Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (2024)

Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024

Home Forums Explore Media Watercolor Palette Talk Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024

  • This topic has 14 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 1 day, 18 hours ago by Bill.

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  • June 8, 2024 at 1:15 am#1549941

    Yorky Administrator Ormskirk


        Good morning friends, a damp start to the day here. Forecast is for a “heatwave” – 25C later.

        I am considering giving up the codeine tablets, they are making me drowsy all day and causing other problems.

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        Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (3)
        We must leave our mark on this world

        June 8, 2024 at 1:42 am#1549942

        Laudesan ( JJ ) Queensland Australia


            Good evening Doug and all to come. Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (5)

            Beautiful day here today, chilly now though.

            Doug do a google for fruits and vegetables that make you “move”

            I really hope you are ALL as well as you can be. Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (6)

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            Let go of past mistakes and hurts. Forgive and empower yourself. Live the life you were meant to live. And, be at peace with yourself.
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            June 8, 2024 at 2:14 am#1549945



                Good day all,

                I’m in-between sleeps, and thought I’d check in. Blondie was fixed and drowsy when I picked him up from the animal shelter. I took him to a small goat farm where there were about a dozen other cats. He did not seem to like it there and the last I saw of him he was keeping his distance from the others, which were all females.

                Janet’s not feeling well and wants to go to the hospital later this morning. We’ll see.

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                Be kinder than necessary

                June 8, 2024 at 2:53 am#1549948

                I do hope your Mr Blonde will be ok. Will the owners of the goat farm keep an eye on him? I am so sorry Janeet is not well, I hope it is nothing too serious. xx

                Let go of past mistakes and hurts. Forgive and empower yourself. Live the life you were meant to live. And, be at peace with yourself.
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                June 8, 2024 at 3:31 am#1549950

                Que Sera


                    Good morning Doug, JJ and Bill.

                    Wordle 1,085 5/6


                    Doug, have you tried a daily glass of prune juice? You can buy it in tetra pak cartons from the supermarket. Your problem is possibly related to not moving about enough, and not drinking enough water, rather than the codeine. Is drowsy a bad thing, if what you need is rest? If you stop taking pain medication it takes a while for it to build back up again, so if you do need it, it may be worth continuing the course.

                    JJ, I read yesterday’s posts and eating lots of vegetables is very good for us.

                    Bill, I’m usorry to hear that a Janet feels unwell. Sending love and encouragement.

                    What a delightful photo, Lynn. Yes, our girls are losing teeth in almost exactly the same spot!

                    When Miss A arrived on Thursday I offered her bread, butter and honey and she said “Is it sour?”, meaning sourdough. When I said yes, she was happy, however, unusually, she wasn’t hungry at that point so I offered her some after her big bowl of pasta at tea time. I also offered raspberries, which she loves, but what she really wanted was Weetabix! After her first bowl, she asked for a second, and then realised she was too full up for anything else. I did wonder if she chose soft food without seeds or crusts because of her tooth.

                    Anita, you are doing great with your reorganising.

                    Yesterday I had a very busy day. It was the funeral of my “surrogate daughter’s” beloved Grandad, and she had messaged me the night before to ask if I would read her “reflections” on her Grandad at the service. Her Dad had asked a friend to read his, and although she’d hoped to do her own, she realised she couldn’t get through it. They were very, very close. I was happy to help. Her brother had a wobbly start, but did very well in the end. After the service we went with them to the crematorium, and then back to the venue chosen for lunch.

                    In the afternoon I went down to our church to work with a young and tech savvy friend on publicity for my exhibition, which took me almost until tea time. It was a hectic and emotional day, so I chilled out in the evening.

                    The Wirral Open Studios Tour is on this weekend so I’ll be heading out to that shortly.

                    Greetings to All.


                    In all these things we are more than conquerors.

                    June 8, 2024 at 5:29 am#1549954

                    Yorky Administrator Ormskirk


                        I normally eat lots of fruit and vegetables and am usually very regular. I have occasional bouts but usually a Dulculax solves the issue. Not this time. I have maxed out on a laxative drink but no movement so far. I’ll consult the pharmacist on Monday.

                        I am letting the codeine work out of my system as it doesn’t help the issue. Yes, I’m sitting around due to my bad back.

                        It was nice of you to read the eulogy QS, often it’s the best was when the family is upset.

                        I hope Janet is going to be OK Bill. Glad the stray cat issue has now been resolved.


                        Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (11)
                        We must leave our mark on this world

                        June 8, 2024 at 5:50 am#1549956



                            Good Morning!!!

                            Bright sunshine with a high pf 21C.

                            Laundry day and coffee klatsch day and I really, really need to cut the grass but yesterday afternoon when I again planned to do it we had some “out of the blue” quick downpours which made the cutting impossible. I hope it doesn’t happen again today.

                            Doug, I guess the codine has dual purpose, to keep you pain free and to force you to rest the back by making you too sleepy to do anything Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (13) As to you constipation issue, not fun either, I agree about prune juice or anything with high fiber.
                            I just read “codine doesn’t really help the issue” do you mean the pain or the constipation???

                            JJ, nice video, and I was wrong, my Warbler hadn’t left Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (14)

                            Bill, oh I hope Janet will be alright, big HUG and good wishes from me. I am so glad that the cat issues is over and done with.

                            QS, poor Miss A needing to forgo the bread and butter and honey Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (15) I thought that the missing tooth might be a bit of an issue also the one right next to the missing one might be unsteady too Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (16)
                            Nice that your surrogate daughter asked you to step in for her, she knew you would do a good job.
                            Really looking forward to see what you are planning with your exhibition!!!

                            Sylvia, so nice to read that your garden is growing so well.

                            Anita, Happy Anniversary to you and Keith!!!!! I too enjoy reading how your house is getting to where you like it!!

                            Lynn, your great granddaughter is just the cutest, joy and vitality is just oozing out of her!!!!!

                            Betty, good that our D vitamines are good again!!!

                            Ellen, without a lie, your house must be the cleanest and most organized in the city. That lunch with your friends was a nice interruption!!!!


                            For Newbies, Demos, Learning Zone

                            Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (17)

                            June 8, 2024 at 5:59 am#1549957

                            Ellen in Timmins


                                Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (19) everyone,

                                I had another good night’s sleep. Love it. My brain fog from lack of sleep is lifting.

                                Brian is at work for the last time ever. He has been using up his holiday time the last two weeks and this is his last official day to go in. He had to show up for one hour this morning to hand in his keys, ID, etc and for his crew to say goodbye. He just has to work 1 hour and he’ll get paid for 12 so not a bad deal. He and a friend are going to the few garages sales after that.

                                There aren’t enough sales for me to bother with and I have to go to the art club for 10:00. It is our annual clean up day. Everything gets organized, cleaned, paintings put up on all the walls that are for summer sales with the prices well marked. This morning I wired and varnished a very old oil painting I did from a workshop my sister gave many years ago. I put a very low price on it to encourage sales. I’ll bring home a couple of watercolour paintings that have been hanging there for a year with no buyers. Thursday the club is having our annual potluck supper there and then no more business meetings until the fall. Instead, every Sunday afternoon will be open studio where we can work on any projects, teach each other new techniques, and welcome the public in to chat or buy our work.

                                My brother and SIL will arrive Tuesday and I just discovered how dusty the house is again from having the windows open during the last few days of high winds. I’ll have to work on dusting and tidying the next few days.

                                Bill – I hope Janet feels better quickly.

                                Doug – I hope your “plumbing “ problem clears quickly. The codeine is to blame I’m pretty sure. My concern is why you are still having so much pain still if it is just muscular. Did you have an X-ray after the fall?

                                I need to have a quick breakfast and get organized for the day. Have the best day possible everyone.

                                June 8, 2024 at 6:13 am#1549960

                                Laudesan ( JJ ) Queensland Australia


                                    Hi Uschi, sorry you can’t mow your lawn right now. I am having the same issue. I am so glad your warbler is still there..

                                    Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (21) Happy Anniversary Anita and Keith. Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (22)

                                    Hi Ellen. Your Ary Club is busy right now. I have fond memories of it. Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (23)

                                    Let go of past mistakes and hurts. Forgive and empower yourself. Live the life you were meant to live. And, be at peace with yourself.
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                                    June 8, 2024 at 7:00 am#1549962

                                    LynnMac Ontario, Canada


                                        Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (25) Good Saturday everyone! Just waking up here, looks like a good day out there. Some errands to run and I must organize the family heritage bin to get ready to make a booklet about my mother’s side of the family.

                                        QS, exciting to be planning your show!

                                        Betty, good that you are feeling back to ‘normal’.

                                        I hope it is nothing serious with Janet, Bill Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (26)

                                        Good luck with the lawn, Uschi. We had those sudden showers yesterday too, very black ominous clouds came up suddenly, looked worse than it was. Yes, she is much more outgoing than she was two years ago, now that she can hear better, she had blocked ear canals from birth and they didn’t realize it. She is blossoming with school.

                                        Hugs, Doug, my sympathies.

                                        Happy organizing, Ellen!

                                        Have a good day all!

                                        Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (27) Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (28) Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (29)

                                        Cheers, Lynn
                                        "Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering, There is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen

                                        June 8, 2024 at 7:52 am#1549969



                                            Janet is feeling a little better and feels she just needs more rest. Stress is a culprit for her.

                                            Doug, colon blockage is nothing to fool with. Monday is too far away to solve the problem.


                                            Be kinder than necessary

                                            June 8, 2024 at 8:15 am#1549970

                                            Yorky Administrator Ormskirk


                                                Glad to hear that Janet is feeling a little better Bill, I hope rest does the trick.

                                                Uschi -good news, the dam has burst! What a relief, one problem was affecting the other. The drain rods will be on standby Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (32)

                                                A momentous day Ellen, Brian is now free. Does he plan to get the boat on the lake?

                                                Must dash—


                                                Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (33)
                                                We must leave our mark on this world

                                                June 8, 2024 at 8:45 am#1549972



                                                    Ellen, I am glad you are feeling normal again and YAY for Brian, let the fun begin!!!!!

                                                    JJ, yes, if the grass gets too long it is a problem because I will have to set the mower at its highest position and then go over it again, twice the work.

                                                    Lynn, Ava had that ear issue too and when I babysat her for the first year of her life I kept testing her ears because I thought she wasn’t responding. Made loud noises on one side and nothing, same on the other and nothing. It was diagnosed and also fixed.

                                                    Bill, whatever is bothering Janet I think she might want to get it checked out it must have been pretty bad for her wanting to go to the hospital.

                                                    Doug Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (35) Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (36) Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (37) P.S. Do you remember the commercial “Plop, Plop Fiz Fiz, Oh what a relief it is Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (38) I think it was Alka Salsa Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (39)

                                                    Exercises done – Over and out!!!!


                                                    For Newbies, Demos, Learning Zone

                                                    Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (40)

                                                    June 8, 2024 at 11:36 am#1549984



                                                        Uschi, Alka Seltzer was for indigestion.

                                                        Janet was worried that taking of her would be too hard for me to do. We are not there and hope never will be.

                                                        Off to mow some lawn.


                                                        Be kinder than necessary

                                                        June 8, 2024 at 3:15 pm#1549992



                                                            Oops, darn rain. So, I bought some stakes for my tomatoes. Thanks for the reminder, Sylvia.


                                                            Be kinder than necessary

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                                                          Daily Wash Saturday 8th June 2024 - WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists (2024)


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