrasonic absorp tiotli in uir at 1

MI s5, 1049Vermeulen, R., ansI XV. Wtestiniijze, expresser systelms for trasnsmissio

f mnusic, 17Vernotte, P.. smoothinig of experitentstulu 'surves, 2753Ver Planck, D. W., L. A. F1IlZi anttl tIh.( ituB amsaage. asralysis of feecuback

magnetis ampsliflersc 47Verse, H.. calcumlation.oa reitiie.lr wit susffeTr up..A'itsrs, 994Vervest, W. L., mith A. G. NRtleecr, suito. tit* electrical t iisiiig of large

transmuitters, 765Verwey, E. J. W., anti others, controiled salency semicttondlutors, 905Veverka, A., with others, natnuasl frerqienties of situgle-layer solenoi(ls

subjecte(il to vcoltage sturges. 1099ViellIe, E., with M. Schurers, propagation of dischargigu sttiXM coulters with

external calhodse, 710Vigean, F,, quenching action of losnig-wsase raldiation in electrophoto-

luominescence, 1807-amid D. Cujrie, qfumenelbing actioum of long-wase radliations in electro-

phi.tolunminesceuce, 1608

Vigseron, H., iiu-A propagation measuremsues ts in tircnTsft, 199

Vigoureux, P., tlItrasousics, 1812096and C. F. Booth, QLas tz Vuibrators andf their Aptplicatiomns, (312464

Vilbig, F., frequjency comipression and expaussisn for specch sutinds andreproductioyi frsrauj visible-speechk-ecords, 1057

Villard, 0. G., Jr. RC anipslifier witll indetendenst conumtrol of selectiity amid

bamsdwidth, 2395Ville, J., decoitiposition of signtal into cos2 c(nnlponeits, 2933; funs tional

equatiuon of iisfcrciatistn theoury, 2828Vinsal, 4. W., Psriinars Batteries, (B)748Violet, P. 4., fundamnentals ansI appliucations of s' sulour-ts. e tubles, 1031Visvanathan, B., effect of variable mass of electrou son hiode current, 2285

Vitkenvch, V. V., synchronsization of relaxation tossillatiuois, 2856Voelkel, H., with E. Xlenzer, I.f. tethniqute in t.sow. broadcastiung, 453Voelz, K., danmping of a oustic resonators, 2087Voge, J,, with others, equipmsserit for study ouf cut wuss e propagation, 3115Vogel, T., oscillations in acosstic ressnoators svith eI tstii walls, 800, 1293;

topologis al niethoels for invaestigatinog snlrinear oscillatiomns, 1851Vogelman, J. H., precision imtillih.. ibtlutuiteguuidtlrattenssatisueu ineasure-

oments, 1A)1958Vogt, B., with W. BEraiosuewell, reversal of sigo of tria.gnetostriction by

expansiuen, 918Vogt, 4. conuinsercittl u's.Vo r(Ifeivers, 2821

uitmh others, deselopmenit sf cornunserc ial +ceivsers, 2529; direectiseaerials for s.w. a unsete-,t-ivien ieuiesur ntuents, 434

Volken,s W. K., ilirectlcouple(s auuiplifier 'starsatistsn tircsusits, 18685 low-level r f. eriergy inietstLrecrients, IA)222B

Volkov, D. 1., msagnetostri tion hvsteresis If high-coewrcis ite alloys, 1938Voinsoslki, S. V., aiil A. V. S.koloov, turfIe phst ul. mtric effe,t in ferro-

miagnetics 24421de Voogt, A. H., roundk-the-mworld rulsih- sigials, 726Vorner, J. J., qtuartz crystals free frons harnuionims, 1169de Vrijer, F. W., usith J, Haantjes. fliuker ins telesision pictlures, 1503


Wade, F., electrical mtuethoaus if high-vactsmsits mseasuremnsent, 1920Wadley, T. L., single-band - 2ff Mu, s ionosphere recorder, (D)1192van der Waerden, B. L., method of saddle plxints, 2466Wagener, H., with H, Tronnier, all- muairmo uttuplifier for photocell muieasure-

nments, 2777Wagener, 5., efficiency of getters at low pressures, 122, 8012- with (X. Herrniann, Die Oxydkathode, 2. Tei), Technik und Physik,

(B(2603Wguner, H. M., valve-characteristic tracer using pulse techniques, 248Wagner, K. W.. Operatornreechrung und I aplacesche Transformation,

1(B147Wagner R. L., Jr. 929 M-Mcs propagation over 127 miles, (A)Z9Wiguer, T. 0.4 ., design of triple-tuned and q5uadruple-tuned circuits, 2132

Waidelich, D). L., pulse-reception filters, (A)2122Wait, 42. R,, with O. H. Gish, thunderstorms and earth's general electri-


(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (13)

126fication, 969

Weld, 8., magnetic-powder clotchf, 458de Walden, 8., frequency selectivity of ear, (D)2317_ and J. C. Swallow, aural-null and twin-chlanniiel c.r. direction finders,

(D)118Waidmejer, M., provisional sunspot numbers, Oct. --Dec. 1949, 1381, April--

June 1950, 828, Jol Sept. 1950, 884, Oct. -Dec. 1950, 1887,Jan.-March 1951, 2702; ra(dio-lielioscopy, 2422

Waldo, G. V., with J. S. Hill, v.h.f. tropospheric nireasurenients, (A)27M9Waldorf, S. K., with others,,ultrasonic meascirement of water velocity, 418Walker, A. C., growing piezoelectric crystals, 920Walker,E. A., A. H. Wavnick and P. G. Sbolzer, polar vector indicatot, 166Walker, F. J., with H. i. Kretsrch, speed -controllcd switchl, 2936Walker, G. B., congrtuent space-charge flow, 1275; e.s. field, in itiultigrid

radio ialvre, 1279, in planar triode, 1277Walker, H. P., with otbers, effects of cont.roiinant-, OiJ clectrical iiisulatioi,

130Walker, J. P., and C. H. Alleti, sonicc wind atid static prcsstire in intense

sourld field, (A)518Walker, P. H., electronic nieasurenient of yarri irregularities, 419Walker, R. C., The IndustrialApplicaticons ofldasOllleidTrildes (T'hyratrons),

(B)2306; Photoelectric Cells in Inclustry, (B)792Walkimhaw, W., with D. W. Fry, linear patticle cccelerators, 180Wallace, R. L., Jr, duality and transistor- circiiit (iesign, 2882- and W. J. Pietenpol, circtit properties of it-p-ni transistors, 2957- and G. Raisbeck, duality and transistor-cirn-uit desigt, 2389Wailler, W. E., wide-band bolometer development, (Aj1958Walsh, J. E., spherical reflector research at A.l;.C.R.L., (A)2B42Wang, An, magnetic delay-line storage, 2339Ward, E. E., impelance and Laplace transforici, 2926Ward, H. M., emergency power supplies for microwave relay systems, 234Ward, J. F., with D. M. Tombs, f.It. in capacitance meastcreiiier,t, 396Ward, W. H., M. H. Oliver and S. J. Fray, h.f. resistance-statldards for

calibration of admittance bridge up to h60 Mc/s, 691Ware, A. A., high-current tIroidal ring discharge, 2147Warenghem, C., quartz in radio equipment, 1938Warminsky, R., with 1. Broser, dependerice of elf trical properties of CdS

on electrode arrangericent, 1929Wanecke, R., and 0 Doehler, travelling-wav e valve wi itlt transverse

electric and niagnetic fields, 1278- 0. Doehler and I) Bhobot, space-clharge effects in travelling-wave

valves with magnetic field, 1022-0. Doehler and P. Glu.oiard, delay lines of comnb or interdigital type,

772-0. Doehler and W. Kleer, electron beams and e.m. saves, 3188Warner, A. W., h.f. crystal units for prinat-y frequieticy standards, (A)1958Warner, J., application of radar to geodetic sureseying, 1154Warren, C. E., with H. S. Kirschbaum, design of pulse transflciners, 828Washington, G., Jr, electronic procltictioi of half-tone blocks, 2281Waaow, W., random walks and eigenvaluies cif clliptic difference equations,

1416Waaaerrab, T., theory of double layers in low-pressure discharges, 1345Waterman, A. T., Jr, with others, ionospheric radio-wave polarization, 1464Watera, W. E., Jr, with others, back heating of isiagnetron cathodes, 789Wathen-Dun, W., with S. R. Bradshaw, square-wave testing of disk re-

cording systenis, (A)551- with others, American Standard Z24.9 1949, coupler calibration of

earphones, 21Watkins, D. A., with othfes, aniplificatiori by acceleration and deceleration

of single-velocity beaiti, 208Watkins, H. C., recent advances in solders and solderitig, 1172Watkison, E., uniiversal coil winding, 1854Watson, H. H. H., with others, design- and operation of 30 -MeV sviichrotron,

1213Watson, R. B., directional patternts of polystyrene rod aerials, 1570-with M. G. Cheney, Jr, diffraction of e.m. waves by two parallel

half-planes, 2414_ with R. I. Terrv, reciprocity calibration of ticerophones using pulse

technique, (A)553Watt-carter, D. E., with F. G. Balcomiibe, BHtrnhiatin radio station, 452Watt, C. E., thorn needles, (D)1831Wax, N.,_mplitude limits for certain relaxation osciilations, 1852- with A H. Ilaub, theory of planar diode, 777, (0)1800

Waymouth, J. F., Jr, deterioration of oxide-coated cathodes operated atlow duty-factor, 1526

Waynick, A. H., with others, polar vector indicator, 188Weaver, W., with C. E. Shannon, The Mathenmatical Theory of Coltu-

miunication, (B)455Weber, A. M., and E. B. Roberts, 1950 world isogonic chart, 1893Weber, E., Electrormagnetic Fields, Theory and Application, V'ol. 1, Map-

ping of Fields, (B)859Weber, H., theory of niethod for determining a.c. resistivity of ground, 1193Weber, J., distributecr amplification, (A)2122; nicrowave methods in gas

analysis, (A)2158Weber, K. H. R., analysis of spectruni of v ery low frequencies by iiiagnietic

equipment, 1720; niccdulation nieastrement at frequency-dependent iiiaxitnuim-amiiplitude poinits, 1828

Webster, F. A., tifluetice of itittraural phase oiitiasked thresholds, 2619Webter, F. V., amid K, s. Driver, h f. permeabSility ocf ferrornagnetic

materials, 1167with 1R. Millershil), h.f. permeability of ferromnagnetic inaterials, 913

Webster, J. C., with others masking ocf puire toue at g.ip ill thernial-tioisespectruni, (A)544

Webster, W. M., with E. 0. Johrison, plaszitatron contictuic, sly controllablegas tube, (AM2304

with L. Malter, determiinaticn uf gas-discharge constants frlin probedata, 2972

Weebshng, H., weorks iiistriiiiietit* for h.f. current iiieasiiretrient, 3044Weekes, K., with others, ioncspheric propagation of low- and very-low-

fre(luency waves, 2522Weeks, J. R., tuetallized-paper cacplacitors, 53Weeks, P. T., reliability in ticciitature values, 2573van Weel, A., tiatidwiIttis ocf resonant lines cnd lutiiped LC circuits, 1107Wegmann, L., clectrcon ucicrsm. rpe, dceterminision of resolving power of

Icy Fresnel diffraction, 708, representation if atoinic distances bh,2501

Wehner, G., electron plasuca oscillations, 2875Weil, L., coercive field, of Fe, Ni powders, 3017, of graliular and aggregatedferromnagnetic mcaterials, 854

a lcd L. Bochirol, Iieasureuent of Yourig's ticodulus of ferrites, 2737Weiland, C. F. van L., banospreaditug anol sc:ale equalization for SC tunilng

inetworks, 1125Weill, J., with others, logarithccuic amtpliticatiotn olf weak curreeits using

diodes, 2228Wetsitsehke, W., ieaeureiierct If reactance by double potential divi(ler,

3042Weinreich, 0. A., einissivity cluanges of thcria cathodes, 1523Weinstein, M. S., and W. C. Wiceland, transinission and retlection of

ultrasonic wases by inetal plate ini water, (A)524Weis, A., magnetic varionieter, 1870Weissler, A., and V. A. Del Grossco, velocitvoIf souuic in sea water, (A)514r

1814Wei3sler, P. G., with R. KI Cook, piezoelectric constants Ofc- andfl-quartz

at sarious teniperattires, 8150Weissnan, J. G., with B. F. Tvson, I.f. amplifier for u.h.f. tlevisioti,

(A)2292Weitbrecht, W., nonlinear distIcrtion atid perception of iistltiniulg of

nusical irltervals, 289Welch, H. W., Jr, effects of space charge on frequency cclaracteristics of

magnetrons, 1282and W. G. Dow, synichroIious conditions its cyliridrical itiagnetrors

space rharge, 2801-_with others,siouglh.- asity resonator forimulticanodn iiiagnetron,

Welker, H., crystal detectors .ndiicse at u.h.f., 775Woler, B. F., Radio Techno,ccgs, MB2078Wellinger, R. P., with W. A. Christoffers, properties of interfaces in iietal/

cerarnic seals, (A)2191Wells, C. P., with K. D. Spence, vectccr wave functions, 3035Wells, H.-W., fluctuations is F, region between stations 100 150 miles

apart, (A)2799Welsby, V. G., The rheory and Design cf Iliductaiice Coils, 1B)803Wendt, K. R., with W. K. Squires, synchroffection detection systexii,

(A)2292Wennerberg, G., niagnetic iiiodulator for converting d.c. sigiials, 2114Went,J. J., andH. P. J. Wiln, itagnetization process in ferrites, 2206


Werner, K. H., crackle elimctin.tor tising Se rectifiers as limciters, 838Werner, P. H., tests oti iagnetic tapes, 557Werner, W., television laboratucry equipmeiit, 153Wertz, F. D., with . F. Jcohnston, c ylindrical BaT iO, transdciccers, (A)559West, A. G. D., large-screen television projection, 486West, J. C., withf ( Willc.idis, positioti svtcchronizatioi of rotattin.gdrun,

2020West, R., with others, el,'tron voltaic tSffect, 2303West, R. L., andl S. Kcellv, pic kup-ariiplifier inpiit circuits, 594Westendort, K. B., uvith I. Iappel, resistor for h.f. iiieasureinerits, 2759Westervelt, P., nonclinieaur intecra( tion of lilane progres isie wavu with stiiall

fl)here, (Al1811Westlold, K. C., int,rpretation of imagneto-ionic theory, 1622; refractive

index aind 0,Ausical raudiative processes in ionized gas, 334- with I G. Bolton. galactic r.f. radiation, 889, at SI0-BM s, 348-o ithS C. Jaeger, equtivalent path aiid absorption for e.m. radiation ill

solar morona, 1828- With S. IF Smert,r.f. radiation in ionized gas, an(i solar r.diation, 95Westmijze, W. K., trith R. Verniuculen, exuressor systeni for transmimsion

of miusic, 17Weston, G. F., therii,al conoluctitity of (Ba,Sr)O, 917

with S. L. Martin, spectral emicittcance of uncoated and oxide-coateANi cathodes, 1028

Westwood, 8. A., tape relay, 3107Wever, E. G., a heory of Hiearing, (B)1298Weygandt, C. N., with others, special devices for differential analysers,

(A)1183Whale, H. A., determination of electron dnsities in ionosphere, 2177; fine

structulre of F laver, 2178- ao(c J. P. Stanley, group and phase velocities on niagneto-ionic

theory, 972Whalley, W. B., optioluni use of television c.r. tubes, 1502; simplificationl oftelevision receivers, 1267

C. Masucci and N. P. Sabz, Ge diode as video detector, 2589Wheeler, H. A., inductance chart for suilenoid1 coils, 1098, reactance chart,

1084; transnmissiori-line impedance curves, 1071Whinnery, J. R., effctI of input configulrattiot on aerial inupe(uance, 576with I T. Taylor, appliucations of potential theory to des.gn of lillear

arrays, 1308Whitaker, P. D., with fR. Streut, power rmieasturenuent for 3-ctii and 10-cm

waves, 168White, E. L. C., and I. G. Harker, eqtlipimient for use witti C.P.S. emitron,755

and J. hI. tcGee, television camera tubes, (D)2556Whtte, 0. E. B., developinents in metal rectifiers, 3119White, 0. R., and R. F. Ilotter, prediction of ionospheric data for antipodalstations, 880Wbite, J. E., ineasureinent of sound-source impedance atid gas-coluinun

attenuation, 13White, R. A., with F. N. Gillette, video recording camera, 3135White,R. E., with N. L. Davis, fast sweep circuit, 404White, R. W., with J. H. H. MIerrinan, application of f.m. to v.h.f.iulti-

channel RKT, (D)1241White, S. J., explosion-proof loudspeaker, 2899White, W. C., omicronaves performniiig cotutrol functions, 1980White, W. D., circular polarization as means of reducing radar precipitation

returii, (A)2188; nonlinear saiiipling filters, (A)2122Whitehead, E. A. N., theory o0 parallel-plate tnedia for microwase lenses,

1571; thernal fStictuatioris of charge in limiear circuits, 2398Whitehead, J. B., and W. Riieggeberg, h.f. dielectric-loss measurement with

changing temoperature, 151Whitehead, J. R., Super-regernerative Receivees, (B)735Whttehead, M., Ta electrolytic capacitors, 296Whiteman, R. A., work ccoils for induction heatinig, 958Wick, R. F., with W. P. Mason, high-power tiltrasonic BaTiO, transducers,

(A)560, 1818Widell, E. G., anid K. A. tiellar, effect of coating coticposition Oil emuission

.of oxide-coated cathodes, 1025Widerqsist, V. R., cnd J. E. Boyd, low-level atmospheric conditiotis and

ore,cuater icrnowacre interference patterrts, (A)2799Wiand, C., (listrchutcd coincidence circuit, 1599Wieland, J., with others, electrical propmerties of grey tin, 2438Wiener, F. K., relationi betwueen SouIid fields radiated atud diffracted bY

plane ohbstacles, (A)1811- with others, Amierican Statuleard /24.4-1949iS, pressure calibration of

laboratory-standtardmiucrophornes, 19Wiener, W., with others, 32i- hanstel highl-speed comncutator, 295Wiesner, J. B., with Y. W. Lee, correlition analysis, appulication to com-

mnuccnication problemns, (A)679- wittiothers, applic.atitoh.ofcorrelatcoi arualvsis to rcceptimn of periodic

signals ill noite, 730Wigge,H., feeoscillations of dilcectic ricigs, 1353Wiggins, A. H., witc W. AX. Beaversonu, secuond-order differential nticro-

phone with singlic diaphiraguu.. 20van Wijik, A. M., anvl . A. NN. iirger, secula Xvariation of lagritic ele-

mlelltc ilm S.mucth Ahfrium 1.13 i]148, 1373van Wiilen, H. B., radicutrapuhic exacmcinmaticnc of valses, 2508Wio, H. P. J, mit .T. WSent, cugic stizattioil process in ferrites, 2205Wilbur, D. A.. with 0(D.hCoinl, electronici torch and relatel h.f. pheno-

men, 2785Wild, 3. P., sp.m truts If high-intensity Iic-A solar radiation, 1830, 219, 2170

a-md I. m. Cm ohav, spactrculu of tiigh-intenSity 1n-A solar radiatioti,1629Wide, H., silde-a ncl hf, low -poner transforiciers with lamina.tcd cores,

1579Wilder, M. P., uwith others, getter ncaterials for valves, 499Wilkins, A. F., and C. M.it inmiis, coumlparison of ionospheric transmissionfore asts with practical results, 2520Wilkins, G. A., wvith A. T Price, dailo iciagnetic variations in eqtcatorial

regions, 2707Wilkins, J. 3., with others, design of electron synchrotrons, 12112Wilkunson, D. H., tonicatioil Charnbers acid Counters, (B)1224; 99i-chanuiel

pulse-.a.cplitumde analvser for slow counting, 1085Willard, G. W., iiceasuring ultr;sonic velocity in solids, (A)516, 1545Wiley, 1P. F., 'sferics' operations in Caribbean area, 114Willheim, R., nocclti-sindintg transfornicrs, 2930- and F. E. But,her, iciagnetic-atnplifier techniqtue, (A)2122Willism, A. J., Jr,W. G. Atrey and W. McAdamn, stabilized nudie band d.c.

so plifier, 849Williams, A. O., Jr, piston souirce at sigh frequencies, 1548- and W. Keck, effects of refiected sigiials and electric pickup in ultra-

sonic miiiirophone, 1824- with A. H. Carter, expansioii for velocity potential of piston sources,

(A)521. 1815- with J. D. Nixon, slcrface vibration patterns of piezoelectric rauiiators,

(A)558- with others, underwater sotind field of quartz transducnrs, 18921Willisms, C., UI. ionosplheric radio-save propagation, and long-distamice

aerial moavigatioe, 1761Willitin, E. C., with otiers, 1()ll-chantie distanie-mseasurim, equipmhuoent,272Williams, E. M., and E. K. Schatz, (lesign of exponential-lint! pulse trans-

fonners, 1301- D. F. Akitich amid J. B. Woodford, speed of clectrorcic switchingcircuits, (0)294-C. H. Grace amid L. W. Johnson, timing unit and pitlse deflector

geurerator for synchrocyclotrox, (Af2245-with E. R. Schatz, pulse transients in exponential transuccission lines,

280, 1089- with I. I. Woodford, Jr, switching-time limitations in hydrogenthyratrons, (A)2804Williams. F. C., and T. Rilburti. storage systemi for binars-digital coriu-

plctars, 115820- and S. W. Noble, application of noagnmetic modulators in amnplification

of suclall d.c. signals, 152, (A)882- and J. C. West, position syncelronization of rotating drtum, 2020- T. Kilburn and G. C. Tootill, small-scale experinmental high-speect

digital conipiiters, 1952Williams, F. E., with P. D. Johnson, luminescence efficiency of organic

soulitions amud crystaLs, 1396- with S. Roberts, theory of luminescence of sulphi9e p hosphors, 848

Williams, H. J., ferromagnetic doniuains, 338- W. Shockley and C. Kittel, velocity of propagation of ferromagnetic

domain boundarv, 855Willims, H. P., ATitenna TIheory ancl Design, (B)1081; sucbterrancean coin-

munication by electric waves, 2275Willis, P. B., with I) JtPlach, 3-Suctit high-fiSdlity ltouichpeaer, 276Wiian, T., aiid R. HI. aastop, meas.ireinent of hareiu nic ldstortumll in

iron-ore traitsformiers, 2232Williams, W. E. uwithul L. (recnough, ccir. uit for mueasurig displscesitketof pressure-semsitive (liaphr.gcins, 1439Willmore, A. P., cathoide followter as voltage iuegulatur, 231Wilman, C. V., with K. H Dixey, increasing piwer rating cfvibrctorv

converters, 1783Wilmotte, R. M., incterference causenc y severit signals, 443; polymastirl,

3128Wilson, J. M., electronic control of hSmne heatiSgi, 1205Wison, R. F., with J.T jaiobs, t-ramlidthiimlevel gaiuge, (A)2245Wilts, C. H., ivithu cthers, rmoimlictear desvrcs icc acialogle ompuiuuterus, 143Winans, R. R., with others, agiiig of pcastis umiter sarious cliniatological

*utichitions, 2453Widle, J. J., withc I. Mi. ShaS, iuicrowave mu easiurecieist ohf pi criitit* sify of

fibares, 6836Wineland, W. C., uith Mt S. Weinmstein, trats cission aouch reflectmion of

ultrai,mumsic waves bh uetol plate in water, (A)524Winter, P. H., with It I Saniforl, peraicauieter flor magnetizing forces

up to 3010 oersted, 157Wintle, M. F., precisioncalibratour for It phasc teter-, 2770Wintinghamn, W. T., toie cumdeulihug in plumotmgrcl*tiy, 758Wisnyi, L. G., with Ithers, high-teucuperature svacuiuno inetihctiorhm furnace,

3078Wissolk, R. A., with D1 I. Heaco*ck, low-loise miniiiiature Ideiltode, 2063Wittenberg, H. H., pulse method oh ruccasurintg deionization tirilee, 781von Wittern, W. W., with ItI 1. von Cmierke, olensercmuicrophiumi.

seursittvitY measurecimeiit, 2824Wittich, P., lceukage distribhtition iri taimlsfmmrcners muith cm,)e than two

w iudicgs, 2928Witty, R. achracteristics of diffcmsion pl3m1ipS, 121Wifrick, G., rectification ic asyumlunetricallv illumtusinite( seruiuonlductoms,

3013Wohfarth, E. P., energy hands in collective electron ferroiu grictiscts, 2154Wolf, L., spe tral seclsitivity of Se photocells, 3158Wolman, W., attenuation equalizatioin in pass bancI of ladfl r filters, 1111Wong, Ming S., with others, precisi,n coaxi.atrcc atut licie foriucuu), dausce

mmueasurtcients, (A)1958Wood, A. B., Physical Society's Exhibition, 1951, 2236Wood, W. S., apparatus for accumrate frequency inueasumrenicet, 1722Woodford, J. B., Jr, and.Eit. Williams, snitching-timnue hcruitatior.s ic

hydrogen thyratrons, cA)2304- with cithers, speed of electronic suits hing circcuits, (C)294

Woodward, A. K., with G. G. Maclfaranier, stall-sigical theory of wivepropagation in uniforti ctlectrohn hmea, 281

Woodward, J. 0., feedhark-ctontrolledml calibrator fIr pinkps, (A)1811Woodward, P. M., amid 1. L. Bavies, tlieory of radar iut,oric;atioTs, 895Wooley, R. v. d. R., and CSW. Sllen, ultraviolet eccissioun froism utcrouso-

sphere, 1832Woonton, G. A., and others, etitfraction errors in ouptical investigatioru of

aerial pattern, 2110Wooster, N., with others, growth of large quartz crvstals, 8024Wooster, W. A., witlh otllers, groevth of large quarth crystals, 3024Wrathall, E. T., and P. Beanland, m.b. systeri of hSf ramio tranisrtuissiolt,

2014Wren, T. C., wsth others, power-line carrier systess, finr icuultistation control,

telemetry atud communuunication, 425Wright, D. A., Semi-(Ionductors, (B)2420Wright, R. W., electrical properties of CdO, 2200- with others, dispersion moechanisms in ferritis, 337Wu, H. S., with others, beani analysei, (A)2226Wulf, O. R., andht. W. Hodge, relatioti between geotiagnetic field and

circulatiomi of atmosphere, 1369Wulff, V. J., with W. J Fry, ultrasoriic irrauliation of nerve tissue, (A)528- with otluers, ultrasonic effects on anicial tissues, 1050Wullsberg, K. N., with others, five-digit parallel toder tube, (A)2220Whtaer, H. O., with R Forsterling, origin of harnionics irc ionosphere, 721;

meflettion in inhommsogenmeous cuediurnii, 2137van der Wyck, C. T. F., cylinmlrically divc.rging e tic waves in nonuniform

medium, 32Wylie, F. J., port approach and berthing in fog, 2719Wyman, J. H., sequence tirmuer for nmoulding press, 955

yYabaley, D. H., atmospheric noise levels iiear Danrin, 1784- with F. J Lehany, solar ra,liation at 1200, 6100 and 200 Mlt ls, (0)861- with others, radio observatiouis of two large solar disturbances,

2188; solar radiatiori at h) cmu dujring eclipse, 346Yachter, K., with others, inac udracies in feedback contrcul systems, 228Yager, W. A., F. R. Merritt antd C lscillaud, ferrornagnetic rm,sontarice in

ferrutls, 1074Yamalkawa, K. A., AgBr Irrstal cmintrr;, 2511Yeh, Chai, and F IL Chaffee, Ph.f. rledance.f los-imress mrc gase-us

(liodes, 778Yemm, H., wNith J Iih Tilliuan, dei asatof curerct.cifeGCdiodes, 1528Yeo, D., uith J1ThiKeicdall, uiuaglcthtc sumsceptibility mud aniscotropy of

cmii a, 1887Yorke, R., and K. R. MocI acblan, aomuplifier ohf mcrlamle orttm.mu iculedmlanct,

2ff81rYost, D. M., nith 55. 5 G,edhelh, fecrromucagnetisnu in Mi,-llc sy stemu, 2442Yonng, C. W., prp)osed nuommbered freclttetqncy-btalid smub(uivisioii plan, 229Young, D..R., teumporarV enhancenment of hysteresis irc BaTiO),, (D)2207Young, J., with others, smoumnd transmscissions through single and (iotmble

walls, (A)1811Young, J. Z., and F. Roberts, ilxint-spct microcscotpe, 1733Young, M., with J, hmize, tmeastcrlleclt citrcuAcTtuio coeficiet,f 1catutisjI-

plate structcies, 1.8h0Young, R. S., with H. R. Claytou, ultrason,icituma,ucctiull 1.1 liiidit4pulscont, 3072

Young, R. T., Jr, L.W5.Hr libu.e a WS. I. SItters, Jnr, a.il. lhoAting.ftnagnetron cathomles. 789

Youtz, P., with 1thcrs, e., stoiae. mmue, 1034YU, Y. P., tiuasutrinm vestars rel.itiu cicps, 3058-H.E. Kaltmuannuat,l1' S.lmCri,t-l.J,illillilctcrcsmcodl mmccillogipmsiy,

3054Yiosteoin, S. E., R. II Soinmums astd fI J Stomrk, aiJn iif Vltstieslc1wm r

variot sc hil-tc.olm ica. ctc lit.ionmo. 2453

Zablocki, U. S., cith I. S ltos, tcli ml, m1ct ronic dulirenli ax. vco rcinethr,hiof

Zadehi,L. A., i,r.rrelation lmit Ii mm.ofIl. mimideLis -loil;mteh ;igmlis,2.536;line ,esir udghcuumcci ccTtsrlis, ..ualusis I4 ic34, titnd-hiss lo-pao tctrlacsformuiiu 1o in, 591, dcl(AJ2122, 12i7, conrtreationt imitunsoncud po-cer sh)icltre is, 588,initiaml cotmoduitions ic, 2288, siuaility ofl 2124

Zalkheim, J., oscillator frctiuency stabuilizationc, 1118Zalpacosta, A. D., with others, design of motoile equipmticenit fhu 152-171

MNlc;s, 989, 1782Zarem, A. H., F. R. ilarshall andl F. L. Poole, Kerr-cell phlotograuphic

shutter, 235Zauderer, J., mVitli others, inaccuracies in feedhack contrhl 5ystts, M23Zeoluff, V., and I. Markits, Electronics Maniiual fur lRadli nginog ers,

(B)1750Zener, C., intero1tmon bet\cen. J-shells ic trachsitionu inuetals, 2441Zenner, R. E., mucagnetic recordhgwinll, c. hu., 1837Zepler, E. E., valve iipcst conduch tanceaotV'h.f., 1804- amid S. S rivastiva, interelech -ode iumipedance icc triodes and

pentholes, 2590Zetrouer, W. F., II, with W. J. Kesler, I f. ionosphuvue soun(lings by

observation of atmcspherics, (A)2263Zheleztsov,N. A., theory of symiiimietrical niultivibrator, 2387Ziegler,XI., with E. Stiefel, mcturalu rigenvalue probleniss, 1176van der Ziel, A., induced grid moisns in triodes, 2878ZiJstra, P., uith E. G. Dorgelo, tIo traitsinittiumg valves for mobile

(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (14)

Index to Abstracts and References 1951installations, 202 - with others, correlation of geomagnetic and solar activity, 2963

Ziniul, I. A., four-gun oscilloscope, (A)2226 Zoller, H., with others, electrical properties of grey tin, 2438Zinle, O., wide-band aerials, for decametre and metre waves, 571, for Zollers, S.1M., with J. H. Reisner, perioanent-magnet electron microscope,

m and dm waves, 572, and resonant compensation circuits, 1510 1457Ziler, 8., impedance characteristics of thick cylinders, 2645 Zueker, F. J, behaviour of microwaves in focal regions, (A)2100- with J. L. Steinberg, detection of solar r.f. radiation reflected by Zuidhoo, B., Wien-bridge network modifications, 403

moon, 626 Zunick, M. J. and J. B. Gosling, glass selection and production techniques

127for X-ray and other tubes, 2214

Zurmithl, R., Matrizen, (B)1955Zwikker, C., absorption of sound by porous materials, 272Zwis}ocki, J., acoustic filters as ear protectors, 1553; theory of action

of cochlea, 1052Zwoykin, V. K., television, electronics in, 253, camera tubes and appli-

cations, 483, industrial, 1505

SUBJECT INDEXSYMBOLS (A) Abstract, (B) Book Review, (C) Note of Correction, (D) Discussion


Abss, (See also Charts; Nomogram)for calculation of field strength of u.h.f. aerial systems, 2814and graphs, for distortion in if. amplifiers, 1122for minimum-loss matching pads, 1587for mismatch error in series-connected attenuators, 317

Aborpio, (See also Acoustics; Ionosphere)acoustic, comparison of measured and calculated coefficients, (A)1811

in fluids, mechanisms of, (A)520in fog, 2614long-tube method for field measurements of, (A)548of mate-ials at high hydrostatic pressures, (A)545of porous materials, 272, (A)1811

atmospheric, microwave, Van Vleck-Weisskopf equation, (A)2W85ionospheric, aind forecasting, 728

and Lornntz polarization term, 2428at 150 kc/s, (A)2712, vertical-incidence, 1901

microwave, of gases, applied to analysis of gas mixtures, (A)2158and molecular structure, 619

u.h.f., in organic liquids, 1356in substituted benzene compounds, 2162

ultrasonic, in air, effect of humidity on, 1049and dispersion, in water, 1548in liquids, (A)531 1580in MgSO; solutions, (A)530, 1549

Acoust, (See also Absorption; Impedance; Sound; Ultrasonics)of amphitheatres, study with small-scale models, (A)549of auditoria, criterion for short-period transient response, (A)546bibliography, 1, 1042, 1541,1812 2309, 2608of concert hall, South Bank, London, 802of coupled rooms, 15design of sound-absorbing ducts, (A)1811equipment for field measurement of reverberation times, (A)1811of halls, new theories of, 808masking of pure tone at gap in thermal-noise spectrum, (A)544multiple-echo effect due to release of stored wave-train, 1819radiation pressure in, 2888of rooms, automatic measurement of reverberation time, 1830

record-rerecord test of, (A)18J1reverberation time and sound power requirements, 14

source impedance and gas-columni attenuation measurement, 13standard pitch for B.B.C., 1820of studios, for broadcasting, 183

and of microphones, relation between, 801threshold and loudness of repeated bursts of noise, (A)543viscosity effects in acoustic inductances, (A)1811wide-range acoustic termination, (A)1811

Admitan meter, u.h.f., direct-readiing, 168Adsorption, of 0, on W, 197Aariel arms, broadside, reduction of side-lobe radiation of, (A2100

with circular symmetry, optimum current distributions for, (A)2100collinear, theory of, 1078directive, with cylindrical reflector, (A)2100

two-tower, radiation-pattern calculator for, 2350folded-dipole, Andrew Type-3000, for 148-174 Mc/s, 823linear, potential theory in design of, 1308loop, stagger-tuned, for I.f. loran, (A)2100microwave, s.w.r. of, approximate method for, 822slotted-waveguide, radiation from, (A)2642television, on Empire State Building, New York, 1261,1568

u.h.f., Bridgeport, design of, 284wide-band, feeders for, (A)2642

- siseO, coupled, complex radiation resistance of, 1846for direction finding, (A)2642microwave, Schmidt-type, (A)2100for multichannel mobile R/T, 569radar, for uniform irradiation of a surface, 117wide-band, for circular polarization, 283Wrotham, horizontal-polarization slot radiator, 230, transmission

line and a.m./f.m. combining filter for, 2643Aerials, (See also Lenses, microwave; Radiation; Radiators; Transmission

lines)aircraft, omnidirectional, for v.h.f. and u.h.f., 2651

small, l.f., characteristics of, (A)2642beam, and large surfaces, power radiated by, formulae for, 40broadcasting, anti-fading, 244

T.f., calculation of, 2916simultaneous feeding by two transmitters, cross-modulation

with, 1507sitnultaneous feeding from 100-kW and 20-kW transmitters at

Toulouse-Muret, 1506circularly grouped, as omnidirectional and unidirectional radiators,

568concentric-slot, theory of, (A)2100in conducting media, analysis for, (A)262conical, wide-angle, with coaxial-line feed, radiation from, 1307current distribution in, integrals in calculation of, 2917cylindrical, asymmetrically driven, and sleeve dipole, 286

with axial slits, theory of, 821thick, impedance characteristics of, 2645

delta, multiple-wire, 600-II, effect of mast and guy wires on, 1567dielectric-rod, polystyrene, radiation patterns of, 1570

radiation patterns for TM., mode, 1075with shaped radiation patterns, 2921

dielectric-rod and dielectric-tube, directive, 287dielectric-tube, radiation characteristics of, 38diffraction, circular, theory of, 1305dipole, near conducting cylinders, theory of, 1306

horizontal, low, input impedance of, (D)35dipole and loop, located near elliptical cylinders, patterns of, 2649directive, aperiodic, for ionospheric recorders, 2646

receiving, response to scattered radiation, 2654, for s.w. angle-of-incidence measurements, 434

transmitting, 2-element, design and performance of, 2653, forA 3cm-3 m, for beam stations, 2332

for elliptical polarization, analysis of transmission between, 23complex-vector analysis for, 2419measurements on, 2349

fan-beam, 3-cm A, radiation pattern measurements on, site errors in,1077

feeder connections, balance-to-unbalance transformer for,825feeders for, coaxial-type, 288

long, distortion off.m. signals by, 48phase distortion in, 1067

folded-dipole, impedance transformation in, 34

helical, circular and square, field calculations for, 1844current distributions on, 2647maximum directivity of, 2842stranded-wire, receiving, design of, 1573

horn, biconical, (C)2345e.m., gain of, 1847rectangular, radiation field for H-mode waves in, 1843

ice formation on, 818impedance of, analysis of, (A)2648

effect of input configuration on, 576mnicrowave, 824

phase-front plotter for, 2486reflectors for, doubly-curved, design of, (A)2642, simulatinginfinite conducting plane, (A)1958, 2354, spherical,work at A.F.C.R.L., (A)2642

omnidirectional, horizontal-polarization, for 10-cm band, 2920parabolic-cylinder, 1572paraboloidal, 820

elliptical-aperture, pattern calculations for, 39parallel, mutual impedance of, (D)1309polar diagrams of, computer for, 282

model technique for, 575recorder for, 1705, (A)2100

progressive-phase, producing specified beam shape, (A)2100, (A)2642radar, cheese, for marine navigation, 1080

microwave, 1850radiation from, effect of circular ground-plane on, 567radiation patterns of, errors in lens measurements of, 2110

photographic method for demonstrating, 2650receiving, theory of, 819slot, impedance/frequency characteristics of, (D)574

pattern synthesis methods for, (A)2642survey of, 922theory of, (0)2344

slotted-waveguide, 815nonresonant, theory of, 2641

spherical, with nonequatorial feed, radiation properties of, 2343television, receiving, design and production of, 1845, slot, indoor, 2655

transmitting, folded-dipole, temporary, at London station, 1076,supergain, problems of, 2918, supergain and super-turnstile, 2919

theory of, using vector wave functions, 30tower, sectionalized, broadcasting, performance of, (A)2270transmitting, medium- and long-wave, 2341

15-300-kc/s, (W)2642u.s.w., radiation from, 2109vertical, directivity due to parallel parasite, 41wide-band, and compensation circuits, 1310

folded-slot, 570for m and dm waves, 572omnidirectional, fordecametre and metre waves, 571

Aircraft traffie control systems, analysis of, (A)2186Alloys, (See also Ferromagnetic materials; Magnetic materials)Co-Cu and (Fe/Ni)-Cu, properties of, 655

Mn, ferromagnetic interactions in, 915Ni, for oxide-coated cathodes, 3033permanent-magnet, alnico V, magnetic properties of, theory of, 657anisotropic, magnetic properties of, theory of, 658

magnetostriction and coercive force in, 127resistance, temperature variation of, 2751

Altimeter, radar, airborne, for surveying, datum correction for, 1655Ammetes, calibration above 100 Mc/s, (A)1958Amificatio -by deceleration and aocelerationof single-velocitybeam,2068logarithmic, of weak currents by means of diodes, 2228Ampliflero, a.f., comparison of triodes and beam tetrodes, 1L23, (D)2959

direct-coupled, 15-W, 2134for F.A.S. system, 805positive feedback in, 850power, with variable output impedance, 2681push-pull, extended class-A, 2680, single-ended, (A)2082RC, with independent control of selectivity and bandwidth, 2395selective, for null detector, 2390tunable, variable-selectivity, 600Williamson, using Type-6A5 valves, 311, very-high-fidelity, 1384

a.f., d.c., and pulse, maximum permissible grid-leak resistance for,2683anode-load compensation for, 304background noise in, 1383band-pass, with equal-ripple response, design of, (A)2122buffer, neutralized, 1-7-2 4 kMc/s, (A)2122class-C, with reactive load, calculations for, (A)2122d.c., for biological application, 75, (0)848

drift compensation in, (A)2220evolution of, 2684using magnetic modulators, 152, (A)682, (A)212mains-driven, for photocell measurements, 277, sensitivity limit

of, 1602reflex, for portable ionization-chamber instruments, 27Mwide-band, stabilized, 849

d.c. and v.l.f., valve noise in, 2879differential, with bridge network for interference suppression, 2354direct-coupled, feedback, compensation of zero-drift errors in, 187

frequency-compensated, for 4-channel pen-recorder, 1608h.f., (A)2122'starvation' circuits for, 1868

distributed, (A)2122power and voltage, 314wide-band, pulse, (A)2122

dynamoelectric, 46Class-A operation of, 829

feedback, graphical solution for, 316for f.m. signals, design of, 2388grounded-grid, analysis of, 845harnionics and intermodulation frequencies in, 2956i.f., distortion in, graphs and abacs for, 1122I.f. and m.f., Ge triodes in, 2958

measurement of gain and phase shift of, 1728logarithmic, wide-band, 3063magnetic, (D)1094, 0D)1582

characteristics of, 1092, 2116core nlaterials for, 49design of reactors for, 2361design technique for, (A)2122feedback in, 1091, analysis of, 47high-gain, with self-excited transductor, 2360with self-saturation, 880, transient response of, (A)2122series-connected, (D(1093, (D31581theory of, 48, (A)582

microwave, using Type 1553-416A triode, 310miniature, for sound-broadcasting pickup, 312mixer, klystron, application to television relaying, 256, 3127with negative-resistance load, )D)599network representation of admittances of, (D)2392pentode, quiescent voltages and currents in, 77for pickupo, input circuits for, 594pulse, comparison of various types, 1866

for proportional counters A.E.E. Type 1t49B, 847theory of, 76iwith voltage doubling by transmission-line reflection, 1600

push-puli, 'cathamplifier, 78RC-coupled, bandwidth of, 133relay, selective, for recording WWV time signals, 74resistance-coupled triode, maximum output from, 2393r.f., design for low noise figure, (A)2122selective-feedback, 1124'sensitivity factor' of, 2478for slowly varying very low voltages, 1335television. See Television.transistor, graphical analysis for, 1101travelling-wave, applications of, (A)2270video, coupling by n-section filters in, 590

wide-band, design of, 819wide-band, for central-aerial installations, 1601

for c.r.o. observation of transients, 815design of, 2679linearization of frequency response by negative feedback, 1871

Analogues, electrical, of linear systems, 58Analyoes, for aerial polar diagrams, 282

amplitude-distribution, storage tubes as, /A)2226frequency-spectrum, C.I.T., for 1-It0 kc/s, 3057

for high frequencies, 8049Philips Type SFM 101, 19for radio signals, 167for radiotelegraph signals, 3056for very low frequencies, 1720

harmonic, giving Fourier coefficients, 144for velocity and density distribution in electron beams, (A)96pulse-amplitude, 99-channel, for slow counting, 1085pulse-height, differential, for scintillation counters, 578

for proportional and scintillation counters, 2357single-channel, 1577

Analysgi, correlation, (See also Matbematics)application, to pA.m. systems, 1487, to reception in noise, 780

harmonic, by search-tone method, 532spectrum, of f.m. signals, 2834

Antimony, plated, as substitute for Ni and Cr, 1950Astronomy, radio, (See also Cosmic noise; Solar radiation)

C.S.I.R.O. work on, 2421equipment and techniques for, 2699review of, 1363, 2688

Atmosphere, (See also Absorption; Ionosphere; Troposphere)circulation of, and effect on geomagnetic field, 1369ionization in, sources of, 894microwave refractive index of, fluctuations in, 2176

recorder for, (A)1958refractive index of, phase-shift measurement of, 2472scale-height gradient, and effects on ionization and s.w. absorption,

1644upper, nomenclature for, 876, 1642, (D)1643vertical distribution of ozone in, 1376, 1640

Atmospheric electricitry, charges on particles of mist or rain, measurementof, 355

measurements of field in Greenland, 1153semidiurnal fluctuations of potential gradient, 1906

Atmospheric8, c.r. direction finder measurements in Commandant Charcou,637

and lightning discharges, 638tneasurements of, in lf. band, in South Africa, 438

subjective, 169at 170-204 kc/s, 1387at 1-93 Mc/s, near Darwin, Australia, 1764at 2-5-20 Mc/s, 208

produced by electric discharges in snow squalls, 1910propagation of, 1652refection by ionosphere at night, 2188, 2185statistical action on receiver tuned to 27 kc/s, 1651and study of propagation of very long radio waves, 1473, 1780waveform of, c.r.o. for observation of, 2717West African sourre of, 637work of the Australian Radio Research Board on, 19994-station observation network in the Caribbean area, 114

Attenuation, of cm waves, measurement of, 841in waveguides, precision nieasurement of, (A)1958

Atetmautors, cascade-connected, mismatch error in, abac for, 317piston and dissipative, corrections for, (A)1958single-input, with multiple outputs, 1590tuning, high-power, for cavity resonator, 1859for waveguides, calibration and use of, 1565

Audiometers, calibration of, 1054performance of, 1053

Aurora, and anomalous propagation phenomena, 2002correlation with increased cosmic-ray intensity, 2992entry of protons into atmosphere during, 635and geomagnetic storms, corpuscular theory of, 877

proposed laboratory investigation of, 1639theory of, 1374, (D)293

ionospheric reflection of h.f. waves during, 1849Martyn's theory of, (A)2712in North America, southern limit of, 1908, (A)2712southward shift during magnetic storms, 873spectrograms of arc over Arnprior on 30th Sept. 1950, 1650spectrum of, and physics of ionosphere, 1151on 19th Nov. 1949, and radio wave propagation, 2716on 20th-21st Feb. 1950, ionospheric disturbance due to, 1150


Barium tifanae. See Ferroelectric materials.Batiemie accumulator, for very low temperatures, 1493

dry, developments in, 381.1light-weight, developments in, 3120primary, recent patents,;3for Service use, 282

(PDF) Index to abstracts and references 1951 - author index - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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