Daniella Hemsley comes clean about intentions behind flashing on camera; responds to Eddie Hearn's h · (2024)

Daniella Hemsley shot to fame overnight after going topless to celebrate her win over Ms. Danielka at KingPyn Boxing earlier this month. The 22-year-old TikToker and YouTuber's bold act drew mixed reactions from the boxing community.

Daniella Hemsley shot to fame overnight after going topless to celebrate her win over Ms. Danielka at KingPyn Boxing earlier this month. The 22-year-old TikToker and YouTuber's bold act drew mixed reactions from the boxing community.

Renowned promoter Eddie Hearn lashed out at Hemsley's post-fight antics with scathing criticism, calling for the whole influencer boxing segment to be 'booted' far away from professional boxing. Hemsley has now responded to Hearn's criticism, somewhat agreeing with the promoter.

According to the English influencer, professional boxing should have its own space which is to be respected as opposed to YouTube boxing which primarily feeds off entertainment. Daniella Hemsley recently told Mirror Fighting:

"Eddie Hearn seems to hate YouTube boxing, he thinks it's a p*** take and at the end of the day it's not professional boxing and I think people need to remember that. Professional boxing should totally have its own segment and should be respected in its own way and I think YouTube boxing is entertainment as well as boxing. It's all different personalities and celebrities coming into the sport, putting on a massive show with all the entertainment and the build-up towards it."

Catch Hemsley's comments below:

Daniella Hemsley claims her flashing incident has gained her respect

Adult star Kendra Lust who is an avid combat sports fan supported Daniella Hemsley's flashing incident at KingPyn boxing. In fact, Hemsley claims her topless celebration drew more positive reactions than negative.

While she was aware that it would draw all kinds of reactions, Daniella Hemsley didn't expect the incident to blow up overnight. According to Hemsley, she has now finally gained some respect after a YouTube career filled with negativity. The 22-year-old further told Mirror Fighting:

"I didn't think it would blow up the way that it did and I'm always going to get positive and negative comments. Actually, with what I did flashing my boobs and stuff I got way more positive comments than negative. My whole YouTube boxing journey so far has been negative and I think I have gained a lot of respect and a lot of new fans not necessarily from just winning my fight but also expressing myself and not being afraid to show who I am either."

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Daniella Hemsley comes clean about intentions behind flashing on camera; responds to Eddie Hearn's h · (2024)


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