Fascinating Jellyfish Facts (2024)

Among the most extraordinary animals on earth, jellyfish (Cnidarians, scyphozoans, cubozoans, and hydrozoans) are also some of the most ancient, with an evolutionary history stretching back for hundreds of millions of years. Found in all oceans of the world, jellies are made up of 90 to 95 percent water, compared to 60 percent for humans.

Fast Facts: Jellyfish

  • Scientific Name: Cnidarian; scyphozoan, cubozoan, and hydrozoan
  • Common Name: Jellyfish, jellies
  • Basic Animal Group: Invertebrate
  • Size: Bell diameter of two-tenths of an inch to over six and a half feet
  • Weight: Under an ounce to 440 pounds
  • Lifespan: Vary between a few hours to a few years
  • Diet:Carnivore, Herbivore
  • Habitat: Oceans throughout the world
  • Population: Unknown
  • Conservation Status: Not Evaluated


Named after the Greek word for "sea nettle," cnidarians are marine animals characterized by their jelly-like bodies, their radial symmetry, and their "cnidocytes"—cells on their tentacles that literally explode when stimulated by prey. There are about 10,000 cnidarian species, roughly half of which are anthozoans (a family that includes corals and sea anemones); the other half are scyphozoans, cubozoans, and hydrozoans (what most people refer to when they use the word "jellyfish"). Cnidarians are among the oldest animals on earth: Their fossil record stretches back for almost 600 million years.

Jellyfish come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The largest is the lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata), which can have a bell over six and a half feet in diameter and weigh up to 440 pounds; the smallest is the Irukandji jellyfish, several species of dangerous jellyfishes found in tropical waters, which measure only about two-tenths of an inch and weigh well under a tenth of an ounce.

Jellyfish lacka central nervous system, a circulatory system,and a respiratory system. Compared to vertebrate animals, they are extremely simple organisms, characterized mainly by their undulating bells (which contain their stomachs) and their dangling, cnidocyte-spangled tentacles. Their nearly organless bodies consist of just three layers—the outer epidermis, the middle mesoglea, and the inner gastrodermis. Water makes up 95 to 98 percent of their total bulk, compared to about 60 percent for the average human being.

Jellyfish are equipped with hydrostatic skeletons, which sound like they might have been invented by Iron Man, but are actually an innovation that evolution hit on hundreds of millions of years ago. Essentially, the bell of a jellyfish is a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by circular muscles; the jelly contracts its muscles, squirting water in the opposite direction from where it wishes to go. Jellyfish aren't the only animals to possess hydrostatic skeletons; they can also be found in starfish, earthworms, and various other invertebrates. Jellies can also move along ocean currents, thus sparing themselves the effort of undulating their bells.

Weirdly, box jellies, or cubozoans, are equipped with as many as two dozen eyes—not primitive, light-sensing patches of cells, as in some other marine invertebrates, but true eyeballs composed of lenses, retinas, and corneas. These eyes are paired around the circumference of their bells, one pointing upward,one pointing downward—this gives some box jellies a 360-degree range of vision, the most sophisticated visual sensing apparatus in the animal kingdom. Of course, these eyes are used to detect prey and avoid predators, but their main function is to keep the box jelly properly oriented in the water.

Fascinating Jellyfish Facts (1)


Read MoreCnidarian Facts: Corals, Jellyfish, Sea Anemones, and HydrozoansBy Jennifer Kennedy

Scyphozoans, or "true jellies," and cubozoans, or "box jellies," are the two classes of cnidarians comprising the classic jellyfish; the main difference between them is that cubozoans have boxier-looking bells than scyphozoans and are slightly faster. There are also hydrozoans (most species of which never got around to forming bells and instead remain in polyp form) and staurozoans, or stalked jellyfish, which are attached to the seafloor. (Scyphozoans, cubozoans, hydrozoans, and staurozoans are all classes of medusozoans, a clade of invertebrates directly under the cnidarian order.)


Most jellyfish eat fish eggs, plankton, and fish larvae, converting them to energy in an alarming pattern known as an energy-loss pathway. That kind of pathway consumes energy that would otherwise be used by forage fish who can be eaten by top-level consumers.Instead, that energy is being communicated to animals which eat jellyfish, not part of the higher food chain.

Other species, like upside-down jellies (Cassiopea species) and Australian Spotted Jellyfish (Phyllorhiza punctata), have symbiotic relationships with algae (zooxanthellae), and they obtain enough carbohydrates from them to not need additional food sources.

Fascinating Jellyfish Facts (3)


Jellyfish practice what is called vertical migration, arising from the ocean depths to the surface in large aggregations known as blooms. In general, they bloom in the spring, reproduce in the summer, and die off in the fall. But different species have different patterns; some migrate once or twice a day, and some migrate horizontally following the sun. The jellies most injurious to humans, the Irukandji species, undergo seasonal migrations which bring them into contact with swimmers in the tropics.

Jellyfish spend all of their time is seeking food, escaping predators, or finding a mate—some set a trap with their tentacles arranged in a spiral pattern, an impenetrable curtain for their prey, or array their tentacles in a big field around their bodies. Others simply drift or swim slowly, dragging their tentacles behind them like a trawler net.

Some species are pleustonic, meaning they live at the air/water interface year round. Those include the sailing jellies, like the Portuguese man-of-war, the Blue Bottle, and the By-the-Wind Sailor Jelly (Velella vellal), which has an oblong blue raft and a silvery vertical sail.

Like most invertebrate animals, jellyfish have very short lifespans: Some small species live for only a few hours, while the largest varieties, like the lion's mane jellyfish, may survive for a few years. Controversially, one Japanese scientist claims that the jellyfish species Turritopsis dornii is effectively immortal: Full-grown individuals have the ability to revert back to the polyp stage, and thus, theoretically, can cycle endlessly from adult to juvenile form. Unfortunately, this behavior has only been observed in the laboratory, and T. dornii can easily die in many other ways (such as being eaten by predators or washing up on the beach).

Reproduction and Offspring

Jellyfish hatch from eggs which are fertilized by males after females expel the eggs into the water. What emerges from the egg is a free-swimming planula, which looks a bit like a giant paramecium. The planula soonattaches itself to a firm surface (the sea floor, a rock, even the side of a fish) and grows into a stalked polyp reminiscent of a scaled-down coral or anemone. Finally, after months or even years, the polyp launches itself off its perch and becomes an ephyra (for all intents and purposes, a juvenile jellyfish), and then grows to its full size as an adult jelly.

Humans and Jellyfish

People worry about black widow spiders and rattlesnakes, but pound for pound, the most dangerous animal on earth may be the sea wasp (Chironex fleckeri). The biggest of all box jellies—its bell is about the size of a basketball and its tentacles are up to 10 feet long—the sea wasp prowls the waters of Australia and southeast Asia, and its sting is known to have killed at least 60 people over the last century. Just grazing a sea wasp's tentacles will produce excruciating pain, and if contact is widespread and prolonged, a human adult can die in as little as two to five minutes.

Most poisonous animals deliver their venom by biting—but not jellyfish (and other cnidarians), which have evolved specialized structures called nematocysts. There are thousands of nematocysts in each of the thousands of cnidocytes on a jellyfish's tentacles; when stimulated, they build up an internal pressure of over 2,000 pounds per square inch and explode, piercing the skin of the unfortunate victim and delivering thousands of tiny doses of venom. So potent are nematocysts that they canbe activated even when a jellyfish is beached or dying, which accounts for incidents where dozens of people are stung by a single, seemingly expired jelly.


Jellyfish are prey for sea turtles, crabs, fish, dolphins, and terrestrial animals: There are some 124 fish species and 34 other species that are reported to feed either occasionally or mainly on jellyfish. Jellyfish often establish symbiotic or parasitic relationships with other species—the parasitic ones are almost always detrimental to the jellyfish.

Many species—sea anemones, brittle stars, gooseneck barnacles, lobster larvae and fish—hitch rides on jellyfish, finding safety from predators in the folds. Octopuses are known to use jellyfish tentacle fragments on sucker arms as added defensive/offensive weaponry, and dolphins tend to treat some species like underwater frisbees. Jellyfish have been considered a delicacy for human diets since at least 300 CE in China. Today, fisheries raising jellyfish for food exist in 15 countries.

But jellyfish may have the last laugh. Far from being a threatened species, jellyfish are on the increase, moving into habitats that have been damaged or destroyed for other marine creatures. Increased blooms can have negative impacts on human economic activities, clogging cooling water intakes at coastal power plants, bursting fishing nets and contaminating catches, killing off fish farms, reducing commercial fish abundance through competition, and interfering with fisheries and tourism. The primary causes for habitat destruction are human over-fishing and climate change, so the reason for the uptick in jellyfish blooms can be assigned to human interference.

Fascinating Jellyfish Facts (4)


Fascinating Jellyfish Facts (2024)


What are 5 interesting facts about jellyfish? ›

10 Amazing Jellyfish Facts for Kids
  • Some jellyfish can glow in the dark. ...
  • Jellyfish are the oldest multi-organ animal. ...
  • Jellyfish are found all over the world. ...
  • Some jellyfish are immortal. ...
  • Not all jellyfish have tentacles. ...
  • There's a giant jellyfish called the hair jelly. ...
  • 150 million people are stung by jellyfish each year.
Apr 29, 2019

Is a jellyfish 20 water True or false? ›

Only about five percent of the body of a jellyfish is solid matter; the rest is water. Fascinating, elegant, and mysterious to watch in the water, take a jellyfish out of the water, and it becomes a much less fascinating blob. This is because jellyfish are about 95 percent water.

Can jellyfish feel pain? ›

Do jellyfish feel pain? Jellyfish do not have organs or bones and only have a "basic network of neurons," according to Ocean Conservancy, an environmental non-profit. As a result, the animals don't feel pain in the same way humans do.

What are 10 interesting facts about jellyfish? ›

  • Jellyfish Could Be Older Than Dinosaurs. Jellyfish have no bones, so fossils are hard to come by. ...
  • They're Adapting Well to Climate Change. ...
  • They Aren't Really Fish. ...
  • Jellyfish Are 98% Water. ...
  • They Can Have Eyes. ...
  • Some Jellyfish Might Be Immortal. ...
  • They Eat Where They Poop. ...
  • They Rarely Travel in Groups.
Apr 8, 2022

What are 3 fun facts about jellyfish? ›

Five jaw-dropping facts about jellyfish
  • There could be 300,000 species of jellyfish. So far, over 2,000 species of jellyfish have been discovered and identified. ...
  • They have no brain and are 98% water. ...
  • One species may be immortal. ...
  • In their ecosystem, jellyfish are effective predators.

Can jellyfish live 1,000 years? ›

Turritopsis dohrnii is called the immortal jellyfish because it can potentially live forever. Jellyfish start life as larvae before establishing themselves on the seafloor and transforming into polyps. These polyps then produce free-swimming medusas, or jellyfish.

What is the most interesting fact about jellyfish? ›

Jellyfish are the oldest multi-organ animal in the world.

Jellyfish have no bones, so fossils are hard to come by. Nevertheless, scientists have evidence that these animals may have been around for at least 500 million years. That means they predate the dinosaurs by hundreds of millions of years!

Do jellyfish float or sink? ›

Jellyfish are animals that float and swim, but cannot resist ocean currents: this means that jellyfish are part of the plankton. Like their close relatives, sea anemones and corals, jellyfish can sting. Scientists classify them as cnidarians (from the Greek knidèknidè, meaning nettle).

Are jellyfish smart? ›

Jellyfish are more advanced than once thought. A new study from the University of Copenhagen has demonstrated that Caribbean box jellyfish can learn at a much more complex level than ever imagined – despite only having one thousand nerve cells and no centralized brain.

How old is the oldest jellyfish? ›

The specimens are evidence of how little the squishy, tentacled predators have changed over the history of life on Earth.

Do jellyfish have genders? ›

Jellyfish are usually either male or female (with occasional hermaphrodites). In most cases, adults release sperm and eggs into the surrounding water, where the unprotected eggs are fertilized and develop into larvae.

Do jellyfish have memory? ›

They discovered that jellyfish are capable of changing their behaviour based on previous experiences - something that's never been seen before in other similar species. Scientists believe their findings could change our understanding of the brain and could reveal more about how our own brains work.

Can jellyfish be eaten? ›

Some species of jellyfish are suitable for human consumption and are used as a source of food and as an ingredient in various dishes. Edible jellyfish is a seafood that is harvested and consumed in several East and Southeast Asian countries, and in some Asian countries it is considered to be a delicacy.

What is one fact about a jellyfish? ›

Jellyfish have tiny stinging cells in their tentacles to stun or paralyze their prey before they eat them. Inside their bell-shaped body is an opening that is its mouth. They eat and discard waste from this opening. As jellyfish squirt water from their mouths they are propelled forward.

What is the secret about jellyfish? ›

Jellyfish have no brains, hearts, or bones and yet, they have the ability to stun and kill prey with a sting from their tentacles. The alien-looking creatures have odd anatomy such as the ability to eat, get rid of waste, and shoot a jet of water from the same orifice.

Do jellyfish have a heart? ›

Jellyfish have no brain!

They also have no heart, bones or blood and are around 95% water! So how do they function without a brain or central nervous system? They have a basic set of nerves at the base of their tentacles which can detect touch, temperature, salinity etc.


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